Flake Speaks To Fellow Democrats

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Flake called out the cowardice of the Republicans in the Senate. Of course they were not going to hang around to be bitch slapped. They're cowards!
I only heard a few seconds of it, but I did hear hear him refer to "reverence for the press", which made me giggle a bit.
I disagree with Jeff Flake invoking the obviously ridiculous comparison between a sitting US President doing his best to improve conditions for all Americans to a tyrant who KILLED of millions of his own people. As an Arizonan, I am disgusted and embarrassed that Jeff Flake represents Arizona.
I disagree with Jeff Flake invoking the obviously ridiculous comparison between a sitting US President doing his best to improve conditions for all Americans to a tyrant who KILLED of millions of his own people. As an Arizonan, I am disgusted and embarrassed that Jeff Flake represents Arizona.
Which is why Jeffie is retiring soon. He as seen the writing on the wall, and getting off the sinking ship before it goes down the drain of the swamp....
Anyone who compares an American President any President to Stalin, Hitler, or the Nazis is a total moron.
What did you disagree with in the speech?

One, that he disagrees that the current mainstream press is an enemy of the people and in the pocket of the Democratic Party. I have been calling it that for a few decades now, and have seen no evidence to cause me to believe otherwise.

Ergo, the reason he's shilling for the Democrat's right arm is an easy guess.

Two, that he in his juvenile way attempts to make a connection between Trump and Stalin, where none exists.

How Flake ever passed among Republicans as one of them and got elected is a coin flip. He must be quite the chameleon.
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