Fivell get ya ten that the Muslim Brotherhood is using chem weapons


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
And this nation is about to be suckered into support of one of our most virulent enemies.

They did it already ..... they'll do whatever it takes.....they are not our allies....

Additionally the complications of facing down a possible response from Russia are too risky to deal with for the defense of avowed haters of The West and of Democracy.

The question remains in my mind...what is there to gain and why are people like McCain so determined to see more American soldiers get hurt?

We already know that no boots on the ground is ineffectual and that a singlar air war does little more than spread the misery to innocent vicitims.

Almost certain is that it was the Brotherhood using those weapons, IF in fact they really were used.
McCain's behavior is baffling me in the last year. He isn't going to run again, he needs no contributions from anybody who could profit from a conflict with Syria, Cindy has more money than most rock stars and no investments in defense industries. So there is no political or monetary reason for John to be doing this drum banging.....I've defended him for years against those who say he's a RINO because he's been a good Senator for us and would obviously have been a better president than Hussein.....I think. Maybe his time Hoa Lo prison finally caught up with him. :(
Shut down our presence in the ME except for Israel, declare victory, and bring out troops home.
McCain's behavior is baffling me in the last year. He isn't going to run again, he needs no contributions from anybody who could profit from a conflict with Syria, Cindy has more money than most rock stars and no investments in defense industries. So there is no political or monetary reason for John to be doing this drum banging.....I've defended him for years against those who say he's a RINO because he's been a good Senator for us and would obviously have been a better president than Hussein.....I think. Maybe his time Hoa Lo prison finally caught up with him. :(

The guy actually considered being John Kerry's running mate. That was years ago---didn't that give anyone a clue ?
LOL, won't happen. Doesn't matter who is president. Nobody is going to shut off our presence in the ME.Too much at stake in Eurasia. It's no accident that our allies in crime have a keen interest in Syria because they also know what is at stake. Fools in AmeriKa actually think they have some say in this which is pathetic.
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McCain's behavior is baffling me in the last year. He isn't going to run again, he needs no contributions from anybody who could profit from a conflict with Syria, Cindy has more money than most rock stars and no investments in defense industries. So there is no political or monetary reason for John to be doing this drum banging.....I've defended him for years against those who say he's a RINO because he's been a good Senator for us and would obviously have been a better president than Hussein.....I think. Maybe his time Hoa Lo prison finally caught up with him. :(

The guy actually considered being John Kerry's running mate. That was years ago---didn't that give anyone a clue ?

Yeah, but that was a running joke between the two of them....never a serious offer. McCain got us our Colorado River water the Kalis had been stealing for a hundred years, and never sent us an earmark....not a one. He won the nomination in 2008 fair and square so he must have appealed to plenty of GOP primary voters. Tough old bird and after the Keating 5 scandal, uncorruptable. I have no idea what his hard-on about Syria is about....somebody got to him....maybe a dead child's family. It's too late to help them thanks to Barry's cowardice.
LOL, won't happen. Doesn't matter who is president. Nobody is going to shut off our presence in the ME.Too much at stake in Eurasia. It's no accident that our allies in crime have a keen interest in Syria because they also know what is at stake. Fools in AmeriKa actually think they have some say in this which is pathetic.
It's beyond foolish for Americans to think they have any say IF they continue to "choose" between Democrat OR Republican for their House and Senate representatives. However, if your ballot contains third party alternatives, you have the option of giving your government a problem it hasn't seen in nearly two hundred years.

FLUSH the DC Toilet in 2014!
I don't think it will help. I believe presidents are selected and not elected. If you're not willing to play ball with the military industrial complex, the bankers, and the corporations, then you will never find yourself running for president, but that is just my opinion. You basically have to be the earths worst form of scum to be president of the US. Everyone of them alive should be tried for treason and hopefully sentenced to death.
I'm starting to think that your theory is more fact than fiction....there are just too many bits and pieces that come together around that thought.
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Yep.... I like it.


In any case wee already have what we the drone force. If we needed to reach out and touch someone on the other side of the world we have already proved that we can do it.

If it comes to blows then we go in with guns blazing and fight a real war...not a poltical hunting mission with mittens on.

Last edited: makes no sense for ASSAD to do it. He is winning in Spades and is almsot completely in control of the country now. There really isn't too much room for the rebels and they certainnly cannot flee to Russia...Putin is waiting there with Gattlng guns if they try that.

I thnink this is a ploy.....and maybe even a suggestoin by our own CIA.

I don't think it will help. I believe presidents are selected and not elected. If you're not willing to play ball with the military industrial complex, the bankers, and the corporations, then you will never find yourself running for president, but that is just my opinion. You basically have to be the earths worst form of scum to be president of the US. Everyone of them alive should be tried for treason and hopefully sentenced to death.

I am beginning to believe that also, AND to hope that the Bilderbergs have had enough of the democrats for a while.
The Muslim Brotherhood basically isn't involved with the conflict in Syria.

They have more than enough to deal with in Egypt. .. :cool:
The Muslim Brotherhood basically isn't involved with the conflict in Syria.

They have more than enough to deal with in Egypt. .. :cool:

The Muslim Brotherhood has an entirely separate and distinct 'branch' or 'arm' in Syria that has little to do with the Original Recipe Brotherhood in Egypt...

Although the Syrian Branch claims to have little to do with the uprising, nor does it seem terribly popular with the Rebels, according to the Wiki write-up, anyway...
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Well...that certainly is an insightful comment.

Let me rephrase as i am guilty of generalization therein. The Rebel forces who are losing badly at this point are guilty of using the chemical weapons....IMO.

Why do I say this? Assad has been on a winning streak lately and is close to shutting down the rebellion from what I can see and read. It would be counterintuitive for him to use the Chem weapons at this pont. On the other hand if the Rebels felt as though the only way to get air support was to gas some civilians and hold Obama's feet to the fire then I have no doubt in my mind that they would do it.

Using American Military might to intevene here will not have the effect of making American look like a rescuing hero. It's just fool's bait for a government that has other agenda driven issues on the table the least of which is the protection of innocent civilians.

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