First leak being prosecuted

I can't figure out these schizos. They looooooved leakers last year. Remember how many times they asked what's wrong with a Russian hacker exposing the lies and corruption of politicians?

Look at them now. They hate leakers now.

Positively schizophrenic.

“The fact that this is occurring in October is troubling,” said one senior law enforcement official with significant cyber expertise. “In August 2016 warnings went out from the FBI and DHS to those agencies. This was not a surprise. This was not hard to defend against. But you needed a commitment of budget and attention.”
The NSA document briefly describes two other election-related Russian hacking operations. In one, Russian military hackers created an email account pretending to be another U.S. election company, referred to in the document as U.S. company 2, from which they sent fake test emails offering “election-related products and services.” The agency was unable to determine whether there was any targeting using this account.

In a third Russian operation, the same group of hackers sent test emails to addresses at the American Samoa Election Office, presumably to determine whether those accounts existed before launching another phishing attack. It is unclear what the effort achieved, but the NSA assessed that the Russians appeared intent on “mimicking a legitimate absentee ballot-related service provider.” The report does not indicate why the Russians targeted the tiny Pacific islands, a U.S. territory with no electoral votes to contribute to the election.
Schneier said the attack, as described by the NSA, is standard hacking procedure. “Credential-stealing, spear-phishing — this is how it’s done,” he said. “Once you get a beachhead, then you try to figure out how to go elsewhere.”
An attempt to directly break into or alter the actual voting machines would be more conspicuous and considerably riskier than compromising an adjacent, less visible part of the voting system, like voter registration databases, in the hope that one is networked to the other. Sure enough, VR Systems advertises the fact that its EViD computer polling station equipment line is connected to the internet, and that on Election Day “a voter’s voting history is transmitted immediately to the county database” on a continuous basis. A computer attack can thus spread quickly and invisibly through networked components of a system like germs through a handshake.
There was no accountability under Obama.

From those responsible for the VA scandal to those responsible for Fast and Furious to those allowed Americans to needlessly die to Cabinet Members and politicians who should have been prosecuted (Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, Harry Reid, Julian Castro, etc...), NO ONE was held accountable for any of their crimes and failures.

Of course the Liberal Progressive attitude that the laws and Constitution does not apply to them and the ends justify the means contributed to an atmosphere where violating our laws and endangering our national security was not a big deal.

Comey demonstrated this by testifying how Hillary broke laws and endangered our national security but how, in regards to the potential charge of Espionage, she was too stupid to know she was doing so. Comey failed to state for the record, though, that ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law and is not an acceptable defense to prevent indictment / prosecution (legally set by precedence).

So of course snowflakes don't want anything to be done to little miss traitor. She, like Hillary - I am guessing they will say about her, was just too stupid to know what she was doing was illegal / treasonous.

This criminal put her own political motivations and the concern for her PARTY above the safety, security, and laws of this NATION. The political situation today is fueled by such an intense division where Party has become the top priority above what is best for the nation. Chuck Schumer openly declared the Democratic Party was committed to subversively undermining anything and everything the GOP and / or President Trump sought to accomplish for the good of the nation in the next 4 years for the good of the Democratic Party. To me, that kind of committed dedication to undermining the United States government for any reason is TREASON.

Whether Julian Assange, Snowden, Susan Rice, Obama Loyalists in Intel Agencies, this criminal, or Barak Obama himself, these leakers who are endangering our national security need to be taken down with extreme prejudice, treated as the traitors / criminals they are.

This twit needs to be made a public example of. I would Perp-Walk her on national TV, charge her with everything you can, and hold a public trial on CSPAN. Once found guilty, I would throw the proverbial book at her. Hold a press conference afterward warning EVERYONE that no one is above the law and that all traitors / leakers / people who put our national security in jeopardy will be identified, indicted, then prosecuted.

...I would then announce the indictment of Hillary Rodham Clinton for numerous violations of law, to include breaking the FOIA and Federal Records Act, Illegal handling / storage of classified, giving persons without a security clearance access to highly classified information.

Perp-Walking Hillary Clinton would send a very much needed message that NO ONE is above the law.

Again you use Obama as your excuse. You sound like a 5 year old child whining that he did it.

Comey did what he thought was right. You didn't have any trouble with Comey when on the eve of the election, he said there were more e-mails they were looking at.

She is not a criminal. The criminals may reside in the White House and NSA. The American people have a right to know. Why was this report not released as it represents a serious Russian attack on our election infrastructure? What it a cover-up? It certainly would have undercut Trump's claim that there was no Russian interference. You are putting politics above the safety and security of this country. You are doing it all to save Trump. You don't give a damn about this country. You are the traitor.

You want to use the law enforcement power of the US government to imprison your enemies. You want to abuse this power for your political purposes. You again are the traitor to this country.
Russia attacked our electoral system. And instead of being angry at Russia, and angry at their propaganda outlets who have lied to them, the delusional tards are angry at the messengers.


It makes a liar out of their glorious leader. That they will not stand for. They don't care about the security of our country, only their glorious leader. Trump Davidians to the end.
Russia attacked our electoral system. And instead of being angry at Russia, and angry at their propaganda outlets who have lied to them, the delusional tards are angry at the messengers.


Meh, the traitor, in this case its not Obama, but a Bernie Sanders drone

Hope she like broom handles

There was no accountability under Obama.

From those responsible for the VA scandal to those responsible for Fast and Furious to those allowed Americans to needlessly die to Cabinet Members and politicians who should have been prosecuted (Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, Harry Reid, Julian Castro, etc...), NO ONE was held accountable for any of their crimes and failures.

Of course the Liberal Progressive attitude that the laws and Constitution does not apply to them and the ends justify the means contributed to an atmosphere where violating our laws and endangering our national security was not a big deal.

Comey demonstrated this by testifying how Hillary broke laws and endangered our national security but how, in regards to the potential charge of Espionage, she was too stupid to know she was doing so. Comey failed to state for the record, though, that ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law and is not an acceptable defense to prevent indictment / prosecution (legally set by precedence).

So of course snowflakes don't want anything to be done to little miss traitor. She, like Hillary - I am guessing they will say about her, was just too stupid to know what she was doing was illegal / treasonous.

This criminal put her own political motivations and the concern for her PARTY above the safety, security, and laws of this NATION. The political situation today is fueled by such an intense division where Party has become the top priority above what is best for the nation. Chuck Schumer openly declared the Democratic Party was committed to subversively undermining anything and everything the GOP and / or President Trump sought to accomplish for the good of the nation in the next 4 years for the good of the Democratic Party. To me, that kind of committed dedication to undermining the United States government for any reason is TREASON.

Whether Julian Assange, Snowden, Susan Rice, Obama Loyalists in Intel Agencies, this criminal, or Barak Obama himself, these leakers who are endangering our national security need to be taken down with extreme prejudice, treated as the traitors / criminals they are.

This twit needs to be made a public example of. I would Perp-Walk her on national TV, charge her with everything you can, and hold a public trial on CSPAN. Once found guilty, I would throw the proverbial book at her. Hold a press conference afterward warning EVERYONE that no one is above the law and that all traitors / leakers / people who put our national security in jeopardy will be identified, indicted, then prosecuted.

...I would then announce the indictment of Hillary Rodham Clinton for numerous violations of law, to include breaking the FOIA and Federal Records Act, Illegal handling / storage of classified, giving persons without a security clearance access to highly classified information.

Perp-Walking Hillary Clinton would send a very much needed message that NO ONE is above the law.

Again you use Obama as your excuse.


Russia attacked our electoral system. And instead of being angry at Russia, and angry at their propaganda outlets who have lied to them, the delusional tards are angry at the messengers.


Meh, the traitor, in this case its not Obama, but a Bernie Sanders drone

Hope she like broom handles

Not one Trump Chump on this forum has ever admitted, much less expressed anger at, the Russians attacking our electoral system.

Not one.

So we know who the real traitors are.

Never before have I seen such robotic blind followers like this outside of a cult.
Reports that the DOJ filed charges against Reality Winner. Yes that's her name

What a surprise, an un-American leftist c*nt leaking secret intel to the media in order to try and undermine Trump.

Will the lefties consider her actions as "election interference"?

She served in the U.S. military for 6 years. How leftist is that?
You seem to think the US military is some exclusive club for Conservatives. What a dumbass...

She served SIX years in the military and the languages she spoke meant she was a VERY VALUABLE asset and she probably saved more lives than you can imagine. Farsi is one of the most difficult languages in the world to learn.
Reports that the DOJ filed charges against Reality Winner. Yes that's her name

What a surprise, an un-American leftist c*nt leaking secret intel to the media in order to try and undermine Trump.

Will the lefties consider her actions as "election interference"?

She served in the U.S. military for 6 years. How leftist is that?
You seem to think the US military is some exclusive club for Conservatives. What a dumbass...

She served SIX years in the military and the languages she spoke meant she was a VERY VALUABLE asset and she probably saved more lives than you can imagine. Farsi is one of the most difficult languages in the world to learn.

There are many linguists in the military, I doubt she was that important. Farsi is not that difficult, it's considered one of the easiest languages, at least at DLI.
Again you use Obama as your excuse.
1.Employees follow the direction and example of their bosses / leaders.

2. The fact that Obama protected criminals within his Cabinet and the Democratic Party is sort of a separate issue than the Comey / Hillary 'scandal'.

For example, Obama protected his attorney General, Eric Holder, from criminal prosecution for his crimes of Felony Perjury before Congress. Despite having protected him form criminal charges, Barry could still not protect him or his own Legacy from a bi-partisan Congress voting to Censure Holder, making Holder the 1st US Cabinet Member ever censured by Congress.

Another Example: Barry held a press conference in which he openly declared he would not allow criminal charges be filed against Harry Reid and Julian Castro for violations against the Hatch Act because 'they were sorry' for breaking the law. Much like how there is no acceptable legal defense of 'being too stupid' to know you're breaking the law - which Comey declared was Hillary's defense, there is no legitimate legal defense of claiming to be sorry for breaking the law that excuses one for breaking the law.

3. If you think there was no political pressure being applied to the entire DOJ, to include the FBI, to protect Hillary from indictment you are only fooling YOURSELF.
-- Numerous AGs across the country declared Lynch's solo meeting with Bill Clinton on an isolated tarmac during the Clinton investigation was UNETHICAL and that any AG in the country would be pulled from the case and probably censures / disciplined for doing so.
-- Comey testified that Hillary had broken laws...yet she was spared from indictment. If Comey was not aware of the legal precedence set that establishes ignorance of the law is no defense for breaking the law then Comey was too stupid to hold a job as a file clerk let alone the head of the FBI.

Hillary was PROTECTED from prosecution by Obama and his admiistration. She was, after all, the 'Chosen One'.

It has been exposed:

- The Democratic party / DNC rigged the primaries to ensure she won.

- Democrats engaged in Election Fraud during the Democratic Party Primaries

- Democrats helped Hillary cheat in debates (when she wasn't given the questions in advance she was wearing 'earbuds' with someone giving her the answers in her ear during the debate)

- Comey testified she broke laws but was protected from indictment

- Democrats and especially the All-In Fake News media - like CNN who declared live on the air they had done everything they could to help her win TO INCLUDE IGNORING ALL OF HER SCANDALS, helped her remain in the race despite being under multiple criminal investigations for crimes that included ESPIONAGE.
--- Snowflakes KNOW had a GOP candidate been in the race in an exact same situation they would have driven the Republican out of the race. HILLARY SHOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN STILL IN THE ELECTION ON ELECTION DAY!

Even snowflakes are not as ignorant as they attempt to appear to be, as you do in ignoring Hillary's crimes, the cheating and crimes committed to help Hillary take the nomination being given to her, the collusion and protection involved in keeping 'the fatted calf' from being indicted, and the un-precedented effort to keep a criminal candidate in the race despite being under multiple FBI investigations...again, one of them being ESPIONAGE
Reports that the DOJ filed charges against Reality Winner. Yes that's her name

What a surprise, an un-American leftist c*nt leaking secret intel to the media in order to try and undermine Trump.

Will the lefties consider her actions as "election interference"?

She served in the U.S. military for 6 years. How leftist is that?
You seem to think the US military is some exclusive club for Conservatives. What a dumbass...

She served SIX years in the military and the languages she spoke meant she was a VERY VALUABLE asset and she probably saved more lives than you can imagine. Farsi is one of the most difficult languages in the world to learn.

There are many linguists in the military, I doubt she was that important. Farsi is not that difficult, it's considered one of the easiest languages, at least at DLI.

No it isn't one of the easiest. It's in group 3. out of the 4 groups... and the currently the most needed in the Middle East.
She served SIX years in the military and the languages she spoke meant she was a VERY VALUABLE asset and she probably saved more lives than you can imagine. Farsi is one of the most difficult languages in the world to learn.
Damn, snowflakes will not hesitate to exhaust every ounce of effort they have to make a hero out of a traitor.

We have gone from what we do know as fact to declaring speculation / false narratives . assumptions to be 'fact'.

Because she spoke several languages it can be ASSUMED she was a 'VERY valuable' asset...because a snowflake said so.

Because she spoke several different languages and served in the military, we can automatically ASSUME she 'saved more lives than we can imagine'...again, because a snowflake said so.

Many friends of mine always tell me when they tell someone they are in the Air Force the person automatically asks them what plane they fly.
- Just because you are in the AF doesn't mean you fly a plane.
- Just because you are in the military doesn't make you a 'hero'
- Just because you speak several languages doesn't make you a 'VERY valuable asset'. I know several military members who speak several different languages and they have nothing to do with what they do in the military.
- And just because you are in the military doesn't mean you have ever saved someone's life.

This little traitor broke the law, leaked TOP Secret information to the media, endangered our national security, potentially endangered the sources of that information, and pledged allegiance to Iran should the US ever go to war with Iran...while being an entrusted member of our NSA, making her an 'Insider Threat'.

Stop glamorizing the traitor and how she betrayed her country for political partisanship.
She served SIX years in the military and the languages she spoke meant she was a VERY VALUABLE asset and she probably saved more lives than you can imagine. Farsi is one of the most difficult languages in the world to learn.
Damn, snowflakes will not hesitate to exhaust every ounce of effort they have to make a hero out of a traitor.

We have gone from what we do know as fact to declaring speculation / false narratives . assumptions to be 'fact'.

Because she spoke several languages it can be ASSUMED she was a 'VERY valuable' asset...because a snowflake said so.

Because she spoke several different languages and served in the military, we can automatically ASSUME she 'saved more lives than we can imagine'...again, because a snowflake said so.

Many friends of mine always tell me when they tell someone they are in the Air Force the person automatically asks them what plane they fly.
- Just because you are in the AF doesn't mean you fly a plane.
- Just because you are in the military doesn't make you a 'hero'
- Just because you speak several languages doesn't make you a 'VERY valuable asset'. I know several military members who speak several different languages and they have nothing to do with what they do in the military.
- And just because you are in the military doesn't mean you have ever saved someone's life.

This little traitor broke the law, leaked TOP Secret information to the media, endangered our national security, potentially endangered the sources of that information, and pledged allegiance to Iran should the US ever go to war with Iran...while being an entrusted member of our NSA, making her an 'Insider Threat'.

Stop glamorizing the traitor and how she betrayed her country for political partisanship.

I'm sorry, is there a place anywhere that you can point to where I said she didn't do something wrong? Please point that out. I didn't read past the first line in your post because it is all based on an assumption that I never said.
I'm sorry, is there a place anywhere that you can point to where I said she didn't do something wrong? Please point that out. I didn't read past the first line in your post because it is all based on an assumption that I never said.
You should have read the rest of what I wrote. Maybe then you would know I never said you stated she never did anything wrong. I pointed out that you made unverified assumptions about her that make her sound like some vital member of the US military who saved a lot of lives.

I asked that people stop trying to glorify her or make her out to be some kind of hero rather than the criminal traitor that she is.
I asked that people stop trying to glorify her or make her out to be some kind of hero rather than the criminal traitor that she is.

She isn't the leaker Trump was looking for. But instead was just a leaker that Trump could catch.
She leaked that russia was hacking the USA.

Trump was looking for who leaked Michael Flynn's name.

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