Fixing the GOP Part 7- The "Sister Souljah" Moment with FoxNews and Rush

Limbaugh's fingerprints, his simplistic absolutism (driven by an agenda of ratings) are clearly visible all over the GOP right now. Not to mention this board. No, he's not an elected official, and that makes the GOP's situation even worse. Limbaugh's agenda is to keep the hard right mad, which directly translates to ratings, and he's brilliant at that.

The GOP has a serious problem as long as Limbaugh and his copycats thrive. But marginalizing them will be very difficult, if not impossible.


If you don't like Limbaugh, don't listen.

It's that simple.

Only Nazis would want to silence Limbaugh for expressing his opinion

Here we go again. Straw men arguments give me gas. I'm a First Amendment purist, I never call for anyone to be "silenced," that game doesn't work with me. But it does tell me quite a bit.

What I want are two strong, legitimate, credible parties. So that each party can keep the other in line. I'm afraid that, as a result of the GOP's actions, we're in danger of giving too much power to the Dems, and you're playing right into it. They should be sending you Thank You cards. If I were a liberal, I'd be freakin' THRILLED Limbaugh has the influence he does.


Silence Limbaugh! It's the only way to ensure the ideological purity of the Republican Party!
Sandy Fluke wanted to make her twat a national issue and everybody's business and Rush called her on it
Nothing to add, Frank.

I find it absolutely sad that the GOP finds itself in the thrall of a guy like Limbaugh, a guy who preaches family values, but is addicted to drugs, is on his fourth marriage when preaching family values...

(Google "Jeff Christie Arrest" some time. It's amusing.)

Yet here you have guys who want to be president who can't tell this guy to get stuff no matter what insanity comes out of his mouth.

Limbaugh = not running for any office

See the difference?

The people who DO run for office should have no problem condemning him, then.

Imagine this. Rush makes his "Slut" Comments about Sandra Fluke.

Romney immediately condemns him in the strongest possible terms while underlying that his position that this is an issue of religous freedom for the Catholic Church. This language has no place in American discourse.

Romney looks like an immediate leader.

But somewhere in his CEO mind, he figured that he would be alienating a part of his customer base.

And that's the problem with Romney. Like most bullies, he was always happy to beat up on the weak, he was never willing to take any risks.

Silencing critics? Yes the Left does that a lot, Stalin, Hitler, Mao did it, all your Founding Father silenced their critics

It's not a matter of "silencing critics", it's a matter of saying certain discourse is unacceptable.

There was a valid policy argument here. Should the government be able to require employers to provide health coverage that goes against their rel igious beliefs. That discussion might well have been worth having.

Limbaugh made it about his misogyny, because by calling Fluke a slut, you call every woman who tries to control when she has a baby a slut. Sorry, this issue was litigated 50 years ago.

Go fuck yourself and your "acceptable discourse" and if you don't like go fuck yourself some more

Fucking Nazi Scumbag

Rush has a radio show, that's it. He broadcasts his ideas in what used to be a Free Country. If you don't like what he has to say don't listen

And go fuck yourself
Limbaugh's fingerprints, his simplistic absolutism (driven by an agenda of ratings) are clearly visible all over the GOP right now. Not to mention this board. No, he's not an elected official, and that makes the GOP's situation even worse. Limbaugh's agenda is to keep the hard right mad, which directly translates to ratings, and he's brilliant at that.

The GOP has a serious problem as long as Limbaugh and his copycats thrive. But marginalizing them will be very difficult, if not impossible.


If you don't like Limbaugh, don't listen.

It's that simple.

Only Nazis would want to silence Limbaugh for expressing his opinion

Here we go again. Straw men arguments give me gas. I'm a First Amendment purist, I never call for anyone to be "silenced," that game doesn't work with me. But it does tell me quite a bit.

What I want are two strong, legitimate, credible parties. So that each party can keep the other in line. I'm afraid that, as a result of the GOP's actions, we're in danger of giving too much power to the Dems, and you're playing right into it. They should be sending you Thank You cards. If I were a liberal, I'd be freakin' THRILLED Limbaugh has the influence he does.


You're right, Limbaugh has been good for the Dems, Limbaugh began broadcasting his vile crap to a national audience in 1988. In1991 the Rush Limbaugh Show became the #1 rated radio show in the United States. Beginning in 1992, Democratic presidential candidates have won "we the people" popular vote in 5 of the 6 presidential elections -- IOW, crazy talk on the right equals votes for the left -- thanks Rush-lose weight-quit smoking-live long.
Seems the left is more obsessed with rush than the right.

Where's your obsession with all the loons on msnbc?

One sided outrage is cool huh?
Republican politicians are afraid of Limbaugh/Hannity/Coulter et. al. because those hacks energize what remains of the Republican "base" of old white rascists. If they lose the Conservative Entertainment Complex, they lose a good 30% of their voters.
We need to go back in the wayback machine for this one.

Back in 1992, there was this nutty rap artist named Sister Souljah. And she got a lot of play on talk shows and such because she could alway be counted on to say absolutely outrageous stuff. And she did exactly that after the King Riots in LA.

"If Black people kill Black people every day, why not have a week and kill white people?"

Bill Clinton took the moment to condemn this as being over the top and wrong, and furthermore, to criticize Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr. for inviting her to be a key speaker. This told a lot of moderate, middle class voters Bill Clinton could be reasonably trusted to not side with the radicals.

The GOP needs to have its own "Sister Souljah" moment with its loudmouths. Romney looked weak when Limbaugh made comments so outrageous that most of his sponsors dropped him, but Romney just said, nothing.

But by 1992 the democrats had successfully marginalized the extreme left, Clinton thus had the blessing of the DNC and most party officials.

Between 1968 and 1988, democrats lost five of the six presidential elections during that period, the result of nominating liberals as candidates; after 1988, sick of losing elections, democrats were ready to keep the far left off of the National stage. And it worked, winning four of the next six elections starting in 1992.

It may be a bit too soon for republicans; perhaps a poor showing in 2014 would be good for them and help them to marginalize the radical and religious right.

Another problem is republicans don’t really have a ‘leader’ at this point, no one to set the example. True, a number of republicans have seen the light and repudiated Romney’s nonsense about losing because of ‘gifts,’ but the hardcore extremists aren’t buying it yet.

And Clinton didn’t have to deal with the idiocy of the 24/7 news as infotainment cycle, where every stupid thing a republican says ends up on YouTube.

We’re rooting for you and other common sense republicans to turn the GOP back to sanity – you’ve got your work cut out for you.

The problem that the Republicans are going to run into is that the person you are talking about is Jeb Bush. This would not be a problem at all if his name was not Bush, but it is. He has spoken out many times on how the Republican Party must include more minorities and not be so judgmental on every single social issue. It is possible to be a conservative and not sound like a whack job. After Tropical Storm/Hurricane Sandy, Christie also showed a much more balanced approach to things. These are the type of Republicans who need to stand out if the Republican Party is going to stop itself from digging a massive hole to bury itself in.
Republican politicians are afraid of Limbaugh/Hannity/Coulter et. al. because those hacks energize what remains of the Republican "base" of old white rascists. If they lose the Conservative Entertainment Complex, they lose a good 30% of their voters.

Those of the far right have nowhere else to go. They are the ones who have hijacked the party; now it's time for reasonable Republicans to take back the party. If the far right social conservatives choose to go their own path, they will find themselves with little to no representation. They will be forced to support more moderate candidates. They don't have to give up their convictions, but they would need to support more moderate candidates when it is for the good of the party. Prime examples of instances where the far right blew it was with Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock. How conservatives in Indiana disposed of Richard Lugar was really sad. At least they got what they deserved. Now the question is whether this taught them anything or not.
So we can't investigate our government for their wrongs? The truth doesn't matter as that is racist you see.

How sad to see what this country has become.

Investigations in search of crimes is what Americans with leanings towards fascism and authoritarianism do.

We true liberals and true conservatives who love America and it's institutions and promise, investigate actual crimes -- like the Watergate break-in at DNC Headquarters coverup.
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We need to go back in the wayback machine for this one.

Back in 1992, there was this nutty rap artist named Sister Souljah. And she got a lot of play on talk shows and such because she could alway be counted on to say absolutely outrageous stuff. And she did exactly that after the King Riots in LA.

"If Black people kill Black people every day, why not have a week and kill white people?"

Bill Clinton took the moment to condemn this as being over the top and wrong, and furthermore, to criticize Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr. for inviting her to be a key speaker. This told a lot of moderate, middle class voters Bill Clinton could be reasonably trusted to not side with the radicals.

The GOP needs to have its own "Sister Souljah" moment with its loudmouths. Romney looked weak when Limbaugh made comments so outrageous that most of his sponsors dropped him, but Romney just said, nothing.

But by 1992 the democrats had successfully marginalized the extreme left, Clinton thus had the blessing of the DNC and most party officials.

Between 1968 and 1988, democrats lost five of the six presidential elections during that period, the result of nominating liberals as candidates; after 1988, sick of losing elections, democrats were ready to keep the far left off of the National stage. And it worked, winning four of the next six elections starting in 1992.

It may be a bit too soon for republicans; perhaps a poor showing in 2014 would be good for them and help them to marginalize the radical and religious right.

Another problem is republicans don’t really have a ‘leader’ at this point, no one to set the example. True, a number of republicans have seen the light and repudiated Romney’s nonsense about losing because of ‘gifts,’ but the hardcore extremists aren’t buying it yet.

And Clinton didn’t have to deal with the idiocy of the 24/7 news as infotainment cycle, where every stupid thing a republican says ends up on YouTube.

We’re rooting for you and other common sense republicans to turn the GOP back to sanity – you’ve got your work cut out for you.

The problem that the Republicans are going to run into is that the person you are talking about is Jeb Bush. This would not be a problem at all if his name was not Bush, but it is. He has spoken out many times on how the Republican Party must include more minorities and not be so judgmental on every single social issue. It is possible to be a conservative and not sound like a whack job. After Tropical Storm/Hurricane Sandy, Christie also showed a much more balanced approach to things. These are the type of Republicans who need to stand out if the Republican Party is going to stop itself from digging a massive hole to bury itself in.

I dunno about Christie but the truth about JEB! (that's what all his campaign signs said) is
that he cannot nail all the crazy GOPers into the attic. He is the smiling smooth politician in public but he says much the same crazy shyte in private and his staff leaks like sieves. JEB! has a mouth that is his most evident flaw. His staff leaks because they agree with the crazies.

So take it under advisement.

Regards from Rosie
Seems the left is more obsessed with rush than the right.

Where's your obsession with all the loons on msnbc?

One sided outrage is cool huh?

What about them? We're told nobody watches them anyway. Considering the reports we get, their main audience must be conservatives.
Republican politicians are afraid of Limbaugh/Hannity/Coulter et. al. because those hacks energize what remains of the Republican "base" of old white rascists. If they lose the Conservative Entertainment Complex, they lose a good 30% of their voters.

Those of the far right have nowhere else to go. They are the ones who have hijacked the party; now it's time for reasonable Republicans to take back the party. If the far right social conservatives choose to go their own path, they will find themselves with little to no representation. They will be forced to support more moderate candidates. They don't have to give up their convictions, but they would need to support more moderate candidates when it is for the good of the party. Prime examples of instances where the far right blew it was with Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock. How conservatives in Indiana disposed of Richard Lugar was really sad. At least they got what they deserved. Now the question is whether this taught them anything or not.

What happened to the party of Clifford Case, Mac Mathias and Ed Brooke?
Seems the left is more obsessed with rush than the right.

Where's your obsession with all the loons on msnbc?

One sided outrage is cool huh?

House of Representatives -- "According to ThinkProgress, 53,952,240 votes were cast for Democratic candidates, while Republican candidates received 53,402,643. However, thanks in part to redistricting..."


Democratic candidate for POTUS.................63,561,092
Vulture Capitalism's candidate for POTUS.....59,684,096

IOWs dude/dudette, we had an election, the Democrats received the majority of "we the people" vote, your side got creamed.

No wonder Republicans are attempting to suppress the vote, the majority of voters are choosing MSNBC supported candidates -- do you consider 3 hours of Joe Scarborough looney?

Did you happen to see Planned Parenthood's ROI on campaign contributions?
So we can't investigate our government for their wrongs? The truth doesn't matter as that is racist you see.

How sad to see what this country has become.

Investigations in search of crimes is what Americans with leanings towards fascism and authoritarianism do.

That's the Democrat stock in trade, moron. Furthermore, when are you going to learn the liberals despised liberals?

We true liberals and true conservatives who love America and it's institutions and promise, investigate actual crimes -- like the Watergate break-in at DNC Headquarters coverup.

You liberals love America so much you want to transform it into the former Soviet Union.
Republican politicians are afraid of Limbaugh/Hannity/Coulter et. al. because those hacks energize what remains of the Republican "base" of old white rascists. If they lose the Conservative Entertainment Complex, they lose a good 30% of their voters.

Yep, MSNBC is growing and the Conservative Entertainment Complex is on the decline -- America is beginning to wake up from the Foxtainment/Foxaganda nightmare.

During Mr. Obama’s first term, MSNBC underwent a metamorphosis from a CNN also-ran to the anti-Fox, and handily beat CNN in the ratings along the way. Now that it is known, at least to those who cannot get enough politics, as the nation’s liberal television network, the challenge in the next four years will be to capitalize on that identity.

MSNBC, a unit of NBCUniversal, has a long way to go to overtake the Fox News Channel, a unit of News Corporation: on most nights this year, Fox had two million more viewers than MSNBC.

But the two channels, which skew toward an audience that is 55 or older, are on average separated by fewer than 300,000 viewers in the 25- to 54-year-old demographic that advertisers desire. On three nights in a row after the election last week, MSNBC — whose hosts reveled in Mr. Obama’s victory — had more viewers than Fox in that demographic.

“We’re closer to Fox than we’ve ever been,” said Phil Griffin, the president of MSNBC, who has been trying to overtake Fox for years. “All of this is great for 2013, 2014 to keep building.”
If you don't like Limbaugh, don't listen.

It's that simple.

Only Nazis would want to silence Limbaugh for expressing his opinion

Here we go again. Straw men arguments give me gas. I'm a First Amendment purist, I never call for anyone to be "silenced," that game doesn't work with me. But it does tell me quite a bit.

What I want are two strong, legitimate, credible parties. So that each party can keep the other in line. I'm afraid that, as a result of the GOP's actions, we're in danger of giving too much power to the Dems, and you're playing right into it. They should be sending you Thank You cards. If I were a liberal, I'd be freakin' THRILLED Limbaugh has the influence he does.


You're right, Limbaugh has been good for the Dems, Limbaugh began broadcasting his vile crap to a national audience in 1988. In1991 the Rush Limbaugh Show became the #1 rated radio show in the United States. Beginning in 1992, Democratic presidential candidates have won "we the people" popular vote in 5 of the 6 presidential elections -- IOW, crazy talk on the right equals votes for the left -- thanks Rush-lose weight-quit smoking-live long.

ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, his "vile" crap
good grief, he hasn't been good or bad to either party.
just that he gets you lefties panties in a bunch so much you must have another crease up your butts:lol:
We need to go back in the wayback machine for this one.

Back in 1992, there was this nutty rap artist named Sister Souljah. And she got a lot of play on talk shows and such because she could alway be counted on to say absolutely outrageous stuff. And she did exactly that after the King Riots in LA.

"If Black people kill Black people every day, why not have a week and kill white people?"

Bill Clinton took the moment to condemn this as being over the top and wrong, and furthermore, to criticize Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr. for inviting her to be a key speaker. This told a lot of moderate, middle class voters Bill Clinton could be reasonably trusted to not side with the radicals.

The GOP needs to have its own "Sister Souljah" moment with its loudmouths. Romney looked weak when Limbaugh made comments so outrageous that most of his sponsors dropped him, but Romney just said, nothing.
How many liberal loudmouths have the left condemn since then? That would be nearly 20 years now has Bill Maher, Janeane Garofalo, Kanye West, the MSNBC on air personality of your choice been condemned by the current President or the Democratic leadership for the outrageous and insulting comments they have made? One condemnation every 20 year's is not something to hang your hat on.

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