First time I put a product back on the shelf

You people must shop at the wrong stores. I have seen no increase nor any shortage of pasta products. My big box store had plenty of eggs and produce.
Who said anything about pasta?
Your sister can't afford eggs and produce??
Does she not earn at least $15 an hour?
Is she spending 6 bucks on a Big Meal Deal instead of 3 bucks on a dozen eggs?
The eggs provide the same nutrition for 12 days while the Meal Deal is only good for the day.

On a positive note for Americans, they get the other essentials such as alcohol and cigarettes for a low price!
WTF is a Big Meal Deal?
Another thing Biden has to fix which Trump fucked up....
I had sticker shock today. My big box grocery usually carries gluten free matzoh. I haven't had them in a while, but remember them being a tad more expensive than the regular, maybe $6.50/box. Today, they were $9.79. I did a double take. What the actual fuck?

My sister came back from her store, a big box a little further upstate NY: no eggs, no produce?

democrats: make America Venezuela!

I was at the Grocery Store two days ago. The only shortage I saw was Tylenol. Name brand. And Canned Cat Food.

Plenty of milk, bread, eggs, and the like.

I don’t understand Conservatives bitching about price. Isn’t supply and demand the cornerstone of Conservative Economic Theory?
I was at the Grocery Store two days ago. The only shortage I saw was Tylenol. Name brand. And Canned Cat Food.

Plenty of milk, bread, eggs, and the like.

I don’t understand Conservatives bitching about price. Isn’t supply and demand the cornerstone of Conservative Economic Theory?
Causing shortages on purpose isn't part of capitalism.
It's part of communism/socialism.
Suffering and starvation.
I had sticker shock today. My big box grocery usually carries gluten free matzoh. I haven't had them in a while, but remember them being a tad more expensive than the regular, maybe $6.50/box. Today, they were $9.79. I did a double take. What the actual fuck?

My sister came back from her store, a big box a little further upstate NY: no eggs, no produce?

democrats: make America Venezuela!
I remember when gas was 27.9 cents per gallon.
Eggs were 19 cents a dozen.
Bread was 29 cents for a 1 lb loaf.

So why is your sister going to buy eggs at a big box store? or Produce? Seems kind of counterintuitive sort of like shopping for a bicycle at a big car dealer.
It is unprecedented.
I am 56 years old and i have never seen this before.
We went to the store today... this trip they were almost out of Jasmine rice except for two small bags. No sour cream. No black beans... not one can. No Jalapenos. Last week it was no Scoop Fritos, no brown eggs and no gallon milk - only half gallon jugs left.
Every week it is "what are they out of this time".... and the fucking media just ignores it and liberals pretend it isn't happening.
Biden is talking about 6.4 million new jobs, an unconscious claim since there are still just over 4,000,000 less people working today than in January 2020. They are trying to claim the shipping crises "is over" - what the holy hell... it is WORSE now... not better. They really are like the North Korea regime in this way - just get in front of cameras and make shit up.
And the grocery problem??? Folks it is going to get worse.
5 years ago Bonzi and I only occasionally broke $100/wk at the Grocery store. Then Covid hit and it rarely was less than $100 - the past few months - $120 - $140. And we buy all of our meat at the butcher store... $140 a week and that doesn't include meat!!
Yesterday she had about 1/8 tank of gas, I put in $35 and it is now about halfway between 3/4 and Full... for the longest time $25 pretty much filled her tank. It is $1.10 more per gallon than January 2020.
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I was at the Grocery Store two days ago. The only shortage I saw was Tylenol. Name brand. And Canned Cat Food.

Plenty of milk, bread, eggs, and the like.

I don’t understand Conservatives bitching about price. Isn’t supply and demand the cornerstone of Conservative Economic Theory?
Gatorade and Powerade

For whatever reason my stores have been short or out of everything but the weird nasty flavors.

Since the summer. Weird.
The labor shortage is fake news. Want people to work then pay them enough to attract them or shut your mouth
You need to watch these videos about a guy from Cuba and his American experiences.
Cuba sucks!!!

Affordable universal health care shines a different light on poverty.
Many Americans die for lack of. I've been to Cuba many times, because I'm free to go! And I know Americans who buy their freedom to go through Toronto and other Canadian cities.
Yes California is an excellent example of income inequality. The Big tech billionaires, who's asses you suck, are screwing over the middle class. They import cheap Indian labor instead of paying a fair price to the Americans who went into debt to get the degrees those Big Tech assholes told them to get.
Those Americans who are getting screwed out of work have priced themselves out of the job market by asking for more than 15 bucks an hour.

If the indians can do the work then the real capitalist would say that the 'degrees' aren't necessary. Right?

It's capitalism that Americans must learn to own if they continue to refuse 'social' responsibility being a necessary part of capitalism.

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