First poll 2022... Trump leads by wide margin...

why do you not track the lies from the left? too inconvenient?

the "middle" is tired of all the political bullshit and trying to sell me a turd from a turd. as long as you keep doing that, no one will listen to you much longer.
Show a lie from the left equivalent to the Big lie.
Will he promise to round up filthy LefTards and keep them in Auschwitz type camps?
I’d vote for him for sure.
Why not?
His daddy does.

Four Russians detained during a protest against President Vladimir Putin were sentenced to prison terms on Monday after a trial critics say is part of a Kremlin campaign to stifle dissent while all eyes are on the Ukraine crisis. Putin enjoys broad popularity at home, however, and his public standing has ridden a wave of nationalist sentiment to new heights in his Cold War-style standoff with Western powers over Russia's intervention in Ukraine.
Judge Natalia Susina ordered Ilya Gushchin jailed for 2 1/2 years and Alexander Margolin and Alexei Gaskarov to 3 1/2 years each on charges of rioting. She found a fourth defendant, Elena Kokhtareva, guilty of the same charge the race for the 2024 GOP nomination.

The more they attack him... the stronger he gets...

Wish I was tech savvy enough to make one of those YouTube Meme videos where heads are superimposed on other bodies...

I'd make one of Trump as Iron Man and the insane leftists as Thor from that scene in Avengers 1.

The leftist give their best shots...

Jarvis: "power at 400% capacity"...

TRUMP "How bout that."

But... since I can't, you'll just have to watch the first 25 seconds and imagine it...

Trump 2024...make leftist's heads explode again!

What does the left have to do with trump leading the gop nomination by a wide margin?
Not for the presidency. Which you know and that's why you changed the subject to representatives lol.

So shallow
What is the keyword in your sentence?

'It's a perfect system that ensures every state is represented rather than just the coastal states'.

How are the people of Utah, with a population of just over 3 million people, represented by just 6 electors?
How are the people of S. Carolina with a population of 5 million people represented by 9 electors?
How are the people of Georgia with a population of 4 million people represented by 16 electors?

The popular vote does the same thing.
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Show a lie from the left equivalent to the Big lie.
1. Biden said he had a plan to end the pandemic.
2. Biden said that if everyone got vaccinated the pandemic would end
3. Fau-Chi saying masks are effective
4. Biden saying he would govern from the center
1. Biden said he had a plan to end the pandemic.
2. Biden said that if everyone got vaccinated the pandemic would end
3. Fau-Chi saying masks are effective
4. Biden saying he would govern from the center
Everybody has not gotten vacinnated.

Biden can't make you idiots take the shot.
Why do you keep playing this game? There is no "big lie" from Republicans. It's your side that has to spin things non stop.
Wrong as usual.

You motherfuckers keep talking about how the e;ection was stolen.

There is no lie from the left even close to this.
Everybody has not gotten vaccinated.
Biden can't make you idiots take the shot.
Point being that the vaccines don't prevent Omicron, that's the "big lie".

Xiden's failure. No tests, no therapeutics. Epic FAIL.
Look, Democrats and Republicans cancel each other out during an election.

That leaves the independents to pick who'll the president will be.

Independents aren't going to vote for trump. Not after the Jan 6th Riots and The Big Lie.

They're not.
The Big Lie was Russian Collusion that you used for the sole purpose of political assassination and you and your party of DemNazis paid Putin for it, used The Corrupt FBI to pursue it despite they knew it was a lie, and used your toads in the media to hammer it 24-7. You and your DemNazi party colluded with Russia in 2016 and in 2020 sold your souls to The Red Dragon of China for a canned pandemic to cheat your way in to The White House in 2020.

Hitler and Goebbels are proud of your capacity for telling The Big Lie.






Indeed. What have we experienced but this since 2016?
The big Liberal plot

Former President Trump has canceled a January 6 press conference he was scheduled to hold at his Mar-a-Lago home, he announced in a statement Tuesday.​

no-sh-t - no balls



Point being that the vaccines don't prevent Omicron, that's the "big lie".

View attachment 583773 Xiden's failure. No tests, no therapeutics. Epic FAIL.
No one ever said the vaccine would protect you from Omicron dumb ass. They said you will be protected from dy7ng from it if you are vaccinated.

The only fail are you republicans who would rather get sick and die than get vaccinated.
Democrats have a strange tactic.

Trump and Republicans gain popularity and the democrat response is to push vaccine mandates, cause shortages, directly cause inflation, let in illegals, and just rant about Republicans endlessly and try to smear them.

I would have thought they would say "were doing bad and no one likes us, maybe we should do things differently."
1. Biden said he had a plan to end the pandemic.
2. Biden said that if everyone got vaccinated the pandemic would end
3. Fau-Chi saying masks are effective
4. Biden saying he would govern from the center
1) And he did. Would you like the government to go house to house and give a choice between a vaccination and a bullet?
2) Well, only about 55% of the country is vaccinated so this bullet point is meaningless.
3) They are. Are they 100% effective? No. And you should have been careful about which one you chose from the outset (N95, KN95). But the CDC says they are effective at slowing down the spread of the virus.
4) LOL. You and I both knew that was not going to be possible given the obstructionism of Republicans. If I were Biden's advisers, I would have told him just go for it. And tell Manchin and Sinema to get with the program, or resign.

I'll whack Biden on testing, which should have been an equal priority with vaccination from the outset. But, then again, I'm going to assign the same amount of blame to the last guy, who really didn't give a shit about the pandemic, or doing the job of being President.
The big Liberal plot

Former President Trump has canceled a January 6 press conference he was scheduled to hold at his Mar-a-Lago home, he announced in a statement Tuesday.​

no-sh-t - no balls




ust the facts, ma'am​




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