First leak being prosecuted

Trump tweets that five million illegals voted for Hillary, and the tards drink that piss down, and incessantly parrot it, without a shred of evidence.

When confronted with actual evidence Russia attacked our election process, they are caught with Putin's cock in their mouths.

How many voters were turned away?
Oh, I see. Since the Russian attack was foiled that makes it all okay.


Just how deep does your tard go?

I would make a bet on tested IQ's mofo,, It has nothing to do with fail, or work, it has to do with effect, and the fact that you are trying to portray it as a reason for the pile of dogshit people you support loosing the majority of the political positions in this country, and to portray that as something other than the fact that most of the states, and most of the areas in this country hate liberal, communist, murdering, treasonous, extortionist scum.
As far as being upset, you weren't upset the 22,000 times they did it under the oshitsass administration, so WTF would we be upset the 22,001st.
One U.S. intelligence official conceded that the Russian operation outlined by the NSA — targeting voter registration software — could potentially have disrupted voting in the locations where VR Systems’ products were being used. And a compromised election poll book system can do more than cause chaos on Election Day, said Halderman. “You could even do that preferentially in areas for voters that are likely to vote for a certain candidate and thereby have a partisan effect.”

Dream on, once the machines are set up they are stand alone as far as ANY changes being made, they are tested, closed and sealed and trial run before the vote, until they are opened for the count. The only hackers could be the people in the room with the machines with the voters. Find someone who doesn't know shit if you want to make up some more dimshit propaganda. How many voters were turned away? NONE not even the illegals, or the provisional, or the motor voters.

The software is developed and stored on a server, tested and still held on a server.... If that server is hacked and software altered, it is then just copied to those machines...
Being wilfully ignorant is not excuse...
The FBI thinks it's found the person who leaked top secret intelligence about Russia

This is about something on or about May 5, 2017.

Wonder what it is about. It is not identified as anything to do with Trump, Comey, or mighty mouse.

It appears to detail Russian efforts to hack into American voting systems.

Good going, American intel.

The FBI thinks it's found the person who leaked top secret intelligence about Russia

This is about something on or about May 5, 2017.

Wonder what it is about. It is not identified as anything to do with Trump, Comey, or mighty mouse.

It appears to detail Russian efforts to hack into American voting systems.

Good going, American intel.
Once again you refuse to discuss reality. Reality Winner.

The FBI thinks it's found the person who leaked top secret intelligence about Russia

This is about something on or about May 5, 2017.

Wonder what it is about. It is not identified as anything to do with Trump, Comey, or mighty mouse.

It appears to detail Russian efforts to hack into American voting systems.

Good going, American intel.
Once again you refuse to discuss reality. Reality Winner.
I just did above. She got caught by American intel for leaking efforts by the Russians to hack into American voting systems.
Reports that the DOJ filed charges against Reality Winner. Yes that's her name
This particular leaker revealed top secret information about Russia's attempt to hack our voting machines. Of course you tards are more angry at her than the Russians.

Contractor charged with leaking classified NSA info on Russian hacking -

The NSA report, dated May 5, provides details of a 2016 Russian military intelligence cyberattack on a US voting software supplier, though there is no evidence that any votes were affected by the hack.

The attempted hostile attack by the Russians must be real or they would not be prosecuting her for leaking about it.

Here is a link to the web site which published the leaked report about Russia's attack on our country: Top-Secret NSA Report Details Russian Hacking Effort Days Before 2016 Election

Inside the Russian Hacking Scandal and Trump's Election

Silly Rabbits, the "Russian hacking" story came out 12/12/2016, she didn't start

working with classified documents

until 2/13/2017.

She's not the "Russian hacking" leaker.
Last edited:
As opposed to the 'reliable' Obama DOJ that refused to prosecute Ex-US AG Holder, Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid, Julian Castro, and others for their crimes and the FBI who testified Hillary broke laws but chose to protect her......brilliant. :p
Alt Facts.
The FBI thinks it's found the person who leaked top secret intelligence about Russia

This is about something on or about May 5, 2017.

Wonder what it is about. It is not identified as anything to do with Trump, Comey, or mighty mouse.

It appears to detail Russian efforts to hack into American voting systems.

Good going, American intel.

The FBI thinks it's found the person who leaked top secret intelligence about Russia

This is about something on or about May 5, 2017.

Wonder what it is about. It is not identified as anything to do with Trump, Comey, or mighty mouse.

It appears to detail Russian efforts to hack into American voting systems.

Good going, American intel.
Once again you refuse to discuss reality. Reality Winner.

The FBI thinks it's found the person who leaked top secret intelligence about Russia

This is about something on or about May 5, 2017.

Wonder what it is about. It is not identified as anything to do with Trump, Comey, or mighty mouse.

It appears to detail Russian efforts to hack into American voting systems.

Good going, American intel.
Once again you refuse to discuss reality. Reality Winner.
I just did above. She got caught by American intel for leaking efforts by the Russians to hack into American voting systems.
Reports that the DOJ filed charges against Reality Winner. Yes that's her name
This particular leaker revealed top secret information about Russia's attempt to hack our voting machines. Of course you tards are more angry at her than the Russians.

Contractor charged with leaking classified NSA info on Russian hacking -

The NSA report, dated May 5, provides details of a 2016 Russian military intelligence cyberattack on a US voting software supplier, though there is no evidence that any votes were affected by the hack.

The attempted hostile attack by the Russians must be real or they would not be prosecuting her for leaking about it.

Here is a link to the web site which published the leaked report about Russia's attack on our country: Top-Secret NSA Report Details Russian Hacking Effort Days Before 2016 Election

Silly Rabbits, the "Russian hacking" story came out 1/6/2017, she didn't start

working with classified documents

until 2/13/2017.

She's not the "Russian hacking" leaker.
Marion, read the link, please.
One U.S. intelligence official conceded that the Russian operation outlined by the NSA — targeting voter registration software — could potentially have disrupted voting in the locations where VR Systems’ products were being used. And a compromised election poll book system can do more than cause chaos on Election Day, said Halderman. “You could even do that preferentially in areas for voters that are likely to vote for a certain candidate and thereby have a partisan effect.”

Dream on, once the machines are set up they are stand alone as far as ANY changes being made, they are tested, closed and sealed and trial run before the vote, until they are opened for the count. The only hackers could be the people in the room with the machines with the voters. Find someone who doesn't know shit if you want to make up some more dimshit propaganda. How many voters were turned away? NONE not even the illegals, or the provisional, or the motor voters.

The software is developed and stored on a server, tested and still held on a server.... If that server is hacked and software altered, it is then just copied to those machines...
Being wilfully ignorant is not excuse...

Hmmm, don't think Hillary got that email.
The FBI thinks it's found the person who leaked top secret intelligence about Russia

This is about something on or about May 5, 2017.

Wonder what it is about. It is not identified as anything to do with Trump, Comey, or mighty mouse.

It appears to detail Russian efforts to hack into American voting systems.

Good going, American intel.

The FBI thinks it's found the person who leaked top secret intelligence about Russia

This is about something on or about May 5, 2017.

Wonder what it is about. It is not identified as anything to do with Trump, Comey, or mighty mouse.

It appears to detail Russian efforts to hack into American voting systems.

Good going, American intel.
Once again you refuse to discuss reality. Reality Winner.

The FBI thinks it's found the person who leaked top secret intelligence about Russia

This is about something on or about May 5, 2017.

Wonder what it is about. It is not identified as anything to do with Trump, Comey, or mighty mouse.

It appears to detail Russian efforts to hack into American voting systems.

Good going, American intel.
Once again you refuse to discuss reality. Reality Winner.
I just did above. She got caught by American intel for leaking efforts by the Russians to hack into American voting systems.
Reports that the DOJ filed charges against Reality Winner. Yes that's her name
This particular leaker revealed top secret information about Russia's attempt to hack our voting machines. Of course you tards are more angry at her than the Russians.

Contractor charged with leaking classified NSA info on Russian hacking -

The NSA report, dated May 5, provides details of a 2016 Russian military intelligence cyberattack on a US voting software supplier, though there is no evidence that any votes were affected by the hack.

The attempted hostile attack by the Russians must be real or they would not be prosecuting her for leaking about it.

Here is a link to the web site which published the leaked report about Russia's attack on our country: Top-Secret NSA Report Details Russian Hacking Effort Days Before 2016 Election

Silly Rabbits, the "Russian hacking" story came out 1/6/2017, she didn't start

working with classified documents

until 2/13/2017.

She's not the "Russian hacking" leaker.
Marion, read the link, please.

Jake, she didn't have access to classified documents until 2/13/2017

Time doesn't go backwards, derp!
With plea deals this may clean up relatively fast.

If she did it with the intention of undermining the government, I hope they add treason charges.

She did it because the Russians are attacking our election process.

You tards are always asking for evidence of Russian hacking. How much more do you schizos need?

Sorry dude, the DNC and Podesta aren't our elections process. The emails showed them to be carnival barkers and back stabbers. Like the old saying goes, if the truth hurts, it shouldn't be the truth. Of course you folks don't seem to mind DNC operatives hiring people to start violence at Trump events for propaganda purposes.

Also the article didn't say anything what the material was related to, so you're just making assumptions there.

Moron, I've been quoting from the web site to which the woman being prosecuted leaked. It has NOTHING to do with Podesta or the DNC.

She leaked an NSC report detailing a Russian attack on a company which manages voter registration verification for voting machines.

Christ Almighty, open your eyes, willfully blind monkey.

Maybe you should post that link. Neither the criminal complaint or the affidavit include that information.

With plea deals this may clean up relatively fast.

If she did it with the intention of undermining the government, I hope they add treason charges.

She did it because the Russians are attacking our election process.

You tards are always asking for evidence of Russian hacking. How much more do you schizos need?

Sorry dude, the DNC and Podesta aren't our elections process. The emails showed them to be carnival barkers and back stabbers. Like the old saying goes, if the truth hurts, it shouldn't be the truth. Of course you folks don't seem to mind DNC operatives hiring people to start violence at Trump events for propaganda purposes.

Also the article didn't say anything what the material was related to, so you're just making assumptions there.

Moron, I've been quoting from the web site to which the woman being prosecuted leaked. It has NOTHING to do with Podesta or the DNC.

She leaked an NSC report detailing a Russian attack on a company which manages voter registration verification for voting machines.

Christ Almighty, open your eyes, willfully blind monkey.

Maybe you should post that link.


I have.


See? You're a willfully blind monkey.
The FBI thinks it's found the person who leaked top secret intelligence about Russia

This is about something on or about May 5, 2017.

Wonder what it is about. It is not identified as anything to do with Trump, Comey, or mighty mouse.

It appears to detail Russian efforts to hack into American voting systems.

Good going, American intel.

The FBI thinks it's found the person who leaked top secret intelligence about Russia This is about something on or about May 5, 2017.

Wonder what it is about. It is not identified as anything to do with Trump, Comey, or mighty mouse.

It appears to detail Russian efforts to hack into American voting systems.

Good going, American intel.
Once again you refuse to discuss reality. Reality Winner.

The FBI thinks it's found the person who leaked top secret intelligence about Russia

This is about something on or about May 5, 2017.

Wonder what it is about. It is not identified as anything to do with Trump, Comey, or mighty mouse.

It appears to detail Russian efforts to hack into American voting systems.

Good going, American intel.
Once again you refuse to discuss reality. Reality Winner.
I just did above. She got caught by American intel for leaking efforts by the Russians to hack into American voting systems.
Reports that the DOJ filed charges against Reality Winner. Yes that's her name
This particular leaker revealed top secret information about Russia's attempt to hack our voting machines. Of course you tards are more angry at her than the Russians.

Contractor charged with leaking classified NSA info on Russian hacking -

The NSA report, dated May 5, provides details of a 2016 Russian military intelligence cyberattack on a US voting software supplier, though there is no evidence that any votes were affected by the hack.

The attempted hostile attack by the Russians must be real or they would not be prosecuting her for leaking about it.

Here is a link to the web site which published the leaked report about Russia's attack on our country: Top-Secret NSA Report Details Russian Hacking Effort Days Before 2016 Election

Silly Rabbits, the "Russian hacking" story came out 1/6/2017, she didn't start

working with classified documents

until 2/13/2017.

She's not the "Russian hacking" leaker.
Marion, read the link, please.

Jake, she didn't have access to classified documents until 2/13/2017

Time doesn't go backwards, derp!
Her involvement was around the first week of May. You need to read the links, Marion.
The FBI thinks it's found the person who leaked top secret intelligence about Russia

This is about something on or about May 5, 2017.

Wonder what it is about. It is not identified as anything to do with Trump, Comey, or mighty mouse.

It appears to detail Russian efforts to hack into American voting systems.

Good going, American intel.

The FBI thinks it's found the person who leaked top secret intelligence about Russia This is about something on or about May 5, 2017.

Wonder what it is about. It is not identified as anything to do with Trump, Comey, or mighty mouse.

It appears to detail Russian efforts to hack into American voting systems.

Good going, American intel.
Once again you refuse to discuss reality. Reality Winner.

Once again you refuse to discuss reality. Reality Winner.
I just did above. She got caught by American intel for leaking efforts by the Russians to hack into American voting systems.
Reports that the DOJ filed charges against Reality Winner. Yes that's her name
This particular leaker revealed top secret information about Russia's attempt to hack our voting machines. Of course you tards are more angry at her than the Russians.

Contractor charged with leaking classified NSA info on Russian hacking -

The NSA report, dated May 5, provides details of a 2016 Russian military intelligence cyberattack on a US voting software supplier, though there is no evidence that any votes were affected by the hack.

The attempted hostile attack by the Russians must be real or they would not be prosecuting her for leaking about it.

Here is a link to the web site which published the leaked report about Russia's attack on our country: Top-Secret NSA Report Details Russian Hacking Effort Days Before 2016 Election

Silly Rabbits, the "Russian hacking" story came out 1/6/2017, she didn't start

working with classified documents

until 2/13/2017.

She's not the "Russian hacking" leaker.
Marion, read the link, please.

Jake, she didn't have access to classified documents until 2/13/2017

Time doesn't go backwards, derp!
Her involvement was around the first week of May. You need to read the links, Marion.

And all the "Russian Hacking" crap started early December last year, Jakey. Dederp dederp derp!

Same thing on the Reality thread.

The alt right won't read the link so they don't have to know. Scary.
The FBI thinks it's found the person who leaked top secret intelligence about Russia

This is about something on or about May 5, 2017.

Wonder what it is about. It is not identified as anything to do with Trump, Comey, or mighty mouse.

It appears to detail Russian efforts to hack into American voting systems.

Good going, American intel.

Once again you refuse to discuss reality. Reality Winner.

I just did above. She got caught by American intel for leaking efforts by the Russians to hack into American voting systems.
This particular leaker revealed top secret information about Russia's attempt to hack our voting machines. Of course you tards are more angry at her than the Russians.

Contractor charged with leaking classified NSA info on Russian hacking -

The attempted hostile attack by the Russians must be real or they would not be prosecuting her for leaking about it.

Here is a link to the web site which published the leaked report about Russia's attack on our country: Top-Secret NSA Report Details Russian Hacking Effort Days Before 2016 Election

Silly Rabbits, the "Russian hacking" story came out 1/6/2017, she didn't start

working with classified documents

until 2/13/2017.

She's not the "Russian hacking" leaker.
Marion, read the link, please.

Jake, she didn't have access to classified documents until 2/13/2017

Time doesn't go backwards, derp!
Her involvement was around the first week of May. You need to read the links, Marion.
And all the "Russian Hacking" crap started early December last year Jakey, dederp dederp derp! Derp!
Yup, you are. Read the link.

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