Five Babies Diagnosed With Measles. Too Young To Be Vaccinated

Ok, now that it is appearing in a numer of places, it gave me a pause in my thinking. I am not , and truly dislike conspiracies, but is anyone aware of the big recenet studies between a super measles vaccine and the possible cure of a blood cancer? Could, somehow, this vaccine been used, which is live virus, somehow be responsible for this outbreak?
I could almost shoot myself, for even thinking such a thought, much less verbalize it.
My concern? Could someone receiving this super vaccine actually expose a weakened immune system, such as a baby or those not vaccinated?
The studies have been ongoing since at least 2006, but was upped in 2013, 2014.
Mayo Clinic trial Massive blast of measles vaccine wipes out cancer Star Tribune

to the scientists here, could this be a possibility?
We didn't have this problem until the borders and red carpet was rolled out.
We didnt have this problem before people started thinking it was ok to be unvaccinated and to spread lies about concocted 'dangers'
Are you willfully ignorant? Or perhaps its because you can't reason?

If a baby is to young to be vaccinated, how is it that anyone can accuse the parents of being against vaccines?

Think people. Think.
Well, someone had to infect the babies. It was likely an unvaccinated non-baby that did so, these are the people that have been spreading the disease around.
Yet, the point of the article is that it was parents opposed to vaccines for their children who caused this, even though the vaccinated children were to young to be vaccinated.

This phenomenon is referred to as the "patella reflex syndrome", or using the vernacular slang....a knee jerk reaction.

It points out rather telling those people who frequent this place solely for the 'gotcha' moment.

It gets old....
We didn't have this problem until the borders and red carpet was rolled out.
We didnt have this problem before people started thinking it was ok to be unvaccinated and to spread lies about concocted 'dangers'
Are you willfully ignorant? Or perhaps its because you can't reason?

If a baby is to young to be vaccinated, how is it that anyone can accuse the parents of being against vaccines?

Think people. Think.
Well, someone had to infect the babies. It was likely an unvaccinated non-baby that did so, these are the people that have been spreading the disease around.
Yet, the point of the article is that it was parents opposed to vaccines for their children who caused this, even though the vaccinated children were to young to be vaccinated.

This phenomenon is referred to as the "patella reflex syndrome", or using the vernacular slang....a knee jerk reaction.

It points out rather telling those people who frequent this place solely for the 'gotcha' moment.

It gets old....
I believe a very large number of those who have been spreading the measles during this outbreak have been those unvaccinated by choice, not those too young to be vaccinated.
We didn't have this problem until the borders and red carpet was rolled out.
We didnt have this problem before people started thinking it was ok to be unvaccinated and to spread lies about concocted 'dangers'
Are you willfully ignorant? Or perhaps its because you can't reason?

If a baby is to young to be vaccinated, how is it that anyone can accuse the parents of being against vaccines?

Think people. Think.
Well, someone had to infect the babies. It was likely an unvaccinated non-baby that did so, these are the people that have been spreading the disease around.
Yet, the point of the article is that it was parents opposed to vaccines for their children who caused this, even though the vaccinated children were to young to be vaccinated.

This phenomenon is referred to as the "patella reflex syndrome", or using the vernacular slang....a knee jerk reaction.

It points out rather telling those people who frequent this place solely for the 'gotcha' moment.

It gets old....
I believe a very large number of those who have been spreading the measles during this outbreak have been those unvaccinated by choice, not those too young to be vaccinated.
Then ask yourself this. With the exception of children to young to be vaccinated, who exactly is at risk and what is the full percentage of the population?

If you believe (as I do) in vaccinating your children, then an un-vaccinated child is no threat to Me or My children.

The solution is easy. Vaccinate your children and you won't have to worry about those who don't believe in it.

If your child is too young to be vaccinated, then take the proper precautions to ensure that you're child does not come into contact with the disease until such time as you CAN vaccinate your child.

I refuse to authorize government to break the barrier of the parent/child sanctity for a few hundredths of one percent who may or may not get a childhood disease which, btw....IS survivable.

Measles are NOT universally fatal. I should know. I had them when I was a kid back in the stone age of modern medicine.
I'd like to add one last thing to this entire measles vaccine debate.

The death rate of people with the measles was very low before we found the vaccine. So, hyping people who do not vaccinate children as murderers is extreme hyperbole.

Prior to the vaccine, 3-4 million cases of measles occured in the United States each year. <—True.

Also true, however, is that of those 3-4 million cases, only about 450 people died each year from it in the years before the vaccine.

That still seems like a lot? Instead of running out to make sure your vaccinations are up to date, how about a shot of perspective instead?

In the screen shot below, I have figured out the percentage of people who died from measles of all of the measles cases back then. 0.015%.

Article can be found here:

Putting Measles Into Perspective
We didnt have this problem before people started thinking it was ok to be unvaccinated and to spread lies about concocted 'dangers'
Are you willfully ignorant? Or perhaps its because you can't reason?

If a baby is to young to be vaccinated, how is it that anyone can accuse the parents of being against vaccines?

Think people. Think.
Well, someone had to infect the babies. It was likely an unvaccinated non-baby that did so, these are the people that have been spreading the disease around.
Yet, the point of the article is that it was parents opposed to vaccines for their children who caused this, even though the vaccinated children were to young to be vaccinated.

This phenomenon is referred to as the "patella reflex syndrome", or using the vernacular slang....a knee jerk reaction.

It points out rather telling those people who frequent this place solely for the 'gotcha' moment.

It gets old....
I believe a very large number of those who have been spreading the measles during this outbreak have been those unvaccinated by choice, not those too young to be vaccinated.
Then ask yourself this. With the exception of children to young to be vaccinated, who exactly is at risk and what is the full percentage of the population?

If you believe (as I do) in vaccinating your children, then an un-vaccinated child is no threat to Me or My children.

The solution is easy. Vaccinate your children and you won't have to worry about those who don't believe in it.

If your child is too young to be vaccinated, then take the proper precautions to ensure that you're child does not come into contact with the disease until such time as you CAN vaccinate your child.

I refuse to authorize government to break the barrier of the parent/child sanctity for a few hundredths of one percent who may or may not get a childhood disease which, btw....IS survivable.

Measles are NOT universally fatal. I should know. I had them when I was a kid back in the stone age of modern medicine.
Unvaccinated people are a threat to you or your children if the vaccine didn't take for one of you, it isn't 100% effective, or if you or your children become immunocompromised due to other medical issues.

Measles is definitely survivable and survival rates are very high but it can cause life long brain damage and deafness.
Are you willfully ignorant? Or perhaps its because you can't reason?

If a baby is to young to be vaccinated, how is it that anyone can accuse the parents of being against vaccines?

Think people. Think.
Well, someone had to infect the babies. It was likely an unvaccinated non-baby that did so, these are the people that have been spreading the disease around.
Yet, the point of the article is that it was parents opposed to vaccines for their children who caused this, even though the vaccinated children were to young to be vaccinated.

This phenomenon is referred to as the "patella reflex syndrome", or using the vernacular slang....a knee jerk reaction.

It points out rather telling those people who frequent this place solely for the 'gotcha' moment.

It gets old....
I believe a very large number of those who have been spreading the measles during this outbreak have been those unvaccinated by choice, not those too young to be vaccinated.
Then ask yourself this. With the exception of children to young to be vaccinated, who exactly is at risk and what is the full percentage of the population?

If you believe (as I do) in vaccinating your children, then an un-vaccinated child is no threat to Me or My children.

The solution is easy. Vaccinate your children and you won't have to worry about those who don't believe in it.

If your child is too young to be vaccinated, then take the proper precautions to ensure that you're child does not come into contact with the disease until such time as you CAN vaccinate your child.

I refuse to authorize government to break the barrier of the parent/child sanctity for a few hundredths of one percent who may or may not get a childhood disease which, btw....IS survivable.

Measles are NOT universally fatal. I should know. I had them when I was a kid back in the stone age of modern medicine.
Unvaccinated people are a threat to you or your children if the vaccine didn't take for one of you, it isn't 100% effective, or if you or your children become immunocompromised due to other medical issues.

Measles is definitely survivable and survival rates are very high but it can cause life long brain damage and deafness.
So, if you trust so little in the vaccine, why even bother.

Yes, things can go wrong with them. Nothing is 100% perfect and this is what I like to call life. There will always be risks.

Doesn't justify government or radical intervention of government into the family.
Willful ignorance, illiteracy, and poor government education in way of public service TV spots, etc. I think if children die or are permanently disable because their parents were criminally negligent in not getting them vaccinated, should stand trial for murder in the first case, or be sentence to lengthy prison terms for the latter.

Oh, what the hell is a daycare center doing accepting children whose parents didn't supply proof of vaccination before they were ever admitted? Ever taken your dog to a kennel? They demand as much there.

What a great point!!!
Willful ignorance, illiteracy, and poor government education in way of public service TV spots, etc. I think if children die or are permanently disable because their parents were criminally negligent in not getting them vaccinated, should stand trial for murder in the first case, or be sentence to lengthy prison terms for the latter.

Oh, what the hell is a daycare center doing accepting children whose parents didn't supply proof of vaccination before they were ever admitted? Ever taken your dog to a kennel? They demand as much there.
Well, damn, I guess there is something we totally agree on, after all. When a child dies of a disease that has a common vaccine, just because the parent does not 'believe' in vaccines, that parent should stand trial for negligent homocide. If that child carries measles, or some other contagious disease into an area, like a hospital with new borns, and that cause damage to the babies there, the parents of that child should face charges as you reccomended. We both saw the results of the polio epidemic in 1952 and the wonderous termination of that dread childhood disease by the '70's. How can anyone say the vaccines are more dangerous than the diseases after that example?

I can't agree with you more. The parents of these babies should sue whoever caused their children to get the measles. These babies are too young to be vaccinated so they're open to any number of diseases from those who choose not to vaccinate.

The reason why diseases were eradicated was because no one had a choice. Everyone was vaccinated. We were all lined up in the gym or cafeteria at school and everyone was vaccinated. The only exceptions being those who already were vaccinated.

Vaccinations should NEVER be a choice. People are putting babies at risk for death. No one has the freedom or right to kill another person's baby.
The following article is a very good example of what I've been saying to the anti vaccinators. They're putting other people's babies a risk for diseases that kill. The measles kill. Especially when it's a baby.

All of these children were too young to be vaccinated for the measles.

Measles Hits Chicago-Area Daycare Center

To those who say people should have a choice. No they shouldn't have a choice.

The reason being no one has the right to kill another person's baby.

You do realize that the vaccine is not 100% effective right? A vaccinated person can get and pass on to another vaccinated person.

You knew that right?

Yes I did.

I also know that's no reason to not vaccinate.
Willful ignorance, illiteracy, and poor government education in way of public service TV spots, etc. I think if children die or are permanently disable because their parents were criminally negligent in not getting them vaccinated, should stand trial for murder in the first case, or be sentence to lengthy prison terms for the latter.

Oh, what the hell is a daycare center doing accepting children whose parents didn't supply proof of vaccination before they were ever admitted? Ever taken your dog to a kennel? They demand as much there.
Well, damn, I guess there is something we totally agree on, after all. When a child dies of a disease that has a common vaccine, just because the parent does not 'believe' in vaccines, that parent should stand trial for negligent homocide. If that child carries measles, or some other contagious disease into an area, like a hospital with new borns, and that cause damage to the babies there, the parents of that child should face charges as you reccomended. We both saw the results of the polio epidemic in 1952 and the wonderous termination of that dread childhood disease by the '70's. How can anyone say the vaccines are more dangerous than the diseases after that example?

Give them an injection that paralyses them for a month, stick them on their backs in an iron lung where pumps force them to breath, let them wear diapers and have a relative clean up after them, then four weeks later ask them if polio vaccine was worth it for all we babies of the 50's.

I know what you're talking about. My aunt had polio. So did my mother in law.

I will never, ever understand why people are so stupid that they buy into the lies and don't vaccinate.
...economic classes.

Republicans are so useless. Surely by now the rightwing must admit it.

How are those shovel ready jobs comin along?

The irony of the OP is delicious.
You know I don't even care about this "shovel ready" phrase you cons keep repeating. Really all that matters is that 11 million private jobs have been created under Obama.

Willful ignorance, illiteracy, and poor government education in way of public service TV spots, etc. I think if children die or are permanently disable because their parents were criminally negligent in not getting them vaccinated, should stand trial for murder in the first case, or be sentence to lengthy prison terms for the latter.

Oh, what the hell is a daycare center doing accepting children whose parents didn't supply proof of vaccination before they were ever admitted? Ever taken your dog to a kennel? They demand as much there.
There wasn't necessarily someone at the daycare center who was unvaccinated. All it takes is one unvaccinated baby too young to be vaccinated who contracts the disease elsewhere and then brings it to the daycare facility, infecting the rest of the youngins.

Your post makes no sense. Your first sentence assumes that all of the children at the daycare might have been vaccinated. Then you assume an unvaccinated child came into the daycare center and infected children already vaccinated?
All of those who have been diagnosed with measles so far are too young to be vaccinated, babies get their first MMR shot between 12 and 15 months. I'm saying it was a possibility that one of these babies contracted measles outside of the daycare facility and infected the rest of the babies.

Got it.

My wife stayed at home and raised our boys. I can't for the life of me ever imagine turning over a one year-old baby to a daycare center. Yes I know it's an economic necessity for many, but there's no way in hell I'd ever have done that with my kids.

I gave up my career in accounting to be a mom. I stayed home with our chid throughout her whole childhood. I turned my hobby into my career that allowed me to work at home mostly. I did have to work outside the home to actually take the photos but because concerts are at night and on the weekend, my husband stayed with our child when I was working a concert or festival.

Our child never once set foot in a day care.

I do know that our situation was the exception. Too many people don't have that option today and way too many businesses don't offer maternity leave or support working mothers.
Why do people have babies and dump them in day care cesspools?
Cause it takes two working to pay for food and shelter.
Then why have babies? Why make babies and put them through your budget problems?
Is that the best you can do, anyone here call you an idiot before now, my guess is yes.
Your response involved no analysis.
I need to, "analyze" why you are an idiot? You are kidding, right?
Why do people have babies and dump them in day care cesspools?
Cause it takes two working to pay for food and shelter.
Then why have babies? Why make babies and put them through your budget problems?
Is that the best you can do, anyone here call you an idiot before now, my guess is yes.
Your response involved no analysis.
I need to, "analyze" why you are an idiot? You are kidding, right?
You're losing credibility. If you disagree with a post or a point apply some analysis so we can have a conversation. Otherwise it just becomes a shitfest and I have no interest in wasting my time on that.
Cause it takes two working to pay for food and shelter.
Then why have babies? Why make babies and put them through your budget problems?
Is that the best you can do, anyone here call you an idiot before now, my guess is yes.
Your response involved no analysis.
I need to, "analyze" why you are an idiot? You are kidding, right?
You're losing credibility. If you disagree with a post or a point apply some analysis so we can have a conversation. Otherwise it just becomes a shitfest and I have no interest in wasting my time on that.
No, but you have plenty of interest in flaming and trolling.

Why do people have babies and dump them in day care cesspools?

I replied to this simply, with civility, even though you had chosen to describe, Day Care as, "cesspools". You than replied making false assumptions of my life and followed with a post that could only be interpreted as a post of a Troll.

Now you state I have lost credibly? That I need to "analyze" and discuss your false assumptions? A "shitfest", yes that is what happens when you make deliberate false assumptions.

You have no interest in the "shitfest"? Now that is rich.

I guess I mistook you for an "idiot", sorry. You are simply stupid. Go troll and bait someone else. Or put up with me pointing out your stupidity.
Daycare centers are bacterial cesspools. Why would people make babies knowing they have to drop their kids there? I said nothing personal about you.
Daycare centers are bacterial cesspools. Why would people make babies knowing they have to drop their kids there? I said nothing personal about you.
Daycare centers are bacterial cesspools. Why would people make babies knowing they have to drop their kids there? I said nothing personal about you.
Bullshit! You stated I had, "budget problems". I guess you been trolling so long you forgot.

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