Five Pence aides test positive for coronavirus. Pence rallied without a mask yesterday anyway

Let me know when someone has died within their circle and then you can lecture me about their stupidity...

Former GOP presidential hopeful Herman Cain dies of COVID-19
Former GOP presidential hopeful Herman Cain dies of COVID-19
Again..............sooo................he died like he lived...........FREE.........

Now your side counts body bags for Politics during a Pandemic............He had cancer so he was in the risk side of the equation..........

He chose to go a Free man..........guess you like slavery again..................hmmmm
Well all these “free” idiots acting like Herman and the Trumpsters are perpetuating this disease beyond where it would be if they all acted responsibly. This is causing a huge strain on our businesses, workers and medical community. Why you make excuses for them?? I have no clue
This virus will run it's course whether you like it or not...........and the so called vaccine will be a best guess shot each year just like the Flu.

Corona has been here since WWII and this is just another strain of it........spreads like the Flu......and you are going to stop it with cloth masks............

Dream on.

ummm... no. it is NOT a 'strain' of anything. please don't say you fell for the kellyanne bullshit that the ' 19' is the 19th strain of covid. this is a NOVEL virus; meaning it's brand spanking new.
It's new.......No shit are playing games with the MUTATINT VIRUS......

Guess what Einstein.........the Flu and cold are NEW EVERY YEAR because they mutate.......which is why there is NO VACCINE for it.........this is the same scenario dumb ass..........fitting symbol of the DNC
Pence has not even so much as tested positive. So who is sick? Do you have any names

pence - the 'leader' of the covid task force is refusing to follow the CDC's own guidelines & self quarantine outa precaution that he could still test positive & shed them thar coronacooties.

but he won't, 'cause he's not pro life. hopefully there's no pregnant MAGATs shoved in like a sardine waiting to hear the bullshit he spews for his boss' resume.

he's tested probably every day, or more than that. He would be found positive well before he would be contagious.


'probably'. even donny isn't tested every day. the problem is people who have no symptoms are shedding the virus AND b4 they show any.

pence is allowing all the trump humpers to put themselves at risk by the crowding & not making masks mandatory.

it's not just about *HIM*.

if he was pro life, he would do everything he could to help keep all the little deplorables alive.

they are almost definitely tested every day, and the point of virus shedding to the point of contagion is debated.

If they get an early positive it is surely before their viral load is to the shedding point.

And you as usual misunderstand and misuse the pro life tag.

' almost ' is not 100% guaranteed.

& actually it's the 'pro lifers' who misuse that term.

what they really are is 'pro birth'.

Nothing is 100% guaranteed, it's amazing you don't grasp that.

Pro choice people are OK with the killing of a fetus "just because"

See what I did there?

donny getting tested every day SHOULD be 100% guaranteed.

if he were, then the WH would be clean. they aren't & he even gave it to his kid. you know, the 5th spawn from his 3rd baby mama.

pro choice people care about the post born that need to be fed, clothed, housed, schooled, medically taken care of whilst the pro birthers like pence just want them birthed.

Again, testing and masking and distancing isn't a 100% guarantee that the scientifically ignorant like you think it is.

You can rant on about your hatred of pro life people, yet you always tiptoe around the fact that abortion on demand means the death of a fetus "because I feel like it"

wearing a mask is more for the people around you not getting the virus FROM you, rather than the other way around. it cuts transmission down by 75%. last i heard 75% is way better than 0%. & keeping ones' distance helps even more.

lol ... i follow the scientists advise on this one & not some lunatics who think testing actually is the culprit.

i don't hate pro lifers - i just hate the hypocritical pro birthers who walk away & think their job is done once the cord is cut.

oh ya - a zygot is not embryo is not a fetus. don't believe in abortion? don't have one.

see? easy peasy.

75% is an estimate, and not a very good one.

See, you dodge the fact that abortion on demand is killing a life "just because I felt like it"

All the verbal gymnastics you do and you can't admit it.

Let me know when someone has died within their circle and then you can lecture me about their stupidity...

Former GOP presidential hopeful Herman Cain dies of COVID-19
Former GOP presidential hopeful Herman Cain dies of COVID-19
Again..............sooo................he died like he lived...........FREE.........

Now your side counts body bags for Politics during a Pandemic............He had cancer so he was in the risk side of the equation..........

He chose to go a Free man..........guess you like slavery again..................hmmmm
Well all these “free” idiots acting like Herman and the Trumpsters are perpetuating this disease beyond where it would be if they all acted responsibly. This is causing a huge strain on our businesses, workers and medical community. Why you make excuses for them?? I have no clue
This virus will run it's course whether you like it or not...........and the so called vaccine will be a best guess shot each year just like the Flu.

Corona has been here since WWII and this is just another strain of it........spreads like the Flu......and you are going to stop it with cloth masks............

Dream on.

ummm... no. it is NOT a 'strain' of anything. please don't say you fell for the kellyanne bullshit that the ' 19' is the 19th strain of covid. this is a NOVEL virus; meaning it's brand spanking new.
It's new.......No shit are playing games with the MUTATINT VIRUS......

Guess what Einstein.........the Flu and cold are NEW EVERY YEAR because they mutate.......which is why there is NO VACCINE for it.........this is the same scenario dumb ass..........fitting symbol of the DNC

it's not a strain ... like you tried to peddle.

that isn't what a 'novel virus' means. it may have similarities but that is way different than saying it's a variant of influenza - which has a vaccine ready every year based on the most prevalent STRAINS.

covid 19 is totally different than anything we have seen.
Pence has not even so much as tested positive. So who is sick? Do you have any names

pence - the 'leader' of the covid task force is refusing to follow the CDC's own guidelines & self quarantine outa precaution that he could still test positive & shed them thar coronacooties.

but he won't, 'cause he's not pro life. hopefully there's no pregnant MAGATs shoved in like a sardine waiting to hear the bullshit he spews for his boss' resume.

he's tested probably every day, or more than that. He would be found positive well before he would be contagious.


'probably'. even donny isn't tested every day. the problem is people who have no symptoms are shedding the virus AND b4 they show any.

pence is allowing all the trump humpers to put themselves at risk by the crowding & not making masks mandatory.

it's not just about *HIM*.

if he was pro life, he would do everything he could to help keep all the little deplorables alive.

they are almost definitely tested every day, and the point of virus shedding to the point of contagion is debated.

If they get an early positive it is surely before their viral load is to the shedding point.

And you as usual misunderstand and misuse the pro life tag.

' almost ' is not 100% guaranteed.

& actually it's the 'pro lifers' who misuse that term.

what they really are is 'pro birth'.

Nothing is 100% guaranteed, it's amazing you don't grasp that.

Pro choice people are OK with the killing of a fetus "just because"

See what I did there?

donny getting tested every day SHOULD be 100% guaranteed.

if he were, then the WH would be clean. they aren't & he even gave it to his kid. you know, the 5th spawn from his 3rd baby mama.

pro choice people care about the post born that need to be fed, clothed, housed, schooled, medically taken care of whilst the pro birthers like pence just want them birthed.

Again, testing and masking and distancing isn't a 100% guarantee that the scientifically ignorant like you think it is.

You can rant on about your hatred of pro life people, yet you always tiptoe around the fact that abortion on demand means the death of a fetus "because I feel like it"

wearing a mask is more for the people around you not getting the virus FROM you, rather than the other way around. it cuts transmission down by 75%. last i heard 75% is way better than 0%. & keeping ones' distance helps even more.

lol ... i follow the scientists advise on this one & not some lunatics who think testing actually is the culprit.

i don't hate pro lifers - i just hate the hypocritical pro birthers who walk away & think their job is done once the cord is cut.

oh ya - a zygot is not embryo is not a fetus. don't believe in abortion? don't have one.

see? easy peasy.

75% is an estimate, and not a very good one.

See, you dodge the fact that abortion on demand is killing a life "just because I felt like it"

All the verbal gymnastics you do and you can't admit it.


it's an educated estimate based on scientific research & the outcomes we have seen so far.

i'm not dodging anything - abortion on demand is a woman's choice within limits. sure it's 'life' but only a potential life - hardly the same as a post born person with a life history.

to equate a zygote to anything or anybody beyond that & give the same weight to its 'humaness' is silly.
Let me know when someone has died within their circle and then you can lecture me about their stupidity...

Former GOP presidential hopeful Herman Cain dies of COVID-19
Former GOP presidential hopeful Herman Cain dies of COVID-19
Again..............sooo................he died like he lived...........FREE.........

Now your side counts body bags for Politics during a Pandemic............He had cancer so he was in the risk side of the equation..........

He chose to go a Free man..........guess you like slavery again..................hmmmm
Well all these “free” idiots acting like Herman and the Trumpsters are perpetuating this disease beyond where it would be if they all acted responsibly. This is causing a huge strain on our businesses, workers and medical community. Why you make excuses for them?? I have no clue
This virus will run it's course whether you like it or not...........and the so called vaccine will be a best guess shot each year just like the Flu.

Corona has been here since WWII and this is just another strain of it........spreads like the Flu......and you are going to stop it with cloth masks............

Dream on.

ummm... no. it is NOT a 'strain' of anything. please don't say you fell for the kellyanne bullshit that the ' 19' is the 19th strain of covid. this is a NOVEL virus; meaning it's brand spanking new.
It's new.......No shit are playing games with the MUTATINT VIRUS......

Guess what Einstein.........the Flu and cold are NEW EVERY YEAR because they mutate.......which is why there is NO VACCINE for it.........this is the same scenario dumb ass..........fitting symbol of the DNC

it's not a strain ... like you tried to peddle.

that isn't what a 'novel virus' means. it may have similarities but that is way different than saying it's a variant of influenza - which has a vaccine ready every year based on the most prevalent STRAINS.

covid 19 is totally different than anything we have seen.'s a mutation of strains since 2003 it was a more deadly mutation but contained...........

This one spreads like the can't be contained.........period.........but it is STILL CORONA AND SARS..........and much of the early data was better because this WAS NOT NEW.........

The Mutation is NOVEL.........NEW......not the series of the virus..........Just because the game of throne beheads the wolf in an episode ........doesn't make it a different show like Hogan's Heroes later.

It is still Game of thrones.
it's an educated estimate based on scientific research & the outcomes we have seen so far.
Like Fauci's estimates of 2 to 3 million deaths.........that estimate SUCKED...........and because Trump repeated the experts numbers.............ya'll went look how bad Trump is for saying it...........nothing to Fauci................

Your tribe are hypocrites.
it's an educated estimate based on scientific research & the outcomes we have seen so far.
Like Fauci's estimates of 2 to 3 million deaths.........that estimate SUCKED...........and because Trump repeated the experts numbers.............ya'll went look how bad Trump is for saying it...........nothing to Fauci................

Your tribe are hypocrites.

oh dude - that 2 million estimate was if ... now read this slowly....

if we did NOTHING.

the rest of yer diatribe is pablum.
it's an educated estimate based on scientific research & the outcomes we have seen so far.
Like Fauci's estimates of 2 to 3 million deaths.........that estimate SUCKED...........and because Trump repeated the experts numbers.............ya'll went look how bad Trump is for saying it...........nothing to Fauci................

Your tribe are hypocrites.

oh dude - that 2 million estimate was if ... now read this slowly....

if we did NOTHING.

the rest of yer diatribe is pablum.

nice spin.................this shit raced through New York like hot water in a coffee filter in a Mr. Coffee pot..........New York had RIGID RULES..........Mask up or we will beat your ass with a club............

Didn't stop Jack Squat..........and it sure didn't care about the Nursing home people when they put positive patients back in with negatives there.............common air........POSITIVE AIR FLOW........

Yet those in isolation have NEGATIVE AIR.....MANDATORY......but oh well .....let's put covid granny in non covid grandpa area and then wonder why grandpa got it too.

The Cruise ship was a prime example of this...........they were LOCKED IN THEIR ROOMS....brought food and drinks.............never saw anyone but masked people giving them food.......and yet it raced right through them........

Because it was the ventilation systems dummy.
That is in March bro..............I called it then.....and have been posting studies since then...........

Wasn't til lately they went..........HEY MAN.......Covid might be airborn.............LMAO
it's an educated estimate based on scientific research & the outcomes we have seen so far.
Like Fauci's estimates of 2 to 3 million deaths.........that estimate SUCKED...........and because Trump repeated the experts numbers.............ya'll went look how bad Trump is for saying it...........nothing to Fauci................

Your tribe are hypocrites.

oh dude - that 2 million estimate was if ... now read this slowly....

if we did NOTHING.

the rest of yer diatribe is pablum.

nice spin.................this shit raced through New York like hot water in a coffee filter in a Mr. Coffee pot..........New York had RIGID RULES..........Mask up or we will beat your ass with a club............

Didn't stop Jack Squat..........and it sure didn't care about the Nursing home people when they put positive patients back in with negatives there.............common air........POSITIVE AIR FLOW........

Yet those in isolation have NEGATIVE AIR.....MANDATORY......but oh well .....let's put covid granny in non covid grandpa area and then wonder why grandpa got it too.

The Cruise ship was a prime example of this...........they were LOCKED IN THEIR ROOMS....brought food and drinks.............never saw anyone but masked people giving them food.......and yet it raced right through them........

Because it was the ventilation systems dummy.

yep - ventilation is key. that's why the numbers are spiking with the aged schools we have & are now in session - along with the lack of social distancing. i don't argue one wit about the nursing homes. 100% stupidity on the parts of those who allowed it.

but once masks became widely used, the numbers went down.
It's no surprise that many Republicans close to Donald Trump Mike Pence etc are getting infected. A huge number of Republicans just don't like masks.

And Mike Pence should be on quarantine right now instead of campaigning, let alone campaigning without a mask.

Mr. Pence appeared without a mask at a rally in Tallahassee, Fla., on Saturday, and some in the crowd were also maskless. Mr. Trump’s supporters also rarely wear masks at his rallies.
biden ad harris staffers also caught COVID 19 imagine that maybe they met somewhere
it's an educated estimate based on scientific research & the outcomes we have seen so far.
Like Fauci's estimates of 2 to 3 million deaths.........that estimate SUCKED...........and because Trump repeated the experts numbers.............ya'll went look how bad Trump is for saying it...........nothing to Fauci................

Your tribe are hypocrites.

oh dude - that 2 million estimate was if ... now read this slowly....

if we did NOTHING.

the rest of yer diatribe is pablum.

nice spin.................this shit raced through New York like hot water in a coffee filter in a Mr. Coffee pot..........New York had RIGID RULES..........Mask up or we will beat your ass with a club............

Didn't stop Jack Squat..........and it sure didn't care about the Nursing home people when they put positive patients back in with negatives there.............common air........POSITIVE AIR FLOW........

Yet those in isolation have NEGATIVE AIR.....MANDATORY......but oh well .....let's put covid granny in non covid grandpa area and then wonder why grandpa got it too.

The Cruise ship was a prime example of this...........they were LOCKED IN THEIR ROOMS....brought food and drinks.............never saw anyone but masked people giving them food.......and yet it raced right through them........

Because it was the ventilation systems dummy.

yep - ventilation is key. that's why the numbers are spiking with the aged schools we have & are now in session - along with the lack of social distancing. i don't argue one wit about the nursing homes. 100% stupidity on the parts of those who allowed it.

but once masks became widely used, the numbers went down.
I have posted the studies on the T Cells........that 40 to 60 % have T Cells that REMEMBER the virus from previous strains of Covid..........and it explains almost to a tee on what is happening elderly T Cells are degraded with age...............

Meaning.......most get it and don't know way more have had it all over the world then know it.


Common human coronaviruses
  1. 229E (alpha coronavirus)
  2. NL63 (alpha coronavirus)
  3. OC43 (beta coronavirus)
  4. HKU1 (beta coronavirus)
Other human coronaviruses
  1. MERS-CoV (the beta coronavirus that causes Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, or MERS)
  2. SARS-CoV (the beta coronavirus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS)
  3. SARS-CoV-2 (the novel coronavirus that causes coronavirus disease 2019, or COVID-19)

Recently the Red State article has been removed from Google...........IMAGINE THAT...........LOL
it's an educated estimate based on scientific research & the outcomes we have seen so far.
Like Fauci's estimates of 2 to 3 million deaths.........that estimate SUCKED...........and because Trump repeated the experts numbers.............ya'll went look how bad Trump is for saying it...........nothing to Fauci................

Your tribe are hypocrites.

oh dude - that 2 million estimate was if ... now read this slowly....

if we did NOTHING.

the rest of yer diatribe is pablum.

nice spin.................this shit raced through New York like hot water in a coffee filter in a Mr. Coffee pot..........New York had RIGID RULES..........Mask up or we will beat your ass with a club............

Didn't stop Jack Squat..........and it sure didn't care about the Nursing home people when they put positive patients back in with negatives there.............common air........POSITIVE AIR FLOW........

Yet those in isolation have NEGATIVE AIR.....MANDATORY......but oh well .....let's put covid granny in non covid grandpa area and then wonder why grandpa got it too.

The Cruise ship was a prime example of this...........they were LOCKED IN THEIR ROOMS....brought food and drinks.............never saw anyone but masked people giving them food.......and yet it raced right through them........

Because it was the ventilation systems dummy.

yep - ventilation is key. that's why the numbers are spiking with the aged schools we have & are now in session - along with the lack of social distancing. i don't argue one wit about the nursing homes. 100% stupidity on the parts of those who allowed it.

but once masks became widely used, the numbers went down.
I have posted the studies on the T Cells........that 40 to 60 % have T Cells that REMEMBER the virus from previous strains of Covid..........and it explains almost to a tee on what is happening elderly T Cells are degraded with age...............

Meaning.......most get it and don't know way more have had it all over the world then know it.

well duh. that's why it's so transmissible. how many people get influenza & don't know it?

does the flu cause blood clots? brain fog?

symptom relapse weeks/months after supposedly being 'over it' ?

this is a whole different disease.
it's an educated estimate based on scientific research & the outcomes we have seen so far.
Like Fauci's estimates of 2 to 3 million deaths.........that estimate SUCKED...........and because Trump repeated the experts numbers.............ya'll went look how bad Trump is for saying it...........nothing to Fauci................

Your tribe are hypocrites.

oh dude - that 2 million estimate was if ... now read this slowly....

if we did NOTHING.

the rest of yer diatribe is pablum.

nice spin.................this shit raced through New York like hot water in a coffee filter in a Mr. Coffee pot..........New York had RIGID RULES..........Mask up or we will beat your ass with a club............

Didn't stop Jack Squat..........and it sure didn't care about the Nursing home people when they put positive patients back in with negatives there.............common air........POSITIVE AIR FLOW........

Yet those in isolation have NEGATIVE AIR.....MANDATORY......but oh well .....let's put covid granny in non covid grandpa area and then wonder why grandpa got it too.

The Cruise ship was a prime example of this...........they were LOCKED IN THEIR ROOMS....brought food and drinks.............never saw anyone but masked people giving them food.......and yet it raced right through them........

Because it was the ventilation systems dummy.

yep - ventilation is key. that's why the numbers are spiking with the aged schools we have & are now in session - along with the lack of social distancing. i don't argue one wit about the nursing homes. 100% stupidity on the parts of those who allowed it.

but once masks became widely used, the numbers went down.
I have posted the studies on the T Cells........that 40 to 60 % have T Cells that REMEMBER the virus from previous strains of Covid..........and it explains almost to a tee on what is happening elderly T Cells are degraded with age...............

Meaning.......most get it and don't know way more have had it all over the world then know it.

well duh. that's why it's so transmissible. how many people get influenza & don't know it?

does the flu cause blood clots? brain fog?

symptom relapse weeks/months after supposedly being 'over it' ?

this is a whole different disease.
That is NOT WHAT THE STUDIES SAY..........the studies say that T Cells can remember to produce Antibodies for this Covid from older versions of it ......and from having even the common cold years ago.......
it's an educated estimate based on scientific research & the outcomes we have seen so far.
Like Fauci's estimates of 2 to 3 million deaths.........that estimate SUCKED...........and because Trump repeated the experts numbers.............ya'll went look how bad Trump is for saying it...........nothing to Fauci................

Your tribe are hypocrites.

oh dude - that 2 million estimate was if ... now read this slowly....

if we did NOTHING.

the rest of yer diatribe is pablum.

nice spin.................this shit raced through New York like hot water in a coffee filter in a Mr. Coffee pot..........New York had RIGID RULES..........Mask up or we will beat your ass with a club............

Didn't stop Jack Squat..........and it sure didn't care about the Nursing home people when they put positive patients back in with negatives there.............common air........POSITIVE AIR FLOW........

Yet those in isolation have NEGATIVE AIR.....MANDATORY......but oh well .....let's put covid granny in non covid grandpa area and then wonder why grandpa got it too.

The Cruise ship was a prime example of this...........they were LOCKED IN THEIR ROOMS....brought food and drinks.............never saw anyone but masked people giving them food.......and yet it raced right through them........

Because it was the ventilation systems dummy.

yep - ventilation is key. that's why the numbers are spiking with the aged schools we have & are now in session - along with the lack of social distancing. i don't argue one wit about the nursing homes. 100% stupidity on the parts of those who allowed it.

but once masks became widely used, the numbers went down.
I have posted the studies on the T Cells........that 40 to 60 % have T Cells that REMEMBER the virus from previous strains of Covid..........and it explains almost to a tee on what is happening elderly T Cells are degraded with age...............

Meaning.......most get it and don't know way more have had it all over the world then know it.

well duh. that's why it's so transmissible. how many people get influenza & don't know it?

does the flu cause blood clots? brain fog?

symptom relapse weeks/months after supposedly being 'over it' ?

this is a whole different disease.
That is NOT WHAT THE STUDIES SAY..........the studies say that T Cells can remember to produce Antibodies for this Covid from older versions of it ......and from having even the common cold years ago.......

there are cases being reported that people have gotten it twice, so antibodies may not offer much help. in the meantime, mitigating the likleyhood of catching it must be considered & implimented.

ie masks, social distancing, limiting exposure, & hand washing.
At least 5 of Vice President Pence's aides test positive for coronavirus

So this is Trump's idea of America rounding the corner of the pandemic, is it? Fucking idiot! America, do you really want this bunch of Republican yahoos running the pandemic, running the country? Really? What kinda of fucking self destructive MORON would you have to be to support Trump and his fucking incompetent staff with your children's future. Dump Trump before he burns down the entire country!
At least 5 of Vice President Pence's aides test positive for coronavirus

So this is Trump's idea of America rounding the corner of the pandemic, is it? Fucking idiot! America, do you really want this bunch of Republican yahoos running the pandemic, running the country? Really? What kinda of fucking self destructive MORON would you have to be to support Trump and his fucking incompetent staff with your children's future. Dump Trump before he burns down the entire country!
You can't prevent the spread of any airborne respiratory virus, flu or covid. Wake up!

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