First leak being prosecuted

Yeah, but we also know Obama and his DHS also tried to hack the States' election processes...and failed.

Did you get that from a leak, or pulled out of your ass? As they say, give me a credible citation for that, and not some blog, opinion piece, or faux news site.
She's only be arrested and charged. I'm not even sure if she has been to her initial hearing. When they actually set a trial date... then she is being prosecuted.

Arrested, you say? Charged, you say?

AGAIN, what part of 'BEING prosecuted' do you not understand?

The TRIAL hasn't been started yet... Hell the trial DATE hasn't been set yet. Something could come up and they could drop the charges. What do you not understand about that?
There can be no prosecution unless someone is arrested and charged with a crime. Nice try to save, but still FAIL. And if you think the prosecution has not started building a case against her, you are fooling yourself.

Law and order

Narrator: In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: the police, who investigate crime; and the district attorneys, who prosecute the offenders. These are their stories.
You are building a strawman.

I am building the 'strawman'?

I am not the one who suggested she is / was a 'VERY important asset to the US military, who had 'saved more lives than we can imagine'...based on no evidence to support any of that. That was YOU. That was ASSUME...but you didn't make an ass out of ME when you did it. .

Yep, that's what I said, now point out where I said she was an American Hero. I'll wait.
The TRIAL hasn't been started yet... Hell the trial DATE hasn't been set yet. Something could come up and they could drop the charges. What do you not understand about that?

Have they even given the case to the grand jury? Until then the prosecution hasn't even started.
What we have is a low level government contractor who got pissed off at right wing lies that there is no evidence of Russian involvement, and emailed it to the podcaster who lied.

It is amazing to watch a twisted, partisan mind work....

ACTUALLY what we have here is a member of the NSA caught ILLEGALLY leaking highly classified TOP SECRET information, a member of the NSA who traitorously declared her allegiance to our nation's enemy should we go to war with that nation, which constitutes Treason, especially when she has access to and is criminally leaking TOP Secret information.

Interesting how the fact that she committed a crime against the United states Government continues to 'escape' snowflakes.
Yep, that's what I said, now point out where I said she was an American Hero. I'll wait.
Right after you prove your original claim that helped start all of this, that she 'saved more lives than we can imagine'.

(You honestly are trying to claim that insinuating that a 'very important asset' in the US military who has 'saved more lives than we can imagine' is not making her out to be some kind of 'hero', especially when you can't prove either of those narratives? Your continued, shameful attempt to make this criminal / traitor look like a poor misguided victim is shameful. )
Did you get that from a leak, or pulled out of your ass? As they say, give me a credible citation for that, and not some blog, opinion piece, or faux news site.

I am going to ignore your condescending, snotty attitude because I know you are stupid and don't know any better, like most uneducated snowflakes...

EXCLUSIVE: Obama’s Feds Tried to Hack Indiana’s Election System While Pence Was Governor

REPORT: Obama’s DHS Made THOUSANDS of Attempts to Hack Indiana’s Electoral System!

IG probing alleged DHS snooping in Georgia election network
The TRIAL hasn't been started yet... Hell the trial DATE hasn't been set yet. Something could come up and they could drop the charges. What do you not understand about that?

Have they even given the case to the grand jury? Until then the prosecution hasn't even started.

Nope, she JUST got arrested June 3rd.. but I'm pretty sure I read she admitted to doing it, so tbh I doubt it even goes to trial. They will just do a plea deal.
Yep, that's what I said, now point out where I said she was an American Hero. I'll wait.
Right after you prove your original claim that helped start all of this, that she 'saved more lives than we can imagine'.

(You honestly are trying to claim that insinuating that a 'very important asset' in the US military who has 'saved more lives than we can imagine' is not making her out to be some kind of 'hero', especially when you can't prove either of those narratives? Your continued, shameful attempt to make this criminal / traitor look like a poor misguided victim is shameful. )

If she saved one life that is more than YOU can imagine... because you already stated that war time intelligence gatherers aren't important.
The TRIAL hasn't been started yet... Hell the trial DATE hasn't been set yet. Something could come up and they could drop the charges. What do you not understand about that?

Have they even given the case to the grand jury? Until then the prosecution hasn't even started.

Nope, she JUST got arrested June 3rd.. but I'm pretty sure I read she admitted to doing it, so tbh I doubt it even goes to trial. They will just do a plea deal.
You're really going to drag this out and make me embarrass you in front of everyone, aren't you?!

noun: prosecution; plural noun: prosecutions

  1. the institution and conducting of legal proceedings against someone in respect of a criminal charge."
The legal proceedings against Ms. Reality's criminal charge are on-going. By definition her prosecution is BEING carried out.

Nope, she JUST got arrested June 3rd.. but I'm pretty sure I read she admitted to doing it, so tbh I doubt it even goes to trial. They will just do a plea deal.

As I said, I would have liked to see them prosecute her for leaking classified information on the Russian hacking. Trump called it fake news, so they would have to first prove it was real, in order for it to be a crime to leak it.
noun: prosecution; plural noun: prosecutions
  1. the institution and conducting of legal proceedings against someone in respect of a criminal charge."
The legal proceedings against Ms. Reality's criminal charge are on-going. By definition her prosecution is BEING carried out.


Use a legal definition of prosecution. If you do, you get your ass kicked every time.

The US attorney prosecutes crimes against the USA, and they haven't started working on the case yet.
The TRIAL hasn't been started yet... Hell the trial DATE hasn't been set yet. Something could come up and they could drop the charges. What do you not understand about that?

Have they even given the case to the grand jury? Until then the prosecution hasn't even started.

Nope, she JUST got arrested June 3rd.. but I'm pretty sure I read she admitted to doing it, so tbh I doubt it even goes to trial. They will just do a plea deal.
You're really going to drag this out and make me embarrass you in front of everyone, aren't you?!

noun: prosecution; plural noun: prosecutions

  1. the institution and conducting of legal proceedings against someone in respect of a criminal charge."
The legal proceedings against Ms. Reality's criminal charge are on-going. By definition her prosecution is BEING carried out.


Legal proceedings haven't started yet. You need to learn more about Criminal Justice. She hasn't been indicted yet.
If she saved one life that is more than YOU can imagine... because you already stated that war time intelligence gatherers aren't important.
There you go again. Before you just pushed a false narrative as fact. This time you are flat-out LYING!

As evidence I offer you 'Exhibit A', post #230:

"Lewdog said:
"Are you really downplaying the importance of intelligence when fighting a war?"

Easy Replies:
Not at all. I am downplaying your false narrative that seemingly attempts to present her as a national American hero who has 'saved more lives than we can imagine'."

You are a LIAR. You have now been EXPOSED as a LIAR.

If you can't keep up, if you suddenly find yourself over your head, it is ok to stop and admit you are wrong. YOU, however, came to that uncomfortable moment when you realized you were wrong but were too embarrassed to admit it....SO YOU LIED!


I also told you that I have served in the military for over 30 years and have seen many lives saved and have taken part in saving a few. SO WHAT IN THE HELL then made you make such a STUPID comment as, "If she saved one life that is more than YOU can imagine"?!

Did your momma drop you on your head when you were little?
noun: prosecution; plural noun: prosecutions
  1. the institution and conducting of legal proceedings against someone in respect of a criminal charge."
The legal proceedings against Ms. Reality's criminal charge are on-going. By definition her prosecution is BEING carried out.


legal definition prosecution

: the act or process of holding a trial against a person who is accused of a crime to see if that person is guilty. the prosecution : the side of a legal case which argues that a person who is accused of a crime is guilty : the lawyer or lawyers who prosecute someone in a court case.
As I said, I would have liked to see them prosecute her for leaking classified information on the Russian hacking. Trump called it fake news, so they would have to first prove it was real, in order for it to be a crime to leak it.
That's patently stupid. I despair the dumbing down of Americans.
Nope, she JUST got arrested June 3rd.. but I'm pretty sure I read she admitted to doing it, so tbh I doubt it even goes to trial. They will just do a plea deal.

As I said, I would have liked to see them prosecute her for leaking classified information on the Russian hacking. Trump called it fake news, so they would have to first prove it was real, in order for it to be a crime to leak it.

Trump and his team will work to make sure it is a plea deal so it doesn't go to trial and expose him to even more people.
noun: prosecution; plural noun: prosecutions
  1. the institution and conducting of legal proceedings against someone in respect of a criminal charge."
The legal proceedings against Ms. Reality's criminal charge are on-going. By definition her prosecution is BEING carried out.


Use a legal definition of prosecution. If you do, you get your ass kicked every time.

The US attorney prosecutes crimes against the USA, and they haven't started working on the case yet.
Ok, since you have been 'triggered' and have demonstrated to have lost your mind today, I am going to ignore you now. You have been caught LYING, you have proved you will fight to the death today, despite being wrong, so you have fun with that. Have a nice day...talking to yourself.

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