First road closure under Shutnado

You people wanted a government shutdown, live with it. You think that you can just shut down the government and arrange it so the consequences fall only on those you don't like?

Something to think about. A number of Interstates pass through military bases. The bases own those roads, and can shut them down at will. I-5 at Fort Lewis is one example. After 17Oct13, who knows what will happen?

You're missing the point. If the park rangers and cops are willing to arrest people and threaten to crack heads over looking at a WW2 memorial or Yellowstone or shutting down roads just to prove a point and not tell their superiors to fuck off because it is wrong, when will they decide that doing the right thing is more important than getting that pay check?

It's a very real concern to have considering just how short of a distance it is from "it's not my call. I'm only doing my job" to "I was merely following orders."
Apparently there should only consequences when Democrats do stupid shit.

It makes more sense to me that a fake shutdown of the government would have no consequences that make it more dangerous for kids to go to school. Then again, I have always been against the government actually owning land, and then being able to open, or close, it on a whim.
You people wanted a government shutdown, live with it. You think that you can just shut down the government and arrange it so the consequences fall only on those you don't like?

Something to think about. A number of Interstates pass through military bases. The bases own those roads, and can shut them down at will. I-5 at Fort Lewis is one example. After 17Oct13, who knows what will happen?

Yes, I wanted the government shutdown.

Now you can see why, yet you are still saying the government is right.
What part of Govt. shutdown do you people not understand?

What part of "This is a fucking public road" do you not understand? The taxes that pay for that are still coming in, even with the fake shutdown, but they decided to spend the money on closing it.
Like I said, the President has been playing nice so far. We should start with the FAA. Close it down, ground every aircraft in the US.

He has been playing nice? I suggest you need a new dictionary.

By the way, the FAA is appropriated through ticket sales, not Congress. I would love Obama to order it shutdown because the media wouldn't be able to hide the truth if he did.
A guess certain members of Congress of the Republican persuasion oughtta finally do something then, eh?
A guess certain members of Congress of the Republican persuasion oughtta finally do something then, eh?

Impeach fuckwad Obama?

Great idea!

Hey, I'd LOVE that! I'm sure a lot my left-leaning friends on here would, too.

What say you, fellow libs? Should the House GOP, at the absolute nadir of their popularity, bring up articles of impeachment against the President?
Hey, I'd LOVE that! I'm sure a lot my left-leaning friends on here would, too.

What say you, fellow libs? Should the House GOP, at the absolute nadir of their popularity, bring up articles of impeachment against the President?

I'd call blockading an American town an act of treason.

I know the Constitution is like salt on a slug to you leftists, but...

Article I

Section 9

Clause 6: No Preference shall be given by any Regulation of Commerce or Revenue to the Ports of one State over those of another: nor shall Vessels bound to, or from, one State, be obliged to enter, clear, or pay Duties in another.

Fuckwad Obama has crossed the line with this Barrycade.
You people wanted a government shutdown, live with it. You think that you can just shut down the government and arrange it so the consequences fall only on those you don't like?

Something to think about. A number of Interstates pass through military bases. The bases own those roads, and can shut them down at will. I-5 at Fort Lewis is one example. After 17Oct13, who knows what will happen?

Then shut the fucking government DOWN! No pick-n-choose. Everything...DOWN! Including all those Congressional offices...
What is being done is unmitigated, petty bullshit.
Hey, I'd LOVE that! I'm sure a lot my left-leaning friends on here would, too.

What say you, fellow libs? Should the House GOP, at the absolute nadir of their popularity, bring up articles of impeachment against the President?

I'd call blockading an American town an act of treason.

I know the Constitution is like salt on a slug to you leftists, but...

Article I

Section 9

Clause 6: No Preference shall be given by any Regulation of Commerce or Revenue to the Ports of one State over those of another: nor shall Vessels bound to, or from, one State, be obliged to enter, clear, or pay Duties in another.

Fuckwad Obama has crossed the line with this Barrycade.

Well, you better get them on it then, Sparky.

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