First the Knockout Game, Now this! Warning alert for Christmas!

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Not bad enough that we have the "Knock Out" groups now we have the "Sliders"

This is an excellent example of how car burglars / thieves can take advantage of any situation, even the few seconds at a gas station while someone is getting gas. With the Christmas season just around the corner please be a bit more vigilant about things around you.

Beware! Car burglars have thought of a new way to get your valuables out your car. Car burglars, known as 'Sliders' are snatching valuables from cars. Here's a precautionary video. Pass it along, it’s a new way car burglars can steal valuables from cars.

[ame=]'Sliders' Snatching Valuables From Cars Across US - YouTube[/ame]

This was sent to me this morning by a good friend. I believe this will no doubt continue after Christmas Holiday nevertheless be on the alert and don't let them catch you off guard.
Well What do expect? The thugs need xmas presents too, you cant expect them to go out and work for thier gifts do you?
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Keep a Dog in the car and those nigga thugs wont go near it.
Good to know.

I don't really care about any material property in my car. I don't carry around much. But I tend to lock my doors to keep my daughter safe.
Basically, if you see a black dude and a felony car in the same gas station lot, be ready to clock one with something they won't recover from.
Better yet, get a animal trap and put that in your purse using that purse as bait. You could probably put skittles and some malt liquor in their as extra incentive. Anchor 1 end of the trap to your car, leave the door unlocked, go in the gas station and watch the fun. Next, come out and stomp it's guts out.
Not bad enough that we have the "Knock Out" groups now we have the "Sliders"

This is an excellent example of how car burglars / thieves can take advantage of any situation, even the few seconds at a gas station while someone is getting gas. With the Christmas season just around the corner please be a bit more vigilant about things around you.

Beware! Car burglars have thought of a new way to get your valuables out your car. Car burglars, known as 'Sliders' are snatching valuables from cars. Here's a precautionary video. Pass it along, it’s a new way car burglars can steal valuables from cars.

'Sliders' Snatching Valuables From Cars Across US - YouTube

This was sent to me this morning by a good friend. I believe this will no doubt continue after Christmas Holiday nevertheless be on the alert and don't let them catch you off guard.

I always lock my car as I am pumping gas. Always have. Thanks for the video :)
If we all keep our doors locked, even when getting gas standing right beside the car, isn't it racist?

Seems like common sense to me. At least if you want to protect what you have from those who might take advantage.

But then I don't see race in everything in the world. Im sure there are some that will argue that.
My favorite is the carjack where they throw the parents out of car, run over 1, and take off with 2 kids in the back screaming and then toss them out at 35. That's what some ******* in NM did to my friends. Mother is now addicted to pain killers because of the injuries sustained at the hands of black trash. They were never found.
You're comparing this to the knockout game?

Absolutely, Alf! Crime is crime! First the criminals were catching their victims off guard with the knockgame.. now the criminals are catching their victims off guard with this Sliders business. I'm surprised you didn't recognize the correlation straight away!

Note that all the fuel doors on the cars in the surveillance videos are on the driver side of the car.

Anyhow, with keyless entry standard on most cars nowadays, keeping your stuff locked up is easier than ever.
Not bad enough that we have the "Knock Out" groups now we have the "Sliders"

This is an excellent example of how car burglars / thieves can take advantage of any situation, even the few seconds at a gas station while someone is getting gas. With the Christmas season just around the corner please be a bit more vigilant about things around you.

Beware! Car burglars have thought of a new way to get your valuables out your car. Car burglars, known as 'Sliders' are snatching valuables from cars. Here's a precautionary video. Pass it along, it’s a new way car burglars can steal valuables from cars.

'Sliders' Snatching Valuables From Cars Across US - YouTube

This was sent to me this morning by a good friend. I believe this will no doubt continue after Christmas Holiday nevertheless be on the alert and don't let them catch you off guard.

This has been around for a while. I always lock the doors, other than the driver's side when I stop to get gas, even when it isn't Christmas....just makes sense, to be careful of people who re going around looking to see who they can rob.

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