First president since 1932 to lose his party the White House, Senate and the House in one term

Yep that is called mass voter fraud for Biden. And there no explanation for the GOP winning all 27 toss up congressional races and how many did they flip, 12 or 15....which shows all that there was no support for Dems down ballot and cheaters were only concerned with Biden.

--- which means that the first line of your fantasy is complete bullshit.

Because I'm sure they went "let's change all these Rump votes to Biden and while we're at it let's elect all these Republicans. Yeah that's a good idea".

What a load of fucking dumbasses.
In a very strange way, the situation in America is similar to '32. Big doubts about the economy and the value of currency. "Right" and "left" in vocal opposition with notes of physical confrontation. Threatening foreign powers. Isolationism. Of course, today's candidates are miniature figures in comparison.

I don't see a "right and left in vocal opposition" at all. I see a Personality Cult, stirring shit.
Last time this happened was when Republican Herbert Hoover (the president during the Great Depression) lost to Democrat Franklin Roosevelt.

It took 20 years for the Republican Party to win back the presidency!
First election where the major media outlets actually colluded to censor the President of the United States.
Paint a fucking wall, Bitch.
That was a response to my post?
Yup, it sure was. Here, Martha will help your sorry ass get back to work.
Last time this happened was when Republican Herbert Hoover (the President during the Great Depression) lost to Democrat Franklin Roosevelt.

It took 20 years for the Republican Party to win back the presidency!
Weird huh...more irregularities.
First President to fight all of academia, lame stream media, social media, tech giants, grand scale mail in voting, a Democrat concocted booger movement, 20-40 million from Mexico, a Chinese formulated Democrat Virus.
Holy fucking shit...who would have thought.
--- which means that the first line of your fantasy is complete bullshit.

Because I'm sure they went "let's change all these Rump votes to Biden and while we're at it let's elect all these Republicans. Yeah that's a good idea".

What a load of fucking dumbasses.
Click here for Republican definition of "mass voter fraud":
Last time this happened was when Republican Herbert Hoover (the President during the Great Depression) lost to Democrat Franklin Roosevelt.

It took 20 years for the Republican Party to win back the presidency!

Also first POTUS since the memorable Benjamin Harrison (the only other one, 1888/1892) to have lost the popular vote TWICE.

Also will be first since Andrew Johnson (1869) to not attend the inauguration of his successor. Hoover did, wasn't at all happy about it but he at least didn't run around claiming "FRAUD! FRAUD! AWK"

And soon to be the only one ever to be impeached twice. Which is gonna look really weird in the history books way down the road.

Which leads us to today's trivia question:

If Grover Cleveland gets counted as two different Presidents (1884/1892), should Rump be counted as two different impeached Presidents?

Actually, republicans have created a fraud machine so inefficient that they may never get elected to anything again.
Of course not, because anything w/it's foundation built on lies, paranoia and racist bigotry is destined to collapse.
Yep that is called mass voter fraud for Biden. And there no explanation for the GOP winning all 27 toss up congressional races and how many did they flip, 12 or 15....which shows all that there was no support for Dems down ballot and cheaters were only concerned with Biden.
They were concerned with Georgia too.
Last time this happened was when Republican Herbert Hoover (the President during the Great Depression) lost to Democrat Franklin Roosevelt.

It took 20 years for the Republican Party to win back the presidency!

Also first POTUS since the memorable Benjamin Harrison (the only other one) to have lost the popular vote TWICE.

And soon to be the only one ever to be impeached twice. Which is gonna look really weird in the history books way down the road.
Trump is the only president ever confronted with a communist take over.
Communists have created a fraud machine so efficient that a republican may never again be elected to anything.
Actually, republicans have created a fraud machine so inefficient that they may never get elected to anything again.
Obviously you don't understand the term.
Obviously I do.
Lol, no.

Just... No.

LOL! Obviously I do.

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