Five-year-old Girl left bleeding from the eye after being forced to take Covid-19 PCR test to return to school – Hospital says “this is normal”


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
are you crazy?
It's leftist satanic fascism pure.
In any normal society a such shit of hospital would be immediately closed and criminals imprisoned.
Together with the fake 'president', Fauci and Drosten.
Open your eyes, morons!
It's not about non-existing 'virus', it's about the completely annihilation of humanity.
MS scum presstitutes, corrupted 'politicians' all lie to you 24/7 and support the existence of scamdemic by the fake PCR 'test'

A five-year-old girl was left bleeding from the eyes after being forced to have a Covid-19 PCR test which involved a nasal swab being inserted up her nose in order to be allowed back to school, and the hospital then told the mother that “this was normal”.


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We are being DESTROYED and nothing is being done about it. Not. One. Thing.

The US is the last sovereign body that needs to fall in order to be brought into the one world global order. We're seeing it happen at an amazing and rapid pace. Things will become worse on an exponential magnitude, sadly.

my mind races with all those wee faces in pain i had to deal with in ems......there is nothing that really moved many of us more......really hard to maintain one's game face......~S~
are you crazy?
It's leftist satanic fascism pure.
In any normal society a such shit of hospital would be immediately closed and criminals imprisoned.
Together with the fake 'president', Fauci and Drosten.
Open your eyes, morons!
It's not about non-existing 'virus', it's about the completely annihilation of humanity.
MS scum presstitutes, corrupted 'politicians' all lie to you 24/7 and support the existence of scamdemic by the fake PCR 'test'

A five-year-old girl was left bleeding from the eyes after being forced to have a Covid-19 PCR test which involved a nasal swab being inserted up her nose in order to be allowed back to school, and the hospital then told the mother that “this was normal”.


Immature immune systems have yet to be molested en masse.

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