Flag Burning


Platinum Member
Mar 1, 2009
Flag Burning is a whole other matter....

why? it's not illegal or unconstitutional and requires no mention of god.

Because I support a constitutional amendment changing that....

You support a constitutional amendment banning flag burning?

What flags would be included? Only cloth flags of a certain size? What about small flags made in China like the kind that kids get at the 4th of July parade?

What about a picture of a flag that was printed out on a piece of paper and then burned?

And what would be the penalty? Would it be a Federal crime?
Looks like no one is interested in discussing this.
What flags would be included? Only cloth flags of a certain size? What about small flags made in China like the kind that kids get at the 4th of July parade?

What about a picture of a flag that was printed out on a piece of paper and then burned?

And what would be the penalty? Would it be a Federal crime?

Your questions illustrate well why such an amendment would be idiocy.

And as Justice Brennan noted in Texas v. Johnson (1989):

Texas' focus on the precise nature of Johnson's expression, moreover, misses the point of our prior decisions: their enduring lesson, that the government may not prohibit expression simply because it disagrees with its message, is not dependent on the particular mode in which one chooses to express an idea.

Texas v. Johnson

Such an amendment would clearly conflict with the fundamental principles expressed in the First Amendment and the Bill of Rights overall.
why? it's not illegal or unconstitutional and requires no mention of god.

Because I support a constitutional amendment changing that....

You support a constitutional amendment banning flag burning?

What flags would be included? Only cloth flags of a certain size? What about small flags made in China like the kind that kids get at the 4th of July parade?

What about a picture of a flag that was printed out on a piece of paper and then burned?

And what would be the penalty? Would it be a Federal crime?

Technically speaking, the only proper way to dispose of an American flag is by burning it, at least for the military. Not in the manner done at protests though of course.
I support the proposed constitutional amendment backed by the American Legion which gives the congress the power to protect the American Flag from physical desecration.

This proposed amendment has gone before the last 6 congresses and has come as close as one vote in the Senate to passing. The American Legion will continue to push for each congress to vote on this proposal.

In the mean time I support anyones legal right to burn an American flag in protest. However if it is done in front of me I humbly request that someone come pay my bail..........
I support the proposed constitutional amendment backed by the American Legion which gives the congress the power to protect the American Flag from physical desecration.

This proposed amendment has gone before the last 6 congresses and has come as close as one vote in the Senate to passing. The American Legion will continue to push for each congress to vote on this proposal.

In the mean time I support anyones legal right to burn an American flag in protest. However if it is done in front of me I humbly request that someone come pay my bail..........

Tough talker.
I support the proposed constitutional amendment backed by the American Legion which gives the congress the power to protect the American Flag from physical desecration.

This proposed amendment has gone before the last 6 congresses and has come as close as one vote in the Senate to passing. The American Legion will continue to push for each congress to vote on this proposal.

In the mean time I support anyones legal right to burn an American flag in protest. However if it is done in front of me I humbly request that someone come pay my bail..........

Tough talker.

Whatever you want to believe. But you obviously do not know me.
I support the proposed constitutional amendment backed by the American Legion which gives the congress the power to protect the American Flag from physical desecration.

This proposed amendment has gone before the last 6 congresses and has come as close as one vote in the Senate to passing. The American Legion will continue to push for each congress to vote on this proposal.

In the mean time I support anyones legal right to burn an American flag in protest. However if it is done in front of me I humbly request that someone come pay my bail..........

it can pass by 30 votes and it will still be struck down by the commies in the scotus

as it should be
It is amazing how the assholes who want to add things to the Constitution which take away liberties from the People never seem to catch on.

This is awesome:
Can I burn the constiution? Is tht constitutional?

The day a flag amendment is passed is the day the hippies start burning Constitutions.

Gee, that worked out well, didn't it, you fucking morons!
I support the proposed constitutional amendment backed by the American Legion which gives the congress the power to protect the American Flag from physical desecration.

This proposed amendment has gone before the last 6 congresses and has come as close as one vote in the Senate to passing. The American Legion will continue to push for each congress to vote on this proposal.

In the mean time I support anyones legal right to burn an American flag in protest. However if it is done in front of me I humbly request that someone come pay my bail..........

it can pass by 30 votes and it will still be struck down by the commies in the scotus

as it should be

I don't think they can strike down a legal constitutional amendment. Not if it makes it all the way through the houses and is ratified by the states....
If anyone could point out an intermediate and yet a tenable position between the complete independence and the entire servitude of opinion, I should perhaps be inclined to adopt it, but the difficulty is to discover this intermediate position. Intending to correct the licentiousness of the press and to restore the use of orderly language, you first try the offender by a jury; but if the jury acquits him, the opinion which was that of a single individual becomes the opinion of the whole country. Too much and too little has therefore been done; go farther, then. You bring the delinquent before permanent magistrates; but even here the cause must be heard before it can be decided; and the very principles which no book would have ventured to avow are blazoned forth in the pleadings, and what was obscurely hinted at in a single composition is thus repeated in a multitude of other publications. The language is only the expression and, if I may so speak, the body of the thought, but it is not the thought itself. Tribunals may condemn the body, but the sense, the spirit of the work is too subtle for their authority. Too much has still been done to recede, too little to attain your end; you must go still farther. Establish a censorship of the press. But the tongue of the public speaker will still make itself heard, and your purpose is not yet accomplished; you have only increased the mischief. Thought is not, like physical strength, dependent upon the number of its agents; nor can authors be counted like the troops that compose an army. On the contrary, the authority of a principle is often increased by the small number of men by whom it is expressed. The words of one strong-minded man addressed to the passions of a listening assembly have more power than the vociferations of a thousand orators; and if it be allowed to speak freely in any one public place, the consequence is the same as if free speaking was allowed in every village. The liberty of speech must therefore be destroyed as well as the liberty of the press. And now you have succeeded, everybody is reduced to silence. But your object was to repress the abuses of liberty, and you are brought to the feet of a despot. You have been led from the extreme of independence to the extreme of servitude without finding a single tenable position on the way at which you could stop.

Tocqueville: Book 1 Chapter 11

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