First Time in 35 Years More Businesses Die than are Created!!!


Apr 22, 2007
If you listen to the Obama administration you would think everything is great in the US economy. Despite the fact that wages are decreasing not increasing, income inequality is growing, poverty levels are at their highest levels ever, the majority of jobs that are supposedly "created" are low waged and many are part-time, etc.

Now this is not a surprise. Ask anyone who is trying to start a business, the fees, costs, red-tape and regulatory requirements place up such barriers that it's nearly impossible to start that business. You used to just need only a great idea, now regulation makes that great idea less than 10% of the equation.

Again, this should not come as a surprise. Over-regulation (the calling card for liberals) always has one effect: The top figure out how to adjust and get richer (pushing the burden onto the middle), but the little guy's get squeezed out.

American Entrepreneurship Dead or Alive
You never see it mentioned in the media, nor hear from a politician that, for the first time in 35 years, American business deaths now outnumber business births.

The U.S. Census Bureau reports that the total number of new business startups and business closures per year -- the birth and death rates of American companies -- have crossed for the first time since the measurement began. I am referring to employer businesses, those with one or more employees, the real engines of economic growth. Four hundred thousand new businesses are being born annually nationwide, while 470,000 per year are dying.
In truth, the only way that small business can be created and grow is for capitalists to be highly regulated; without regulation, there would eventually be no entrepreneurship at all. Giant corporations would swallow everything because of their eventual control of all capital.
In truth, the only way that small business can be created and grow is for capitalists to be highly regulated; without regulation, there would eventually be no entrepreneurship at all. Giant corporations would swallow everything because of their eventual control of all capital.

Libs always go tot the extreme when presenting and argument. No one says no regulations (well some do), but when society over-regulates the big businesses bitch at first, but are secretly happy.

Here is how it works:
When the government passes a big regulation like say the Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform Act. This act created that CFPB and many various requirements on the financial sector as a whole. It's costly, expensive and compliance with the regulations isn't easy. Big Business adjust. They do a temporary reduction in force, hire more lawyers to meet the compliance, purchase expensive software to create the safe-guards necessary for compliance and push the cost onto the customer. Small businesses are no so lucky. They can't cut cost the way big businesses can, they can't hire the lawyer necessary for compliance, they can meet the burdens necessary for compliance and their customers are much more sensitive to price (so pushing the cost onto them isn't as easy).

In the end many of these small business die out and these new requirement are barriers for others to create a business and enter the mark.

In the end the big business wins, because the government has effectively taken out their competition!
In truth, the only way that small business can be created and grow is for capitalists to be highly regulated; without regulation, there would eventually be no entrepreneurship at all. Giant corporations would swallow everything because of their eventual control of all capital.

Libs always go tot the extreme when presenting and argument. No one says no regulations (well some do), but when society over-regulates the big businesses bitch at first, but are secretly happy.

Here is how it works:
When the government passes a big regulation like say the Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform Act. This act created that CFPB and many various requirements on the financial sector as a whole. It's costly, expensive and compliance with the regulations isn't easy. Big Business adjust. They do a temporary reduction in force, hire more lawyers to meet the compliance, purchase expensive software to create the safe-guards necessary for compliance and push the cost onto the customer. Small businesses are no so lucky. They can't cut cost the way big businesses can, they can't hire the lawyer necessary for compliance, they can meet the burdens necessary for compliance and their customers are much more sensitive to price (so pushing the cost onto them isn't as easy).

In the end many of these small business die out and these new requirement are barriers for others to create a business and enter the mark.

In the end the big business wins, because the government has effectively taken out their competition!

Oh, is that what "libs" always do? LOL

Yes, that is one aspect of capitalism that is inevitable in a "purchased" representative democracy such as ours. When campaign funding becomes unlimited due to "free speech" arguments, capitalists eventually completely own the professional politicians (the last election proved that). And then they can make regulations that actually speed up their inevitable destruction of smaller competitors.

No reason to argue, though; what wil be, will be. I can't do anything about it.
capitalists eventually completely own the professional politicians (the last election proved that). And then they can make regulations that actually speed up their inevitable destruction of smaller competitors.

100% stupid of course which explains why the liberal could not name the most owned politician in th elast election and the regulation his owners want to destroy smaller competitors.
100% stupid as always!!

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