FISA Court picks Obama hack, Madcow contributor, to reform FISA Court


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
Can you say "Deep State"?

FISA selects former Obama admin lawyer, left-wing blogger to oversee FBI's surveillance reforms

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) has stunned court-watchers by selecting David Kris -- a former Obama administration lawyer who has appeared on "The Rachel Maddow Show" and written extensively in support of the FBI's surveillance practices on the left-wing blog Lawfare -- to oversee the FBI's implementation of reforms in the wake of a damning Department of Justice Inspector general report last year.

The development on Friday, first reported by independent journalist Mike Cernovich, has roiled Republicans who have demanded accountability at the FBI. House Intelligence Commitee ranking member Devin Nunes, R-Calif., told The Daily Caller that Kris' appointment was "shocking" and "inexplicable."

"It’s hard to imagine a worse person the FISC could have chosen outside [James] Comey, [Andy] McCabe, or [Adam] Schiff,” Nunes said. Speaking to Fox News contributor Sara Carter, Nunes added: “It’s a ridiculous choice. The FBI lied to the FISC, and to help make sure that doesn’t happen again, the FISC chose an FBI apologist who denied and defended those lies. The FISC is setting its own credibility on fire.”

On Fox News' "Sunday Morning Futures," Nunes reminded anchor Maria Bartiromo that Kris had panned the now-vindicated 2018 memo produced by Nunes' panel, which asserted a series of surveillance abuses by the FBI against former Trump aide Carter Page. DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz later substantiated Nunes' claims, noting that the FBI had made numerous materially false representations to the FISC.

"Of all the people in the swamp ... this is the guy that you come up with?" Nunes asked. "The guy that was accusing me of federal crimes? The guy that was defending the dirty cops at the FBI? ... The court must be trying to abolish itself. There is long-term damage."

President Trump then referenced Nunes' interview with Bartiromo on Twitter on Sunday afternoon, calling Kris "highly controversial" and slamming the FISC's decision.

FISA selects former Obama admin lawyer, left-wing blogger to oversee FBI's surveillance reforms
Looks like Trump needs to step up again.
Or congress needs to abolish the FISA court and start over.

The problem is that 99% of all lawyers and judges are democrats.
Can you say "Deep State"?

FISA selects former Obama admin lawyer, left-wing blogger to oversee FBI's surveillance reforms

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) has stunned court-watchers by selecting David Kris -- a former Obama administration lawyer who has appeared on "The Rachel Maddow Show" and written extensively in support of the FBI's surveillance practices on the left-wing blog Lawfare -- to oversee the FBI's implementation of reforms in the wake of a damning Department of Justice Inspector general report last year.

The development on Friday, first reported by independent journalist Mike Cernovich, has roiled Republicans who have demanded accountability at the FBI. House Intelligence Commitee ranking member Devin Nunes, R-Calif., told The Daily Caller that Kris' appointment was "shocking" and "inexplicable."

"It’s hard to imagine a worse person the FISC could have chosen outside [James] Comey, [Andy] McCabe, or [Adam] Schiff,” Nunes said. Speaking to Fox News contributor Sara Carter, Nunes added: “It’s a ridiculous choice. The FBI lied to the FISC, and to help make sure that doesn’t happen again, the FISC chose an FBI apologist who denied and defended those lies. The FISC is setting its own credibility on fire.”

On Fox News' "Sunday Morning Futures," Nunes reminded anchor Maria Bartiromo that Kris had panned the now-vindicated 2018 memo produced by Nunes' panel, which asserted a series of surveillance abuses by the FBI against former Trump aide Carter Page. DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz later substantiated Nunes' claims, noting that the FBI had made numerous materially false representations to the FISC.

"Of all the people in the swamp ... this is the guy that you come up with?" Nunes asked. "The guy that was accusing me of federal crimes? The guy that was defending the dirty cops at the FBI? ... The court must be trying to abolish itself. There is long-term damage."

President Trump then referenced Nunes' interview with Bartiromo on Twitter on Sunday afternoon, calling Kris "highly controversial" and slamming the FISC's decision.

FISA selects former Obama admin lawyer, left-wing blogger to oversee FBI's surveillance reforms

I have a sneaking hunch that FISA may just not survive much longer and this just may help kill it off for good.
Can you say "Deep State"?

FISA selects former Obama admin lawyer, left-wing blogger to oversee FBI's surveillance reforms

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) has stunned court-watchers by selecting David Kris -- a former Obama administration lawyer who has appeared on "The Rachel Maddow Show" and written extensively in support of the FBI's surveillance practices on the left-wing blog Lawfare -- to oversee the FBI's implementation of reforms in the wake of a damning Department of Justice Inspector general report last year.

The development on Friday, first reported by independent journalist Mike Cernovich, has roiled Republicans who have demanded accountability at the FBI. House Intelligence Commitee ranking member Devin Nunes, R-Calif., told The Daily Caller that Kris' appointment was "shocking" and "inexplicable."

"It’s hard to imagine a worse person the FISC could have chosen outside [James] Comey, [Andy] McCabe, or [Adam] Schiff,” Nunes said. Speaking to Fox News contributor Sara Carter, Nunes added: “It’s a ridiculous choice. The FBI lied to the FISC, and to help make sure that doesn’t happen again, the FISC chose an FBI apologist who denied and defended those lies. The FISC is setting its own credibility on fire.”

On Fox News' "Sunday Morning Futures," Nunes reminded anchor Maria Bartiromo that Kris had panned the now-vindicated 2018 memo produced by Nunes' panel, which asserted a series of surveillance abuses by the FBI against former Trump aide Carter Page. DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz later substantiated Nunes' claims, noting that the FBI had made numerous materially false representations to the FISC.

"Of all the people in the swamp ... this is the guy that you come up with?" Nunes asked. "The guy that was accusing me of federal crimes? The guy that was defending the dirty cops at the FBI? ... The court must be trying to abolish itself. There is long-term damage."

President Trump then referenced Nunes' interview with Bartiromo on Twitter on Sunday afternoon, calling Kris "highly controversial" and slamming the FISC's decision.

FISA selects former Obama admin lawyer, left-wing blogger to oversee FBI's surveillance reforms
Unfortunately NO surprise there. Can you imagine how much more our president could accomplish if he had the majority of Congress on his side? It's amazing what he HAS accomplished despite this.
Who made that call? They couldn't find somebody that was more impartial? SMH in incredulous dismay, who the fuck is in charge up there? Un fucking believable. Is there no sense of propriety left inside the beltway, and does this appointment get reviewed by the Senate? I think the Senate needs to tell the FISA Court to do it right and find people who are not politically biased or we'll legislate it for you. We're kinda getting into the weeds of the Separation of Powers here, cuz the FISA Court belongs to the Judiciary Branch of Gov't, or so I thought.
Who made that call? They couldn't find somebody that was more impartial? SMH in incredulous dismay, who the fuck is in charge up there? Un fucking believable. Is there no sense of propriety left inside the beltway, and does this appointment get reviewed by the Senate? I think the Senate needs to tell the FISA Court to do it right and find people who are not politically biased or we'll legislate it for you. We're kinda getting into the weeds of the Separation of Powers here, cuz the FISA Court belongs to the Judiciary Branch of Gov't, or so I thought.
Senate needs to pull the plug on FISA.
I think the Senate needs to tell the FISA Court to do it right and find people who are not politically biased or we'll legislate it for you. We're kinda getting into the weeds of the Separation of Powers here, cuz the FISA Court belongs to the Judiciary Branch of Gov't, or so I thought.

To find actual impartial or unbiased qualified people to fill the Court IMO seems impossible...

Pull the plug...
Looks like people are learning that Trump and his minions are not to trusted with anything justice related. Anyone you people would approve of would "fix" the FISA court so that no campaign would ever fear collaborating with foreign entities.
Looks like people are learning that Trump and his minions are not to trusted with anything justice related. Anyone you people would approve of would "fix" the FISA court so that no campaign would ever fear collaborating with foreign entities.
Obama and his minions abused the court, dummy.
Can you say "Deep State"?

FISA selects former Obama admin lawyer, left-wing blogger to oversee FBI's surveillance reforms

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) has stunned court-watchers by selecting David Kris -- a former Obama administration lawyer who has appeared on "The Rachel Maddow Show" and written extensively in support of the FBI's surveillance practices on the left-wing blog Lawfare -- to oversee the FBI's implementation of reforms in the wake of a damning Department of Justice Inspector general report last year.

The development on Friday, first reported by independent journalist Mike Cernovich, has roiled Republicans who have demanded accountability at the FBI. House Intelligence Commitee ranking member Devin Nunes, R-Calif., told The Daily Caller that Kris' appointment was "shocking" and "inexplicable."

"It’s hard to imagine a worse person the FISC could have chosen outside [James] Comey, [Andy] McCabe, or [Adam] Schiff,” Nunes said. Speaking to Fox News contributor Sara Carter, Nunes added: “It’s a ridiculous choice. The FBI lied to the FISC, and to help make sure that doesn’t happen again, the FISC chose an FBI apologist who denied and defended those lies. The FISC is setting its own credibility on fire.”

On Fox News' "Sunday Morning Futures," Nunes reminded anchor Maria Bartiromo that Kris had panned the now-vindicated 2018 memo produced by Nunes' panel, which asserted a series of surveillance abuses by the FBI against former Trump aide Carter Page. DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz later substantiated Nunes' claims, noting that the FBI had made numerous materially false representations to the FISC.

"Of all the people in the swamp ... this is the guy that you come up with?" Nunes asked. "The guy that was accusing me of federal crimes? The guy that was defending the dirty cops at the FBI? ... The court must be trying to abolish itself. There is long-term damage."

President Trump then referenced Nunes' interview with Bartiromo on Twitter on Sunday afternoon, calling Kris "highly controversial" and slamming the FISC's decision.

FISA selects former Obama admin lawyer, left-wing blogger to oversee FBI's surveillance reforms

I have a sneaking hunch that FISA may just not survive much longer and this just may help kill it off for good.

Great move if so. What do you want to bet it isn't though?

“Completely Unacceptable Choice” – Mark Meadows Demands Answers For Why Trump-Hating Obama-Era DOJ Official Was Chosen to Oversee FISA Reforms

Congressman Mark Meadows (R-NC) on Sunday joined Rep. Nunes and demanded answers for why Obama-era DOJ official and swamp creature David Kris was appointed to oversee FISA reforms.

“There need to be answers for why David Kris was picked to oversee FISA reforms. He’s repeatedly downplayed blatant FISA abuse in the past and dismissed the damning IG report’s findings. How can he fix a problem he doesn’t even understand?” Meadows said.

“Completely unacceptable choice.” he added.

Judge Boasberg, the presiding FISA judge who was appointed by Obama announced in an order that he has appointed Obama-era national security leader at the DOJ David S. Kris as amicus counsel to review the reforms the FBI will be making to its FISA application process.

David Kris is an anti-Trump activist who wrote several articles at “Lawfareblog” lying about Rep. Devin Nunes and President Trump.

And HE was picked to clean up the FISA process!

On Sunday Rep. Devin Nunes joined Maria Bartiromo on “Sunday Morning Futures” to discuss the shocking development by the corrupt Department of Justice.

Nunes argued that this is even MORE OF A REASON to shut down the criminal FISA Court system.

“So the fact that of all the people in the swamp… this is the guy that you come up with? A guy that is accusing me of federal crimes. A guy that was defending dirty cops at the FBI. That’s why I said it last night in a tweet, the court must be trying to abolish itself,” Nunes said to Bartiromo on Sunday.

President Trump tweeted agreement with Nunes: — “Zero credibility. THE SWAMP!”

David Kris also fired off a tweetstorm where he defended the illegal spying on Trump’s campaign and called the Deep State coup a ‘conspiracy theory.’


We need a thorough investigation to assure that this never happens again

“Completely Unacceptable Choice” – Mark Meadows Demands Answers For Why Trump-Hating Obama-Era DOJ Official Was Chosen to Oversee FISA Reforms

Congressman Mark Meadows (R-NC) on Sunday joined Rep. Nunes and demanded answers for why Obama-era DOJ official and swamp creature David Kris was appointed to oversee FISA reforms.

“There need to be answers for why David Kris was picked to oversee FISA reforms. He’s repeatedly downplayed blatant FISA abuse in the past and dismissed the damning IG report’s findings. How can he fix a problem he doesn’t even understand?” Meadows said.

“Completely unacceptable choice.” he added.

Judge Boasberg, the presiding FISA judge who was appointed by Obama announced in an order that he has appointed Obama-era national security leader at the DOJ David S. Kris as amicus counsel to review the reforms the FBI will be making to its FISA application process.

David Kris is an anti-Trump activist who wrote several articles at “Lawfareblog” lying about Rep. Devin Nunes and President Trump.

And HE was picked to clean up the FISA process!

On Sunday Rep. Devin Nunes joined Maria Bartiromo on “Sunday Morning Futures” to discuss the shocking development by the corrupt Department of Justice.

Nunes argued that this is even MORE OF A REASON to shut down the criminal FISA Court system.

“So the fact that of all the people in the swamp… this is the guy that you come up with? A guy that is accusing me of federal crimes. A guy that was defending dirty cops at the FBI. That’s why I said it last night in a tweet, the court must be trying to abolish itself,” Nunes said to Bartiromo on Sunday.

President Trump tweeted agreement with Nunes: — “Zero credibility. THE SWAMP!”

David Kris also fired off a tweetstorm where he defended the illegal spying on Trump’s campaign and called the Deep State coup a ‘conspiracy theory.’


We need a thorough investigation to assure that this never happens again
Meadows is correct on all counts.
Looks like Trump needs to step up again.
Or congress needs to abolish the FISA court and start over.

The problem is that 99% of all lawyers and judges are democrats.

Too late, Trump just renewed it last year.
Who made that call? They couldn't find somebody that was more impartial? SMH in incredulous dismay, who the fuck is in charge up there? Un fucking believable. Is there no sense of propriety left inside the beltway, and does this appointment get reviewed by the Senate? I think the Senate needs to tell the FISA Court to do it right and find people who are not politically biased or we'll legislate it for you. We're kinda getting into the weeds of the Separation of Powers here, cuz the FISA Court belongs to the Judiciary Branch of Gov't, or so I thought.
Senate needs to pull the plug on FISA.
If the Congress would discipline members who act like criminals we wouldn't need a FISA court.
I think this proves court says one thing for the public and then does opposite cause they like their gig,

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