First they came for the billionaires...

Dodge boy stop dodging from your first assertion
BTW you wanted to take all his money
No, I just would impose fair taxes on rich people and companies.
Rich people already pay more taxes than you.
Their entire fucking day is about avoiding taxes and complaining of government, taxes, poor people, how disgusting all that is. Send them to Pluto. They don´t have to care for money a single second in their entire lives but this is literally all they do. Fuck them.
As long as they keep you employed what does it fucking matter what they do?
They don´t. Instead, they throw a tantrum, when the traffic light isn´t in their favor - immediately!
Who gives as fuck as long as you get what you earned according to what the job is worth?
No, I just would impose fair taxes on rich people and companies.
Rich people already pay more taxes than you.
Their entire fucking day is about avoiding taxes and complaining of government, taxes, poor people, how disgusting all that is. Send them to Pluto. They don´t have to care for money a single second in their entire lives but this is literally all they do. Fuck them.
As long as they keep you employed what does it fucking matter what they do?
They don´t. Instead, they throw a tantrum, when the traffic light isn´t in their favor - immediately!
Who gives as fuck as long as you get what you earned according to what the job is worth?

That would be great if people actually got paid according to the true economic value of their work.

Instead everyone gets paid about 10% of the value of their work at most.

In the past 50 years worker productivity has grown exponentially and with it the wealth created y their labor. Yet wages and salaries have remained stagnant.

Workers are required to have ever increasing levels of education and job skills yet their salaries and wages remain flat.

It now takes 2 college educated people with job skills far beyond their college education to live a middle-class existence. Almost all live in debt and pay check to pay check.

This is NOT the way it used to be and this is NOT the way it should be. Working people are being ripped off each and every day of their lives. They need to wake up and put a stop to it - thru whatever means needed.
Communist Lizzy Cheekbones is coming after US wealth, starting with the billionaires on the theory that it will only take a few billionaires to fund both her $52 Trillion Mediscam for All and $90 Trillion Green New Deal.

She, being a complete fucking psychopath and fraud, has no respect for the notion of Private Property.

Can't wait to toss the Stalinist democrats on the ash heap of current events
Who are you referring to? Gotta link?
Rich people already pay more taxes than you.
Their entire fucking day is about avoiding taxes and complaining of government, taxes, poor people, how disgusting all that is. Send them to Pluto. They don´t have to care for money a single second in their entire lives but this is literally all they do. Fuck them.
As long as they keep you employed what does it fucking matter what they do?
They don´t. Instead, they throw a tantrum, when the traffic light isn´t in their favor - immediately!
Who gives as fuck as long as you get what you earned according to what the job is worth?

That would be great if people actually got paid according to the true economic value of their work.

Instead everyone gets paid about 10% of the value of their work at most.

In the past 50 years worker productivity has grown exponentially and with it the wealth created y their labor. Yet wages and salaries have remained stagnant.

Workers are required to have ever increasing levels of education and job skills yet their salaries and wages remain flat.

It now takes 2 college educated people with job skills far beyond their college education to live a middle-class existence. Almost all live in debt and pay check to pay check.

This is NOT the way it used to be and this is NOT the way it should be. Working people are being ripped off each and every day of their lives. They need to wake up and put a stop to it - thru whatever means needed.
People aren't paid by what they feel they are worth they are paid according to what the employer thinks the job is worth.
Their entire fucking day is about avoiding taxes and complaining of government, taxes, poor people, how disgusting all that is. Send them to Pluto. They don´t have to care for money a single second in their entire lives but this is literally all they do. Fuck them.
As long as they keep you employed what does it fucking matter what they do?
They don´t. Instead, they throw a tantrum, when the traffic light isn´t in their favor - immediately!
Who gives as fuck as long as you get what you earned according to what the job is worth?

That would be great if people actually got paid according to the true economic value of their work.

Instead everyone gets paid about 10% of the value of their work at most.

In the past 50 years worker productivity has grown exponentially and with it the wealth created y their labor. Yet wages and salaries have remained stagnant.

Workers are required to have ever increasing levels of education and job skills yet their salaries and wages remain flat.

It now takes 2 college educated people with job skills far beyond their college education to live a middle-class existence. Almost all live in debt and pay check to pay check.

This is NOT the way it used to be and this is NOT the way it should be. Working people are being ripped off each and every day of their lives. They need to wake up and put a stop to it - thru whatever means needed.
People aren't paid by what they feel they are worth they are paid according to what the employer thinks the job is worth.


If left up to employers, employees would get paid NOTHING - no matter how productive they are.

Do you seriously believe that employers evaluate a workers true value and pay them accordingly?


The more valuable a worker is the LESS an employer wants to pay them. They want them financially desparate so that the employer can continue to maximize profit from their labor.

How many times do employers tell a worker:

"I'm grossly underpaying you... you're just so incredibly productive that I'm going to give you a huge raise"

As long as they keep you employed what does it fucking matter what they do?
They don´t. Instead, they throw a tantrum, when the traffic light isn´t in their favor - immediately!
Who gives as fuck as long as you get what you earned according to what the job is worth?

That would be great if people actually got paid according to the true economic value of their work.

Instead everyone gets paid about 10% of the value of their work at most.

In the past 50 years worker productivity has grown exponentially and with it the wealth created y their labor. Yet wages and salaries have remained stagnant.

Workers are required to have ever increasing levels of education and job skills yet their salaries and wages remain flat.

It now takes 2 college educated people with job skills far beyond their college education to live a middle-class existence. Almost all live in debt and pay check to pay check.

This is NOT the way it used to be and this is NOT the way it should be. Working people are being ripped off each and every day of their lives. They need to wake up and put a stop to it - thru whatever means needed.
People aren't paid by what they feel they are worth they are paid according to what the employer thinks the job is worth.


If left up to employers, employees would get paid NOTHING - no matter how productive they are.

Do you seriously believe that employers evaluate a workers true value and pay them accordingly?


The more valuable a worker is the LESS an employer wants to pay them. They want them financially desparate so that the employer can continue to maximize profit from their labor.

How many times do employers tell a worker:

"I'm grossly underpaying you... you're just so incredibly productive that I'm going to give you a huge raise"

no it's not bullshit and if you held an actual job you would know it's not.
They don´t. Instead, they throw a tantrum, when the traffic light isn´t in their favor - immediately!
Who gives as fuck as long as you get what you earned according to what the job is worth?

That would be great if people actually got paid according to the true economic value of their work.

Instead everyone gets paid about 10% of the value of their work at most.

In the past 50 years worker productivity has grown exponentially and with it the wealth created y their labor. Yet wages and salaries have remained stagnant.

Workers are required to have ever increasing levels of education and job skills yet their salaries and wages remain flat.

It now takes 2 college educated people with job skills far beyond their college education to live a middle-class existence. Almost all live in debt and pay check to pay check.

This is NOT the way it used to be and this is NOT the way it should be. Working people are being ripped off each and every day of their lives. They need to wake up and put a stop to it - thru whatever means needed.
People aren't paid by what they feel they are worth they are paid according to what the employer thinks the job is worth.


If left up to employers, employees would get paid NOTHING - no matter how productive they are.

Do you seriously believe that employers evaluate a workers true value and pay them accordingly?


The more valuable a worker is the LESS an employer wants to pay them. They want them financially desparate so that the employer can continue to maximize profit from their labor.

How many times do employers tell a worker:

"I'm grossly underpaying you... you're just so incredibly productive that I'm going to give you a huge raise"

no it's not bullshit and if you held an actual job you would know it's not.

Guess again fool!

I make a healthy six figure salary working as a systems analyst (i.e. systems administrator, database administrator and network engineer).

But I spent many years working as an electrical engineer on factory floors and I've seen how grossly underpaid workers are. I've seen the differences between union shops and non-union shops. I've seen how employers will abuse workers in everyway possible - if they can get away with it.

I had more education, experience and skills then you or anyone like you can imagine, yet when I returned to this country employers paid me next to nothing - because they recognized that I was in an economically disadvantaged position - despite the fact that they were making millions off my labor. (And yes- talented engineers are worth millions to a company)

It took me years to climb the ladder to the point that I came even close to being paid fairly.

All they need to do is ask how much you were being paid at you're last job and they know that you're desparate.

My only mistake was starting my career by choosing to work for a government contractor overseas at a low salary - that's what I get for having a sense of patriotism.

So don't give me this BULLSHIT about employer paying what employees are worth!
No, I just would impose fair taxes on rich people and companies.
Rich people already pay more taxes than you.
Their entire fucking day is about avoiding taxes and complaining of government, taxes, poor people, how disgusting all that is. Send them to Pluto. They don´t have to care for money a single second in their entire lives but this is literally all they do. Fuck them.
As long as they keep you employed what does it fucking matter what they do?
They don´t. Instead, they throw a tantrum, when the traffic light isn´t in their favor - immediately!
Who gives as fuck as long as you get what you earned according to what the job is worth?
Why didn´t get a single cent for saving the whole country!
Who gives as fuck as long as you get what you earned according to what the job is worth?

That would be great if people actually got paid according to the true economic value of their work.

Instead everyone gets paid about 10% of the value of their work at most.

In the past 50 years worker productivity has grown exponentially and with it the wealth created y their labor. Yet wages and salaries have remained stagnant.

Workers are required to have ever increasing levels of education and job skills yet their salaries and wages remain flat.

It now takes 2 college educated people with job skills far beyond their college education to live a middle-class existence. Almost all live in debt and pay check to pay check.

This is NOT the way it used to be and this is NOT the way it should be. Working people are being ripped off each and every day of their lives. They need to wake up and put a stop to it - thru whatever means needed.
People aren't paid by what they feel they are worth they are paid according to what the employer thinks the job is worth.


If left up to employers, employees would get paid NOTHING - no matter how productive they are.

Do you seriously believe that employers evaluate a workers true value and pay them accordingly?


The more valuable a worker is the LESS an employer wants to pay them. They want them financially desparate so that the employer can continue to maximize profit from their labor.

How many times do employers tell a worker:

"I'm grossly underpaying you... you're just so incredibly productive that I'm going to give you a huge raise"

no it's not bullshit and if you held an actual job you would know it's not.

Guess again fool!

I make a healthy six figure salary working as a systems analyst (i.e. systems administrator, database administrator and network engineer).

But I spent many years working as an electrical engineer on factory floors and I've seen how grossly underpaid workers are. I've seen the differences between union shops and non-union shops. I've seen how employers will abuse workers in everyway possible - if they can get away with it.

I had more education, experience and skills then you or anyone like you can imagine, yet when I returned to this country employers paid me next to nothing - because they recognized that I was in an economically disadvantaged position - despite the fact that they were making millions off my labor. (And yes- talented engineers are worth millions to a company)

It took me years to climb the ladder to the point that I came even close to being paid fairly.

All they need to do is ask how much you were being paid at you're last job and they know that you're desparate.

My only mistake was starting my career by choosing to work for a government contractor overseas at a low salary - that's what I get for having a sense of patriotism.

So don't give me this BULLSHIT about employer paying what employees are worth!
You're a damn liar. If the company you worked for was not paying you what you were worth, and you were any good at what you did, you could have gone to a competitor and gotten more money. A company is in business to make money and as an employer myself, I pay people what they're worth. If they fuck off all the time, ask for advances, call in sick a lot, and don't have anything to offer, I'm sure as shit not gonna give them a fucking raise. If you're so talented and make millions for companies, you would have been paid accordingly. If you had anything to offer and weren't being paid what you were worth, you're an idiot for staying there. I think, (no, I know), you made up the whole story.
Communist Lizzy Cheekbones is coming after US wealth, starting with the billionaires on the theory that it will only take a few billionaires to fund both her $52 Trillion Mediscam for All and $90 Trillion Green New Deal.

She, being a complete fucking psychopath and fraud, has no respect for the notion of Private Property.

Can't wait to toss the Stalinist democrats on the ash heap of current events

Unfortunately, conservative policies since Reagan have created an economy where a tiny number of people own just about everything. This is NOT justifiable by free market or any other theory of capitalism. Healthy economic competition requires reasonable distribution of wealth.

Instead there has been a gross failure of capitalism - allowing for the creation of a defacto ruling class protected by a corrupted and wholly owned government.

The very 'swamp' that Trumpbots complain about is a result of this wealth distribution. Government by and for the wealthy.

I don't agree that Warren's wealth tax is the best way to fix this, but the continuation of conservative tax policies is insane.

America did great during the 1950s and early 60s when taxes on the wealthy were at their highest. A return to those level of taxation makes a awful lot of sense.

It would if we didn't have the internet, 300 million Americans, the world finally caught up in the 80's after WWII

Those billionaires make all the world's productive enterprises run

Are these the ones that moved their factories and production to take advantage on the low wages, who then took advantage of the trade deals to ship the products formerly made by US workers back to the markets in America? You know, people like President Trumpybear?
Those billionaires make all the world's productive enterprises run

Are these the ones that moved their factories and production to take advantage on the low wages, who then took advantage of the trade deals to ship the products formerly made by US workers back to the markets in America? You know, people like President Trumpybear?
Yes they did, and Obama made it possible.
Those billionaires make all the world's productive enterprises run

Are these the ones that moved their factories and production to take advantage on the low wages, who then took advantage of the trade deals to ship the products formerly made by US workers back to the markets in America? You know, people like President Trumpybear?
Yes they did, and Obama made it possible.

I'm pretty sure Obama was smoking dope at the time.

President Ronald Reagan proposed a North American common market in his 1980 presidential campaign. Europe's common market, dubbed the European Economic Community, had already been initiated with the Treaty of Rome.

In 1984, Congress passed the Trade and Tariff Act, which itself built upon and amended a prior Trade Act of 1974. The 1984 gave enhanced "fast-track" authority to negotiate bilateral free trade agreements, streamlining negotiations.

In 1985, Canadian Prime Minister Mulroney agreed to begin discussions for the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement. Negotiations began in 1986 and it was signed 1988. It went into effect on January 1, 1989, and remained in force until NAFTA replaced it.

History and Purpose of NAFTA
That would be great if people actually got paid according to the true economic value of their work.

Instead everyone gets paid about 10% of the value of their work at most.

In the past 50 years worker productivity has grown exponentially and with it the wealth created y their labor. Yet wages and salaries have remained stagnant.

Workers are required to have ever increasing levels of education and job skills yet their salaries and wages remain flat.

It now takes 2 college educated people with job skills far beyond their college education to live a middle-class existence. Almost all live in debt and pay check to pay check.

This is NOT the way it used to be and this is NOT the way it should be. Working people are being ripped off each and every day of their lives. They need to wake up and put a stop to it - thru whatever means needed.
People aren't paid by what they feel they are worth they are paid according to what the employer thinks the job is worth.


If left up to employers, employees would get paid NOTHING - no matter how productive they are.

Do you seriously believe that employers evaluate a workers true value and pay them accordingly?


The more valuable a worker is the LESS an employer wants to pay them. They want them financially desparate so that the employer can continue to maximize profit from their labor.

How many times do employers tell a worker:

"I'm grossly underpaying you... you're just so incredibly productive that I'm going to give you a huge raise"

no it's not bullshit and if you held an actual job you would know it's not.

Guess again fool!

I make a healthy six figure salary working as a systems analyst (i.e. systems administrator, database administrator and network engineer).

But I spent many years working as an electrical engineer on factory floors and I've seen how grossly underpaid workers are. I've seen the differences between union shops and non-union shops. I've seen how employers will abuse workers in everyway possible - if they can get away with it.

I had more education, experience and skills then you or anyone like you can imagine, yet when I returned to this country employers paid me next to nothing - because they recognized that I was in an economically disadvantaged position - despite the fact that they were making millions off my labor. (And yes- talented engineers are worth millions to a company)

It took me years to climb the ladder to the point that I came even close to being paid fairly.

All they need to do is ask how much you were being paid at you're last job and they know that you're desparate.

My only mistake was starting my career by choosing to work for a government contractor overseas at a low salary - that's what I get for having a sense of patriotism.

So don't give me this BULLSHIT about employer paying what employees are worth!
You're a damn liar. If the company you worked for was not paying you what you were worth, and you were any good at what you did, you could have gone to a competitor and gotten more money. A company is in business to make money and as an employer myself, I pay people what they're worth. If they fuck off all the time, ask for advances, call in sick a lot, and don't have anything to offer, I'm sure as shit not gonna give them a fucking raise. If you're so talented and make millions for companies, you would have been paid accordingly. If you had anything to offer and weren't being paid what you were worth, you're an idiot for staying there. I think, (no, I know), you made up the whole story.

Your a lying bag of shit that doesn't have a clue. Employers will pay as little as they can possibly get away with. They will take advantage of employees as much as they can possibly can.

I didn't stay in any one place long, I moved back to the U.S. and moved to several different states - each time the employer knew that I was in a disadvantaged position and had to accept whatever they offered. Eventually I job hopped to higher paying jobs, but that took years.

Surprisingly employers don't hire job hoppers, an employee has to stick it out for a year or so before job hopping.

Your concept of the employment market is totally false - there's not always a competitor next store looking to hire - especially in the manufacturing sector where employers are desperate to hold down wages and salaries.

I know that you like to project myths that justify the 'market value' basis for wages and salaries, but those are just myths.
LefTard Logic:
“Obey the other masters, the ones telling you to smile as you give your wealth away to wetbacks and filthy degenerates...they make way more sense.”
Best way not to appear Wacist.
But we are all Wacist come election time.........always.........

But when >90% of blacks voted for a kinda black president they weren’t being WACIST at all...ain’t that right Golfing Gator ?
Is Gator gone golfing on this thread........he must have iggied me then cause I've been trashing him lol

No, I was not part of this thread. BL has a hardon for me and brings me up in threads at least a dozen times a week, and he always makes sure to link to my name so that I will get a notification, he wants me to know how much he thinks about me. It was a little odd at first to have a male so smitten with me, but over time I have gotten used to it.

It's more than odd.

It's creepy.
Employers will pay as little as they can possibly get away with.
Of course they pay as little as possible, moron. They're in business to make money, not to make you rich.

I didn't stay in any one place long, I moved back to the U.S. and moved to several different states - each time the employer knew that I was in a disadvantaged position and had to accept whatever they offered.
And whose fault is that? Why would an employer pay you any more than they had to, knowing you were just gonna quit after a few months? Again, they're in business to make money, not waste it.

Surprisingly employers don't hire job hoppers, an employee has to stick it out for a year or so before job hopping.
Why is that surprising?

Your concept of the employment market is totally false - there's not always a competitor next store looking to hire - especially in the manufacturing sector where employers are desperate to hold down wages and salaries.
If people are willing to work for less money than you are, why should the employer hire you over them? If you can't live on what the market in your chosen industry dictates, maybe you chose the wrong industry.

I know that you like to project myths that justify the 'market value' basis for wages and salaries, but those are just myths.
No, I just live in the real world.

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