Flash Floods Plague the USA


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
As the rising level of Liberal Tears waters reach life-threatening levels.

Flash Flood Warnings Issued As Liberal Tears Continue To Soak Nation

U.S.—The National Weather Service has issue has issued widespread flash flood warnings across America as liberal tears continue to pour down unabated, increasing in severity after Karen Handel’s victory over Jon Ossoff in the race for Georgia’s 6th Congressional District.
“We advise all citizens to disconnect electrical appliances, bring outdoor furniture inside, and move all important indoor items to the top floor of your home to avoid flood damage,” a NWS spokesman said. “Also, avoid walking or driving through streams of tears, as their power can be deceiving—just six inches of moving tears can knock you down, and only one foot can sweep a vehicle away.”
“People in especially hard-hit areas should move to higher ground immediately and evacuate the area if necessary,” he added.
At publishing time, due to media rumors that Hillary Clinton is considering another White House run while Chelsea Clinton is being groomed for a future in politics, the NWS spokesman was predicting “no end in sight” to the downpours.
Prez Trump is holding a royal straight flush so can't lose save for ballot tampering. I heard online(can't remember Trump/youtube?) that already 80,000 mail in ballots have come up missing. Keep posting JB1958 for we are in a historic time in American history.

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