First Major Economic News When Trump Wins.First Month Of "Actual Job Growth" Since 2008.

Is there any reason for you being nasty in a Zone 2 thread? Are you mad? Your name calling certainly indicates your lack of self control. Maybe I touched a raw nerve with the question?

My apologies....I should know how sensitive, deplorables are....
right now,,,the DOW numbers are soley based on what they think will happen,,,,when Trump wins,,,you will see the DOW shoot at least 500 on Nov. 9. by 2017, we could see the DOW hit 19,000.
Does anyone keep a tally on how many are those "created" jobs are actually government jobs or government contracted meaningless, non productive, non wealth producing jobs aimed to boost job creation?

Go for it, Defecate4.......Go and search out anything to make your ilk feel better, even if it would be bad news for the country's economy.....I mean, partisanship must trump (pardon the term) patriotism.
Is there any reason for you being nasty in a Zone 2 thread? Are you mad? Your name calling certainly indicates your lack of self control. Maybe I touched a raw nerve with the question?

the implication of 300,000-185,000 = 115,000 jobs loss per month inflamed him. Math is hard especially for a liberal.
He is the sock of one of the "ObamaTryAgain2" thread morons. They are the only ones who ever used that twisted name calling on me, nobody else, ever.
Conservatives dont care and dont believe the numbers thrown at them,,,,Liberals lie all the time,,,,,,we have never seen anywhere near 5 or 6% unemployment since 2009....its actually been closer to 35%
Is there any reason for you being nasty in a Zone 2 thread? Are you mad? Your name calling certainly indicates your lack of self control. Maybe I touched a raw nerve with the question?

My apologies....I should know how sensitive, deplorables are....
It is not sensitivity. It is behaving like an adult on a thread what was not designated for taunting and trolling. It comes down to basic intelligence to realize that, nothing else. We can go back to your "home" thread and do our name callings but you have a different name over there.
right now,,,the DOW numbers are soley based on what they think will happen,,,,when Trump wins,,,you will see the DOW shoot at least 500 on Nov. 9. by 2017, we could see the DOW hit 19,000.

Dow up 60 percent since Obama took office
Sources: Plain Dealer archives and Google Finance

President Term Open Close Change Pct. Change
Obama 2009-12 7,949.09 12,720.48 4,771.39 60%
Bush 2005-09 10,471.47 7,949.09 -2,522.38 -24%
Bush 2001-05 10,587.59 10,471.47 -116.12 -1%
Clinton 1997-01 6,843.87 10,587.59 3,743.72 55%
Clinton 1993-97 3,241.95 6,843.87 3,601.92 111%
Bush 1989-93 2,235.36 3,241.95 1,006.59 45%
Reagan 1985-89 1,227.36 2,235.36 1,008.00 82%
Reagan 1981-85 946.25 1,227.36 281.11 30%
Carter 1977-81 959.03 946.25 -12.78 -1%
Ford 1974-77 777.30 959.03 181.73 23%
Nixon 1972-74 849.95 777.30 -72.65 -9%
:2up: :clap2: :cheers2: Fact: There has been 0.0%Job growth since 2009. Seems like we have always had between 80 to 90 Million Americans out of work, even though some jobs have been created, at the same time, what about the initial first unemployment applications? Big deal if we created 150,000 jobs when at the same time, 200-300,000 people filled for unemployment! But according to Obama/Pelosi/Biden, the economy has just been roaring back since the summer of 2009! Yah, right!
No normal,intelligent American is buying this so called 60/70 straight months of job growth!,Yah, maybe in the states run by Republicans !!!
Lets get real! Job Growth has been 0.0% for almost 8 years now! Just you wait and see what happens with the DOW and new jobs right after Trump Wins!!! :eusa_clap::eusa_dance:

Where do you come up with this bullshit?
how can we have a weekly report of about 250,000 initial unemployment claims, and at the same time,,about 150/180,000 new jobs a month, and call that job growth?
OP they calculate jobs and economic growth Differently when a Democrat is president.

The content of your post suggests that your creator used the wrong calculation putting your brain together.

Says an imbecile liberal, my fingernail clippings are smarter than you fool.
we all witnessed so many of our local small businesses shut down during this 7 year long recovery,,,,so sad to see them all go here in Naples,,,,great job democrats!!!
OP they calculate jobs and economic growth Differently when a Democrat is president.

The content of your post suggests that your creator used the wrong calculation putting your brain together.

Says an imbecile liberal, my fingernail clippings are smarter than you fool.
we all witnessed so many of our local small businesses shut down during this 7 year long recovery,,,,so sad to see them all go here in Naples,,,,great job democrats!!!

Dem's began the economic destruction in 2006 and did all they could to drive the economy into the ditch so they could retake the white house in 2008. I don't know if you noticed but as soon as Obama was sworn in the MSM weekly propaganda about how terrible everything was both at home and abroad stopped cold as if by magic.
we all witnessed so many of our local small businesses shut down during this 7 year long recovery,,,,so sad to see them all go here in Naples,,,,great job democrats!!!

Yes, it is rather sad about the downturn of the moonshine production business.....
OP they calculate jobs and economic growth Differently when a Democrat is president.

The content of your post suggests that your creator used the wrong calculation putting your brain together.

Says an imbecile liberal, my fingernail clippings are smarter than you fool.
we all witnessed so many of our local small businesses shut down during this 7 year long recovery,,,,so sad to see them all go here in Naples,,,,great job democrats!!!

Dem's began the economic destruction in 2006 and did all they could to drive the economy into the ditch so they could retake the white house in 2008. I don't know if you noticed but as soon as Obama was sworn in the MSM weekly propaganda about how terrible everything was both at home and abroad stopped cold as if by magic.
right,,,,i was too busy WORKING! to have any idea what was going on in the white house,,,,later i found out that the collapse was done on purpose to screw the middle class
right now,,,the DOW numbers are soley based on what they think will happen,,,,when Trump wins,,,you will see the DOW shoot at least 500 on Nov. 9. by 2017, we could see the DOW hit 19,000.

Dow up 60 percent since Obama took office
Sources: Plain Dealer archives and Google Finance

President Term Open Close Change Pct. Change
Obama 2009-12 7,949.09 12,720.48 4,771.39 60%
Bush 2005-09 10,471.47 7,949.09 -2,522.38 -24%
Bush 2001-05 10,587.59 10,471.47 -116.12 -1%
Clinton 1997-01 6,843.87 10,587.59 3,743.72 55%
Clinton 1993-97 3,241.95 6,843.87 3,601.92 111%
Bush 1989-93 2,235.36 3,241.95 1,006.59 45%
Reagan 1985-89 1,227.36 2,235.36 1,008.00 82%
Reagan 1981-85 946.25 1,227.36 281.11 30%
Carter 1977-81 959.03 946.25 -12.78 -1%
Ford 1974-77 777.30 959.03 181.73 23%
Nixon 1972-74 849.95 777.30 -72.65 -9%
right now,,,the DOW numbers are soley based on what they think will happen,,,,when Trump wins,,,you will see the DOW shoot at least 500 on Nov. 9. by 2017, we could see the DOW hit 19,000.

Dow up 60 percent since Obama took office
Sources: Plain Dealer archives and Google Finance

President Term Open Close Change Pct. Change
Obama 2009-12 7,949.09 12,720.48 4,771.39 60%
Bush 2005-09 10,471.47 7,949.09 -2,522.38 -24%
Bush 2001-05 10,587.59 10,471.47 -116.12 -1%
Clinton 1997-01 6,843.87 10,587.59 3,743.72 55%
Clinton 1993-97 3,241.95 6,843.87 3,601.92 111%
Bush 1989-93 2,235.36 3,241.95 1,006.59 45%
Reagan 1985-89 1,227.36 2,235.36 1,008.00 82%
Reagan 1981-85 946.25 1,227.36 281.11 30%
Carter 1977-81 959.03 946.25 -12.78 -1%
Ford 1974-77 777.30 959.03 181.73 23%
Nixon 1972-74 849.95 777.30 -72.65 -9%
hey,,didnt Obama Print Up 60% more money to put in the DOW?
how can we have a weekly report of about 250,000 initial unemployment claims, and at the same time,,about 150/180,000 new jobs a month, and call that job growth?
Shrinkage of the labor force fraction. People retire, go to jail, become homeless or work off the books.
how can we have a weekly report of about 250,000 initial unemployment claims, and at the same time,,about 150/180,000 new jobs a month, and call that job growth?
Shrinkage of the labor force fraction. People retire, go to jail, become homeless or work off the books.
you forgot turn to prostitution to pay their mortgages.

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