Fixing the GOP Part 7- The "Sister Souljah" Moment with FoxNews and Rush

Limbaugh = not running for any office

See the difference?

The people who DO run for office should have no problem condemning him, then.

Imagine this. Rush makes his "Slut" Comments about Sandra Fluke.

Romney immediately condemns him in the strongest possible terms while underlying that his position that this is an issue of religous freedom for the Catholic Church. This language has no place in American discourse.

Romney looks like an immediate leader.

But somewhere in his CEO mind, he figured that he would be alienating a part of his customer base.

And that's the problem with Romney. Like most bullies, he was always happy to beat up on the weak, he was never willing to take any risks.

Silencing critics? Yes the Left does that a lot, Stalin, Hitler, Mao did it, all your Founding Father silenced their critics

It's not a matter of "silencing critics", it's a matter of saying certain discourse is unacceptable.

There was a valid policy argument here. Should the government be able to require employers to provide health coverage that goes against their rel igious beliefs. That discussion might well have been worth having.

Limbaugh made it about his misogyny, because by calling Fluke a slut, you call every woman who tries to control when she has a baby a slut. Sorry, this issue was litigated 50 years ago.

Go fuck yourself and your "acceptable discourse" and if you don't like go fuck yourself some more

Fucking Nazi Scumbag

Rush has a radio show, that's it. He broadcasts his ideas in what used to be a Free Country. If you don't like what he has to say don't listen

And go fuck yourself

Well, there’s an intelligent and enlightened response…

Clueless as well.

No one is advocating Limbaugh be ‘silenced.’

And the issue isn’t ‘Limbaugh,’ rather, it’s the simplistic, partisan, and inane rhetoric that comes from the rightwing media complex – blogs, message boards, cable programs, AM radio – that becomes incorporated into the official platform and agenda of the GOP.

The rightwing media complex may be successful in keeping the base ‘fired up,’ but it’s also succeeding in turning off the very independent and democratic voters the Republican Party needs to win.
The people who DO run for office should have no problem condemning him, then.

Imagine this. Rush makes his "Slut" Comments about Sandra Fluke.

Romney immediately condemns him in the strongest possible terms while underlying that his position that this is an issue of religous freedom for the Catholic Church. This language has no place in American discourse.

Romney looks like an immediate leader.

But somewhere in his CEO mind, he figured that he would be alienating a part of his customer base.

And that's the problem with Romney. Like most bullies, he was always happy to beat up on the weak, he was never willing to take any risks.

It's not a matter of "silencing critics", it's a matter of saying certain discourse is unacceptable.

There was a valid policy argument here. Should the government be able to require employers to provide health coverage that goes against their rel igious beliefs. That discussion might well have been worth having.

Limbaugh made it about his misogyny, because by calling Fluke a slut, you call every woman who tries to control when she has a baby a slut. Sorry, this issue was litigated 50 years ago.

Go fuck yourself and your "acceptable discourse" and if you don't like go fuck yourself some more

Fucking Nazi Scumbag

Rush has a radio show, that's it. He broadcasts his ideas in what used to be a Free Country. If you don't like what he has to say don't listen

And go fuck yourself

Well, there’s an intelligent and enlightened response…

Clueless as well.

No one is advocating Limbaugh be ‘silenced.’

And the issue isn’t ‘Limbaugh,’ rather, it’s the simplistic, partisan, and inane rhetoric that comes from the rightwing media complex – blogs, message boards, cable programs, AM radio – that becomes incorporated into the official platform and agenda of the GOP.

The rightwing media complex may be successful in keeping the base ‘fired up,’ but it’s also succeeding in turning off the very independent and democratic voters the Republican Party needs to win.

We need to go back in the wayback machine for this one.

Back in 1992, there was this nutty rap artist named Sister Souljah. And she got a lot of play on talk shows and such because she could alway be counted on to say absolutely outrageous stuff. And she did exactly that after the King Riots in LA.

"If Black people kill Black people every day, why not have a week and kill white people?"

Bill Clinton took the moment to condemn this as being over the top and wrong, and furthermore, to criticize Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr. for inviting her to be a key speaker. This told a lot of moderate, middle class voters Bill Clinton could be reasonably trusted to not side with the radicals.

The GOP needs to have its own "Sister Souljah" moment with its loudmouths. Romney looked weak when Limbaugh made comments so outrageous that most of his sponsors dropped him, but Romney just said, nothing.

Yeah, calling Sandra Fluke a "Slut" and a "Prostitute" is so much like saying "kill white people", now that it's so clear how could anyone see it differently...

Now that we have that straight, when are you going to admit your the secret gay lover of Oblamers???
The GOP just needs to die off - or rather, fiscal conservative Republicans need to energize the Libertarian Party. Ever since Gillespie stated "The Republican Party is the party of small government no more," in 2005 the GOP was doomed. McCain should have been a wake-up call, but then the 2010 election dynamic rewarded the same idiots that gave us the McCain failure and we got Romney - a candidate so good that he was 2nd place to McCain AGAIN (he got fewer votes).

That said, there is a huge problem brewing in the Democratic Party - the same problem that plagued the Clinton Administration. Democrats in the White House are only successful when they govern in a fashion that is contradictory to their campaign rhetoric. The economy started to tick up AFTER a Republican house gave Obama some restraint, same as during Clinton's years. President Obama's national defense strategies are mostly just continuations of Bush's policies with the exception of a major increase in drone attacks, not something that the far left would be happy about if most of them were paying attention.

20 years from now Obama is going to be known as the person who should have done something about the structure of entitlement spending though. No amount of tax increases are going to fund this unsustainable system. Not that any current Republicans are addressing it properly either. Even the career-politician VP Candidate Paul Ryan's plans were just a reduction in the rate of increase, not any actual decreases.

But yeah, enough with the social conservative bullshit. If you want limited government, then get the fuck outta peoples' bedrooms. Stop worrying about the "social norms" already and just define a household as a set of people with shared resources that they pool for the benefit of their collective unit. Tax it accordingly and leave religion to the Churches.
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So we can't investigate our government for their wrongs? The truth doesn't matter as that is racist you see.

How sad to see what this country has become.
Um, I wouldn't say what Limbaugh does is "investigating government for their wrongs" or finding "truth." Sure there is truth mixed in there, some anyway, but without love it is worth nothing.
Go fuck yourself and your "acceptable discourse" and if you don't like go fuck yourself some more

Fucking Nazi Scumbag

Rush has a radio show, that's it. He broadcasts his ideas in what used to be a Free Country. If you don't like what he has to say don't listen

And go fuck yourself

Well, there’s an intelligent and enlightened response…

Clueless as well.

No one is advocating Limbaugh be ‘silenced.’

And the issue isn’t ‘Limbaugh,’ rather, it’s the simplistic, partisan, and inane rhetoric that comes from the rightwing media complex – blogs, message boards, cable programs, AM radio – that becomes incorporated into the official platform and agenda of the GOP.

The rightwing media complex may be successful in keeping the base ‘fired up,’ but it’s also succeeding in turning off the very independent and democratic voters the Republican Party needs to win.


Pretty illustrative conversation there.

Rush's followers are so completely committed to him that they don't see the carnage he's causing their side in his pursuit of ratings. He's not a patriot, he's a salesman; he doesn't care about "liberty", he cares about ratings; he doesn't care about conservatism, he cares about the division that feeds those ratings.

His calling Fluke a "slut" was a gift to the Democrats, as it started the whole social issues debate that allowed the Democrats to take the voters' eye off the unemployment rate. But it sure got him a ton of publicity. He's not stupid, he knew damn well that was going to cause a firestorm, yet his followers forgive him.

The Dems should be thankful for his presence, and especially thankful to the dittoheads for their loyalty.

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Highly doubtful I would submit to you anyone who decides to vote Democrat over something Limbaugh said never really intended to vote any other way.

Well, you are thinking like a partisan.

A lot of people aren't partisans. they are just getting by in life and they don't think about this outside of election years and maybe even then for a few months...

So yeah, when Limbaugh says, "A woman who expects to get birth control from her health insurance is a slut!" and you have some woman out there who gets her birth control from her health insurance. And she's got a husband or a steady boyfriend, she just doesn't want a kid right now.

Sorry, that has an effect.

The thing is, you guys have given Limbaugh power, and it's really in his best interest to keep Obama or someone like him in power. Rush enjoyed his greatest popularity when he was bashing Clinton and Obama, not when he was making sad excuses for the Bushes.
You do realize everything you just posted was that of a partisan do you not? Rhetorical question as we both know you do but will never admit it I do get a laugh out of a partisan calling someone else partisan.

Um, no.

The above hypothetical woman probably doesn't have an opinion between supply side and Keynesian economics, she doesn't consider herself pro-life or pro-choice. She probably takes birth control because she doesn't want to have an abortion.

Politics has an element of enlightened self-interest. You guys keep giving people less and less reason to vote Republican for most people.
We need to go back in the wayback machine for this one.

Back in 1992, there was this nutty rap artist named Sister Souljah. And she got a lot of play on talk shows and such because she could alway be counted on to say absolutely outrageous stuff. And she did exactly that after the King Riots in LA.

"If Black people kill Black people every day, why not have a week and kill white people?"

Bill Clinton took the moment to condemn this as being over the top and wrong, and furthermore, to criticize Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr. for inviting her to be a key speaker. This told a lot of moderate, middle class voters Bill Clinton could be reasonably trusted to not side with the radicals.

The GOP needs to have its own "Sister Souljah" moment with its loudmouths. Romney looked weak when Limbaugh made comments so outrageous that most of his sponsors dropped him, but Romney just said, nothing.

Yeah, calling Sandra Fluke a "Slut" and a "Prostitute" is so much like saying "kill white people", now that it's so clear how could anyone see it differently...

Now that we have that straight, when are you going to admit your the secret gay lover of Oblamers???

Are you slightly retarded? Don't get worked up, no one is trying to take your helmet.
We need to go back in the wayback machine for this one.

Back in 1992, there was this nutty rap artist named Sister Souljah. And she got a lot of play on talk shows and such because she could alway be counted on to say absolutely outrageous stuff. And she did exactly that after the King Riots in LA.

"If Black people kill Black people every day, why not have a week and kill white people?"

Bill Clinton took the moment to condemn this as being over the top and wrong, and furthermore, to criticize Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr. for inviting her to be a key speaker. This told a lot of moderate, middle class voters Bill Clinton could be reasonably trusted to not side with the radicals.

The GOP needs to have its own "Sister Souljah" moment with its loudmouths. Romney looked weak when Limbaugh made comments so outrageous that most of his sponsors dropped him, but Romney just said, nothing.

Yeah, calling Sandra Fluke a "Slut" and a "Prostitute" is so much like saying "kill white people", now that it's so clear how could anyone see it differently...

Now that we have that straight, when are you going to admit your the secret gay lover of Oblamers???

Are you slightly retarded? Don't get worked up, no one is trying to take your helmet.

The limp wrist reaction from Joe Blow Job...


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