Five years of President Obama

Just caught this thread.
Just another example of how dumb the few sheep are that STILL support Obama.
The comparison to Jan 2009 is obviously erroneous. Of course it is better, Jesus Christ Jan. 2009 was only a few months after the 2nd largest economic crises in American history.
How stupid can one be to say "job well done" for doing better than the worst instance in 70 years?????

So let's do this......
DOW - Jan 2008 - 12800.....Today - 16459
UNEMPLOYMENT - Jan 2008 - 4.4%.....Today - 6.7%
GDP GROWTH - Jan 2008 - 4.9%.....Today - 4.1%
DEBT TO GDP - Jan 2008 - 68%.....Today - 114%
CONSUMER CONFIDENCE - Jan 2008 - 87.9%.....Today - 78.1%

Those pesky facts.

Yeah, Obama's number look too good since he's been president, So let's fuck with the numbers.

Speaking of fucking with numbers, kindly show me where you got that 4.9% GDP from ...

... thanks.
Just caught this thread.
Just another example of how dumb the few sheep are that STILL support Obama.
The comparison to Jan 2009 is obviously erroneous. Of course it is better, Jesus Christ Jan. 2009 was only a few months after the 2nd largest economic crises in American history.
How stupid can one be to say "job well done" for doing better than the worst instance in 70 years?????

So let's do this......
DOW - Jan 2008 - 12800.....Today - 16459
UNEMPLOYMENT - Jan 2008 - 4.4%.....Today - 6.7%
GDP GROWTH - Jan 2008 - 4.9%.....Today - 4.1%
DEBT TO GDP - Jan 2008 - 68%.....Today - 114%
CONSUMER CONFIDENCE - Jan 2008 - 87.9%.....Today - 78.1%

Those pesky facts.

Oh look, here's another made up number ... kindly show where you came up with 4.4% unemployment ... ?

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Basically, it bothers you so much that we've seen improvement under Obama, that you want to drag his numbers down by dumping Bush's chappy numbers on him. And for you, that's not even good enough. Too make his numbers look even worse, you had to make up some of your own.

And only a few short months later the shit hit the fan.

That's Boehner.

A cryin' because he knows he's screwed.

Deflect much?

What's to deflect.

Bush cut taxes, cut interest rates to zero, started 2 wars and created a whole new government agency.

Even with all that stimulus, the Bush economy was "meh" and because of his laissez-faire attitude toward regulation? It collapsed.


Tax cuts---yes, bush cut taxes for everyone who pays taxes, not just the rich. Obama continued those same tax cuts for the last 5 years----so, they are now the bush/obama tax cuts

Cut interest rates----no, the president does not do that, the FED does

started two wars----oops again, both parties in congress authorized and funded those stupid wastes of lives and money

started DHS----yep, but again, congress authorized and funded it--both parties.

Now, under which president has the national debt gone from 10T to 17T? under which pres have more people been in poverty and on food stamps than ever before? hint--not bush
Just caught this thread.
Just another example of how dumb the few sheep are that STILL support Obama.
The comparison to Jan 2009 is obviously erroneous. Of course it is better, Jesus Christ Jan. 2009 was only a few months after the 2nd largest economic crises in American history.
How stupid can one be to say "job well done" for doing better than the worst instance in 70 years?????

So let's do this......
DOW - Jan 2008 - 12800.....Today - 16459
UNEMPLOYMENT - Jan 2008 - 4.4%.....Today - 6.7%
GDP GROWTH - Jan 2008 - 4.9%.....Today - 4.1%
DEBT TO GDP - Jan 2008 - 68%.....Today - 114%
CONSUMER CONFIDENCE - Jan 2008 - 87.9%.....Today - 78.1%

Those pesky facts.

If he had done nothing it would have been an improvement. Th economy would have fixed itself.
Just caught this thread.
Just another example of how dumb the few sheep are that STILL support Obama.
The comparison to Jan 2009 is obviously erroneous. Of course it is better, Jesus Christ Jan. 2009 was only a few months after the 2nd largest economic crises in American history.
How stupid can one be to say "job well done" for doing better than the worst instance in 70 years?????

So let's do this......
DOW - Jan 2008 - 12800.....Today - 16459
UNEMPLOYMENT - Jan 2008 - 4.4%.....Today - 6.7%
GDP GROWTH - Jan 2008 - 4.9%.....Today - 4.1%
DEBT TO GDP - Jan 2008 - 68%.....Today - 114%
CONSUMER CONFIDENCE - Jan 2008 - 87.9%.....Today - 78.1%

Those pesky facts.

If he had done nothing it would have been an improvement. Th economy would have fixed itself.

which is true for almost everything----from the economy to race relations. If the govt would stay the fuck out of things, they would fix themselves.
And only a few short months later the shit hit the fan.

That's Boehner.

A cryin' because he knows he's screwed.

Deflect much?

What's to deflect.

Bush cut taxes, cut interest rates to zero, started 2 wars and created a whole new government agency.

Even with all that stimulus, the Bush economy was "meh" and because of his laissez-faire attitude toward regulation? It collapsed.


Again - a deflection.
Obama is not doing let's talk about how bad Bush was....a deflection.
There is very, very , very little good to say about Obama's accomplishments. Like Bush.
Obama is a corporatist oligarch. Period.

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