Fiscal Cliff? Tax the Rich

So far:

1. No conservative denies that sacrifices must be made for the sake of fiscal discipline.

2. No conservative thinks the Rich should share in that sacrifice.

3. No conservative will offer anything in the way of his or her share of the sacrifice, so it is presumable that none believe they themselves should make any.

Any conservatives object to those conclusions?

The above is sheer stupidity, Carbineer.

When I as a conservative point out that not only will raising taxes on the wealthy not fix our deficit problems but that doing so will most likely make those deficits even worse by slowing the economy even attack me with this nonsense?

1. So far, you hadn't been in the thread

2. what part of the word share don't you understand?

When roughly half the population pays no Federal income tax yet can vote to make those who DO pay Federal income tax, pay more...then you're going to have a hard time convincing me that there is much in the way of "sharing" going on.

When EVERYONE has some "skin in the game" then get back to me because at THAT point the wasteful spending will come to an abrupt halt.
Anyone want to argue about how disaserous the 1950s were in American?

we hate for americans to be successful therefore we must tax the piss outta em. for R E V E N G E.

It's not revenge. It's about paying for the government you get.

NO, it's REVENGE it came right outta your messiah's mouth, it sucks to be successful in AMERICA the RICH already pay for the moochers and now the moochers NEED more. IT"S fucking R E V E N G E
The above is sheer stupidity, Carbineer.

When I as a conservative point out that not only will raising taxes on the wealthy not fix our deficit problems but that doing so will most likely make those deficits even worse by slowing the economy even attack me with this nonsense?

1. So far, you hadn't been in the thread

2. what part of the word share don't you understand?

When roughly half the population pays no Federal income tax yet can vote to make those who DO pay Federal income tax, pay more...then you're going to have a hard time convincing me that there is much in the way of "sharing" going on.

When EVERYONE has some "skin in the game" then get back to me because at THAT point the wasteful spending will come to an abrupt halt.

The above is sheer stupidity, Carbineer.

When I as a conservative point out that not only will raising taxes on the wealthy not fix our deficit problems but that doing so will most likely make those deficits even worse by slowing the economy even attack me with this nonsense?

1. So far, you hadn't been in the thread

2. what part of the word share don't you understand?

When roughly half the population pays no Federal income tax yet can vote to make those who DO pay Federal income tax, pay more...then you're going to have a hard time convincing me that there is much in the way of "sharing" going on.

When EVERYONE has some "skin in the game" then get back to me because at THAT point the wasteful spending will come to an abrupt halt.

They don't pay federal income tax because they don't make much money.

So your position is, the Rich are overtaxed and the Poor are undertaxed, so let's balance the budget totally on the backs of the Poor.

we hate for americans to be successful therefore we must tax the piss outta em. for R E V E N G E.

It's not revenge. It's about paying for the government you get.

NO, it's REVENGE it came right outta your messiah's mouth, it sucks to be successful in AMERICA the RICH already pay for the moochers and now the moochers NEED more. IT"S fucking R E V E N G E

About 40% of your Medicare comes out of the general fund, NOT out of payroll taxes that you paid in.

Does that make you a moocher?
The above is sheer stupidity, Carbineer.

When I as a conservative point out that not only will raising taxes on the wealthy not fix our deficit problems but that doing so will most likely make those deficits even worse by slowing the economy even attack me with this nonsense?

1. So far, you hadn't been in the thread

2. what part of the word share don't you understand?

When roughly half the population pays no Federal income tax yet can vote to make those who DO pay Federal income tax, pay more...then you're going to have a hard time convincing me that there is much in the way of "sharing" going on.

When EVERYONE has some "skin in the game" then get back to me because at THAT point the wasteful spending will come to an abrupt halt.

People who work but pay no federal income taxes do so because of Republican tax policy, mostly from Reagan and GW Bush, who pushed down rates so far, and added so many credits and deductions, etc.

btw, why would tax someone getting food stamps and Medicaid? That doesn't make any sense.
It's not revenge. It's about paying for the government you get.

NO, it's REVENGE it came right outta your messiah's mouth, it sucks to be successful in AMERICA the RICH already pay for the moochers and now the moochers NEED more. IT"S fucking R E V E N G E

About 40% of your Medicare comes out of the general fund, NOT out of payroll taxes that you paid in.

Does that make you a moocher?

No,, I am a TAXPAYER. I EVEN pay taxes on my Social SEcurity, I still pay premiums for medicare, and copays. too, however the obummer guy stole 716 Billion dollars from the old people of America so god knows how long Medicare will even be around, my sole comfort lies in know that if I suffer a lot of other people mothers and grandmothers will suffer too and I smile knowing that a lot of those who will suffer will do so because they put this asshole back in office and I will say to myself. "they deserve it, they voted for him." :lol:
NO, it's REVENGE it came right outta your messiah's mouth, it sucks to be successful in AMERICA the RICH already pay for the moochers and now the moochers NEED more. IT"S fucking R E V E N G E

About 40% of your Medicare comes out of the general fund, NOT out of payroll taxes that you paid in.

Does that make you a moocher?

No,, I am a TAXPAYER. I EVEN pay taxes on my Social SEcurity, I still pay premiums for medicare, and copays. too, however the obummer guy stole 716 Billion dollars from the old people of America so god knows how long Medicare will even be around, my sole comfort lies in know that if I suffer a lot of other people mothers and grandmothers will suffer too and I smile knowing that a lot of those who will suffer will do so because they put this asshole back in office and I will say to myself. "they deserve it, they voted for him." :lol:

How should we pay for the 40% of the 40% of your Medicare that is being added to the debt presently?

You're a moocher by your own definition.
Apparently, every conservative around here thinks that balancing the budget is someone else's problem.

You cons want to tighten anyone's belt but your own.
It will eventually run out...everyone who can, go get your free stuff while supplies last.
Apparently, every conservative around here thinks that balancing the budget is someone else's problem.

You cons want to tighten anyone's belt but your own.

Greed and selfishness are their sacraments.

I can't remember ever hearing a conservative say what he or she would support personally sacrificing in order to solve the fiscal problem, the deficit.
Congratulations America!! You voted to move "forward" .....

The Carbon Tax that Obama wants to "Levy" will guarantee that all of you will pay your "fair share". Whatever portion Industry has to pay will be passed on to YOU.

So you get to pay TWICE! :D

Thanks to decades of Public Education Americans are the dumbest f*ckers on the Planet.
Apparently, every conservative around here thinks that balancing the budget is someone else's problem.

You cons want to tighten anyone's belt but your own.

Greed and selfishness are their sacraments.

I can't remember ever hearing a conservative say what he or she would support personally sacrificing in order to solve the fiscal problem, the deficit.

All we hear about is how overburdened the wealthy are and how good the poor have it.
So far:

1. No conservative denies that sacrifices must be made for the sake of fiscal discipline.

2. No conservative thinks the Rich should share in that sacrifice.

3. No conservative will offer anything in the way of his or her share of the sacrifice, so it is presumable that none believe they themselves should make any.

Any conservatives object to those conclusions?

False choice.

Your weak semantical meme starts with the flawed and patently dishonest assumption that the starting place for 'fairness' of 'sacrifice' for those involved are presently equal.



The starting place is what it is.

If you believe the Rich are already unfairly sacrificing, and therefore should be exempted from the future sacrifices that must be made,

then you should just say so.

Try being concise and direct, as I am.

But you won't, because you're secretly either embarassed or ashamed to admit that you are a tool of the Rich,

assuming you're not currently among the Rich yourself.


And it destroys your meme.

The poor and working classes - the masses - are devouring MASSIVELY more redistribution than ever before, to the point where welfare is now the #1 budget expense of the Federal government.

Such consumption has careened out of control.

There is nothing 'fair' about a 'shared sacrifice' which starts from an inbalance.

But educating you is what we do here.:

tax those mother fuckers right outta the country then what ya gonna do? what will you replace the evil rich and corporations with? huh?

New ones who haven't had their Dick sucked for 30 years and aren't afraid of Competition.

I hate to point out the obvious, Steel but today's competition is "global", so your new ones are going to have to compete against the ones who have relocated. Since you're taxing the new ones at a higher rate...who do you think wins that competition?

Not if we tariff the fuck out of incoming products like other countries do ours.
1. So far, you hadn't been in the thread

2. what part of the word share don't you understand?

When roughly half the population pays no Federal income tax yet can vote to make those who DO pay Federal income tax, pay more...then you're going to have a hard time convincing me that there is much in the way of "sharing" going on.

When EVERYONE has some "skin in the game" then get back to me because at THAT point the wasteful spending will come to an abrupt halt.

They don't pay federal income tax because they don't make much money.

So your position is, the Rich are overtaxed and the Poor are undertaxed, so let's balance the budget totally on the backs of the Poor.


That deceitful tactic might work around the koolaid drinkers, but there was nothing about "totally" balancing the budget on the backs of the poor. The idea was, that if those that are getting something for nothing, get less when those that "have" are forced to pay more, the "poor" might consider a different option (job, career, side jobs, consulting). If you are the poor's champion, how much of your income do you "give" to them (since you care soooo much)?
1. So far, you hadn't been in the thread

2. what part of the word share don't you understand?

When roughly half the population pays no Federal income tax yet can vote to make those who DO pay Federal income tax, pay more...then you're going to have a hard time convincing me that there is much in the way of "sharing" going on.

When EVERYONE has some "skin in the game" then get back to me because at THAT point the wasteful spending will come to an abrupt halt.

People who work but pay no federal income taxes do so because of Republican tax policy, mostly from Reagan and GW Bush, who pushed down rates so far, and added so many credits and deductions, etc.

btw, why would tax someone getting food stamps and Medicaid? That doesn't make any sense.

Don't tax them, make their "check" less. If taxes are raised 2%, reduce those checks 2%. That way, they get to "sacrifice" too!
NO, it's REVENGE it came right outta your messiah's mouth, it sucks to be successful in AMERICA the RICH already pay for the moochers and now the moochers NEED more. IT"S fucking R E V E N G E

About 40% of your Medicare comes out of the general fund, NOT out of payroll taxes that you paid in.

Does that make you a moocher?

No,, I am a TAXPAYER. I EVEN pay taxes on my Social SEcurity, I still pay premiums for medicare, and copays. too, however the obummer guy stole 716 Billion dollars from the old people of America so god knows how long Medicare will even be around, my sole comfort lies in know that if I suffer a lot of other people mothers and grandmothers will suffer too and I smile knowing that a lot of those who will suffer will do so because they put this asshole back in office and I will say to myself. "they deserve it, they voted for him." :lol:

I am sorry this is happening. It will get harder for the elderly. Unfortunately, it will get worse in the next decade if Obamacare isn't eliminated. People will get the "pill" when their medical treatments cost more than the gov't allows each individual. Social Security will be "fixed" by eliminating the elderly (future) collecting it.

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