First road closure under Shutnado

What part of Govt. shutdown do you people not understand?

What part of "This is a fucking public road" do you not understand? The taxes that pay for that are still coming in, even with the fake shutdown, but they decided to spend the money on closing it.

The fact that government apparently has money to fund personnel to blockade public access is an interesting aspect of the "shut down".
So, democrats support the direct targeting of children. Thought they were against child violence. Stranding children away from their parents is about as violent as it gets.

The deliberate and intentional targeting of children isn't required to reduce or restrict services.
So, democrats support the direct targeting of children. Thought they were against child violence. Stranding children away from their parents is about as violent as it gets.

The deliberate and intentional targeting of children isn't required to reduce or restrict services.

Face it, these are no doubt conservative parents and the children are better served being placed in government (read: liberal) indoctrination camps. Public schools are not doing the job adequately any more.
You know, there is a law for keeping Congress from enacting laws that target specific groups of people, or even specific regions of people.

But since we've allowed this Administration to kill Americans without court orders, I guess this little action is mild by comparison.

3 trillion dollars in government spending, and the Obama ensures that ONLY closure of government is the one that harms ordinary citizens.

Some kind of President you libs have there...
Like I said, the President has been playing nice so far. We should start with the FAA. Close it down, ground every aircraft in the US.

Spoken like a true commie ass hole. You folks keep pushing you're likely to find out what the second amendment is all about.
What part of Govt. shutdown do you people not understand?

The commies said they wouldn't close through roads, I guess you just can't trust commies. Yet your dear leader is always saying give me what I want now and "trust me, we'll talk", more fucking commie lies.
Now you understand why the left wants roads and infrastructure under 'Federal Auspices' instead of the states responsibility.

After all, if a group of people get out of hand, they can (and are proving it pretty effectively) simply shut down movement in a specific region. Control the movement of the Population and you have pretty much effective control over their lives.
I'm interested in this email supposedly instructing federal workers to 'make life as difficult as possible'.
I can only find reference back to a statement by one park ranger.
Are there any others?
Has the email been posted somewhere on the intertubes?
If the people at lake Mead have to leave their homes on federal land, then why is maobama and slow joe allowed to live in their homes on federal land? I guess the rules don't apply to the elites.
What part of Govt. shutdown do you people not understand?

What part of "This is a fucking public road" do you not understand? The taxes that pay for that are still coming in, even with the fake shutdown, but they decided to spend the money on closing it.

Not to mention: I would bet that either the state of Tennessee or the county maintains it!
I'm interested in this email supposedly instructing federal workers to 'make life as difficult as possible'.
I can only find reference back to a statement by one park ranger.
Are there any others?
Has the email been posted somewhere on the intertubes?

Apparently there should only consequences when Democrats do stupid shit.

Idiot. These are the consequences of Democrats doing stupid shit.

You guys are in an ideological war and you are losing. What is so ironic is that you actually believe you are winning, the same way you believed without a doubt that Romney was going to beat Obama.

I want you to take a minute to think about this, so you can truly understand how much trouble the Republican Party is in. In 2012, you had a sitting president with the worst economic record since Herbert Hoover running for reelection. You had a country that we have been told over and over again that is more conservative than liberal. And the man running for reelection was "black". Not that Obama's being black should be a reason for him to be or not be reelected, but the simple fact is that there is a certain percentage of Americans who would not vote for a black person for president even if it was Jesus himself.

Republicans could not have asked for a more vulnerable candidate, and Romney should have won the popular vote by ten points easily and should have won in an electoral landslide. What happened? Obama won pretty handily although some states were very close. When you think about everything Republicans had going for them and everything Dems had going against them, how was it possible that Obama was reelected and that Dems increased their majority in the Senate? The answer is simple. America is not as conservative as you all would like to believe, and it's turning more and more liberal every day. That's not to say liberalism will be a big winner here, but it does show us that ultra conservatism, whether from Tea Party types or the Social Conservatives is being rejected in a very big way.
You people wanted a government shutdown, live with it. You think that you can just shut down the government and arrange it so the consequences fall only on those you don't like?

Something to think about. A number of Interstates pass through military bases. The bases own those roads, and can shut them down at will. I-5 at Fort Lewis is one example. After 17Oct13, who knows what will happen?

No, we didn't want to fund obamacare.


You scum said, we don't care what the majority wants, we don't care what the law says, we don't care about the constitution, you are going to eat this and like it.

They're working hard to trigger violence, so they can declare war on the people who won't support them.
You people wanted a government shutdown, live with it. You think that you can just shut down the government and arrange it so the consequences fall only on those you don't like?

Something to think about. A number of Interstates pass through military bases. The bases own those roads, and can shut them down at will. I-5 at Fort Lewis is one example. After 17Oct13, who knows what will happen?

No, we didn't want to fund obamacare.


You scum said, we don't care what the majority wants, we don't care what the law says, we don't care about the constitution, you are going to eat this and like it.

They're working hard to trigger violence, so they can declare war on the people who won't support them.

How are you so certain that the majority didn't want Obamacare?
You people wanted a government shutdown, live with it. You think that you can just shut down the government and arrange it so the consequences fall only on those you don't like?

Something to think about. A number of Interstates pass through military bases. The bases own those roads, and can shut them down at will. I-5 at Fort Lewis is one example. After 17Oct13, who knows what will happen?

No, we didn't want to fund obamacare.


You scum said, we don't care what the majority wants, we don't care what the law says, we don't care about the constitution, you are going to eat this and like it.

They're working hard to trigger violence, so they can declare war on the people who won't support them.

How are you so certain that the majority didn't want Obamacare?

Only half of them voted for it in Congress. Or perhaps you didn't see the polls stating that the majority opposed it? What majority? Geez, educate yourself.
There has never been a majority. And they certainly don't want it now they have gotten a taste of the nation destroying changes it is bringing about.

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