Photo shows most DC marchers wearing a mask, unlike GOP convention crowd

Yesterday few Republicans attending the convention wore masks, which reduce the chance of getting coronavirus.
This photo of today's DC March for racial equality shows a different picture:

That's it? That's all you got? Sounds like a kid tattling to his teacher.
Yesterday few Republicans attending the convention wore masks, which reduce the chance of getting coronavirus.
This photo of today's DC March for racial equality shows a different picture:

No, that photo shows TEN people out of THOUSANDS.
Call me a skeptic but that photo may very well be orchestrated just to give you MORONS a political weapon.

I watch coverage almost daily of the protests across the nation and most of the people wearing masks are the looters/arsonists and we all know what they are trying to protect and it ain't their health.
Notice the one white dude on the left without a mask?
Must be one of those supremacists that the OP fears.
Yesterday few Republicans attending the convention wore masks, which reduce the chance of getting coronavirus.
This photo of today's DC March for racial equality shows a different picture:

View attachment 381303

Next time try to be civil, and wear a mask.
How about you wear this mask?
That will keep the rest of us safe from Covid and the Bullshit you spew.
The day after they were eating their soiled under wear over why Trump was violating social distancing by having a "crowd" gathered for the GOP acceptance speech, the Left and the media BRAG about TENS OF THOUSANDS of protesters gathering in Washington DC flagrantly violating social distancing rules.

These assholes either have a bad memory, or unabashedly fascistic, or both.
Makeup yer mind what are they fascist, communist, Marxist gheesh next they will be Democratic-Republicans like North Korea.
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The day after they were eating their soiled under wear over why Trump was violating social distancing by having a "crowd" gathered for the GOP acceptance speech, the Left and the media BRAG about TENS OF THOUSANDS of protesters gathering in Washington DC flagrantly violating social distancing rules.

These assholes either have a bad memory, or unabashedly fascistic, or both.
There's an old army regulation that dates back to about 1100 bc
Do as I say not as I do
Let’s see
One is a spontaneous crowd, the other is a planned official event by invitation.

I do see more masks in the BLM protests
The day after they were eating their soiled under wear over why Trump was violating social distancing by having a "crowd" gathered for the GOP acceptance speech, the Left and the media BRAG about TENS OF THOUSANDS of protesters gathering in Washington DC flagrantly violating social distancing rules.

These assholes either have a bad memory, or unabashedly fascistic, or both.
Only right wingers are saying that. Not very great are you.

Here is the Greatest of the Great (for the right wing):
Let’s see
One is a spontaneous crowd, the other is a planned official event by invitation.

I do see more masks in the BLM protests
Dude, if you think the riots are spontaneous, I have a bridge to sell you, cheap.
They are SO spontaneous that hundreds of them arrive from out of town wearing the same teeshirt.
Let’s see
One is a spontaneous crowd, the other is a planned official event by invitation.

I do see more masks in the BLM protests
Dude, if you think the riots are spontaneous, I have a bridge to sell you, cheap.
They are SO spontaneous that hundreds of them arrive from out of town wearing the same teeshirt.

And they arrive ALL carrying the same signs written in the SAME hand writing.
Let’s see
One is a spontaneous crowd, the other is a planned official event by invitation.

I do see more masks in the BLM protests
One group had to pay their organizers....the other group showed up for free.
Yesterday few Republicans attending the convention wore masks, which reduce the chance of getting coronavirus.
This photo of today's DC March for racial equality shows a different picture:

Such a phony-e-baloney, lokl. Excuse us while we laugh at you and your wet behind the ears friends. You on the verge of losing big, not to mention, you have probably already lost, lol. You keep that brave face Padawan, and let me wipe that smile off your face when you are crying with Roswell Rachy-)
Masks serve a useful function aside from the medical benefits. They hide your identity while you are engaged in assault, looting and arson.
Yesterday few Republicans attending the convention wore masks, which reduce the chance of getting coronavirus.
This photo of today's DC March for racial equality shows a different picture:

That lady's boob is at risk of catching covid virus.
She sure wanted to be front and center didn't she? LoL

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