First leak being prosecuted

I feels sorry for this young lady. She was led down a very dark path and will pay just a brutal cost for espionage

There will be more dominoes to fall as they should. Hopefully, Susan Rice gets prosecuted

Glad she was able to expose that Russia tried to hack election machines before Trump could cover for them :thup:
Glad she exposed that they failed and that they did not interfere with the election at all. Although, I don't really give much credibility to traitors or supporters of traitors.
Did they fail? We don't know yet. But thanks to her, we know they at least tried to succeed.

You voted for a traitor, so your musings on traitors mean nothing.
We actually know no such thing. She's a traitor and as such, not worthy of any kind of trust. As for who voted for a traitor, that would likely be you, you seem to be a sympathizer for traitors and likely voted for Clinton, another real traitor to America. As for Me, I voted for Myself as I concluded I was the best person for the job.

To be a traitor she would have to released secrets and not a lie... So to call this woman a traitor is to say Russia attempted to hack the election and Trump rewarded them with:
  • White House Meeting
  • Classified Information
  • Their Old Spy Houses back
  • Firing the Head of FBI for investigating them
  • Sec of State who is super friendly
  • Complimented there leader several time.....
  • List goes on..................
But this woman is a traitor for saying stop....

When did you actively sell out your country?
I know why you tards are so angry.

You are angry because you have been lied to for a long time, and reality is starting to impinge on your delusions. It thus becomes necessary to work harder to deny the fact Russia attacked our electoral system.

You have denied and denied and denied Russia attacked our electoral system. You have been ordered to deny by your puppet masters, and you blindly obeyed.

Now reality is crashing in on you and it hurts. It hurts badly. It hurts to finally realize that Donald Trump really did get an assist from Russia.

Your attention is being diverted by the very people who have lied to you all this time. Instead of fessing up that they lied to you, they draw your attention away from the report about Russian attacks, and focus your gaze on the messenger.

Yes, you are killing the messenger who brought you the bad fucking news, tards. And instead of turning your ire toward those who have been deceiving you and lying to you, you just keep on drinking their piss.

Willfully blind monkeys.

I find it thoroughly fascinating that you keep getting back in line for more piss from the propagandists you KNOW are lying to you.

You DESERVE to be lied to. And you deserve your fake apprentice President.
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The leaker needs to be publicly 'crucified', max sentence.
why? if we can afford to lower taxes, it must be real times of Peace, not War.
It's called breaking the law. It's about time we began holding people who do so accountable again.
breaking laws meant for real times of war with real times of war tax rates;

or, simply Because the People are not the Judiciary, the People should merely assume, our elected representatives to government are merely, clueless and Causeless?
The leaker needs to be publicly 'crucified', max sentence.
why? if we can afford to lower taxes, it must be real times of Peace, not War.
It's called breaking the law. It's about time we began holding people who do so accountable again.
breaking laws meant for real times of war with real times of war tax rates;

or, simply Because the People are not the Judiciary, the People should merely assume, our elected representatives to government are merely, clueless and Causeless?
WTF? This is the sort of dribble I would expect from a snowflake, ramblings and BS meant to justify and excuse breaking the law.
I feels sorry for this young lady. She was led down a very dark path and will pay just a brutal cost for espionage

doesn't, espionage require real times of war, as evidenced by real times of war, tax rates?

If it did, though, we are currently at war in Syria - US troops are on the ground waging war inside of Syria. I can see how you don't recognize how we are at war, though, since Barry violated the Constitution and never asked Congress for the authority to go to war in Syria.
The leaker needs to be publicly 'crucified', max sentence.
why? if we can afford to lower taxes, it must be real times of Peace, not War.
It's called breaking the law. It's about time we began holding people who do so accountable again.
breaking laws meant for real times of war with real times of war tax rates;

or, simply Because the People are not the Judiciary, the People should merely assume, our elected representatives to government are merely, clueless and Causeless?
WTF? This is the sort of dribble I would expect from a snowflake, ramblings and BS meant to justify and excuse breaking the law.
like i have always maintained; the right wing is merely clueless and Causeless; and Their elected representatives, prove it.
I feels sorry for this young lady. She was led down a very dark path and will pay just a brutal cost for espionage

doesn't, espionage require real times of war, as evidenced by real times of war, tax rates?

If it did, though, we are currently at war in Syria - US troops are on the ground waging war inside of Syria. I can see how you don't recognize how we are at war, though, since Barry violated the Constitution and never asked Congress for the authority to go to war in Syria.
We are not at War, Any Where. Real times of War require real times of War, Tax Rates.

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore, we demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

Capitalism is about, objective, market based metrics.
I feels sorry for this young lady. She was led down a very dark path and will pay just a brutal cost for espionage

doesn't, espionage require real times of war, as evidenced by real times of war, tax rates?

If it did, though, we are currently at war in Syria - US troops are on the ground waging war inside of Syria. I can see how you don't recognize how we are at war, though, since Barry violated the Constitution and never asked Congress for the authority to go to war in Syria.
We are not at War, Any Where. Real times of War require real times of War, Tax Rates.

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore, we demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

Capitalism is about, objective, market based metrics.
Russia attacked our electoral system. And instead of being angry at Russia, and angry at their propaganda outlets who have lied to them, the delusional tards are angry at the messengers.

FOX NEWS: Repeat after me: Russia did not attack our electoral system.

RUBE: Russia did not attack our electoral system.

MESSENGER: Here is proof they did.


Assange wants support for NSA whistleblower as WikiLeaks offers $10k reward to ‘expose’ reporter
FOX NEWS: Repeat after me: Russia did not attack our electoral system.

RUBE: Russia did not attack our electoral system.

MESSENGER: Here is proof they did.


We know Russians hacked the DNC.... And nobody's calling on anyone to be killed. Jesus.
This particular Russian attack took place after the Russian hacks of the DNC were all over the news.


The fucking Russians didn't let up, even though American patriots were onto them while Trump and his Chump traitors were in full denial mode.

I can see why they are so angry now. They can feel reality crashing in on them, and they do NOT like it.

At all.

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