First time I put a product back on the shelf

Actually Biden's and the Democrat's policies are responsible for the fact that companies can't find employees because nobody wants to work. That's what's causing the shortages, high prices. lower-quality products

You got that right. Yesterday after shoveling the driveways, we decided to have a pizza party and I called my usual shop to order about $50 worth of stuff. The owner apologized and said he would not have a driver to deliver for over an hour but I was happy to wait. He said that he can't get drivers paying them even $15.00 an hour! I always tip extra well figuring it is bad enough with Covid but cold and snow as well. Some sorry dude showed up who looked in a bad way, could hardly make it, so I was glad to him a $9 tip. Hopefully the place will keep going so I can get take out delivered still in the future.
I had sticker shock today. My big box grocery usually carries gluten free matzoh. I haven't had them in a while, but remember them being a tad more expensive than the regular, maybe $6.50/box. Today, they were $9.79. I did a double take. What the actual fuck?

My sister came back from her store, a big box a little further upstate NY: no eggs, no produce?

democrats: make America Venezuela!
Our local store is VERY low on dairy products

What the hell is going on? Explain to me when anything from food to housing hasn't gone up & down no mater what party holds the White House. Over all Everything has been going up for ever. We have a pandemic folks! Be grateful your alive & not sick. What's all this blame the other political party for everything Don't dare look at your watch or fart, things like that are now earth shattering news. Not much shortage where I live, but so what? Shipping is going to be tough for a while. Put on your big boy pants.

I had sticker shock today. My big box grocery usually carries gluten free matzoh. I haven't had them in a while, but remember them being a tad more expensive than the regular, maybe $6.50/box. Today, they were $9.79. I did a double take. What the actual fuck?

My sister came back from her store, a big box a little further upstate NY: no eggs, no produce?

democrats: make America Venezuela!
Republicans: Profits over People.

Get on to reality someday Frank.
I had sticker shock today. My big box grocery usually carries gluten free matzoh. I haven't had them in a while, but remember them being a tad more expensive than the regular, maybe $6.50/box. Today, they were $9.79. I did a double take. What the actual fuck?

My sister came back from her store, a big box a little further upstate NY: no eggs, no produce?

democrats: make America Venezuela!
Hamburger is almost $10 now.
High quality and affordable health care for all the people, shines a different light on poverty in Cuba. Look at the effects that diet is having on the Cuban people!

You need to watch these videos about a guy from Cuba and his American experiences.
Cuba sucks!!!
I had sticker shock today. My big box grocery usually carries gluten free matzoh. I haven't had them in a while, but remember them being a tad more expensive than the regular, maybe $6.50/box. Today, they were $9.79. I did a double take. What the actual fuck?

My sister came back from her store, a big box a little further upstate NY: no eggs, no produce?

democrats: make America Venezuela!
$9.99 for a bag of nuts, toilet paper is off the charts. Gas hit $4.20 a gallon here thanks Dems you assholes!
You got that right. Yesterday after shoveling the driveways, we decided to have a pizza party and I called my usual shop to order about $50 worth of stuff. The owner apologized and said he would not have a driver to deliver for over an hour but I was happy to wait. He said that he can't get drivers paying them even $15.00 an hour! I always tip extra well figuring it is bad enough with Covid but cold and snow as well. Some sorry dude showed up who looked in a bad way, could hardly make it, so I was glad to him a $9 tip. Hopefully the place will keep going so I can get take out delivered still in the future.
I have noticed a significant number of senior citizens working in the food industry. With the Biden/Dem inflation they probably had to go back to work.
Biden is fucking over the poor when it comes to food and gas prices.
Just as Obama did, both foreign controlled regime's policies threw the poor under the bus and Dems just laugh they don't give a shit. This Dem fucker we have in WA state just jacked up the gas taxes so high we now have the highest gas taxes in the country, higher even than California. What a dick.

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