FISA court publicly attacks FBI!

I'm impressed...


Wake me up when some arrests are made....


I'm not going to hold my breath.

This is extremely telling. FISA is admitting the FBI lied to them. The CHIEF JUDGE OF FISA SAID:

"The frequency with which representations made by FBI personnel turned out to be unsupported or contradicted by information in their possession, and with which they withheld information detrimental to their case, calls into question whether information contained in other FBI applications is reliable."

I wonder if this means current FISA applications will be suspended until the FBI can further corroborate their claims?
In a rare public statement, the FISA court has stated that it was misled by the FBI!!

FISA court slams FBI over surveillance applications, in rare public order
Thanks for sharing the link about the FISA court's fury at the rotten element in the FBI, hopefully now absent from the department.

"They" of the FBI and Deep State are going to get a wake up call from the Attorney General and will be being fitted for orange jumpsuits before the impeachment trial ends after being rescinded by the higher court, and President Trump will have the entire trial inflicted by Democrat criminal mafias, expunged from his brilliant record. :muahaha:

Pelosi, Waters, Nadler, Schiff, Obama, Clinton, Blasey-Ford, Schumer, Feinstein, Page, Strzok, and Comey will be whisked off to various Federal Prisons to begin their solitary confinements for conspiracy to commit a coup on a President who was duly elected by the electoral college and will never get a passing glance at non-prison citizens for the rest of their miserable, self-serving lives.

Newsrooms that carried the lies of conspiracy against President Trump will be fined one billion dollars apiece because they knew that the Democrat Party was engaged in the greatest calumny ever committed against a President who had been declared not guilty of collusion with Russia in 6 different inquiries, which they managed to sweep under the carpet with much ado and assist in the takedown of the truth of the inquiries to settle the false charge and contention that the President was still guilty no matter what the evidence in all cases pointed to his innocence of those false allegations concocted in the old Clinton War Room with the blessing of Barack Obama and the tutelage of Hillary Clinton. Waters is in for her unlawful pursuit of and persecution of Executive Branch staffers and for pure meanness to innocent Americans tormented by Antifa. Blasey-Ford is in for her promotion of false narrative as a means of controlling choices of which the deep state disapproved. Pelosi, Schumer, and Feinstein will receive life sentences for masterminding the Blasey-Ford liefest against a Supreme Court Nominee who was innocent of the false scenario painted by Blasey-Ford. Page and Strzok will get life for calumny against a President with the intention of their little insurance policy to damage his reputation for life that was supported by people in the FBI who also will serve life sentences.

I'm done. I don't know all the deep state players but Attorney General William Barr and his staff do. And I hope they find and fine George Soros for all he's worth for funding this shitstain on America.
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This is extremely telling. FISA is admitting the FBI lied to them. The CHIEF JUDGE OF FISA SAID:

"The frequency with which representations made by FBI personnel turned out to be unsupported or contradicted by information in their possession, and with which they withheld information detrimental to their case, calls into question whether information contained in other FBI applications is reliable."

I wonder if this means current FISA applications will be suspended until the FBI can further corroborate their claims?
The FBI’s Darkest Hour.

One can imagine the unspoken question hanging in the darkness during the January 2017 ride back to the airport. A small gaggle of FBI agents had just concluded their long-overdue interview with Christopher Steele’s primary sub-source. The silence must have been deafening. Steele had tried to conceal his source from the FBI. But the FBI knew his identity and set up an interview behind Steele’s back, and the interview contradicted several Steele assertions. The downcast agents waited for somebody to ask the question on all of their minds: “Now what?”

The right answer would have been to admit to the court that Steele was an unreliable source who exaggerates and lies and put an end to spying on Americans in pursuit of the mirage of Trump’s alleged collusion with Russia.

When presented one last opportunity to do the right thing, the FBI instead pushed harder for their now-discredited hypothesis justifying the investigation. Peter Strzok had promised his lover, Lisa Page, he would “save” the country from Donald Trump. Given a choice between bringing the FBI back into the light of the Constitution or the darkness of blind hatred of Donald Trump, the conspirators choose darkness. It was at this precise moment that the FBI left behind any plausible deniability of “mistake” or “sloppiness.” From this point on, the FBI’s participation in the Trump-Russia collusion hoax became willful and intentional.

This is the FBI’s darkest hour. The next time the FBI prepared a warrant renewal application, it misrepresented the interview to make it appear as though the source confirmed Steele’s fairytale. It wasn’t a mistake. It was a deliberate defrauding on the court.​

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