First president since 1932 to lose his party the White House, Senate and the House in one term

Trump didn't lose anything he almost won the house back and he won in a landslide and the two senators in Georgia had their seats stolen with the same phony ballots used in November...but so be it the GOP isn't smart enough and they have no fight in them what so ever so they deserve to have the election stolen from their weak asses....
Don’t you see how childish it sounds to suggest that any republican win was 100% legitimate yet any democrat win is 100% illegitimate? It’s impossible to take you people seriously as adults.
I don't see anything "childish" about it. Dims commit election fraud. Republicans don't.

Dems have been cheating for decades, the rush to vote by mail threw the doors wide open to election fraud.
Lol for decades huh? Right I’m sure you have been concerned ever since. The truth is that you didn’t think election fraud was at all a problem prior to the GOP’s faux whining about it while Obama was president. They told you how to think. Now you just pretend you are “woke”.

That's right, decades Dems are pure scum.
Fact: you didn’t care about voter fraud prior to the GOP whining about it under Obama.

Glad we got that settled.

You lie. Yes I think that covers it.
What the fuck does "face impeachment" mean? Only three presidents have been impeached.
That includes Nixon, dolt
ahhhhh ... but donny will be the FIRST prez to be impeached TWICE,

so there is that. :heehee:
There's that
Haha, and if you believe Biden won the presidency, you have to believe he won more votes than Obama, while winning 212 fewer counties. :laugh2:

A claim so stupid it defies logic. One election has no bearing on any other
Look it up, dope. How many votes did Obama get overall? How many did Biden get overall? How many counties did Obama win? How many counties did Biden win?

How bad did Biden kick Trump's ass?
Anyone who states publicly that Biden legitimately won this election is either a dupe or a traitor. Period.

I've heard that. Of course I heard it from crazy right wingers who will believe any conspiracy theory that comes along.
Generalize much - dumbass?

Not a generalization, even though it wouldn't be too far off. If you still think Trump had the election stolen from him at this point, you are seriously into conspiracy theory territory or certifiably insane. Either way, you would be a Trump supporter.
ROFL! Utter bullshit. Why is that idea absurd now? It's more credible, if anything.
Also will be first since Andrew Johnson (1869) to not attend the inauguration of his successor. Hoover did, wasn't at all happy about it but he at least didn't run around claiming "FRAUD! FRAUD! AWK"
If you sniveling traitors really believed your own screeching you would have no problem
And yet that "proven fact" was not able to be proven in a court of law.
It was never tried in a court of law, not the least reason for which there are very few courts of actual law left in this country. The left has turned much of the judiciary into their henchmen. Bad shit coming. The Bolsheviks are winning.

Do you think our entire judicial system is corrupt?
Last time this happened was when Republican Herbert Hoover (the President during the Great Depression) lost to Democrat Franklin Roosevelt.

It took 20 years for the Republican Party to win back the presidency!
First election in US history where tens of millions of unrequested ballots facilitated a stolen election.

What you seem to forget is that "ballots" are not what count. VOTES are.

But yes, all kinds of firsts on this one. First POTUS election to run around alleging "FRAUD! FRAUD! AWK" while completely unable to provide any evidence whatsoever thereof, thus committing a fraud ABOUT "fraud"...

First POTUS election where the loser was such a meltdown crybaby that he sent his goons to go stage a coup d'état ................... while he watches on TV of course, from a safe distance.
Liar, evidence was available but the courts refused to hear it.
A fact these lying paid shills play dodgeball on. :abgg2q.jpg:

That's not "fact". That's fantasy farting into the wind from a yahoo who's too stupid to follow the news where he would have figured out that when Combat Rooty goes into court the first thing he does is clarify that the case they're bringing is NOT a fraud case. That's because they have no such evidence. Of course OUTSIDE the court they'll CLAIM to have evidence for the unwashed Gullibles like yourselves who gulp it down like candy while it never occurs to y'all that they're lying to your face because they know they can get away with it since you won't challenge them. This bullshit tactic goes back to Joe McCarthy and his "I have in my hand a list of" bullshit, which of course he never produced.

And y'all fell for it AGAIN. Unreal.

This is the same orange fuckbag who told you the Bronx is in Germany, that thousands and thousands of people danced on rooftops, that he got more electoral votes than anybody since Reagan (his own VP got more), that sounds cause cancer, that "would" means "wouldn't", that he didn't know David Dookey, that he never went bankrupt, etc etc etc. And y'all learned NOTHING out of that. ZERO.

That's why Rump plays y'all for idiots --- because that's what you are. When he says he could shoot someobdo on Fifth Avenue and not lose votes or "how stupid are the people of Iowa" TO the people of Iowa, he's describing what a spineless, obsequious cult of drones he has. And he's right about that, and you guys just continue to zombie on going "yes Master may we have another lie". Even the other day he promised he would march with the Thug Riot, then got in his hermetically-sealed limo and drove literally the other direction to the safety of the White House where he watched them on TV.

He played them the same way he plays you. Y'all are his useful idiots. And the next time, he'll just do it again, forever, as long as you cultists don't GET it.

It was fact.
Maybe they could explain how after the November election where they claimed fraud, they did the same thing all over again January 5th, with I presume an army of poll watchers, and ballot observers to look at every facet of the election.

And without so much as a hint of irregularities, the same result in the special senate election as in the presidential, except the combined margin of victory was even bigger.
The charts show a flood of votes for Biden in the middle of the night.

Case closed.
Could you address the election of January 5th, special senate election.
Republicans had the opportunity to get within 6 feet of every facet of the election process, from the verifying of signatures, to the tabulation of the ballots, to the checking of ID's at the polls.

This was probably the closest watched election in history, and without a hint of fraud. The democrats win in a landslide.

A landslide? What election did you watch? It was 50.2 to 49.8. That's not a landslide. That's BARELY winning. Even auto-recount territory.
Biden won by 8 million votes and 70 electors.

Trump called an election that he LOST the popular vote with that same number of electors a landslide.

Was he lying?
Biden won a swindle. That will be his legacy forever.
Is Biden the first President elected that we know is compromised by our biggest enemy?

You dumb fucking liberal kooks put the CCP in charge of the USA. Congratulations.
It's America! You're allowed to believe anything, no matter how stupid. Is this a Great country, or what?
What the fuck does "face impeachment" mean? Only three presidents have been impeached.
That includes Nixon, dolt
ahhhhh ... but donny will be the FIRST prez to be impeached TWICE,

so there is that. :heehee:
There's that
Haha, and if you believe Biden won the presidency, you have to believe he won more votes than Obama, while winning 212 fewer counties. :laugh2:

A claim so stupid it defies logic. One election has no bearing on any other
Look it up, dope. How many votes did Obama get overall? How many did Biden get overall? How many counties did Obama win? How many counties did Biden win?

How bad did Biden kick Trump's ass?
Anyone who states publicly that Biden legitimately won this election is either a dupe or a traitor. Period.

I've heard that. Of course I heard it from crazy right wingers who will believe any conspiracy theory that comes along.
Generalize much - dumbass?

Not a generalization, even though it wouldn't be too far off. If you still think Trump had the election stolen from him at this point, you are seriously into conspiracy theory territory or certifiably insane. Either way, you would be a Trump supporter.
ROFL! Utter bullshit. Why is that idea absurd now? It's more credible, if anything.

Only for the severely brain dead who still believe the crap Trump spouts.
Also will be first since Andrew Johnson (1869) to not attend the inauguration of his successor. Hoover did, wasn't at all happy about it but he at least didn't run around claiming "FRAUD! FRAUD! AWK"
If you sniveling traitors really believed your own screeching you would have no problem
And yet that "proven fact" was not able to be proven in a court of law.
It was never tried in a court of law, not the least reason for which there are very few courts of actual law left in this country. The left has turned much of the judiciary into their henchmen. Bad shit coming. The Bolsheviks are winning.

Do you think our entire judicial system is corrupt?

Of course you do. Do you think the entire legislative branch is corrupt as well?
Trump didn't lose anything he almost won the house back and he won in a landslide and the two senators in Georgia had their seats stolen with the same phony ballots used in November...but so be it the GOP isn't smart enough and they have no fight in them what so ever so they deserve to have the election stolen from their weak asses....
Just as well they lost in Georgia, They were snakes out to betray Trump. I think there will be a new party formed before 2024, and if they can ban those vote rigging machines, they should be a shoe in. Peoople are sick of the 2 parties and their back room shenanigans.
Trump didn't lose anything he almost won the house back and he won in a landslide and the two senators in Georgia had their seats stolen with the same phony ballots used in November...but so be it the GOP isn't smart enough and they have no fight in them what so ever so they deserve to have the election stolen from their weak asses....
Just as well they lost in Georgia, They were snakes out to betray Trump. I think there will be a new party formed before 2024, and if they can ban those vote rigging machines, they should be a shoe in. Peoople are sick of the 2 parties and their back room shenanigans.

There are no "vote rigging machines". That's utter hallucinatory bullshit.

And to the extent there was "betrayal" in Georgia, that would be from Rump, who was supposed to go there to pump up his party's candidates and instead ran his "poor me" song and dance, obsessed as always with Numero Uno. And it came back to bite him in the ass, and we hope it hurt. A LOT.
Is Biden the first President elected that we know is compromised by our biggest enemy?

You dumb fucking liberal kooks put the CCP in charge of the USA. Congratulations.
It's America! You're allowed to believe anything, no matter how stupid. Is this a Great country, or what?
They can beleive anything they want...but they DON'T get to kill people or try to overthrow the government based on their fantasies
Is Biden the first President elected that we know is compromised by our biggest enemy?

You dumb fucking liberal kooks put the CCP in charge of the USA. Congratulations.
It's America! You're allowed to believe anything, no matter how stupid. Is this a Great country, or what?
Yeah, you can even believe the election was "free and fair," but if you believe it wasn't, then you aren't allowed to tell anyone.
Is Biden the first President elected that we know is compromised by our biggest enemy?

You dumb fucking liberal kooks put the CCP in charge of the USA. Congratulations.
It's America! You're allowed to believe anything, no matter how stupid. Is this a Great country, or what?
They can beleive anything they want...but they DON'T get to kill people or try to overthrow the government based on their fantasies
You mean the way BLM and Antifa killed people in Seattle and Portland?

BTW, douchebag, no one tried to overthrow the government. That's leftwing propaganda designed to impose the one party state.

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