First satelite imagery of attack

I read it's considered a "tertiary" airfield and there were aircraft coming and going from there today. This was meant to make us believe drumpf isn't in Pooting' back pocket.

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I don't know what you were looking at but that was at least 15 feet of reinforced concrete in an arched form. It's a bunker, designed to take these exact type of hits.

They sure didn't do well.

Syria missile attack: Satellite photos show major damage to airfields
Published April 07, 2017
Satellite images released Friday of the Syrian air base that was pounded with 59 U.S. Tomahawk missiles show large-scale destruction to airfields, planes and fueling facilities allegedly used by the Assad regime to mount chemical weapons attacks.

However, the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that Syrian warplanes were able to take off from the base and carry out airstrikes in the countryside near Homs.

Shayrat air base was "almost completely destroyed" by the barrage of 1,000-pound warheads launched from the Eastern Mediterranean Sea early Friday, according to a human rights group in the country.

Video and images.
Syria missile attack: Satellite photos show major damage to airfields

Satellite photo's of damage start at about 2:00 minutes.
Drone footage, satellite images reveal damage to Syrian base
So it appears drumpf missed the aircraft but killed children in the strike?

Let's wait for this to be confirmed but holly shit talk about an incompetent president.
Mean while your ilk evicted 1 million fetuses from their homes.
Preach me a sermon pablo.





We have an ilk! Can we hear a minion?

I gotta say, if there were a million fetuses in my home, I'd evict them too.

Anyway, back to Drumpf's incompetence and his latest attention-getting-device. Do you think he'd leave a million fetuses lying around his golf resort? Or would he evict them? Whatcha think?

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This is Russian footage of the attack, but it shows no aircraft destroyed and none of the hardened aircraft shelters hit. They also claim it proves that only 23 of the missiles hit near the base. If that is the case, then either the attack had terrible execution, or it was intentionally designed not to destroy a single target.

Why is the pentagon taking such a long time to publicly release its own satelite imagery? It was a publicity stunt of course. It cost 100 million dollars and almost 2% of the US tomahawk missile arsenal, and did literally nothing. They are not showing proof of damage, because there was none

Duplicitous, lying scum.... you're a shill propagandist for the opposition... Not credible or even plausible video so in the end inconsequential ....

Did you even watch the video????

Drumpf may has well have just dropped 50 tons of Big Mac combos from McDonalds on the base. Would've done the same thing.

From the look of recent pics of King Cheeto, there just ain't no way he'd give up 50 tons of McDs garbage.

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To put it the way Tramp would say it, 20 aircraft according to the people who said there were WMD in Iraq.

I take it you do know that they were found as well as 550 tonnes of yellow cake which was shipped to Canada for safe storage.
So it appears drumpf missed the aircraft but killed children in the strike?

Let's wait for this to be confirmed but holly shit talk about an incompetent president.
Mean while your ilk evicted 1 million fetuses from their homes.
Preach me a sermon pablo.





We have an ilk! Can we hear a minion?

I gotta say, if there were a million fetuses in my home, I'd evict them too.

Anyway, back to Drumpf's incompetence and his latest attention-getting-device. Do you think he'd leave a million fetuses lying around his golf resort? Or would he evict them? Whatcha think?

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obviously when I said ga ga goo goo I was going to fast for you.
So it appears drumpf missed the aircraft but killed children in the strike?

Let's wait for this to be confirmed but holly shit talk about an incompetent president.
Mean while your ilk evicted 1 million fetuses from their homes.
Preach me a sermon pablo.





We have an ilk! Can we hear a minion?

I gotta say, if there were a million fetuses in my home, I'd evict them too.

Anyway, back to Drumpf's incompetence and his latest attention-getting-device. Do you think he'd leave a million fetuses lying around his golf resort? Or would he evict them? Whatcha think?

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obviously when I said ga ga goo goo I was going to fast for you.

Well then how about you post on topic and just type reeel slow?

Why do you believe differently than the OP? Why do you believe blowing up dirt is to our tactical advantage? Why do you think that will have effect on Assad's treatment of his own people.

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I read it's considered a "tertiary" airfield and there were aircraft coming and going from there today. This was meant to make believe drumpf isn't in Pooting' back pocket.

There was no effort made to destroy the air strips. A big hole can just be filled and repaired in hours.
Why are you so desperate to paint a fake picture of the damage? Is it still that painful that President Donald Trump won the election?

Video of damage to base starts at about 2:00 minutes.

Hey mate, I'm just stating the facts and backing them up with evidence. Got to fight the pentagon military-industrial complex propaganda one way or another, even if it means an uphill battle.
Why are you so desperate to paint a fake picture of the damage? Is it still that painful that President Donald Trump won the election?

Video of damage to base starts at about 2:00 minutes.

Hey mate, I'm just stating the facts and backing them up with evidence. Got to fight the pentagon military-industrial complex propaganda one way or another, even if it means an uphill battle.
It doesn't really matter!!! minimal or major damage.... totally irrelevant... in the bigger picture.... the ramifications, implications, repercussions, reaffirmations on promises... That is really the only thing worth discussing here...

For instance how is this going to impact Xi's perception on promises Trump made on N Korea.... Iran on Israel etc.
the ramifications, implications, repercussions, reaffirmations on promises... That is really the only thing worth discussing here...

Okay, well Russia is sending more money to Syria. Ramping up Syria's anti-air defenses. Increasing its own naval presence.

For instance how is this going to impact Xi's perception on promises Trump made on N Korea.... Iran on Israel etc.

It wont. Attacking North Korea would cause millions of civilians to die. The pentagon would never consider it, and the Chinese know it.

Iran probably wont change much. They might increase their long range naval patrols and UAV surveillance to provide security in case of a cruise missile strike like this happening on themselves. This might be used by their defense ministry as justification to increase production of their long range anti-ship missiles.
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the ramifications, implications, repercussions, reaffirmations on promises... That is really the only thing worth discussing here...

Okay, well Russia is sending more money to Syria. Ramping up Syria's anti-air defenses. Increasing its own naval presence.

For instance how is this going to impact Xi's perception on promises Trump made on N Korea.... Iran on Israel etc.

It wont. Attacking North Korea would cause millions of civilians to die. The pentagon would never consider it, and the Chinese know it.

Iran probably wont change much. They might increase their long range naval patrols and UAV surveillance to provide security in case of a cruise missile strike like this happening on themselves. This might be used by their defense ministry as justification to increase production of their long range anti-ship missiles.

Lets start with Russia...

Russians have been testing Trump’s resolve since he became president. The supposed Russiagate during the election remains, until proven otherwise, a myth perpetuated by Dems for self-serving political ends. The Russians took responsibility for disposing of Syria’s chemical weapons. Trump has let them know he expects them to uphold their end of the bargain and that there will be real consequences for negligence.

Last week, the Trump administration appeared to accept Assad’s permanence in power. That may have been a trial balloon, to see whether he would respond positively. When Assad allegedly accelerated his attacks instead, that sent a signal that he could not be trusted, and would not respect the WH for its tolerance. The new strategy is “regime change” following the defeat of the ISIS... kind of a quandary there putting the horse before the cart as ISIS should be priority #1
If that works out it will be brilliant
This is called "gunboat diplomacy" you stupid motherfuckers. The point is now how much damage you do, the point is to send a message. The message was sent, and Syria and Russia got it, loud and clear: Trump is trying to work out a deal with Syria and Russia to defeat ISIS, but he will not be fucked with.
This is Russian footage of the attack, but it shows no aircraft destroyed and none of the hardened aircraft shelters hit. They also claim it proves that only 23 of the missiles hit near the base. If that is the case, then either the attack had terrible execution, or it was intentionally designed not to destroy a single target.

Why is the pentagon taking such a long time to publicly release its own satelite imagery? It was a publicity stunt of course. It cost 100 million dollars and almost 2% of the US tomahawk missile arsenal, and did literally nothing. They are not showing proof of damage, because there was none

Our missles are pin point, so if this is real--they didn't hit any targets of value and it was purposefully done for the show.
We have the best military in the world and it's high tech. most of us cannot relate to..... I don't believe for a second we missed less any shot down.
Was there a claim by the Administration or the Pentagon that they were going after aircraft?
Best case scenario they spent 100 million to destroy 10 million dollars in aircraft.

Why are you so desperate to paint a fake picture of the damage? Is it still that painful that President Donald Trump won the election?

Video of damage to base starts at about 2:00 minutes.
Drone footage, satellite images reveal damage to Syrian base

I'm sorry. Shemp Smitts video does not Zoom in? He has a map with colored circles drawn on it. I have seen it in a few messages. There have been a few small pics that showed twisted metal in an bunker sort of deal? But no date/time stamp? We have been lied to for 8 straight years and most of 50 years. I would like more evidence.

but as the other poster is the message that was most important? correct?
The pentagon just isn't trustworthy. Never has been. None of us have even heard of this random general that released this 20 planes shot down statement.

I don't trust the Russian defense ministry either, but their claim is substantiated by video and photo evidence. The next day the only wreckage shown on the base are MiG-23 Floggers (1.8 million), the only 6 aircraft the Russians claimed were hit. They have been releasing images all day of the aircraft shelters intact or with minimal damage.

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