First leak being prosecuted

Reports that the DOJ filed charges against Reality Winner. Yes that's her name

What a surprise, an un-American leftist c*nt leaking secret intel to the media in order to try and undermine Trump.

Will the lefties consider her actions as "election interference"?

What a surprise an in-American Trump supporter is more worried about the leak than what it contains. The question is why a report exists about Russians hacking into voting machines and why this is being hidden from the American people. Trump undermines himself.
Really? Remind us your opinion on the DNC leaks, as I recall you and your buddies all decried the leak as a crime and ignored the information provided by it. Sounds like you are a Hypocrite to me.
yeah sarge the leak is a crime but far overshadowed by the information provided by the leak Trump and his band of thieves deserves to have his and their election interference brought out into the light of day
Wait. Do you people love or hate leakers who expose the corruption and crimes of politicians? I can't keep up with you schizos.

It's Okay If Trump Does It!™

When did trump leak info about the crimes and corruption of politicians?
Last year, you pseudocons were thrilled about leakers exposing the Clinton campaign's corruption. Trump couldn't praise the leakers enough. He loooooooooved leakers.

Now you are upset with leakers exposing the corruption of the Trump Administration.

So do you schizos love or hate leakers who expose the corruption and crimes of politicians? I can't keep up.
You'll never be able to keep up because all you do is lie. Prosecute her hard!
Reports that the DOJ filed charges against Reality Winner. Yes that's her name

What a surprise, an un-American leftist c*nt leaking secret intel to the media in order to try and undermine Trump.

Will the lefties consider her actions as "election interference"?

She served in the U.S. military for 6 years. How leftist is that?
You seem to think the US military is some exclusive club for Conservatives. What a dumbass...
Reality Loser would be more fitting
more info on the traitorous republicans?? Oh no !

Go away, fraud
lol hide your head in the sand dufus

She broke the law...but to a treasonist leftist like you that's ok?

evidently among other problems you have reading is another. and I said she broke the law BUT the info provided was far more important
Reality Loser would be more fitting
more info on the traitorous republicans?? Oh no !

Go away, fraud
lol hide your head in the sand dufus

She broke the law...but to a treasonist leftist like you that's ok?

evidently among other problems you have reading is another. and I said she broke the law BUT the info provided was far more important

So in other words it's ok with you.

I'd refrain from making reading comprehension statements, fraud
There was no accountability under Obama.

From those responsible for the VA scandal to those responsible for Fast and Furious to those allowed Americans to needlessly die to Cabinet Members and politicians who should have been prosecuted (Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, Harry Reid, Julian Castro, etc...), NO ONE was held accountable for any of their crimes and failures.

Of course the Liberal Progressive attitude that the laws and Constitution does not apply to them and the ends justify the means contributed to an atmosphere where violating our laws and endangering our national security was not a big deal.

Comey demonstrated this by testifying how Hillary broke laws and endangered our national security but how, in regards to the potential charge of Espionage, she was too stupid to know she was doing so. Comey failed to state for the record, though, that ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law and is not an acceptable defense to prevent indictment / prosecution (legally set by precedence).

So of course snowflakes don't want anything to be done to little miss traitor. She, like Hillary - I am guessing they will say about her, was just too stupid to know what she was doing was illegal / treasonous.

This criminal put her own political motivations and the concern for her PARTY above the safety, security, and laws of this NATION. The political situation today is fueled by such an intense division where Party has become the top priority above what is best for the nation. Chuck Schumer openly declared the Democratic Party was committed to subversively undermining anything and everything the GOP and / or President Trump sought to accomplish for the good of the nation in the next 4 years for the good of the Democratic Party. To me, that kind of committed dedication to undermining the United States government for any reason is TREASON.

Whether Julian Assange, Snowden, Susan Rice, Obama Loyalists in Intel Agencies, this criminal, or Barak Obama himself, these leakers who are endangering our national security need to be taken down with extreme prejudice, treated as the traitors / criminals they are.

This twit needs to be made a public example of. I would Perp-Walk her on national TV, charge her with everything you can, and hold a public trial on CSPAN. Once found guilty, I would throw the proverbial book at her. Hold a press conference afterward warning EVERYONE that no one is above the law and that all traitors / leakers / people who put our national security in jeopardy will be identified, indicted, then prosecuted.

...I would then announce the indictment of Hillary Rodham Clinton for numerous violations of law, to include breaking the FOIA and Federal Records Act, Illegal handling / storage of classified, giving persons without a security clearance access to highly classified information.

Perp-Walking Hillary Clinton would send a very much needed message that NO ONE is above the law.
There was no accountability under Obama.

From those responsible for the VA scandal to those responsible for Fast and Furious to those allowed Americans to needlessly die to Cabinet Members and politicians who should have been prosecuted (Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, Harry Reid, Julian Castro, etc...), NO ONE was held accountable for any of their crimes and failures.

Of course the Liberal Progressive attitude that the laws and Constitution does not apply to them and the ends justify the means contributed to an atmosphere where violating our laws and endangering our national security was not a big deal.

Comey demonstrated this by testifying how Hillary broke laws and endangered our national security but how, in regards to the potential charge of Espionage, she was too stupid to know she was doing so. Comey failed to state for the record, though, that ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law and is not an acceptable defense to prevent indictment / prosecution (legally set by precedence).

So of course snowflakes don't want anything to be done to little miss traitor. She, like Hillary - I am guessing they will say about her, was just too stupid to know what she was doing was illegal / treasonous.

This criminal put her own political motivations and the concern for her PARTY above the safety, security, and laws of this NATION. The political situation today is fueled by such an intense division where Party has become the top priority above what is best for the nation. Chuck Schumer openly declared the Democratic Party was committed to subversively undermining anything and everything the GOP and / or President Trump sought to accomplish for the good of the nation in the next 4 years for the good of the Democratic Party. To me, that kind of committed dedication to undermining the United States government for any reason is TREASON.

Whether Julian Assange, Snowden, Susan Rice, Obama Loyalists in Intel Agencies, this criminal, or Barak Obama himself, these leakers who are endangering our national security need to be taken down with extreme prejudice, treated as the traitors / criminals they are.

This twit needs to be made a public example of. I would Perp-Walk her on national TV, charge her with everything you can, and hold a public trial on CSPAN. Once found guilty, I would throw the proverbial book at her. Hold a press conference afterward warning EVERYONE that no one is above the law and that all traitors / leakers / people who put our national security in jeopardy will be identified, indicted, then prosecuted.

...I would then announce the indictment of Hillary Rodham Clinton for numerous violations of law, to include breaking the FOIA and Federal Records Act, Illegal handling / storage of classified, giving persons without a security clearance access to highly classified information.

Perp-Walking Hillary Clinton would send a very much needed message that NO ONE is above the law.
as would 3 or 4 in the trump administration including his pos son in law
as would 3 or 4 in the trump administration including his pos son in law

Slowdown, snowflake - 1st you whack-a-doodles need to find any shred of evidence of a crime, which you have failed to do so far. :p
'Reality' is an indoctrinated, traitorous, Liberal Loser.
(See specific profile thread about her)
as would 3 or 4 in the trump administration including his pos son in law

Slowdown, snowflake - 1st you whack-a-doodles need to find any shred of evidence of a crime, which you have failed to do so far. :p
and when it is found without a doubt,,, people like you will spring to their aid There's plenty of smoke The fire will soon be found and traitors will pay
and when it is found without a doubt,,, people like you will spring to their aid There's plenty of smoke The fire will soon be found and traitors will pay

Yeah, you let me know when that happens, snowflake...and in the meantime traitorous little indoctrinated liberal snowflakes like Reality Winner will be prosecuted and put behind bars here they belong.

Hopefully Hillary will be next.
and when it is found without a doubt,,, people like you will spring to their aid There's plenty of smoke The fire will soon be found and traitors will pay

Yeah, you let me know when that happens, snowflake...and in the meantime traitorous little indoctrinated liberal snowflakes like Reality Winner will be prosecuted and put behind bars here they belong.

Hopefully Hillary will be next.
If she's guilty of something go for it Then trump and kushner and the rest of the lying traitors will be next
If she's guilty of something go for it Then trump and kushner and the rest of the lying traitors will be next
Again...Reality Winner was just busted committing crimes. The FBI testified Hillary broke laws. Snowflakes, however, are still fumbling around in the dark trying any shred of evidence. They have a better chance to find their asses with their own 2 hands ... just barely. :p

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