Flags Fly Half Staff For Cop Murdered by Trump Insurgents and Supporters

It was the last opportunity to do something about that stolen election......and as soon as Congress got back to work they tabled their objections and rubber-stamped the election
Actually, I watched the House object to Arizona and Pennsylvania both for the full two hours. They didn't finish until after 3 am. The senator who had initially objected to Georgia backed out, meaning the House members never got a chance to speak on it. That was all I saw tabled. One senator.

I get so sick of your constant lies slipped into your rants.

You're misrepresenting what happened just as much as you're accusing him of doing. It wasn't just 1 senator who withdrew his objection, and 1 state that was tabled. It was numerous senators and house reps, resulting in the objections to GA, WI, MI and NV failing to take place.
Thanks for that. I've hunted but can't find that any senators formally signed a letter objecting to the votes in NV, WI, or MI. Plenty of House members, but they need a senator, in writing. The only ones that had that when the Congress convened on Jan 6th were PA, AZ and GA, from what I can tell.

The net effect of what happened that day was that no debate was had in congress with regard to any anomolies in the election. Irrelevant of outcome from the debates that conveniently ened up not happening, it could have been an honest expression of people's desire to prevent this from hapening in the future and to offer other alternatives. Examples would be talking about the state laws that were abused and encouraging people to look at the source of the issues, the legislative body, and the constitution can be used to support that position. That debate, consequently, did not come up.

Theoretically, there would have been roughly twelve hours of debate. Two hours for each item, most times going longer than that just because of the process itself. The clock doesn't run whe nthey change speakers, for instance. Anyone experienced in observing the process should understand this, but I offer it as a courtesy for th casual passer-by. Basically they were looking at around fifteen hours of debate before the events too place. At that point they had only gone over two items.

By the time all of the shenanigans had taken place, they weren't gonna move forward. And then if anyone had a problem with it, they were labeled the bad guy and told they were supporting monsters, get him off the tweeter, get him off the facebook, shut it down, never give him a podium.

There's more to say about it. Just reading the trivialization of the situation in the couple of postings quoted here reminded me of it.
NC, the fact that Congress's rules don't allow 12 hours of debate on each objection has nothing to do with what happened. I watched the 2 hours of debate on AZ and PA. Some House members voiced objections but they didn't have a senator who signed on. So I'm not sure how you can say it stopped the objections.

The concerns about the voting process are valid to look at in the state legislatures where voting laws and rules are established, and I'm sure many already have. There is always room for improvement.
NC, the fact that Congress's rules don't allow 12 hours of debate on each objection has nothing to do with what happened.

No, I said that it usually takes about two hours to debate each item. To have debated each item would have taken them into around fifteen hours. That didn't happen, clearly. They got through two items, I believe.

Anyway. As I'd mentioned, there's a bit more to say about it. But that's all I have to say about it with this group. As I said, I offered it just as a courtesy to the casual passer-by. If I didn't mention anything about it, it likely wouldn't have been mentioned at all.
Funny how y'all didn't give two shits when cops were injured, or killed during the summer of love riots, but now y'all love you some police....
The 1967 Detroit Riots? Seems like an interesting subject, will need to read more.
American flags are being flown half staff in honor of a Capitol Policeman murdered by Trump terrorists and supporters dispatched by President Donald Trump crying, whining and lying about his lost election being srolen
I thought he died from COVID-19!

He had a stroke which could have been caused by the virus....the media is lying again....they are so hyper-ventiliated they have gone hysterical....equating the peaceful protest with 9/11 and Pearl Harbor....how much more ridiculous can they get?

Well there were a few bad boys amongst the protestors --things did get kinda out of hand but not nearly to the extent the msm is trying to pretend in order to demonize the patriots......and so much confusion going on there hard to say very precisely what is going on...I think the cops were too quick to break out the batons they should have tried a softer approach.....after all these folks were patriots trying to save America from a thieving and lying career politician with dementia and a long history of perversion.

Pedo Joe even admitted during his college years he was sexually attracted to children.

American flags are being flown half staff in honor of a Capitol Policeman murdered by Trump terrorists and supporters dispatched by President Donald Trump crying, whining and lying about his lost election being srolen
You didn't seem to give a shit about those killed by terrorist group BLM.
American flags are being flown half staff in honor of a Capitol Policeman murdered by Trump terrorists and supporters dispatched by President Donald Trump crying, whining and lying about his lost election being srolen
You didn't seem to give a shit about those killed by terrorist group BLM.
Provide a link you lying punk bitch.
A terrorist insurgent threat was thwarted by a hero cop. I don't see the problem.
Yeah, that's what your betters tell you-

Saw it with my own eyes. Good shoot.

Which one in the crowd were you?

There's this cool new invention called hi-def video. You should check it out sometime.

Oh, so when you said you saw it with your own eye, you were lying....Got it...

Not lying, idiot. My eyes are my own. I saw the good shoot on video. I have better things to do than attend protests, much less interact with Cult45 mouth breathing traitors.

Lots can happen with video...
Funny how y'all didn't give two shits when cops were injured, or killed during the summer of love riots, but now y'all love you some police....
I can barely remember 1967.

I'm talking about your summer of love 2020....Remember that? Ah the fun, right? The burning buildings, the atonomous zones, the riots of "mostly peacful protestors" as they burned and looted, the clashing and murder of cops...Wasn't that fun?
Link me to single Cop killed by BLM protesters.

" Two Los Angeles sheriff’s deputies shot in Compton while sitting in their patrol car in mid-September, and two Louisville police officers shot in late September during a protest over the lack of serious charges against police officers in Breonna Taylor’s killing. "

" Two police officers sitting in their patrol car in Brooklyn were shot at point-blank range and killed on Saturday afternoon by a man who, officials said, had traveled to the city from Baltimore vowing to kill officers. The suspect then committed suicide with the same gun, the authorities said. "

"DALLAS — On July 7, 2016, a lone attacker ambushed Dallas police officers at the end of a peaceful Black Lives Matter protest in response to the deaths of black men at the hands of police officers.

Five Dallas officers were killed that night: Brent Thompson, Michael Krohl, Michael Smith, Patrick Zamarripa and Lorne Ahrens. One was an officer with Dallas Area Rapid Transit. "

How many do you need?
The Compton Cops both survived. The Brooklyn Cops died by the gun of a maniac that was not protesting. Dallas Cops were killed four and a half years ago.

Policing is a dangerous line of work and there are plenty of Cop killers out there.

Now, find me a Cop killing by a BLM protester.

So time is relevant? The point is pal, your BLM thugs have killed more cops than the right has ever done in their protests, besides, you want eye for an eye? Then we haven’t even started yet...buckle up buttercup.
News reports today indicate Trump refuses to even offer condolences to the murdered officer's family. The family reports recieving calls from VP Pence and Speaker Pelosi.
Funny how y'all didn't give two shits when cops were injured, or killed during the summer of love riots, but now y'all love you some police....

Well let’s look at the cause of the two riots

The first was caused by overzealous police who would not let up on a suspect who could not breathe.

The second was caused by a President who could not admit defeat and created a myth that he had won and the election was stolen from him. His myth caused an angry mob to attack the Congress

What happened at the Capitol wasn't a riot....
Sure it was. It was a violent insurrection attempting to stop Congress from officially naming our newly elected President using a riot as a tactic and means.
...no--it was a protest--and a lot more peaceful than a bunch of BLM looting/vandalizing/buring crap
Funny how y'all didn't give two shits when cops were injured, or killed during the summer of love riots, but now y'all love you some police....

Well let’s look at the cause of the two riots

The first was caused by overzealous police who would not let up on a suspect who could not breathe.

The second was caused by a President who could not admit defeat and created a myth that he had won and the election was stolen from him. His myth caused an angry mob to attack the Congress

What happened at the Capitol wasn't a riot....
Sure it was. It was a violent insurrection attempting to stop Congress from officially naming our newly elected President using a riot as a tactic and means.
...no--it was a protest--and a lot more peaceful than a bunch of BLM looting/vandalizing/buring crap
Liar. We all watched a violent insurrection trying to prevent an official legal count by Congress of 2020 EC votes.
You lost, we won. FU
Funny how y'all didn't give two shits when cops were injured, or killed during the summer of love riots, but now y'all love you some police....

Well let’s look at the cause of the two riots

The first was caused by overzealous police who would not let up on a suspect who could not breathe.

The second was caused by a President who could not admit defeat and created a myth that he had won and the election was stolen from him. His myth caused an angry mob to attack the Congress

What happened at the Capitol wasn't a riot....
Sure it was. It was a violent insurrection attempting to stop Congress from officially naming our newly elected President using a riot as a tactic and means.
...no--it was a protest--and a lot more peaceful than a bunch of BLM looting/vandalizing/buring crap
Liar. We all watched a violent insurrection trying to prevent an official legal count by Congress of 2020 EC votes.
You lost, we won. FU
....''we won'' ---exactly what a 4th grader would say
wrong--the US and all Americans LOST --now the US is going to even turn MORE into a shithole like Africa...you have dumbass racist Harris up there.....the Dems love criminals/criminality and hate law-order!!! just like Obama......
...like I've said a million times, instead concentrating on the real problems. you idiots concentrate on dumbshit-non-problems like STATUES/police/racism
--and what do you get?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MURDER is up all over!!! and it's mostly BLACKS murdering other blacks
American flags are being flown half staff in honor of a Capitol Policeman murdered by Trump terrorists and supporters dispatched by President Donald Trump crying, whining and lying about his lost election being srolen

He was murdered by an antifa thug who was hiding in the Trump supporters....you moron.....Trump supporters didn't engage in violence, the antifa thugs hidden in their midst attacked that officer.
Trump has still not ordered flags at half staff in Federal Buildings
So time is relevant? The point is pal, your BLM thugs have killed more cops than the right has ever done in their protests, besides, you want eye for an eye? Then we haven’t even started yet...buckle up buttercup.
Find another nickname for the summer of 2020.

Sounding like a complete idiot isn't a good look for you.
So time is relevant? The point is pal, your BLM thugs have killed more cops than the right has ever done in their protests, besides, you want eye for an eye? Then we haven’t even started yet...buckle up buttercup.
Find another nickname for the summer of 2020.

Sounding like a complete idiot isn't a good look for you.

What name would you suggest for the summer riots, where the cops were ordered to stand down if not actually help the rioters, and people that defended themselves were arrested, indeed, in one case a woman running away was arrested for doing so?

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