Flashback: Clueless Voters Explain Why They Voted for Obama & Now We Know How America


You see ....you tip yourself off as a lying partisan asshole when you can't even acknowledge that Obama got Bin Laden

It is part of the Rightwing misinformation campaign where you can't give Obama credit for a single thing

Obama got Bin Laden due to all the hard work put in by George W. Bush. if it weren't for GWB's policies, Obummer could never claim, "i got him"

I didn't even see Bush trying to get him....Did you?

They got the information leading to bin ladens where abouts through water boarding. So if it wasn't for bush bin laden would still be alive.
all they have left is lies.

That is what happens when you deny history, science and any fact that you don't like.
I didn't even see Bush trying to get him....Did you?
C'mon, seriously, there's no proof they "got" Sammy. None. Zero.

Bin Laden sleeps with the fishes

Says obama, the biggest liar in the world. You get paid to polish obama's knob, and you do a fine job.
Obama's accomplishments.
1. Free birthcontrol
2. Made healthcare worse
3. Gay marrige
Un freaking believable, i've been waiting on that laser like focus on the economy for 5 years now. Change you can't bear to deal with.
Brent Bozell had one of his polling segments on Fox and Friends this morning. A group of Millennials talking about what they thought of their current economic situations.

He then asked how many had voted for Obama - the majority raising their hands.

Then he asked, "How many of you are disappointed with the president?"

Every hand but 2 were raised!!! :eusa_whistle:
I have never denied I get paid to posts here

I have never seen you admit that you did until now.... Interesting....

I have thought from time to time that some people here got paid to post...
The one I had in mind puts up 50 responses for each thread...

I don't know if this is a good thing regardless of which side of politics you are on.

Look...lets be honest here

Do you think I would wade through all the pathetic whiny posts conservatives put up and not be paid for it?

Wait you do this for money, well, how republican of you. I thought you were a concerned citizen. Where is your altruism? Wjomwould pay you to post on a message board. I think thats hilarous. Do you call in to talk radio too? Oh wait its the left, so just like they pay people to protest, yet people like you deny this. Thanks for exposing this racket
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I have never seen you admit that you did until now.... Interesting....

I have thought from time to time that some people here got paid to post...
The one I had in mind puts up 50 responses for each thread...

I don't know if this is a good thing regardless of which side of politics you are on.

Look...lets be honest here

Do you think I would wade through all the pathetic whiny posts conservatives put up and not be paid for it?

Wait you do this for money, well, how republican of you. I thought you were a concerned citizen. Where is your altruism? Wjomwould pay you to post on a message board. I think thats hilarous. Do you call in to talk radio too? Oh wait its the left, so just like they pay people to protest, yet people like you deny this. Thanks for exposing this racket

He never actually said he got paid that is how RW works. Post innuendo then he can claim he ever made the claim.

Until he posts a yes/no answer and a pay stub to, do you get paid? He is just doing what he does.
G-d help us..... we are doomed as a country...Is it any wonder a man like Obama with not a LICK of experience in ANYTHING got elected...cultish and our media has become our enemy

Director John Ziegler captured the utter ignorance of people who voted for Obama in November of 2008. After his “last election,” President Obama’s Gallup approval rating is now 16 points upside down: Only 39% approve of the president, while 55% disapprove.

Why people have to go through five years of utter nonsense to figure out that “it’s not working” just goes to show absolutely insulated from reality “low information voters” are: they live in cocoons of politically biased entertainment and pop culture, and any news they are likely to get is slanted towards Democrats.

Five years into Obama’s presidency, here we are with a disastrous economy, a crumbling foreign policy, an unmanageable nightmare called Obamacare, and nearly $7 trillion more in debt.

But don’t blame Obama, he’s just doing what folks like him do – try to get as much power as possible. Blame these people.

How Obama Got Elected... Interviews With Obama Voters - YouTube

New Gallup Poll: Obama Approval Rating Falls Into The 30s

ALL of it here
Flashback: Clueless Voters Explain Why They Voted for Obama & Now We Know How America Got Here

many of us are pushing hard to move the voting age back to 21. myself i prefer 24 or 25. an 18 year old kid has the brain of a 15. totally stupid on politics
I have never seen you admit that you did until now.... Interesting....

I have thought from time to time that some people here got paid to post...
The one I had in mind puts up 50 responses for each thread...

I don't know if this is a good thing regardless of which side of politics you are on.

Look...lets be honest here

Do you think I would wade through all the pathetic whiny posts conservatives put up and not be paid for it?

Wait you do this for money, well, how republican of you. I thought you were a concerned citizen. Where is your altruism? Wjomwould pay you to post on a message board. I think thats hilarous. Do you call in to talk radio too? Oh wait its the left, so just like they pay people to protest, yet people like you deny this. Thanks for exposing this racket

Its no racket

Actually, 67.2% of Internet Message Board posters are paid to do it and 83.1% of statisics quoted on the internet are made up on the spot

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