FL Covid Case Count Surpasses New York

You really should check yourself before making mistakes like this.

On July 18th, California had 7629 deaths On August 1st 9025.

That's 1396 deaths in California vs 1017 in Arizona.

It took less than 30 seconds to find a state with a higher death count over the same time period. Better luck next time.

"It took less than 30 seconds to find a state with a higher death count over the same time period."

I didn't say death count. I said death rate. I specifically stated deaths per million, which you completely ignored.

Do you have any other misconceptions that you would like me to clear up for you?
The Unmasked and the Worthless have infected more people in Florida than were infected in NYC.

Lets hope the death toll doesn't catch up as well.

The virus is serious business and you really need to wear a mask, wash your hands, and practice social distancing.


New York.... 32,000 dead

Florida..... 5,000

You are an idiot.

The infection rate in Florida has passed New York. Hopefully the death rate does not.

The infection rate isn't the issue......the death rate, and the hospitalization rate is what matters....and we are no where near flooding the hospitals now.......

Cuomo killed more people than the muslim terrorists on 9/11 with his policies.......Trump saved lives with his policies......
150,000 dead on your blob’s watch.

Caused by democrat governors in blue states not doing their jobs....Trump did his job, he got them everything they needed, military hospitals, ventilators....no one who needed a ventilator went without one.....thanks to Trump.......he had so many military hospitals deployed, they were never needed....

yet cuomo still put infected patients in with senior citizens, killing over 5,000 of them.....more than the muslims killed in 9/11......

You purposely ignored Florida, Arizona, Texas under republican governors. They are in trouble.
Medical supplies supplied by Trump. Are you forgetting something Dude? Trump downplayed the pandemic all the day. Didn’t do a diddly squat ordering till mid March, supplies arrived first and second week of April 2020. We have a massive shortages all over. At the same time very busy finger pointing blaming Obama etc etc. Downplaying ..... EVEN TODAY.

ALL governors democrats did their job. You and cultist didn’t like their lockdown and mask mandate. NOW lots of these republican governors are in troubles. Imposed mask mandate, bar/restaurants closures , indoor activities etc etc.etc...
YET BUNCH OF YOU OR MOST CULTISTS ........ Don’t attack republican governors.
Wow....Dem states killed 70% of the US total there goofus. ALl the Republican states with high testing and high case rates....which also include positive antibody tests.....have mortality rates under 2%. Want to take a wild guess what the mortality rates are in the Dem states you love so much? It starts with a 7.....

Lets hope Florida doesn't pass New York in deaths as well.

As you can see, their death rate is climbing:

View attachment 370561
The deaths are simply keeping pace with the case totals which are a result of the tests....1.4% mortality rate. And at 7000 total deaths they just need about 26,000 more to catch Killer Cuomo right??
The deaths are simply keeping pace with the case totals which are a result of the tests....
The case totals are a result of the rampant spread of the virus, dope. Not testing. The positivity tate of testing reveals how much virus is in a given region. The more positives, the more deaths.

What he is trying to say is this:

John Doe goes to the hospital because of pneumonia (like a close family member of mine did).
The hospital does a Covid 19 test on 8/3/20 that they wouldn't have done on 8/3/19.
John Doe comes back as positive in one of the three boxes your get when you have a test done.
So when John Doe dies of pneumonia, it is chalked up to Covid and not pneumonia.

What the poster doesn't fail to mention is that the virus (much like AIDS) doesn't kill anyone much in the same way that a hurricane doesn't kill anyone. People die from the storm surge. People die from decapitation by flying stop signs. I'm not aware of any death certificates that say "hurricane carla" on them. Its a moronic position that only a blob supporter could utter and then double-down on and then yell, "Ah -Ha!".
That is just dumb.
Doctors don't just write in covid as the cause of death unless it was. The pneumonia in you example was no doubt a result of the covid infection.

What's dumb are people like you who don't even know the state requirements for what counts as a Covid. Texas already had to remove over 3,000 from one city alone.

For God's sake educate yourself.
From May. Good job!
I'm sure nothing has changed in Texas since then.

You just made my point and aren't even smart enough to get it. The numbers have been inflated for that long.

And those 3,000 they had to retract was in the last few weeks Genius. Way to show your lack of fact gathering once again.
You just made my point and aren't even smart enough to get it. The numbers have been inflated for that long.

And those 3,000 they had to retract was in the last few weeks Genius. Way to show your lack of fact gathering once again.
Try a link for the 3000 rather than one from May, dope.
The Unmasked and the Worthless have infected more people in Florida than were infected in NYC.

Lets hope the death toll doesn't catch up as well.

The virus is serious business and you really need to wear a mask, wash your hands, and practice social distancing.


New York.... 32,000 dead

Florida..... 5,000

You are an idiot.

The infection rate in Florida has passed New York. Hopefully the death rate does not.

The infection rate isn't the issue......the death rate, and the hospitalization rate is what matters....and we are no where near flooding the hospitals now.......

Cuomo killed more people than the muslim terrorists on 9/11 with his policies.......Trump saved lives with his policies......
150,000 dead on your blob’s watch.

Caused by democrat governors in blue states not doing their jobs....Trump did his job, he got them everything they needed, military hospitals, ventilators....no one who needed a ventilator went without one.....thanks to Trump.......he had so many military hospitals deployed, they were never needed....

yet cuomo still put infected patients in with senior citizens, killing over 5,000 of them.....more than the muslims killed in 9/11......

You purposely ignored Florida, Arizona, Texas under republican governors. They are in trouble.
Medical supplies supplied by Trump. Are you forgetting something Dude? Trump downplayed the pandemic all the day. Didn’t do a diddly squat ordering till mid March, supplies arrived first and second week of April 2020. We have a massive shortages all over. At the same time very busy finger pointing blaming Obama etc etc. Downplaying ..... EVEN TODAY.

ALL governors democrats did their job. You and cultist didn’t like their lockdown and mask mandate. NOW lots of these republican governors are in troubles. Imposed mask mandate, bar/restaurants closures , indoor activities etc etc.etc...
YET BUNCH OF YOU OR MOST CULTISTS ........ Don’t attack republican governors.
Wow....Dem states killed 70% of the US total there goofus. ALl the Republican states with high testing and high case rates....which also include positive antibody tests.....have mortality rates under 2%. Want to take a wild guess what the mortality rates are in the Dem states you love so much? It starts with a 7.....

Lets hope Florida doesn't pass New York in deaths as well.

As you can see, their death rate is climbing:

View attachment 370561
The deaths are simply keeping pace with the case totals which are a result of the tests....1.4% mortality rate. And at 7000 total deaths they just need about 26,000 more to catch Killer Cuomo right??
The deaths are simply keeping pace with the case totals which are a result of the tests....
The case totals are a result of the rampant spread of the virus, dope. Not testing. The positivity tate of testing reveals how much virus is in a given region. The more positives, the more deaths.

What he is trying to say is this:

John Doe goes to the hospital because of pneumonia (like a close family member of mine did).
The hospital does a Covid 19 test on 8/3/20 that they wouldn't have done on 8/3/19.
John Doe comes back as positive in one of the three boxes your get when you have a test done.
So when John Doe dies of pneumonia, it is chalked up to Covid and not pneumonia.

What the poster doesn't fail to mention is that the virus (much like AIDS) doesn't kill anyone much in the same way that a hurricane doesn't kill anyone. People die from the storm surge. People die from decapitation by flying stop signs. I'm not aware of any death certificates that say "hurricane carla" on them. Its a moronic position that only a blob supporter could utter and then double-down on and then yell, "Ah -Ha!".
That is just dumb.
Doctors don't just write in covid as the cause of death unless it was. The pneumonia in you example was no doubt a result of the covid infection.
That’s his stance. Not mine. I agree...it’s pure stupidity
But now it is lung damage.

Kinda like when Obama said you could keep your doctor and your plan....but they knocked off a lot of plans.....

When they got pushback, their response (which you had not heard up to that point) was "they were junk plans".

What a fucking deflection.

And now lung damage is the new Junk Plan.
Of course Coronavirus will damage your lungs even after several of recovery.

Obama’s like your doctor you can keep your plan.... Compared that to massive Trump lies. Obama’s keep your doctor/plan is nothing. Just almost every time Trump open his mouth he lied.


Well, when you can produce documents that say you are the final arbiter, I'll be impressed.

Of course.....don't think so. I have three friends who've had it and they've had no issues.

Fuck off.
Apparently you don’t know what is going on with Coronavirus infections. You are proving your self very ignorant. You don’t know anything Bud. When they placed you on on lung ventilators it will cause a damaged to your lungs. You may want to research to update your stupidity.
The Unmasked and the Worthless have infected more people in Florida than were infected in NYC.

Lets hope the death toll doesn't catch up as well.

The virus is serious business and you really need to wear a mask, wash your hands, and practice social distancing.


New York.... 32,000 dead

Florida..... 5,000

You are an idiot.

The infection rate in Florida has passed New York. Hopefully the death rate does not.

The infection rate isn't the issue......the death rate, and the hospitalization rate is what matters....and we are no where near flooding the hospitals now.......

Cuomo killed more people than the muslim terrorists on 9/11 with his policies.......Trump saved lives with his policies......
150,000 dead on your blob’s watch.

Caused by democrat governors in blue states not doing their jobs....Trump did his job, he got them everything they needed, military hospitals, ventilators....no one who needed a ventilator went without one.....thanks to Trump.......he had so many military hospitals deployed, they were never needed....

yet cuomo still put infected patients in with senior citizens, killing over 5,000 of them.....more than the muslims killed in 9/11......

You purposely ignored Florida, Arizona, Texas under republican governors. They are in trouble.
Medical supplies supplied by Trump. Are you forgetting something Dude? Trump downplayed the pandemic all the day. Didn’t do a diddly squat ordering till mid March, supplies arrived first and second week of April 2020. We have a massive shortages all over. At the same time very busy finger pointing blaming Obama etc etc. Downplaying ..... EVEN TODAY.

ALL governors democrats did their job. You and cultist didn’t like their lockdown and mask mandate. NOW lots of these republican governors are in troubles. Imposed mask mandate, bar/restaurants closures , indoor activities etc etc.etc...
YET BUNCH OF YOU OR MOST CULTISTS ........ Don’t attack republican governors.
Wow....Dem states killed 70% of the US total there goofus. ALl the Republican states with high testing and high case rates....which also include positive antibody tests.....have mortality rates under 2%. Want to take a wild guess what the mortality rates are in the Dem states you love so much? It starts with a 7.....

Lets hope Florida doesn't pass New York in deaths as well.

As you can see, their death rate is climbing:

View attachment 370561
The deaths are simply keeping pace with the case totals which are a result of the tests....1.4% mortality rate. And at 7000 total deaths they just need about 26,000 more to catch Killer Cuomo right??
The deaths are simply keeping pace with the case totals which are a result of the tests....
The case totals are a result of the rampant spread of the virus, dope. Not testing. The positivity rate of testing reveals how much virus is in a given region. The more positives, the more virus and ultimayely, the more deaths.
As I said before, dope, the virus has its metrics.....of course more positives will result in more deaths...about 3.2% of the positives are deaths right now. All diseases kill some people and we dont shut down the country for them. But these case totals also include positive antibody tests so thats people who had the infection, not current infections. And without testing you wouldnt know how many people actually had the infection now would you?
The Unmasked and the Worthless have infected more people in Florida than were infected in NYC.

Lets hope the death toll doesn't catch up as well.

The virus is serious business and you really need to wear a mask, wash your hands, and practice social distancing.
90% was over inflated
The Unmasked and the Worthless have infected more people in Florida than were infected in NYC.

Lets hope the death toll doesn't catch up as well.

The virus is serious business and you really need to wear a mask, wash your hands, and practice social distancing.


New York.... 32,000 dead

Florida..... 5,000

You are an idiot.

The infection rate in Florida has passed New York. Hopefully the death rate does not.

The infection rate isn't the issue......the death rate, and the hospitalization rate is what matters....and we are no where near flooding the hospitals now.......

Cuomo killed more people than the muslim terrorists on 9/11 with his policies.......Trump saved lives with his policies......
150,000 dead on your blob’s watch.

Caused by democrat governors in blue states not doing their jobs....Trump did his job, he got them everything they needed, military hospitals, ventilators....no one who needed a ventilator went without one.....thanks to Trump.......he had so many military hospitals deployed, they were never needed....

yet cuomo still put infected patients in with senior citizens, killing over 5,000 of them.....more than the muslims killed in 9/11......

You purposely ignored Florida, Arizona, Texas under republican governors. They are in trouble.
Medical supplies supplied by Trump. Are you forgetting something Dude? Trump downplayed the pandemic all the day. Didn’t do a diddly squat ordering till mid March, supplies arrived first and second week of April 2020. We have a massive shortages all over. At the same time very busy finger pointing blaming Obama etc etc. Downplaying ..... EVEN TODAY.

ALL governors democrats did their job. You and cultist didn’t like their lockdown and mask mandate. NOW lots of these republican governors are in troubles. Imposed mask mandate, bar/restaurants closures , indoor activities etc etc.etc...
YET BUNCH OF YOU OR MOST CULTISTS ........ Don’t attack republican governors.
Wow....Dem states killed 70% of the US total there goofus. ALl the Republican states with high testing and high case rates....which also include positive antibody tests.....have mortality rates under 2%. Want to take a wild guess what the mortality rates are in the Dem states you love so much? It starts with a 7.....

Lets hope Florida doesn't pass New York in deaths as well.

As you can see, their death rate is climbing:

View attachment 370561
The deaths are simply keeping pace with the case totals which are a result of the tests....1.4% mortality rate. And at 7000 total deaths they just need about 26,000 more to catch Killer Cuomo right??
The deaths are simply keeping pace with the case totals which are a result of the tests....
The case totals are a result of the rampant spread of the virus, dope. Not testing. The positivity tate of testing reveals how much virus is in a given region. The more positives, the more deaths.

What he is trying to say is this:

John Doe goes to the hospital because of pneumonia (like a close family member of mine did).
The hospital does a Covid 19 test on 8/3/20 that they wouldn't have done on 8/3/19.
John Doe comes back as positive in one of the three boxes your get when you have a test done.
So when John Doe dies of pneumonia, it is chalked up to Covid and not pneumonia.

What the poster doesn't fail to mention is that the virus (much like AIDS) doesn't kill anyone much in the same way that a hurricane doesn't kill anyone. People die from the storm surge. People die from decapitation by flying stop signs. I'm not aware of any death certificates that say "hurricane carla" on them. Its a moronic position that only a blob supporter could utter and then double-down on and then yell, "Ah -Ha!".
Aww did that little whining spell make the little libber feel better? Your ilk was the ones complaining early on there was no testing and we needed to test and test and test. Now that we are testing and testing and testing you are still complaining...waah waah waah
The Unmasked and the Worthless have infected more people in Florida than were infected in NYC.

Lets hope the death toll doesn't catch up as well.

The virus is serious business and you really need to wear a mask, wash your hands, and practice social distancing.


New York.... 32,000 dead

Florida..... 5,000

You are an idiot.

The infection rate in Florida has passed New York. Hopefully the death rate does not.

The infection rate isn't the issue......the death rate, and the hospitalization rate is what matters....and we are no where near flooding the hospitals now.......

Cuomo killed more people than the muslim terrorists on 9/11 with his policies.......Trump saved lives with his policies......
150,000 dead on your blob’s watch.

Caused by democrat governors in blue states not doing their jobs....Trump did his job, he got them everything they needed, military hospitals, ventilators....no one who needed a ventilator went without one.....thanks to Trump.......he had so many military hospitals deployed, they were never needed....

yet cuomo still put infected patients in with senior citizens, killing over 5,000 of them.....more than the muslims killed in 9/11......

You purposely ignored Florida, Arizona, Texas under republican governors. They are in trouble.
Medical supplies supplied by Trump. Are you forgetting something Dude? Trump downplayed the pandemic all the day. Didn’t do a diddly squat ordering till mid March, supplies arrived first and second week of April 2020. We have a massive shortages all over. At the same time very busy finger pointing blaming Obama etc etc. Downplaying ..... EVEN TODAY.

ALL governors democrats did their job. You and cultist didn’t like their lockdown and mask mandate. NOW lots of these republican governors are in troubles. Imposed mask mandate, bar/restaurants closures , indoor activities etc etc.etc...
YET BUNCH OF YOU OR MOST CULTISTS ........ Don’t attack republican governors.
Wow....Dem states killed 70% of the US total there goofus. ALl the Republican states with high testing and high case rates....which also include positive antibody tests.....have mortality rates under 2%. Want to take a wild guess what the mortality rates are in the Dem states you love so much? It starts with a 7.....

Lets hope Florida doesn't pass New York in deaths as well.

As you can see, their death rate is climbing:

View attachment 370561
The deaths are simply keeping pace with the case totals which are a result of the tests....1.4% mortality rate. And at 7000 total deaths they just need about 26,000 more to catch Killer Cuomo right??
The deaths are simply keeping pace with the case totals which are a result of the tests....
The case totals are a result of the rampant spread of the virus, dope. Not testing. The positivity tate of testing reveals how much virus is in a given region. The more positives, the more deaths.

What he is trying to say is this:

John Doe goes to the hospital because of pneumonia (like a close family member of mine did).
The hospital does a Covid 19 test on 8/3/20 that they wouldn't have done on 8/3/19.
John Doe comes back as positive in one of the three boxes your get when you have a test done.
So when John Doe dies of pneumonia, it is chalked up to Covid and not pneumonia.

What the poster doesn't fail to mention is that the virus (much like AIDS) doesn't kill anyone much in the same way that a hurricane doesn't kill anyone. People die from the storm surge. People die from decapitation by flying stop signs. I'm not aware of any death certificates that say "hurricane carla" on them. Its a moronic position that only a blob supporter could utter and then double-down on and then yell, "Ah -Ha!".
That is just dumb.
Doctors don't just write in covid as the cause of death unless it was. The pneumonia in you example was no doubt a result of the covid infection.
Oh yes they do.....look up Illinois
The Unmasked and the Worthless have infected more people in Florida than were infected in NYC.

Lets hope the death toll doesn't catch up as well.

The virus is serious business and you really need to wear a mask, wash your hands, and practice social distancing.


New York.... 32,000 dead

Florida..... 5,000

You are an idiot.

The infection rate in Florida has passed New York. Hopefully the death rate does not.

The infection rate isn't the issue......the death rate, and the hospitalization rate is what matters....and we are no where near flooding the hospitals now.......

Cuomo killed more people than the muslim terrorists on 9/11 with his policies.......Trump saved lives with his policies......
150,000 dead on your blob’s watch.

Caused by democrat governors in blue states not doing their jobs....Trump did his job, he got them everything they needed, military hospitals, ventilators....no one who needed a ventilator went without one.....thanks to Trump.......he had so many military hospitals deployed, they were never needed....

yet cuomo still put infected patients in with senior citizens, killing over 5,000 of them.....more than the muslims killed in 9/11......

You purposely ignored Florida, Arizona, Texas under republican governors. They are in trouble.
Medical supplies supplied by Trump. Are you forgetting something Dude? Trump downplayed the pandemic all the day. Didn’t do a diddly squat ordering till mid March, supplies arrived first and second week of April 2020. We have a massive shortages all over. At the same time very busy finger pointing blaming Obama etc etc. Downplaying ..... EVEN TODAY.

ALL governors democrats did their job. You and cultist didn’t like their lockdown and mask mandate. NOW lots of these republican governors are in troubles. Imposed mask mandate, bar/restaurants closures , indoor activities etc etc.etc...
YET BUNCH OF YOU OR MOST CULTISTS ........ Don’t attack republican governors.
Wow....Dem states killed 70% of the US total there goofus. ALl the Republican states with high testing and high case rates....which also include positive antibody tests.....have mortality rates under 2%. Want to take a wild guess what the mortality rates are in the Dem states you love so much? It starts with a 7.....

Lets hope Florida doesn't pass New York in deaths as well.

As you can see, their death rate is climbing:

View attachment 370561
The deaths are simply keeping pace with the case totals which are a result of the tests....1.4% mortality rate. And at 7000 total deaths they just need about 26,000 more to catch Killer Cuomo right??
The deaths are simply keeping pace with the case totals which are a result of the tests....
The case totals are a result of the rampant spread of the virus, dope. Not testing. The positivity tate of testing reveals how much virus is in a given region. The more positives, the more deaths.

What he is trying to say is this:

John Doe goes to the hospital because of pneumonia (like a close family member of mine did).
The hospital does a Covid 19 test on 8/3/20 that they wouldn't have done on 8/3/19.
John Doe comes back as positive in one of the three boxes your get when you have a test done.
So when John Doe dies of pneumonia, it is chalked up to Covid and not pneumonia.

What the poster doesn't fail to mention is that the virus (much like AIDS) doesn't kill anyone much in the same way that a hurricane doesn't kill anyone. People die from the storm surge. People die from decapitation by flying stop signs. I'm not aware of any death certificates that say "hurricane carla" on them. Its a moronic position that only a blob supporter could utter and then double-down on and then yell, "Ah -Ha!".
That is just dumb.
Doctors don't just write in covid as the cause of death unless it was. The pneumonia in you example was no doubt a result of the covid infection.
That’s his stance. Not mine. I agree...it’s pure stupidity
Testing is good....testing is bad.....I am a liberal.....waah waah waah
The Unmasked and the Worthless have infected more people in Florida than were infected in NYC.

Lets hope the death toll doesn't catch up as well.

The virus is serious business and you really need to wear a mask, wash your hands, and practice social distancing.


New York.... 32,000 dead

Florida..... 5,000

You are an idiot.

The infection rate in Florida has passed New York. Hopefully the death rate does not.

The infection rate isn't the issue......the death rate, and the hospitalization rate is what matters....and we are no where near flooding the hospitals now.......

Cuomo killed more people than the muslim terrorists on 9/11 with his policies.......Trump saved lives with his policies......
150,000 dead on your blob’s watch.

Caused by democrat governors in blue states not doing their jobs....Trump did his job, he got them everything they needed, military hospitals, ventilators....no one who needed a ventilator went without one.....thanks to Trump.......he had so many military hospitals deployed, they were never needed....

yet cuomo still put infected patients in with senior citizens, killing over 5,000 of them.....more than the muslims killed in 9/11......

You purposely ignored Florida, Arizona, Texas under republican governors. They are in trouble.
Medical supplies supplied by Trump. Are you forgetting something Dude? Trump downplayed the pandemic all the day. Didn’t do a diddly squat ordering till mid March, supplies arrived first and second week of April 2020. We have a massive shortages all over. At the same time very busy finger pointing blaming Obama etc etc. Downplaying ..... EVEN TODAY.

ALL governors democrats did their job. You and cultist didn’t like their lockdown and mask mandate. NOW lots of these republican governors are in troubles. Imposed mask mandate, bar/restaurants closures , indoor activities etc etc.etc...
YET BUNCH OF YOU OR MOST CULTISTS ........ Don’t attack republican governors.
Wow....Dem states killed 70% of the US total there goofus. ALl the Republican states with high testing and high case rates....which also include positive antibody tests.....have mortality rates under 2%. Want to take a wild guess what the mortality rates are in the Dem states you love so much? It starts with a 7.....

Lets hope Florida doesn't pass New York in deaths as well.

As you can see, their death rate is climbing:

View attachment 370561
The deaths are simply keeping pace with the case totals which are a result of the tests....1.4% mortality rate. And at 7000 total deaths they just need about 26,000 more to catch Killer Cuomo right??
The deaths are simply keeping pace with the case totals which are a result of the tests....
The case totals are a result of the rampant spread of the virus, dope. Not testing. The positivity rate of testing reveals how much virus is in a given region. The more positives, the more virus and ultimayely, the more deaths.
As I said before, dope, the virus has its metrics.....of course more positives will result in more deaths...about 3.2% of the positives are deaths right now. All diseases kill some people and we dont shut down the country for them. But these case totals also include positive antibody tests so thats people who had the infection, not current infections. And without testing you wouldnt know how many people actually had the infection now would you?
But these case totals also include positive antibody tests so thats people who had the infection, not current infections. And without testing you wouldnt know how many people actually had the infection now would you?
Obviously a positive antibody test was also positive for Covid listed with the recovered. It obviously doesn't account for the huge number of cases.
The Unmasked and the Worthless have infected more people in Florida than were infected in NYC.

Lets hope the death toll doesn't catch up as well.

The virus is serious business and you really need to wear a mask, wash your hands, and practice social distancing.


New York.... 32,000 dead

Florida..... 5,000

You are an idiot.

The infection rate in Florida has passed New York. Hopefully the death rate does not.

The infection rate isn't the issue......the death rate, and the hospitalization rate is what matters....and we are no where near flooding the hospitals now.......

Cuomo killed more people than the muslim terrorists on 9/11 with his policies.......Trump saved lives with his policies......
150,000 dead on your blob’s watch.

Caused by democrat governors in blue states not doing their jobs....Trump did his job, he got them everything they needed, military hospitals, ventilators....no one who needed a ventilator went without one.....thanks to Trump.......he had so many military hospitals deployed, they were never needed....

yet cuomo still put infected patients in with senior citizens, killing over 5,000 of them.....more than the muslims killed in 9/11......

You purposely ignored Florida, Arizona, Texas under republican governors. They are in trouble.
Medical supplies supplied by Trump. Are you forgetting something Dude? Trump downplayed the pandemic all the day. Didn’t do a diddly squat ordering till mid March, supplies arrived first and second week of April 2020. We have a massive shortages all over. At the same time very busy finger pointing blaming Obama etc etc. Downplaying ..... EVEN TODAY.

ALL governors democrats did their job. You and cultist didn’t like their lockdown and mask mandate. NOW lots of these republican governors are in troubles. Imposed mask mandate, bar/restaurants closures , indoor activities etc etc.etc...
YET BUNCH OF YOU OR MOST CULTISTS ........ Don’t attack republican governors.
Wow....Dem states killed 70% of the US total there goofus. ALl the Republican states with high testing and high case rates....which also include positive antibody tests.....have mortality rates under 2%. Want to take a wild guess what the mortality rates are in the Dem states you love so much? It starts with a 7.....

Lets hope Florida doesn't pass New York in deaths as well.

As you can see, their death rate is climbing:

View attachment 370561
The deaths are simply keeping pace with the case totals which are a result of the tests....1.4% mortality rate. And at 7000 total deaths they just need about 26,000 more to catch Killer Cuomo right??
The deaths are simply keeping pace with the case totals which are a result of the tests....
The case totals are a result of the rampant spread of the virus, dope. Not testing. The positivity rate of testing reveals how much virus is in a given region. The more positives, the more virus and ultimayely, the more deaths.
As I said before, dope, the virus has its metrics.....of course more positives will result in more deaths...about 3.2% of the positives are deaths right now. All diseases kill some people and we dont shut down the country for them. But these case totals also include positive antibody tests so thats people who had the infection, not current infections. And without testing you wouldnt know how many people actually had the infection now would you?
But these case totals also include positive antibody tests so thats people who had the infection, not current infections. And without testing you wouldnt know how many people actually had the infection now would you?
Obviously a positive antibody test was also positive for Covid listed with the recovered. It obviously doesn't account for the huge number of cases.
You cant have large numbers of cases without large numbers of tests though....8% US average for positive tests and 61 million tests now.....thats a lot of positives
The Unmasked and the Worthless have infected more people in Florida than were infected in NYC.

Lets hope the death toll doesn't catch up as well.

The virus is serious business and you really need to wear a mask, wash your hands, and practice social distancing.


New York.... 32,000 dead

Florida..... 5,000

You are an idiot.

The infection rate in Florida has passed New York. Hopefully the death rate does not.

The infection rate isn't the issue......the death rate, and the hospitalization rate is what matters....and we are no where near flooding the hospitals now.......

Cuomo killed more people than the muslim terrorists on 9/11 with his policies.......Trump saved lives with his policies......
150,000 dead on your blob’s watch.

Caused by democrat governors in blue states not doing their jobs....Trump did his job, he got them everything they needed, military hospitals, ventilators....no one who needed a ventilator went without one.....thanks to Trump.......he had so many military hospitals deployed, they were never needed....

yet cuomo still put infected patients in with senior citizens, killing over 5,000 of them.....more than the muslims killed in 9/11......

You purposely ignored Florida, Arizona, Texas under republican governors. They are in trouble.
Medical supplies supplied by Trump. Are you forgetting something Dude? Trump downplayed the pandemic all the day. Didn’t do a diddly squat ordering till mid March, supplies arrived first and second week of April 2020. We have a massive shortages all over. At the same time very busy finger pointing blaming Obama etc etc. Downplaying ..... EVEN TODAY.

ALL governors democrats did their job. You and cultist didn’t like their lockdown and mask mandate. NOW lots of these republican governors are in troubles. Imposed mask mandate, bar/restaurants closures , indoor activities etc etc.etc...
YET BUNCH OF YOU OR MOST CULTISTS ........ Don’t attack republican governors.
Wow....Dem states killed 70% of the US total there goofus. ALl the Republican states with high testing and high case rates....which also include positive antibody tests.....have mortality rates under 2%. Want to take a wild guess what the mortality rates are in the Dem states you love so much? It starts with a 7.....

Lets hope Florida doesn't pass New York in deaths as well.

As you can see, their death rate is climbing:

View attachment 370561
The deaths are simply keeping pace with the case totals which are a result of the tests....1.4% mortality rate. And at 7000 total deaths they just need about 26,000 more to catch Killer Cuomo right??
The deaths are simply keeping pace with the case totals which are a result of the tests....
The case totals are a result of the rampant spread of the virus, dope. Not testing. The positivity tate of testing reveals how much virus is in a given region. The more positives, the more deaths.

What he is trying to say is this:

John Doe goes to the hospital because of pneumonia (like a close family member of mine did).
The hospital does a Covid 19 test on 8/3/20 that they wouldn't have done on 8/3/19.
John Doe comes back as positive in one of the three boxes your get when you have a test done.
So when John Doe dies of pneumonia, it is chalked up to Covid and not pneumonia.

What the poster doesn't fail to mention is that the virus (much like AIDS) doesn't kill anyone much in the same way that a hurricane doesn't kill anyone. People die from the storm surge. People die from decapitation by flying stop signs. I'm not aware of any death certificates that say "hurricane carla" on them. Its a moronic position that only a blob supporter could utter and then double-down on and then yell, "Ah -Ha!".
Aww did that little whining spell make the little libber feel better? Your ilk was the ones complaining early on there was no testing and we needed to test and test and test. Now that we are testing and testing and testing you are still complaining...waah waah waah
Explaining your ignorance is whining? Lol
The Unmasked and the Worthless have infected more people in Florida than were infected in NYC.

Lets hope the death toll doesn't catch up as well.

The virus is serious business and you really need to wear a mask, wash your hands, and practice social distancing.


New York.... 32,000 dead

Florida..... 5,000

You are an idiot.

The infection rate in Florida has passed New York. Hopefully the death rate does not.

The infection rate isn't the issue......the death rate, and the hospitalization rate is what matters....and we are no where near flooding the hospitals now.......

Cuomo killed more people than the muslim terrorists on 9/11 with his policies.......Trump saved lives with his policies......
150,000 dead on your blob’s watch.

Caused by democrat governors in blue states not doing their jobs....Trump did his job, he got them everything they needed, military hospitals, ventilators....no one who needed a ventilator went without one.....thanks to Trump.......he had so many military hospitals deployed, they were never needed....

yet cuomo still put infected patients in with senior citizens, killing over 5,000 of them.....more than the muslims killed in 9/11......

You purposely ignored Florida, Arizona, Texas under republican governors. They are in trouble.
Medical supplies supplied by Trump. Are you forgetting something Dude? Trump downplayed the pandemic all the day. Didn’t do a diddly squat ordering till mid March, supplies arrived first and second week of April 2020. We have a massive shortages all over. At the same time very busy finger pointing blaming Obama etc etc. Downplaying ..... EVEN TODAY.

ALL governors democrats did their job. You and cultist didn’t like their lockdown and mask mandate. NOW lots of these republican governors are in troubles. Imposed mask mandate, bar/restaurants closures , indoor activities etc etc.etc...
YET BUNCH OF YOU OR MOST CULTISTS ........ Don’t attack republican governors.
Wow....Dem states killed 70% of the US total there goofus. ALl the Republican states with high testing and high case rates....which also include positive antibody tests.....have mortality rates under 2%. Want to take a wild guess what the mortality rates are in the Dem states you love so much? It starts with a 7.....

Lets hope Florida doesn't pass New York in deaths as well.

As you can see, their death rate is climbing:

View attachment 370561
The deaths are simply keeping pace with the case totals which are a result of the tests....1.4% mortality rate. And at 7000 total deaths they just need about 26,000 more to catch Killer Cuomo right??
The deaths are simply keeping pace with the case totals which are a result of the tests....
The case totals are a result of the rampant spread of the virus, dope. Not testing. The positivity tate of testing reveals how much virus is in a given region. The more positives, the more deaths.

What he is trying to say is this:

John Doe goes to the hospital because of pneumonia (like a close family member of mine did).
The hospital does a Covid 19 test on 8/3/20 that they wouldn't have done on 8/3/19.
John Doe comes back as positive in one of the three boxes your get when you have a test done.
So when John Doe dies of pneumonia, it is chalked up to Covid and not pneumonia.

What the poster doesn't fail to mention is that the virus (much like AIDS) doesn't kill anyone much in the same way that a hurricane doesn't kill anyone. People die from the storm surge. People die from decapitation by flying stop signs. I'm not aware of any death certificates that say "hurricane carla" on them. Its a moronic position that only a blob supporter could utter and then double-down on and then yell, "Ah -Ha!".
Aww did that little whining spell make the little libber feel better? Your ilk was the ones complaining early on there was no testing and we needed to test and test and test. Now that we are testing and testing and testing you are still complaining...waah waah waah
Explaining your ignorance is whining? Lol
I have always been an advocate for testing, never changed MY mind. Maybe you ubersmart lefties should just worry about your own ignorance
The Unmasked and the Worthless have infected more people in Florida than were infected in NYC.

Lets hope the death toll doesn't catch up as well.

The virus is serious business and you really need to wear a mask, wash your hands, and practice social distancing.
Yet the NY death toll is 10 times higher than Florida
You suck at math. NY had 6X deaths, but Give it time Retard. Florida death rate is currently higher than NY.

New York
Coronavirus Cases: 439,885
Deaths: 32,689
Recovered: 281,625
11.6% Death rate

Coronavirus Cases: 423,855
Deaths: 5,855
Recovered: 41,866
13.9% Death rate
how the in the heck does that show Florida has a higher death rate ? are you that stupid !!
I don't put any stock in these numbers. They change daily and mean different things to different people.

All things being equal, though, of course Florida would have more COVID cases than New York. Florida has more people and an older population.
and far far fewer deaths ! conservatives protect the elderly !
The Unmasked and the Worthless have infected more people in Florida than were infected in NYC.

Lets hope the death toll doesn't catch up as well.

The virus is serious business and you really need to wear a mask, wash your hands, and practice social distancing.


New York.... 32,000 dead

Florida..... 5,000

You are an idiot.

The infection rate in Florida has passed New York. Hopefully the death rate does not.

The infection rate isn't the issue......the death rate, and the hospitalization rate is what matters....and we are no where near flooding the hospitals now.......

Cuomo killed more people than the muslim terrorists on 9/11 with his policies.......Trump saved lives with his policies......
150,000 dead on your blob’s watch.

Caused by democrat governors in blue states not doing their jobs....Trump did his job, he got them everything they needed, military hospitals, ventilators....no one who needed a ventilator went without one.....thanks to Trump.......he had so many military hospitals deployed, they were never needed....

yet cuomo still put infected patients in with senior citizens, killing over 5,000 of them.....more than the muslims killed in 9/11......

You purposely ignored Florida, Arizona, Texas under republican governors. They are in trouble.
Medical supplies supplied by Trump. Are you forgetting something Dude? Trump downplayed the pandemic all the day. Didn’t do a diddly squat ordering till mid March, supplies arrived first and second week of April 2020. We have a massive shortages all over. At the same time very busy finger pointing blaming Obama etc etc. Downplaying ..... EVEN TODAY.

ALL governors democrats did their job. You and cultist didn’t like their lockdown and mask mandate. NOW lots of these republican governors are in troubles. Imposed mask mandate, bar/restaurants closures , indoor activities etc etc.etc...
YET BUNCH OF YOU OR MOST CULTISTS ........ Don’t attack republican governors.
Wow....Dem states killed 70% of the US total there goofus. ALl the Republican states with high testing and high case rates....which also include positive antibody tests.....have mortality rates under 2%. Want to take a wild guess what the mortality rates are in the Dem states you love so much? It starts with a 7.....

Lets hope Florida doesn't pass New York in deaths as well.

As you can see, their death rate is climbing:

View attachment 370561
The deaths are simply keeping pace with the case totals which are a result of the tests....1.4% mortality rate. And at 7000 total deaths they just need about 26,000 more to catch Killer Cuomo right??
The deaths are simply keeping pace with the case totals which are a result of the tests....
The case totals are a result of the rampant spread of the virus, dope. Not testing. The positivity rate of testing reveals how much virus is in a given region. The more positives, the more virus and ultimayely, the more deaths.
As I said before, dope, the virus has its metrics.....of course more positives will result in more deaths...about 3.2% of the positives are deaths right now. All diseases kill some people and we dont shut down the country for them. But these case totals also include positive antibody tests so thats people who had the infection, not current infections. And without testing you wouldnt know how many people actually had the infection now would you?
But these case totals also include positive antibody tests so thats people who had the infection, not current infections. And without testing you wouldnt know how many people actually had the infection now would you?
Obviously a positive antibody test was also positive for Covid listed with the recovered. It obviously doesn't account for the huge number of cases.
You cant have large numbers of cases without large numbers of tests though....8% US average for positive tests and 61 million tests now.....thats a lot of positives
That's a lot of virus running rampant. We dont have cases because of tests. We have cases because there is virus. The tests just identify what is already there.
The Unmasked and the Worthless have infected more people in Florida than were infected in NYC.

Lets hope the death toll doesn't catch up as well.

The virus is serious business and you really need to wear a mask, wash your hands, and practice social distancing.


New York.... 32,000 dead

Florida..... 5,000

You are an idiot.

The infection rate in Florida has passed New York. Hopefully the death rate does not.

The infection rate isn't the issue......the death rate, and the hospitalization rate is what matters....and we are no where near flooding the hospitals now.......

Cuomo killed more people than the muslim terrorists on 9/11 with his policies.......Trump saved lives with his policies......
150,000 dead on your blob’s watch.

Caused by democrat governors in blue states not doing their jobs....Trump did his job, he got them everything they needed, military hospitals, ventilators....no one who needed a ventilator went without one.....thanks to Trump.......he had so many military hospitals deployed, they were never needed....

yet cuomo still put infected patients in with senior citizens, killing over 5,000 of them.....more than the muslims killed in 9/11......

You purposely ignored Florida, Arizona, Texas under republican governors. They are in trouble.
Medical supplies supplied by Trump. Are you forgetting something Dude? Trump downplayed the pandemic all the day. Didn’t do a diddly squat ordering till mid March, supplies arrived first and second week of April 2020. We have a massive shortages all over. At the same time very busy finger pointing blaming Obama etc etc. Downplaying ..... EVEN TODAY.

ALL governors democrats did their job. You and cultist didn’t like their lockdown and mask mandate. NOW lots of these republican governors are in troubles. Imposed mask mandate, bar/restaurants closures , indoor activities etc etc.etc...
YET BUNCH OF YOU OR MOST CULTISTS ........ Don’t attack republican governors.
Wow....Dem states killed 70% of the US total there goofus. ALl the Republican states with high testing and high case rates....which also include positive antibody tests.....have mortality rates under 2%. Want to take a wild guess what the mortality rates are in the Dem states you love so much? It starts with a 7.....

Lets hope Florida doesn't pass New York in deaths as well.

As you can see, their death rate is climbing:

View attachment 370561
The deaths are simply keeping pace with the case totals which are a result of the tests....1.4% mortality rate. And at 7000 total deaths they just need about 26,000 more to catch Killer Cuomo right??
The deaths are simply keeping pace with the case totals which are a result of the tests....
The case totals are a result of the rampant spread of the virus, dope. Not testing. The positivity rate of testing reveals how much virus is in a given region. The more positives, the more virus and ultimayely, the more deaths.
As I said before, dope, the virus has its metrics.....of course more positives will result in more deaths...about 3.2% of the positives are deaths right now. All diseases kill some people and we dont shut down the country for them. But these case totals also include positive antibody tests so thats people who had the infection, not current infections. And without testing you wouldnt know how many people actually had the infection now would you?
But these case totals also include positive antibody tests so thats people who had the infection, not current infections. And without testing you wouldnt know how many people actually had the infection now would you?
Obviously a positive antibody test was also positive for Covid listed with the recovered. It obviously doesn't account for the huge number of cases.
You cant have large numbers of cases without large numbers of tests though....8% US average for positive tests and 61 million tests now.....thats a lot of positives
That's a lot of virus running rampant. We dont have cases because of tests. We have cases because there is virus. The tests just identify what is already there.
That is all and exactly what I have been trying to say. You cant hide from a virus with no vaccine, the infection rate is high, the tests prove the infections, and availability of testing lets anyone get tested who wants to not just the sick people. Testing also gives us a more accurate picture of how lethal the virus truly is
The OP:

"The virus is serious business and you really need to wear a mask, wash your hands, and practice social distancing"

I'll take the OP's Covid concerns seriously, as soon as she condemns the BLM protests that have been going on now for months every single day across the country where there have been crowds in the thousands and NO social distancing.

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