First leak being prosecuted

Trump is looking for any and all leakers. 1st one caught - 1st one being prosecuted.
I'm sorry, is there a place anywhere that you can point to where I said she didn't do something wrong? Please point that out. I didn't read past the first line in your post because it is all based on an assumption that I never said.
You should have read the rest of what I wrote. Maybe then you would know I never said you stated she never did anything wrong. I pointed out that you made unverified assumptions about her that make her sound like some vital member of the US military who saved a lot of lives.

I asked that people stop trying to glorify her or make her out to be some kind of hero rather than the criminal traitor that she is.

It's not a weak assumption. Military personnel that can speak Farsi are essential right now with the war in the Middle East, and there is no doubt whatsoever that her abilities have saved lives. This is especially true if she was a Crypto Linguist that was reading intercepted communications, which helped the military to design their campaigns.

See you are severely misguided here. A good person can make a bad mistake, but that never changes the good things they have accomplished in their lives. She leaked one document, which was wrong, but that document isn't putting anyone's life at risk. What it is doing is putting Donald Trump's Presidential career at risk, and that's why you are overreacting to it like she fucking pulled a Benedict Arnold and gave the British a free trip into Fort Arnold. It's not the same.

And I've said since day one all leaks should be punished regardless of who's side it favors... but all leaks are NOT the same, and that's why you see diferent punishments handed down by the courts.
Again you use Obama as your excuse.
1.Employees follow the direction and example of their bosses / leaders.

2. The fact that Obama protected criminals within his Cabinet and the Democratic Party is sort of a separate issue than the Comey / Hillary 'scandal'.

For example, Obama protected his attorney General, Eric Holder, from criminal prosecution for his crimes of Felony Perjury before Congress. Despite having protected him form criminal charges, Barry could still not protect him or his own Legacy from a bi-partisan Congress voting to Censure Holder, making Holder the 1st US Cabinet Member ever censured by Congress.

Another Example: Barry held a press conference in which he openly declared he would not allow criminal charges be filed against Harry Reid and Julian Castro for violations against the Hatch Act because 'they were sorry' for breaking the law. Much like how there is no acceptable legal defense of 'being too stupid' to know you're breaking the law - which Comey declared was Hillary's defense, there is no legitimate legal defense of claiming to be sorry for breaking the law that excuses one for breaking the law.

3. If you think there was no political pressure being applied to the entire DOJ, to include the FBI, to protect Hillary from indictment you are only fooling YOURSELF.
-- Numerous AGs across the country declared Lynch's solo meeting with Bill Clinton on an isolated tarmac during the Clinton investigation was UNETHICAL and that any AG in the country would be pulled from the case and probably censures / disciplined for doing so.
-- Comey testified that Hillary had broken laws...yet she was spared from indictment. If Comey was not aware of the legal precedence set that establishes ignorance of the law is no defense for breaking the law then Comey was too stupid to hold a job as a file clerk let alone the head of the FBI.

Hillary was PROTECTED from prosecution by Obama and his admiistration. She was, after all, the 'Chosen One'.

It has been exposed:

- The Democratic party / DNC rigged the primaries to ensure she won.

- Democrats engaged in Election Fraud during the Democratic Party Primaries

- Democrats helped Hillary cheat in debates (when she wasn't given the questions in advance she was wearing 'earbuds' with someone giving her the answers in her ear during the debate)

- Comey testified she broke laws but was protected from indictment

- Democrats and especially the All-In Fake News media - like CNN who declared live on the air they had done everything they could to help her win TO INCLUDE IGNORING ALL OF HER SCANDALS, helped her remain in the race despite being under multiple criminal investigations for crimes that included ESPIONAGE.
--- Snowflakes KNOW had a GOP candidate been in the race in an exact same situation they would have driven the Republican out of the race. HILLARY SHOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN STILL IN THE ELECTION ON ELECTION DAY!

Even snowflakes are not as ignorant as they attempt to appear to be, as you do in ignoring Hillary's crimes, the cheating and crimes committed to help Hillary take the nomination being given to her, the collusion and protection involved in keeping 'the fatted calf' from being indicted, and the un-precedented effort to keep a criminal candidate in the race despite being under multiple FBI investigations...again, one of them being ESPIONAGE
HOW EXACTLY do you think the DNC rigged the primary so Clinton would win???

It's not a weak assumption. Military personnel that can speak Farsi are essential right now with the war in the Middle East, and there is no doubt whatsoever that her abilities have saved lives. This is especially true if she was a Crypto Linguist that was reading intercepted communications, which helped the military to design their campaigns.

See you are severely misguided here. A good person can make a bad mistake, but that never changes the good things they have accomplished in their lives. She leaked one document, which was wrong, but that document isn't putting anyone's life at risk. What it is doing is putting Donald Trump's Presidential career at risk, and that's why you are overreacting to it like she fucking pulled a Benedict Arnold and gave the British a free trip into Fort Arnold. It's not the same.

And I've said since day one all leaks should be punished regardless of who's side it favors... but all leaks are NOT the same, and that's why you see diferent punishments handed down by the courts.
1. Copy - she speaks Farsi. That does not mean she is a 'critical' member of the US military. It is a valuable employment tool for working in some place like the NSA.

2. Ok, she speaks Farsi and was in the military. That still does not mean she 'saved more lives than we can imagine'. Linguists aren't James Bond, Spec Ops, etc. they are usually Intel analysts, who do a sh!te load of listening and translating a lot of boring sh!te.

HOW EXACTLY do you think the DNC rigged the primary so Clinton would win???
1. Please stay on topic. I made the mistake of sliding somewhat off topic but am getting back on topic.

2. I am not going to waste time giving you a history lesson, when you already know what happened and when this board is an archive of threads that covered the issue. Look it up. Bottom Line, Hillary could not defeat Sanders for her own Party's nomination without rigged primaries, election fraud, and debate cheating.
It's not a weak assumption. Military personnel that can speak Farsi are essential right now with the war in the Middle East, and there is no doubt whatsoever that her abilities have saved lives. This is especially true if she was a Crypto Linguist that was reading intercepted communications, which helped the military to design their campaigns.

See you are severely misguided here. A good person can make a bad mistake, but that never changes the good things they have accomplished in their lives. She leaked one document, which was wrong, but that document isn't putting anyone's life at risk. What it is doing is putting Donald Trump's Presidential career at risk, and that's why you are overreacting to it like she fucking pulled a Benedict Arnold and gave the British a free trip into Fort Arnold. It's not the same.

And I've said since day one all leaks should be punished regardless of who's side it favors... but all leaks are NOT the same, and that's why you see diferent punishments handed down by the courts.
1. Copy - she speaks Farsi. That does not mean she is a 'critical' member of the US military. It is a valuable employment tool for working in some place like the NSA.

2. Ok, she speaks Farsi and was in the military. That still does not mean she 'saved more lives than we can imagine'. Linguists aren't James Bond, Spec Ops, etc. they are usually Intel analysts, who do a sh!te load of listening and translating a lot of boring sh!te.


Are you really downplaying the importance of intelligence when fighting a war? That goes up there in the top 10 dumbest statements I have read on this forum.

She hasn't declared an allegiance to an enemy of the state. Please let me know what info she game to an enemy of the state that threatens the United States national security. The info she shared was something that many already knew, but the memo only verified it, Russia tried to hack voting software in order to rig the U.S. Presidential election... and this chaps your ass so much because you denied it happened for so long.
HOW EXACTLY do you think the DNC rigged the primary so Clinton would win???

Oh dear God, snowflakes have the memory of they can pop back up months later, play the 'stupid' card, and ask the same questions.

ok, I'll play. since you will just dispute anything I have to say I will let your DEMOCRATS do the talking:

The so-called “theories” circulating before the Nov. 8 election that the Democratic Party essentially blocked Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., from obtaining the party’s presidential nomination are no longer just theories. Now, thanks to a lawsuit stemming from the theft of Sanders’ nomination, we know for sure that’s what happened.

Lawyers for the Democratic National Committee have admitted as much.

The DNC has not only admitted it played dirty with Clinton and Sanders, but the organization is defending its decision to rig the primary in favor of its chosen candidate, “brazenly telling voters in a court of law that the party is not obligated to run a fair and impartial primary election.”

Angered by the way the DNC manipulated the primary process to coronate Clinton, supporters of Sanders and some donors to the Democratic Party filed suit against the DNC in June 2016 for allegedly committing fraud against constituents and organization backers.

It became obvious during the campaign that the DNC had skewered its nomination process to favor Clinton. No matter how many primary victories Sanders won, the head of the DNC at the time, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, was panned repeatedly for keeping Democratic debates to a bare minimum and during times when they would garner as little attention as possible.

At the same time, no matter how many victories in the primaries that Sanders – an avowed and committed socialist – racked up, the super-delegates immediately pledged to support Clinton no matter what, which assured Sanders would not get the party’s nomination.

Also, internal emails that were published by WikiLeaks – reportedly given to the organization by a disgruntled DNC insider and Sanders supporter upset at the party’s treatment of him – showed just how corrupt the organization had become, WND noted:

The trove of DNC emails made public by WikiLeaks revealed top officials within the Democratic National Committee privately conspiring to undermine and antagonize Sanders’ campaign, ultimately resulting in Wasserman-Schulz quitting her post in July 2016.

As The Hill noted at the time, the leaked emails indicated that the DNC was all-in for Hillary and was doing whatever it could to undermine the Sanders effort. (Related: See more news on rigged elections at

Now, let's hear you call your Democrats who admitted the primaries were rigged 'Liars'.
Are you really downplaying the importance of intelligence when fighting a war?
Not at all. I am downplaying your false narrative that seemingly attempts to present her as a national American hero who has 'saved more lives than we can imagine'.

How many is that, Lew? How many lives HAS she saved? (Being in the military over 30 years I can imagine a LOT of lives saved, as I have been a part of a few of those.)
Trump is looking for any and all leakers. 1st one caught - 1st one being prosecuted.

Trump wanted to know why his central air conditioning wasn't working, and he was looking for a leak in that system. Instead he found a leaking faucet. It wasn't the leak he was looking for,
Trump is looking for any and all leakers. 1st one caught - 1st one being prosecuted.
She's not been prosecuted... she was just arrested June 3rd.
Lew, TAKE A PARTISAN CHILL PILL AND RE-READ. What part of 'BEING Prosecuted' do you not understand?

She's only be arrested and charged. I'm not even sure if she has been to her initial hearing. When they actually set a trial date... then she is being prosecuted.
Are you really downplaying the importance of intelligence when fighting a war?
Not at all. I am downplaying your false narrative that seemingly attempts to present her as a national American hero who has 'saved more lives than we can imagine'.

How many is that, Lew? How many lives HAS she saved? (Being in the military over 30 years I can imagine a LOT of lives saved, as I have been a part of a few of those.)

You are building a strawman. I didn't say she was a national hero. I simply stated her skill set was invaluable and most definitely saved lives. You are the one that is downplaying the importance of intelligence gathering of the enemy in a war. That's just ludicrous.
The info she shared was something that many already knew, but the memo only verified it, Russia tried to hack voting software in order to rig the U.S. Presidential election... and this chaps your ass so much because you denied it happened for so long.

Actuaally in a way i'm glad she got caught. Now Trump has to acknowledge Russia tried to hack the US elections, because that's the classified information she leaked. If it's fake news, like Trump claims, you can't prosecute somebody for leaking it.
She's only be arrested and charged. I'm not even sure if she has been to her initial hearing. When they actually set a trial date... then she is being prosecuted.

Arrested, you say? Charged, you say?

AGAIN, what part of 'BEING prosecuted' do you not understand?
You are building a strawman.

I am building the 'strawman'?

I am not the one who suggested she is / was a 'VERY important asset to the US military, who had 'saved more lives than we can imagine'...based on no evidence to support any of that. That was YOU. That was ASSUME...but you didn't make an ass out of ME when you did it. .
AGAIN, what part of 'BEING prosecuted' do you not understand?

That the prosecution hasn't started yet. First they need to get an indictment, and that hasn't happened yet. That's when the prosecution begins.

Don't you watch law and order.

Narrator: In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: the police, who investigate crime; and the district attorneys, who prosecute the offenders. These are their stories.
Actuaally in a way i'm glad she got caught. Now Trump has to acknowledge Russia tried to hack the US elections, because that's the classified information she leaked.

Yeah, but we also know Obama and his DHS also tried to hack the States' election processes...and failed.
AGAIN, what part of 'BEING prosecuted' do you not understand?

That the prosecution hasn't started yet. First they need to get an indictment, and that hasn't happened yet. That's when the prosecution begins.
There can be no prosecution unless someone is arrested and charged with a crime. Nice try to save, but still FAIL. And if you think the prosecution has not started building a case against her, you are fooling yourself.
Breitbart reported that staff had uncovered three high level former Obama level leakers who are part of a vast conspiracy to undermine the Trump Presidency.

Trump was going to fire them when he got back from Europe. What we have is a low level government contractor who got pissed off at right wing lies that there is no evidence of Russian involvement, and emailed it to the podcaster who lied.

Obama's people are long gone from the West Wing and Trump's White House leaks like a sieve.

Where are these turncoats who keep the NYT and WAPO informed of what your Liar in Chief is up to?

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