Fiscal Cliff? Tax the Rich

Apparently, every conservative around here thinks that balancing the budget is someone else's problem.

You cons want to tighten anyone's belt but your own.

Greed and selfishness are their sacraments.

I can't remember ever hearing a conservative say what he or she would support personally sacrificing in order to solve the fiscal problem, the deficit.

Raise my taxes (but lower the welfare, food stamps, unemployment and medicaid by the same amount you raise my taxes).

Greed and selfishness are their sacraments.

I can't remember ever hearing a conservative say what he or she would support personally sacrificing in order to solve the fiscal problem, the deficit.

All we hear about is how overburdened the wealthy are and how good the poor have it.

Just where did anyone say the poor had it good? The lies never stop with you people. How about if we have a country that encourages people to WORK. That means more income for the gov't, more people aware of the price of gov't, and the "burden" is "re-distributed". Most people have no problem paying taxes for sensible things, but when the President is "re-distributing" wealth to himself via "green" energy projects that collect taxpayer monies and declare bankruptcy (money going to corporate types that are Obama's friends), we feel a whole lot less generous.
Fear mongering because the 2001 tax cuts for the rich did not create one job. They took their tax cuts and moved over seas to make more money.
Letting the tax cuts for the rich expire is not "raising" taxes but putting the back when they created jobs and revenue.

200 US Millionaires Say ‘Tax Me More’?
Republicans like to push the falsehood that Warren Buffet is the loan rich man
advocating that a tax increase be imposed upon millionaires.

In fact, there is an American group of millionaires who recommend the same thing.
At least 200 of them. That group is named Patriotic Millionaires For Fiscal Strength.

They feel that a marginal tax increase upon millionaires would be good for the
American economy. Hear from one of them:

I don't know.....seems to me he talked about a balanced approach that involved tax increases towards our wealthiest AND spending cuts.

Obviously you don't know.

Obama is using nice sounding words like "Balanced".

First he raises taxes then he forgets to cut spending forcing him to call for more tax increases. Oops.....sorry, but we needed more spending. So let's raise taxes (on the rich) and then raise taxes again and again.

It's a never ending cycle.

Oh, and has anyone noticed he hasn't said a thing about creating jobs or working on a new jobs program?

That's because he doesn't know how.

This is the same shit he did the last 4 years.

Meanwhile he's gonna keep doing his thing.....playing golf.....riding his fucken bike.....taking his vacations.

So many dumb people........not enough ammo...
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I don't know.....seems to me he talked about a balanced approach that involved tax increases towards our wealthiest AND spending cuts.

and you fell for it?
How is it FAIR to single out a certain segment of the people in the country to tax?
Obama spews EVERYONE should have some skin in the game, so he pulls some magic numbers from his ass of $250, 000 that he says is fair to raise taxes on.

The man speaks with forked tongue and it's pretty evident a lot of people falls for it..
He has done a wonderful job of DIVIDING the county with his CLASS warfare, that is what makes me sick we have to endure another four years of this ugly man

The class warfare was when my Romney-loving boss fired me after I ran up too many medical bills in 2008.

It's only class warfare when the working class fights back.

If they had billions of dollars to spend to fund Romney's campaign, they can't go crying poor now.

You can't prove that BS, but it is clear from your comments on this board, he made the right choice...

I would fire your ass today...
Fear mongering because the 2001 tax cuts for the rich did not create one job. They took their tax cuts and moved over seas to make more money.....…

Tax cuts for the rich? You still believe that stupid lie?????

Tax cuts for everyone, lying bitch.

And FYI, once they move overseas they aren't subject to US taxes anymore.

And the point of being in business is to make money. That way you can afford to hire people.....or haven't you figured that out.

Lucky I don't live around a bunch of fuckwads like you because I'd be thrown in jail for kicking the shit out of their dumb fucken asses.
and you fell for it?
How is it FAIR to single out a certain segment of the people in the country to tax?
Obama spews EVERYONE should have some skin in the game, so he pulls some magic numbers from his ass of $250, 000 that he says is fair to raise taxes on.

The man speaks with forked tongue and it's pretty evident a lot of people falls for it..
He has done a wonderful job of DIVIDING the county with his CLASS warfare, that is what makes me sick we have to endure another four years of this ugly man

The class warfare was when my Romney-loving boss fired me after I ran up too many medical bills in 2008.

It's only class warfare when the working class fights back.

If they had billions of dollars to spend to fund Romney's campaign, they can't go crying poor now.

You can't prove that BS, but it is clear from your comments on this board, he made the right choice...

I would fire your ass today...

Joe is a compulsive liar.....
You know what? I'd be okay with everyone making over $250,000 a year paying "a little bit more" in income taxes if I could be sure Obama wouldn't just spend it.

Did you know like Romney in the 2012 Presidential Loser Election, when America stayed Blue, the Good Ship Wingnut has taken hold of the economic argument that is a loser for them? Yep, they ran out of ammo and have now resorted to plastic mallets and water pistols.

Oh yeah, they have talking points now...taxing the Super Wealthy will not settle the debt (not that anyone actually says it will) and other imbecilic straw man arguments


one thread
Did you know like Romney in the 2012 Presidential Loser Election, when America stayed Blue, the Good Ship Wingnut has taken hold of the economic argument that is a loser for them? Yep, they ran out of ammo and have now resorted to plastic mallets and water pistols.

Oh yeah, they have talking points now...taxing the Super Wealthy will not settle the debt (not that anyone actually says it will) and other imbecilic straw man arguments


one thread

If it taxing the "Super Wealthy" (breathy intake) will not settle the debt, then why raise their taxes? Are you just trying to punish a particular group (predjudice) or is envy and greed running the dems, now?
and you fell for it?
How is it FAIR to single out a certain segment of the people in the country to tax?
Obama spews EVERYONE should have some skin in the game, so he pulls some magic numbers from his ass of $250, 000 that he says is fair to raise taxes on.

The man speaks with forked tongue and it's pretty evident a lot of people falls for it..
He has done a wonderful job of DIVIDING the county with his CLASS warfare, that is what makes me sick we have to endure another four years of this ugly man

The class warfare was when my Romney-loving boss fired me after I ran up too many medical bills in 2008.

It's only class warfare when the working class fights back.

If they had billions of dollars to spend to fund Romney's campaign, they can't go crying poor now.

You can't prove that BS, but it is clear from your comments on this board, he made the right choice...

I would fire your ass today...

actually, my lawyer said I had a pretty good case.

And they specifically offered me $10,000 contingent on my NOT suing them. So, um, yeah. they did.

Fired three other people the same day. They all had medical issues within the previous two years. One of them actualy IS suing.
The class warfare was when my Romney-loving boss fired me after I ran up too many medical bills in 2008.

It's only class warfare when the working class fights back.

If they had billions of dollars to spend to fund Romney's campaign, they can't go crying poor now.

You can't prove that BS, but it is clear from your comments on this board, he made the right choice...

I would fire your ass today...

actually, my lawyer said I had a pretty good case.

And they specifically offered me $10,000 contingent on my NOT suing them. So, um, yeah. they did.

Fired three other people the same day. They all had medical issues within the previous two years. One of them actualy IS suing.

Then why didn't you go through with it?
I never got a job from a poor person. Just sayin'.

You never got a job that didn't involve poor people needing goods and services.

Just saying.

What does that mean? Everyone needs goods and services. Small business is disappearing due to taxation...period. Their disappearing act begins with a shrinking workforce.

He was spanked hard for that idiocy. But Leftists have no self respect.

They will say anything for more free stuff.
Obama inherited himself~


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