Flashback: Hitler also used children to promote gun control

Clearly, the 2A supporters have more shame than do the likes of you who are exploiting the deaths of children to attack law-abiding people who are not responsible for the malfeasance of the FBI, Broward Sheriff, and School Administration.
Excuse ME? Exploit this issue? Um, no, we want our kids safe, shame on you for that...how cynical and Machiavellian can you GET?

That's exactly what's going on. Someone is exploiting those children when they're at their weakest. That's shameful.
Well, maybe we ARE exploiting the situation. After all, simple logic makes this clear, if there were no outrageous abuse of firearms to begin with, we wouldn't have an issue, would we?

There is not an outrageous abuse of firearms. There is an outrageous exploitation of the actions of sick or evil people to destroy the rights and liberty of law-abiding, decent people.
Oh, brother. Au contraire, mon ami . Yes, there IS outrageous abuse, Virginia. Just amazing stuff I read here. denial, denial and obfuscations. All I am reading here.

Please link to a credible source showing the outrageous shooting of innocent people conducted by NRA members.
Well, maybe we ARE exploiting the situation. After all, simple logic makes this clear, if there were no outrageous abuse of firearms to begin with, we wouldn't have an issue, would we?

And if there wasn't any outrageous abuse of food, there'd be no fat people.
And if there wasn't any outrageous abuse of speeding, there'd be no traffic accidents.

  • In case one: teach the people to eat responsibly.
  • In case two: teach the people to drive responsibly.
  • But in YOUR case, don't teach the people anything, just blame the guns, ban all firearms, give up a right the nation was founded on that thousands fought and died to preserve and drop the 2mnd Amendment, then order the police to kick down every door in America and close every gun shop until every last of the roughly 270,000,000 guns in the country is found and taken by force.

You are right, YOU are exploiting the situation, not "we."
Clearly, the 2A supporters have more shame than do the likes of you who are exploiting the deaths of children to attack law-abiding people who are not responsible for the malfeasance of the FBI, Broward Sheriff, and School Administration.
Excuse ME? Exploit this issue? Um, no, we want our kids safe, shame on you for that...how cynical and Machiavellian can you GET?

That's exactly what's going on. Someone is exploiting those children when they're at their weakest. That's shameful.
Well, maybe we ARE exploiting the situation. After all, simple logic makes this clear, if there were no outrageous abuse of firearms to begin with, we wouldn't have an issue, would we?

There is not an outrageous abuse of firearms. There is an outrageous exploitation of the actions of sick or evil people to destroy the rights and liberty of law-abiding, decent people.
Oh, brother. Au contraire, mon ami . Yes, there IS outrageous abuse, Virginia. Just amazing stuff I read here. denial, denial and obfuscations. All I am reading here.

Oh, and speaking of being In Denial:

The Education Department reports that roughly 50 million children attend public schools for roughly 180 days per year. Since Columbine, approximately 200 public school students have been shot to death while school was in session, including the recent slaughter at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla. (and a shooting in Birmingham, Ala., on Wednesday that police called accidental that left one student dead). That means the statistical likelihood of any given public school student being killed by a gun, in school, on any given day since 1999 was roughly 1 in 614,000,000. And since the 1990s, shootings at schools have been getting less common.

The chance of a child being shot and killed in a public school is extraordinarily low. Not zero — no risk is. But it’s far lower than many people assume, especially in the glare of heart-wrenching news coverage after an event like Parkland. And it’s far lower than almost any other mortality risk a kid faces, including traveling to and from school, catching a potentially deadly disease while in school or suffering a life-threatening injury playing interscholastic sports.

Perspective | School shootings are extraordinarily rare. Why is fear of them driving policy?
Excuse ME? Exploit this issue? Um, no, we want our kids safe, shame on you for that...how cynical and Machiavellian can you GET?

That's exactly what's going on. Someone is exploiting those children when they're at their weakest. That's shameful.
Well, maybe we ARE exploiting the situation. After all, simple logic makes this clear, if there were no outrageous abuse of firearms to begin with, we wouldn't have an issue, would we?

There is not an outrageous abuse of firearms. There is an outrageous exploitation of the actions of sick or evil people to destroy the rights and liberty of law-abiding, decent people.
Oh, brother. Au contraire, mon ami . Yes, there IS outrageous abuse, Virginia. Just amazing stuff I read here. denial, denial and obfuscations. All I am reading here.

Oh, and speaking of being In Denial:

The Education Department reports that roughly 50 million children attend public schools for roughly 180 days per year. Since Columbine, approximately 200 public school students have been shot to death while school was in session, including the recent slaughter at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla. (and a shooting in Birmingham, Ala., on Wednesday that police called accidental that left one student dead). That means the statistical likelihood of any given public school student being killed by a gun, in school, on any given day since 1999 was roughly 1 in 614,000,000. And since the 1990s, shootings at schools have been getting less common.

The chance of a child being shot and killed in a public school is extraordinarily low. Not zero — no risk is. But it’s far lower than many people assume, especially in the glare of heart-wrenching news coverage after an event like Parkland. And it’s far lower than almost any other mortality risk a kid faces, including traveling to and from school, catching a potentially deadly disease while in school or suffering a life-threatening injury playing interscholastic sports.

Perspective | School shootings are extraordinarily rare. Why is fear of them driving policy?
I don't care what the odds are. How many schools shootings are acceptable to you jolly folks? You sound so cold blooded about all this, it's shocking.
That's exactly what's going on. Someone is exploiting those children when they're at their weakest. That's shameful.
Well, maybe we ARE exploiting the situation. After all, simple logic makes this clear, if there were no outrageous abuse of firearms to begin with, we wouldn't have an issue, would we?

There is not an outrageous abuse of firearms. There is an outrageous exploitation of the actions of sick or evil people to destroy the rights and liberty of law-abiding, decent people.
Oh, brother. Au contraire, mon ami . Yes, there IS outrageous abuse, Virginia. Just amazing stuff I read here. denial, denial and obfuscations. All I am reading here.

Oh, and speaking of being In Denial:

The Education Department reports that roughly 50 million children attend public schools for roughly 180 days per year. Since Columbine, approximately 200 public school students have been shot to death while school was in session, including the recent slaughter at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla. (and a shooting in Birmingham, Ala., on Wednesday that police called accidental that left one student dead). That means the statistical likelihood of any given public school student being killed by a gun, in school, on any given day since 1999 was roughly 1 in 614,000,000. And since the 1990s, shootings at schools have been getting less common.

The chance of a child being shot and killed in a public school is extraordinarily low. Not zero — no risk is. But it’s far lower than many people assume, especially in the glare of heart-wrenching news coverage after an event like Parkland. And it’s far lower than almost any other mortality risk a kid faces, including traveling to and from school, catching a potentially deadly disease while in school or suffering a life-threatening injury playing interscholastic sports.

Perspective | School shootings are extraordinarily rare. Why is fear of them driving policy?
I don't care what the odds are. How many schools shootings are acceptable to you jolly folks? You sound so cold blooded about all this, it's shocking.

This insistence on absolute perfection in safety is the road to slavery, hun.

Of course nobody here support any school shooting. The measures you support, however, won't prevent a single one. Parkland happened because multiple government entitles and personnel FAILED TO DO THEIR JOBS. It has nothing to do with 2nd Amendment Rights, but your solution is to attack lawful gun owners. It's rather telling that you absolve the failed government programs and derelict officials from responsibility.
Our kids, our poor should not be sloughed off as collateral damage to that sacred cow, the Second Amendment. We all die from something , but we try to postpone mortality. We as a society try to go out of our way to minimize the threats to life limb or property. But heaven forbid we try to end gun violence, that somehow is sacrosanct. WHY?
Our kids, our poor should not be sloughed off as collateral damage to that sacred cow, the Second Amendment. We all die from something , but we try to postpone mortality. We as a society try to go out of our way to minimize the threats to life limb or property. But heaven forbid we try to end gun violence, that somehow is sacrosanct. WHY?

Oh? It seems apparent that some people don't want to get violent criminals out of society. For instance: Broward County.
This has nothing, let me repeat this, it has NOTHING to do with Nazis, Hitler or facisim (BOOO!) whatever. NADA. ZILCH. ZED, a big fat goose egg. And a wild goose chase this is. Red herring. I like guns, I like pianos. Never heard of someone going on a rampage with a piano, piano slaughter at the local nunnery, not happening.
The reaction to people that are afraid we might take their toys away, it's priceless. God bless America, whip up the patriotism band wagon hip hip hooray! Now we got THAT out of the way. I am a patriot too. I just think we don't need to give special protection to harmful devices under the constitution anymore. We need to end that right and make it a hard to earn, and a privileged, instead. I know that offends some of you, but times change. We need to amend the Constitution to better suit modern times.
This has nothing, let me repeat this, it has NOTHING to do with Nazis, Hitler or facisim (BOOO!) whatever. NADA. ZILCH. ZED, a big fat goose egg. And a wild goose chase this is. Red herring. I like guns, I like pianos. Never heard of someone going on a rampage with a piano, piano slaughter at the local nunnery, not happening.

Yes it does when idiots like you are repeating their lies almost word for word.
The reaction to people that are afraid we might take their toys away, it's priceless. God bless America, whip up the patriotism band wagon hip hip hooray! Now we got THAT out of the way. I am a patriot too. I just think we don't need to give special protection to harmful devices under the constitution anymore. We need to end that right and make it a hard to earn, and a privileged, instead. I know that offends some of you, but times change. We need to amend the Constitution to better suit modern times.
No, it is not out of the way.

You WILL not further erode our gun rights because you want to do something that makes you feel good about school shootings that are proven to do not one damned thing to protect our kids.
The reaction to people that are afraid we might take their toys away, it's priceless. God bless America, whip up the patriotism band wagon hip hip hooray! Now we got THAT out of the way. I am a patriot too. I just think we don't need to give special protection to harmful devices under the constitution anymore. We need to end that right and make it a hard to earn, and a privileged, instead. I know that offends some of you, but times change. We need to amend the Constitution to better suit modern times.
No, it is not out of the way.

You WILL not further erode our gun rights because you want to do something that makes you feel good about school shootings that are proven to do not one damned thing to protect our kids.
Here we go again, I am no threat to YOU in any way shape or form. Nope. I wish you a moderately long and happy life. And if you put possessing a an inanimate object ahead of the welfare of another human being, you just fulfill my need to be cynical. Sad, sad really.
Here we go again, I am no threat to YOU in any way shape or form. Nope. .

No, gullible nitwits like you who think that someone else can protect you instead of you protecting yourself have been a plague on humanity since the dawn of time.

You are the fertilizer that breeds all the little Hitlers, Jacobins, tyrants, Maos, Stalins and Poll Pots through the entire existence of humanity.

We cannot reason with you because you dont think with your brain. You spew your feelings as if they are rational and expect everybody to bow to your emotional extortion.

Fuck that.

You will never take my guns or anyone elses in this country while we are still a free people.


Get that through your skull and we can both start having a happier life right now.
All the march showed was that people will do anything for free shit. Just like Obama taught them. Free hotel, pizza and al the soda you could drink on the house. Free

Of course they came

While Halbrook is careful to point out that a combination of factors led to the events of the Holocaust, there is no denying that many of the pre-war activities contributed to Hitler’s ability to disarm targeted groups, particularly the Jews. The rapid pace with which Hitler disarmed the populace in Germany is startling. Halbrook’s account is gripping, thorough, and full of legal documentation, leading the reader through the sometimes-daily changes in gun prohibitions that furthered Hitler’s agenda. Ultimately, the prohibitions enacted by the Nazi regime led to monopoly control of firearms by the Nazis and eliminated the ability of many groups in society to defend themselves. A similar progression in contemporary society related to government control of firearms and the firearms industry is a concern of many gun owners in the United States today.

The complete confiscation of weapons held by Jews at this point was sparked by the November 7, 1938 assassination attempt of a German diplomat, supposedly by a Polish-Jewish teenager at the embassy in Paris. The Night of the Broken Glass came in the following few days. All Jewish weapons (including such things as letter openers) were confiscated, and all Jewish organizations were deemed illegal. With the Jews disarmed, Hitler’s plans could proceed with a defenseless populace. The majority of the non-Jewish German population was stunned by what had transpired but too afraid to protest. Isolated cases of resistance remained, such as the now well-known case of Oskar Schindler. When deportations commenced in October 1941, the possessions of the Jews were searched by the Gestapo for anything of value, and completed the disarming of the Jews. The dangers of silent witness are now well known.

As has been well documented, Jews were methodically attacked, their homes, businesses, and synagogues ransacked and burned. Upward of 30,000 Jews were arrested. Any Jews resisting arrest were ordered shot on the spot. Attacks on the Jews were to be carried out by the SA, with no interference by police. Jews arrested were to be sent to concentration camps for up to 20 years. The pogrom was so thorough that nearly all age appropriate, Jewish adult males in Stuttgart had been arrested. With the population afraid and disarmed, Hitler could proceed with little worry about resistance. The Court reinforced that there was no judicial review needed for activities of the Gestapo.

Halbrook concludes by noting that less government regulation and a tradition of rejecting tyranny could have led to a different outcome in Germany. Instead, systematic creation and manipulation of firearms registration and regulations, coupled with the decimation of individual citizen’s rights, enabled Hitler’s dictatorship and the slaughter of millions of innocent Jews and citizens of Nazi-occupied countries, as well as tens of thousands of Germans. It remains for all of us to wonder what might have been had people refused to register their firearms. Indeed, we should all take note and never forget.

Gun Control in Nazi Germany | Audrey D. Kline

FLASHBACK: Hitler Also Used Children to Promote Gun Control
Today’s gun control and confiscation rally was nothing new. Nazis and leftists have been using children for decades in their attempts to take guns away from law abiding citizens.
Hitler said

“These boys and girls enter our organizations [at] ten years of age, and often for the first time get a little fresh air; after four years of the Young Folk they go on to the Hitler Youth, where we have them for another four years . . . And even if they are still not complete National Socialists, they go to Labor Service and are smoothed out there for another six, seven months . . . And whatever class consciousness or social status might still be left . . . the Wehrmacht [German armed forces] will take care of that.”
Adolf Hitler (1938)

Yes he did, but leftist tarts who were never taught history wouldn't have a clue.......... Hoggs idiot don't know history either. Ever notice how these morons, ANTIFA's, radical leftist, feminist etc, etc are all in the same group ......and all lack the brain to think, research, find information...... they only react by what MSM tells them. Now that's intelligent.
Actually Hitler expanded gun rights for the German people.
So Jews not Germans were disarmed. Not a bad idea to disarm the enemies of the state.

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