First leak being prosecuted

Last year, you pseudocons were thrilled about leakers exposing the Clinton campaign's corruption. Trump couldn't praise the leakers enough. He loooooooooved leakers.

Now you are upset with leakers exposing the corruption of the Trump Administration.

So do you schizos love or hate leakers who expose the corruption and crimes of politicians? I can't keep up.
DNC leaks are NOT classified information and do not harm our security or or military retard.
Hacking the DNC is a crime, dumbass.

These latest leakers exposed Flynn as a traitor.

And yet you schizos are more angry with the leakers than the traitor.
It may be a crime but it is not espionage and it is not treason and it is not leaking classified information. Not the same as the people willfully leaking classified information that damages our security and our military.
How do you know it is not espionage? We can let the FBI and LEO and DOJ make those determinations, not the likes of you.

No we cannot. The DOJ and FBI have been corrupted by Trump. They are unreliable.
As opposed to the 'reliable' Obama DOJ that refused to prosecute Ex-US AG Holder, Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid, Julian Castro, and others for their crimes and the FBI who testified Hillary broke laws but chose to protect her...

...brilliant. :p
Wait. Do you people love or hate leakers who expose the corruption and crimes of politicians? I can't keep up with you schizos.

It's Okay If Trump Does It!™

When did trump leak info about the crimes and corruption of politicians?
Last year, you pseudocons were thrilled about leakers exposing the Clinton campaign's corruption. Trump couldn't praise the leakers enough. He loooooooooved leakers.

Now you are upset with leakers exposing the corruption of the Trump Administration.

So do you schizos love or hate leakers who expose the corruption and crimes of politicians? I can't keep up.

Hell on a few other forums I belonged to at the time Snowden did it the RW's were praising him. This reminds me of Sybil.
Snowden is just as much a criminal as Hillary and this leaker.
One U.S. intelligence official conceded that the Russian operation outlined by the NSA — targeting voter registration software — could potentially have disrupted voting in the locations where VR Systems’ products were being used. And a compromised election poll book system can do more than cause chaos on Election Day, said Halderman. “You could even do that preferentially in areas for voters that are likely to vote for a certain candidate and thereby have a partisan effect.”
As I thought, the schizos are completely silent about Russia's attack and upset only at the person who revealed it.

I find that very revealing about their character.
With plea deals this may clean up relatively fast.

If she did it with the intention of undermining the government, I hope they add treason charges.

She did it because the Russians are attacking our election process.

You tards are always asking for evidence of Russian hacking. How much more do you schizos need?

Sorry dude, the DNC and Podesta aren't our elections process. The emails showed them to be carnival barkers and back stabbers. Like the old saying goes, if the truth hurts, it shouldn't be the truth. Of course you folks don't seem to mind DNC operatives hiring people to start violence at Trump events for propaganda purposes.

Also the article didn't say anything what the material was related to, so you're just making assumptions there.

With plea deals this may clean up relatively fast.

If she did it with the intention of undermining the government, I hope they add treason charges.

She did it because the Russians are attacking our election process.

You tards are always asking for evidence of Russian hacking. How much more do you schizos need?

Sorry dude, the DNC and Podesta aren't our elections process. The emails showed them to be carnival barkers and back stabbers. Like the old saying goes, if the truth hurts, it shouldn't be the truth. Of course you folks don't seem to mind DNC operatives hiring people to start violence at Trump events for propaganda purposes.

Also the article didn't say anything what the material was related to, so you're just making assumptions there.

Moron, I've been quoting from the web site to which the woman being prosecuted leaked. It has NOTHING to do with Podesta or the DNC.

She leaked an NSC report detailing a Russian attack on a company which manages voter registration verification for voting machines.

Christ Almighty, open your eyes, willfully blind monkey.
One U.S. intelligence official conceded that the Russian operation outlined by the NSA — targeting voter registration software — could potentially have disrupted voting in the locations where VR Systems’ products were being used. And a compromised election poll book system can do more than cause chaos on Election Day, said Halderman. “You could even do that preferentially in areas for voters that are likely to vote for a certain candidate and thereby have a partisan effect.”

Dream on, once the machines are set up they are stand alone as far as ANY changes being made, they are tested, closed and sealed and trial run before the vote, until they are opened for the count. The only hackers could be the people in the room with the machines with the voters. Find someone who doesn't know shit if you want to make up some more dimshit propaganda. How many voters were turned away? NONE not even the illegals, or the provisional, or the motor voters.
There have been multiple testimonies from our intelligence chiefs these past months. There have been government reports issued.

And now this NSA report.

A hostile nation attacked our electoral process, and you can't find a single Trump Chump up in arms about it.

A whole goddam jungle of wilfully blind and stupid schizo monkeys.
One U.S. intelligence official conceded that the Russian operation outlined by the NSA — targeting voter registration software — could potentially have disrupted voting in the locations where VR Systems’ products were being used. And a compromised election poll book system can do more than cause chaos on Election Day, said Halderman. “You could even do that preferentially in areas for voters that are likely to vote for a certain candidate and thereby have a partisan effect.”

Dream on, once the machines are set up they are stand alone as far as ANY changes being made, they are tested, closed and sealed and trial run before the vote, until they are opened for the count. The only hackers could be the people in the room with the machines with the voters. Find someone who doesn't know shit if you want to make up some more dimshit propaganda. How many voters were turned away? NONE not even the illegals, or the provisional, or the motor voters.
Read the whole link, fool. You're quite wrong about what the attack was and its effects.
Last year, you pseudocons were thrilled about leakers exposing the Clinton campaign's corruption. Trump couldn't praise the leakers enough. He loooooooooved leakers.

Now you are upset with leakers exposing the corruption of the Trump Administration.

So do you schizos love or hate leakers who expose the corruption and crimes of politicians? I can't keep up.
DNC leaks are NOT classified information and do not harm our security or or military retard.
Hacking the DNC is a crime, dumbass.

These latest leakers exposed Flynn as a traitor.

And yet you schizos are more angry with the leakers than the traitor.
It may be a crime but it is not espionage and it is not treason and it is not leaking classified information. Not the same as the people willfully leaking classified information that damages our security and our military.
How did revealing General Flynn's treason jeopardize our security or our military? It actually caused the traitor to be fired, and that's a good thing.

It is Flynn who is the traitor.
Revealing classified information is illegal. It can damage our security and our military. She leaked classified information, she is a criminal that deserves a harsh sentence since it was for opolitics she chose to violate her oath.

So you are saying the information is true then... Winner might goto Jail but the Russians get invited to the White House, Shared Classified Information and get their spy houses back...

And Winner some how is the traitor...
The FBI thinks it's found the person who leaked top secret intelligence about Russia

This is about something on or about May 5, 2017.

Wonder what it is about. It is not identified as anything to do with Trump, Comey, or mighty mouse.

It appears to detail Russian efforts to hack into American voting systems.

Good going, American intel.
Once again you refuse to discuss reality. Reality Winner.
I just did above. She got caught by American intel for leaking efforts by the Russians to hack into American voting systems.
What? How the hell did you arrive at this conclusion? She sent intel to news organizations. What did that have to do with voting and the Russians?
Moron, I've been quoting from the web site to which the woman being prosecuted leaked. It has NOTHING to do with Podesta or the DNC.

She leaked an NSC report detailing a Russian attack on a company which manages voter registration verification for voting machines.

Christ Almighty, open your eyes, willfully blind monkey.

And I am sure they are not trying to keep from being prosecuted for espionage!! Damn how stupid can some liberal ant be!!!
The FBI thinks it's found the person who leaked top secret intelligence about Russia

This is about something on or about May 5, 2017.

Wonder what it is about. It is not identified as anything to do with Trump, Comey, or mighty mouse.

It appears to detail Russian efforts to hack into American voting systems.

Good going, American intel.
Once again you refuse to discuss reality. Reality Winner.
I just did above. She got caught by American intel for leaking efforts by the Russians to hack into American voting systems.
What? How the hell did you arrive at this conclusion? She sent intel to news organizations. What did that have to do with voting and the Russians?
Read this link before making a bigger fool of yourself in public: Top-Secret NSA Report Details Russian Hacking Effort Days Before 2016 Election

Not one Trump Chump is upset Russia attacked our election process.

Not. One.

What a fascinating insight into their treasonous character!

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