Five years of President Obama

Eyah..I'm not buying your snake oil, buddy.

Find another rube.

Well good for you,don't buy something I am not selling.

Let me guess you think that 1 party has it all together and can do no wrong right??

Its like dealing with my yellow Lab,doesn't matter what you say to him,as long as it sounds good,he gets all excited,over nothing.

Well no..I am not delusional.

It's just that one party is center very slightly left.

The other has gone batshit crazy right.

And I have no idea why anyone wants to deal with them until they come to terms with that and purge the idiots.

We cannot have a functioning government populated with people that hate the government.

lol, dude, the left has been so frigging off the wall liberal since the 60's they couldn't find their way back to center
Got to admit, now is much better than 2008-2009. There is much more work for my friends me I in the construction field where I live..
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That's not what happened.

Banks were "deregulated" during the Clinton administration.

Gramm?Leach?Bliley Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This effectively removed the partition between Savings Banks and Financial institutions. After that, you see many of them merging.

That didn't really kick into high gear until "smarties" like John Thain came up with a scheme using mortgage backed securities and insurance companies like AIG.

What Bush did was starved regulators of resources. He also missed an opportunity to reverse this nonsense when Arthur Anderson and Enron went under.

So congress had no ability to stop it? The president could do it by executive order?

don't know much about how the govt works do you, shallow?

Stop what?

Many of them didn't know what was going on.

Many of them were in the pockets of the people pulling this shit.

Which is why it's extremely important to have well funded and non partial regulators in SEC.

sounds like you are saying that the dem controlled congress was incompetent and that incompetence was responsible for the mortgage banking mess. OK, I agree.
Got to admit, now is much better than 2008-2009. There is much more work for my friends me I in the construction field where I live..

housing demand is catching up with supply, neither party can take credit, its simply the way the market works.
Osama bin Laden= dead

Stock Market= all-time highs

Al Qaeda= almost useless paper tiger

thanks Obama. :)

4 dead in Benghazi,
300 plus dead due to Fast and Furious including Bryan Terry and ICE agent
Al Qaeda is not gone in fact it is growing in Syria and their flag is flying in Iraq
Stock market is up due to printing useless dollars to keep the inflation lower . IT will crack sometime!!

Yes, Thank you Obama ( sarcasm)

And how did those folks die?

Fast and Furious didn't add any guns into the mix.

The program just watched straw purchases. That's it.

Those sales STILL go on by the way. Only now, thanks to you folks, no one is watching.
Eyah..I'm not buying your snake oil, buddy.

Find another rube.

Well good for you,don't buy something I am not selling.

Let me guess you think that 1 party has it all together and can do no wrong right??

Its like dealing with my yellow Lab,doesn't matter what you say to him,as long as it sounds good,he gets all excited,over nothing.

Well no..I am not delusional.

It's just that one party is center very slightly left.

The other has gone batshit crazy right.

And I have no idea why anyone wants to deal with them until they come to terms with that and purge the idiots.

We cannot have a functioning government populated with people that hate the government.

You must be talking about libertarians.
obama and liberal dems. are just CLUELESS!!! Clueless on the economy,jod creation,military,mid-east,space program, national debt=CLUELESS!!!
Got to admit, now is much better than 2008-2009. There is much more work for my friends me I in the construction field where I live..

housing demand is catching up with supply, neither party can take credit, its simply the way the market works.

Oh right.

Neither party can take credit.


Except that the creditors were so freaked after the collapse they weren't lending money.

Now? They are.

Republicans did absolutely nothing to make that happen.
Got to admit, now is much better than 2008-2009. There is much more work for my friends me I in the construction field where I live..

Which is good,people will strive to succeeded regardless of what the Gov does or doesn't do,just keepp that in mind.
If the economy is improving it's in spite of Obama and his lemming Democrats, not because of them!


I'd like to see you name a single Republican president besides Reagan who lowered the unemployment rate. Or even name a single Democrat president who raised it.
If the economy is improving it's in spite of Obama and his lemming Democrats, not because of them!


I'd like to see you name a single Republican president besides Reagan who lowered the unemployment rate. Or even name a single Democrat president who raised it.

All Republican presidents lowered the UE rate.
All Democratic presidents raised it.
We must not overlook the fact that Roosevelt DID substantially lower unemployment. Really. Consider how few were without jobs within mere days after he started World War II. He could have done better had he also drafted women but then it might have been harder to ramp up his munitions factories.

So let's give him proper credit and hope that history classes in Kenyan schools don't address that era in America lest monkey-see-monkey-do.
Just caught this thread.
Just another example of how dumb the few sheep are that STILL support Obama.
The comparison to Jan 2009 is obviously erroneous. Of course it is better, Jesus Christ Jan. 2009 was only a few months after the 2nd largest economic crises in American history.
How stupid can one be to say "job well done" for doing better than the worst instance in 70 years?????

So let's do this......
DOW - Jan 2008 - 12800.....Today - 16459
UNEMPLOYMENT - Jan 2008 - 4.4%.....Today - 6.7%
GDP GROWTH - Jan 2008 - 4.9%.....Today - 4.1%
DEBT TO GDP - Jan 2008 - 68%.....Today - 114%
CONSUMER CONFIDENCE - Jan 2008 - 87.9%.....Today - 78.1%

Those pesky facts.
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Well at another rate,anyone that will claim that the US economy is healthy and on track is a stupid fucking hack partisan douche bag.

There does that clear up the pissing for distance ??
If you haven't figured out that the GOP not only caused the economic collapse, but has also obstructed all of Obama's efforts for the recovery, you're pissing yourself.

The GOP caused the economic collapse? You really don't have a clue about what caused the economic collapse. You only repeat your Party's propaganda.
I had no idea that George Bush spouted Democrat party propaganda. :ack-1:

"Thanks to our policies, home ownership in America is at an alll time high." - George Bush, 2004 RNC
Well good for you,don't buy something I am not selling.

Let me guess you think that 1 party has it all together and can do no wrong right??

Its like dealing with my yellow Lab,doesn't matter what you say to him,as long as it sounds good,he gets all excited,over nothing.

Well no..I am not delusional.

It's just that one party is center very slightly left.

The other has gone batshit crazy right.

And I have no idea why anyone wants to deal with them until they come to terms with that and purge the idiots.

We cannot have a functioning government populated with people that hate the government.

lol, dude, the left has been so frigging off the wall liberal since the 60's they couldn't find their way back to center


Cap and Trade.
Individual Mandate.

All those are wildly liberal initiatives.


(Someone better let Union guy Spoonman know that the Democratic party is no longer the party of McGovern)
Just caught this thread.
Just another example of how dumb the few sheep are that STILL support Obama.
The comparison to Jan 2009 is obviously erroneous. Of course it is better, Jesus Christ Jan. 2009 was only a few months after the 2nd largest economic crises in American history.
How stupid can one be to say "job well done" for doing better than the worst instance in 70 years?????

So let's do this......
DOW - Jan 2008 - 12800.....Today - 16459
UNEMPLOYMENT - Jan 2008 - 4.4%.....Today - 6.7%
GDP GROWTH - Jan 2008 - 4.9%.....Today - 4.1%
DEBT TO GDP - Jan 2008 - 68%.....Today - 114%
CONSUMER CONFIDENCE - Jan 2008 - 87.9%.....Today - 78.1%

Those pesky facts.

And only a few short months later the shit hit the fan.

[ame=]CSPAN Sep 29 08 Boehner on TARP Bill - YouTube[/ame]

That's Boehner.

A cryin' because he knows he's screwed.
If the economy is improving it's in spite of Obama and his lemming Democrats, not because of them!


I'd like to see you name a single Republican president besides Reagan who lowered the unemployment rate. Or even name a single Democrat president who raised it.

All Republican presidents lowered the UE rate.
All Democratic presidents raised it.
My, you are so fucking retarded. :rolleyes:

without even going through every president as far back as BLS data allows, here are 2 examples proving (yet again) what an abject moron you are.

You idiotically claim all Republicans lowered the unemployment rate...

Bush43 raised in despite you mental disorder:

1/2001: 4.2%
1/2009: 7.8%

And you moronically claimed every Democrat raised it.

Bill Clinton lowered it, despite your delusions...

1/1993: 7.3%
1/2001: 4.2%
Just caught this thread.
Just another example of how dumb the few sheep are that STILL support Obama.
The comparison to Jan 2009 is obviously erroneous. Of course it is better, Jesus Christ Jan. 2009 was only a few months after the 2nd largest economic crises in American history.
How stupid can one be to say "job well done" for doing better than the worst instance in 70 years?????

So let's do this......
DOW - Jan 2008 - 12800.....Today - 16459
UNEMPLOYMENT - Jan 2008 - 4.4%.....Today - 6.7%
GDP GROWTH - Jan 2008 - 4.9%.....Today - 4.1%
DEBT TO GDP - Jan 2008 - 68%.....Today - 114%
CONSUMER CONFIDENCE - Jan 2008 - 87.9%.....Today - 78.1%

Those pesky facts.

And only a few short months later the shit hit the fan.

That's Boehner.

A cryin' because he knows he's screwed.

Deflect much?
Just caught this thread.
Just another example of how dumb the few sheep are that STILL support Obama.
The comparison to Jan 2009 is obviously erroneous. Of course it is better, Jesus Christ Jan. 2009 was only a few months after the 2nd largest economic crises in American history.
How stupid can one be to say "job well done" for doing better than the worst instance in 70 years?????

So let's do this......
DOW - Jan 2008 - 12800.....Today - 16459
UNEMPLOYMENT - Jan 2008 - 4.4%.....Today - 6.7%
GDP GROWTH - Jan 2008 - 4.9%.....Today - 4.1%
DEBT TO GDP - Jan 2008 - 68%.....Today - 114%
CONSUMER CONFIDENCE - Jan 2008 - 87.9%.....Today - 78.1%

Those pesky facts.

And only a few short months later the shit hit the fan.

That's Boehner.

A cryin' because he knows he's screwed.

Deflect much?

What's to deflect.

Bush cut taxes, cut interest rates to zero, started 2 wars and created a whole new government agency.

Even with all that stimulus, the Bush economy was "meh" and because of his laissez-faire attitude toward regulation? It collapsed.

You really think five years of Obama has been bad for America?

Settle down.

The next five will be faster and worse.

Don't book any taxi rides to the polls in anticipation of 2016 unless you can cancel at no cost.

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