FISA - Why Trumps "Tweet" was correct but doesnt matter...

You really should take your meds..

I've investigated white collar crime.. Whats being exposed here is beyond treasonous.
Trump lied to you. Obama did not order his phones tapped. Obama did not ask GCHQ to tap Trump's phones, either.

Look at you. You are just sitting there and taking it.

Trump lied to you. Get off the Alternative Facts train, rube.

LOL, prove it kid.
The burden of proof is on Obama and you tards. He made the claim, and the tards have parroted it without a shred of proof.

Take a class in logic and critical thinking, punk.

Here, let me give you a head start on that education you so sorely need: You just made an argument from ignorance.

I have certifications from the FBI and CIA spanning 35 years now.. You have what, a hand full of a polished turd?

His ego writes checks his brain can't cash.

Are you sure he has a brain?

IF you put even basic logic to what were seeing, the US has a sever over-reach of its surveillance programs and unaccountable bureaucrats.

We desperately need to go Crock Hunting in DC.
I dont give a shit how many times it gets explained, or how many times facts get thrown in the faces of ignorant ass, redneck, brain dead, dumbass, intellectually dishonest Chump Drones, they will NEVER have the integrity to accept The Hair Club President fucked up .. EVER.

poor pathetic idiots
SO your good with warrant-less spying on of political opponents and CITIZENS.. Where does this lawlessness end? When your a dictator? Fucking brain dead liberal moron..

poor pathetic idiot ^^^^^^^^
Technically speaking Trump was 100% wrong. Having said that I understand the man is not a politician, not an intel agent & likely not very tech savvy so it is possible his intent was correct. However, as president I think it is unwise to tweet your every passing thought. If this situation warrants merit that merit is within the congress & courts not on nightly tv.

If he doesn't tweet do you think the MSM would report on any of this!

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