First leak being prosecuted

Looks like a nice girl.

I'm not much into breast enhancements, but in her case, she'll have a lot of time to consider that and a career in something far less than she would otherwise. Both a shame. JK..........But it's a real shame she traded a great career for ruining her life. She let her snowflakes get in the way of things. Likely has a well-indoctrinated college degree in liberal arts. Maybe she's from Seattle.

Minimum 5 years behind bars for treason, IMO.

I agree. You should get 5 years along with Trump for treason.
She may deliberately leaked the memo in cahoots with certain elements in Trump's government that want him gone.

Who knows what discovery process is going to reveal about the Russians' efforts and where that will lead to?

Dream on, Fakey. She was in intel and a rabid Trump hater like yourself. She knew full well what the consequences of her actions would be, and chose to do it anyway. That's what happens when people use emotional rationale rather than logic.
Reports that the DOJ filed charges against Reality Winner. Yes that's her name

What a surprise, an un-American leftist c*nt leaking secret intel to the media in order to try and undermine Trump.

Will the lefties consider her actions as "election interference"?

What a surprise an in-American Trump supporter is more worried about the leak than what it contains. The question is why a report exists about Russians hacking into voting machines and why this is being hidden from the American people. Trump undermines himself.
She may deliberately leaked the memo in cahoots with certain elements in Trump's government that want him gone.

Who knows what discovery process is going to reveal about the Russians' efforts and where that will lead to?

Dream on, Fakey. She was in intel and a rabid Trump hater like yourself. She knew full well what the consequences of her actions would be, and chose to do it anyway. That's what happens when people use emotional rationale rather than logic.
Perhaps, Bawk, but now the discovery process can ferret out all sorts of stuff.
Wait. Do you people love or hate leakers who expose the corruption and crimes of politicians? I can't keep up with you schizos.

It's Okay If Trump Does It!™

When did trump leak info about the crimes and corruption of politicians?
Last year, you pseudocons were thrilled about leakers exposing the Clinton campaign's corruption. Trump couldn't praise the leakers enough. He loooooooooved leakers.

Now you are upset with leakers exposing the corruption of the Trump Administration.

So do you schizos love or hate leakers who expose the corruption and crimes of politicians? I can't keep up.
DNC leaks are NOT classified information and do not harm our security or or military retard.
Hacking the DNC is a crime, dumbass.

These latest leakers exposed Flynn as a traitor.

And yet you schizos are more angry with the leakers than the traitor.

As John Fugalsang put it

"The Empire wants the survivors of Alderaan to know that the leaking of the Death Star plans was the real war crime"
Still not one word of outrage over Russia's attack on our election process from Trump's Chumps.

Not. One. Word.

These are the real traitors.

Seth Rich was the source of the leak......but I wouldn't have a problem IF Russia intel had been behind the hacking of the DNC's website that exposed how the leftard clown posse was exposed for the cheating that they claim is "cheating" for exposing how they were cheating.........this is fucking hilarious to me.....

Leftards be like "They cheated by exposing how we were cheating!!!! And that's CHEATING!!!!!"

Fuck the commie DNC and their little sack of shit operatives...blaming Putin for the loss of a corrupt sack of shit like the Hildebeast would be akin to the German nationals stopping voter fraud to keep Hitler from gaining power....not a klunt hair's worth of difference.
Trump tweets that five million illegals voted for Hillary, and the tards drink that piss down, and incessantly parrot it, without a shred of evidence.

When confronted with actual evidence Russia attacked our election process, they are caught with Putin's cock in their mouths.

The only VERIFIED report I have ever seen was the two that came from Georgia and Idaho, and guess who tried to hack them? None other then Homeland security owned and controlled by Obama.
Reports that the DOJ filed charges against Reality Winner. Yes that's her name

What a surprise, an un-American leftist c*nt leaking secret intel to the media in order to try and undermine Trump.

Will the lefties consider her actions as "election interference"?

What a surprise an in-American Trump supporter is more worried about the leak than what it contains. The question is why a report exists about Russians hacking into voting machines and why this is being hidden from the American people. Trump undermines himself.
Really? Remind us your opinion on the DNC leaks, as I recall you and your buddies all decried the leak as a crime and ignored the information provided by it. Sounds like you are a Hypocrite to me.
Reports that the DOJ filed charges against Reality Winner. Yes that's her name

What a surprise, an un-American leftist c*nt leaking secret intel to the media in order to try and undermine Trump.

Will the lefties consider her actions as "election interference"?

What a surprise an in-American Trump supporter is more worried about the leak than what it contains. The question is why a report exists about Russians hacking into voting machines and why this is being hidden from the American people. Trump undermines himself.
Really? Remind us your opinion on the DNC leaks, as I recall you and your buddies all decried the leak as a crime and ignored the information provided by it. Sounds like you are a Hypocrite to me.

"sounds like "


its a given they are
Pretty 25 year old. Too bad she let her emotions overrule her common sense and the oath she took. If she doesn't get too much time she will probably end up as an anchor on CNN.
On the bright side if she's a lesbian liberal then she'll find a lot of company in federal prison.
Reports that the DOJ filed charges against Reality Winner. Yes that's her name

What a surprise, an un-American leftist c*nt leaking secret intel to the media in order to try and undermine Trump.

Will the lefties consider her actions as "election interference"?

What a surprise an in-American Trump supporter is more worried about the leak than what it contains. The question is why a report exists about Russians hacking into voting machines and why this is being hidden from the American people. Trump undermines himself.
Really? Remind us your opinion on the DNC leaks, as I recall you and your buddies all decried the leak as a crime and ignored the information provided by it. Sounds like you are a Hypocrite to me.

You are the hypocrite. The DNC leaks were embarrassing and that is all. Also some of the information that was purportedly part of the information was fake news planted by Russia. These hacks on the infrastructure of our elections are much bigger than anything on the DNC servers as it attacks the foundations of the country. Why was this hidden from Americans? I smell a cover-up..
Reports that the DOJ filed charges against Reality Winner. Yes that's her name

What a surprise, an un-American leftist c*nt leaking secret intel to the media in order to try and undermine Trump.

Will the lefties consider her actions as "election interference"?

What a surprise an in-American Trump supporter is more worried about the leak than what it contains. The question is why a report exists about Russians hacking into voting machines and why this is being hidden from the American people. Trump undermines himself.
Really? Remind us your opinion on the DNC leaks, as I recall you and your buddies all decried the leak as a crime and ignored the information provided by it. Sounds like you are a Hypocrite to me.

lol. see what I mean?

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