First leak being prosecuted

Federal contractor Reality Leigh Winner arrested for sending classified NSA intelligence to news outlet

Oh we can be sure she is a trendy little democrat liberal no doubt. Imagine the dangers of this action by some twenty something twit who just barely got out of diapers.
Yet Julian Assange is a hero..

yep sure in the hell is, and if you understood why well then you wouldn't think what you do.
^ lol dumbfuck condemns leaker of Russian sabotage attempts, and praises leaker who endangered American lives in the same breath
What do snowflakes think should happen to her?

Should she get the same death sentence for leaking US classified as the Democrats gave Seth Rich for leaking theirs?

Should she be prosecuted?

Or should the Bernie Supporter be released with the same explanation given about Hillary when she broke the law - "She was too stupid to know she was breaking the law and jeopardizing our national security'?

You really are a monster and you should be strung up. You persecute a family just for cheap politics. You are a cowardly dog.
What do snowflakes think should happen to her?

Should she get the same death sentence for leaking US classified as the Democrats gave Seth Rich for leaking theirs?

Should she be prosecuted?

Or should the Bernie Supporter be released with the same explanation given about Hillary when she broke the law - "She was too stupid to know she was breaking the law and jeopardizing our national security'?

You really are a monster and you should be strung up. You persecute a family just for cheap politics. You are a cowardly dog.
Nah, he is no monster. Evil is banal, as easyt shows. She should not have leaked, and now she will go to jail.
What a name......"Reality Winner"? :rofl:

She's now known as "Reality Sucks Donkey Balls When You Are In Federal Prison".

A little longer, but far more accurate.
Last year, you pseudocons were thrilled about leakers exposing the Clinton campaign's corruption. Trump couldn't praise the leakers enough. He loooooooooved leakers.

Now you are upset with leakers exposing the corruption of the Trump Administration.

So do you schizos love or hate leakers who expose the corruption and crimes of politicians? I can't keep up.
DNC leaks are NOT classified information and do not harm our security or or military retard.
Hacking the DNC is a crime, dumbass.

These latest leakers exposed Flynn as a traitor.

And yet you schizos are more angry with the leakers than the traitor.
It may be a crime but it is not espionage and it is not treason and it is not leaking classified information. Not the same as the people willfully leaking classified information that damages our security and our military.
How did revealing General Flynn's treason jeopardize our security or our military? It actually caused the traitor to be fired, and that's a good thing.

It is Flynn who is the traitor.
Revealing classified information is illegal. It can damage our security and our military. She leaked classified information, she is a criminal that deserves a harsh sentence since it was for opolitics she chose to violate her oath.

The fact is that this seems to be a political prosecution. This is where politics are involved. Apparently the Trump people are not happy that this is released because it undercuts their political agenda. Hiding important information for political reasons is disgusting just as you Trump thugs are.
Still not one word of outrage over Russia's attack on our election process from Trump's Chumps.

Not. One. Word.

These are the real traitors.
DNC leaks are NOT classified information and do not harm our security or or military retard.
Hacking the DNC is a crime, dumbass.

These latest leakers exposed Flynn as a traitor.

And yet you schizos are more angry with the leakers than the traitor.
It may be a crime but it is not espionage and it is not treason and it is not leaking classified information. Not the same as the people willfully leaking classified information that damages our security and our military.
How do you know it is not espionage? We can let the FBI and LEO and DOJ make those determinations, not the likes of you.

No we cannot. The DOJ and FBI have been corrupted by Trump. They are unreliable.
As opposed to the 'reliable' Obama DOJ that refused to prosecute Ex-US AG Holder, Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid, Julian Castro, and others for their crimes and the FBI who testified Hillary broke laws but chose to protect her...

...brilliant. :p

Says you? The argument that you are making is that the Obama Justice Department did it so that makes it okay. You are prepared to send so many people to jail because you disagree with them politically. You dare to use Captain America as a moniker when you oppose everything America stands for. You are the treasonous pig.
Looks like a nice girl.

I'm not much into breast enhancements, but in her case, she'll have a lot of time to consider that and a career in something far less than she would otherwise. Both a shame. JK..........But it's a real shame she traded a great career for ruining her life. She let her snowflakes get in the way of things. Likely has a well-indoctrinated college degree in liberal arts. Maybe she's from Seattle.

Minimum 5 years behind bars for treason, IMO.
Her leak wasn't about what goes on in the White House. It was a leak from the DOJ about e memo that proved that Russia did attempt to hack voting for the election.
Reports that the DOJ filed charges against Reality Winner. Yes that's her name

What a surprise, an un-American leftist c*nt leaking secret intel to the media in order to try and undermine Trump.

Will the lefties consider her actions as "election interference"?
Susan Rice should be next, followed by the leaking Obama loyalists in the Intel agencies who committed Felony Espionage.
Any proof of what she did was illegal? Of what Nunes, who did the same thing, was illegal? You can yell all you want, but the unmasking charges are going nowhere.

The leaks, if they can be found, are actionable.
Your boy Comey and even the Dems on the committee stated the unmasking was a felony.
Reports that the DOJ filed charges against Reality Winner. Yes that's her name

What a surprise, an un-American leftist c*nt leaking secret intel to the media in order to try and undermine Trump.

Will the lefties consider her actions as "election interference"?

She served in the U.S. military for 6 years. How leftist is that?

You don't think lefties join the military?
Reports that the DOJ filed charges against Reality Winner. Yes that's her name

What a surprise, an un-American leftist c*nt leaking secret intel to the media in order to try and undermine Trump.

Will the lefties consider her actions as "election interference"?

She served in the U.S. military for 6 years. How leftist is that?

You don't think lefties join the military?

According to the Conservatives on this forum, lefties don't fight wars, they just start them.
Reports that the DOJ filed charges against Reality Winner. Yes that's her name

What a surprise, an un-American leftist c*nt leaking secret intel to the media in order to try and undermine Trump.

Will the lefties consider her actions as "election interference"?

She served in the U.S. military for 6 years. How leftist is that?

You don't think lefties join the military?

According to the Conservatives on this forum, lefties don't fight wars, they just start them.

Historically the democrat Party has involved us in the majority of wars so that part is accurate.
Glad she was able to expose that Russia tried to hack election machines before Trump could cover for them :thup:
Glad she exposed that they failed and that they did not interfere with the election at all. Although, I don't really give much credibility to traitors or supporters of traitors.
Did they fail? We don't know yet. But thanks to her, we know they at least tried to succeed.

You voted for a traitor, so your musings on traitors mean nothing.
We actually know no such thing. She's a traitor and as such, not worthy of any kind of trust. As for who voted for a traitor, that would likely be you, you seem to be a sympathizer for traitors and likely voted for Clinton, another real traitor to America. As for Me, I voted for Myself as I concluded I was the best person for the job.

What do snowflakes think should happen to her?

Should she get the same death sentence for leaking US classified as the Democrats gave Seth Rich for leaking theirs?

Should she be prosecuted?

Or should the Bernie Supporter be released with the same explanation given about Hillary when she broke the law - "She was too stupid to know she was breaking the law and jeopardizing our national security'?

You really are a monster and you should be strung up. You persecute a family just for cheap politics. You are a cowardly dog.
Nah, he is no monster. Evil is banal, as easyt shows. She should not have leaked, and now she will go to jail.

A monster defends a monster. The real question is why this was classified. Was it because the Trump NSA did not want anyone to know about this because it runs counter to Trump's arguments? The NSA should be investigated and if they are guilty of hiding this from the American people they should be hung.
She may deliberately leaked the memo in cahoots with certain elements in Trump's government that want him gone.

Who knows what discovery process is going to reveal about the Russians' efforts and where that will lead to?

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