Flashback-Jobs Surged Last Month in Rebound From Storm


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004


Published: December 3, 2005

The nation's employers added 215,000 jobs last month, the government reported yesterday, as the economy rebounded from the devastating impact of Hurricane Katrina.

Michael Nagle for the New York Times

Checking out the job classified ads at a resource center in Manhattan. The economy added 215,000 jobs in November, the most since July.

The strong November number, the biggest monthly increase since July, suggested that employers are scrambling for workers in response to a strongly growing economy. But on the fourth anniversary of the recovery from the 2001 recession, job growth is still below the levels achieved in previous recoveries, and the unemployment rate has been stuck at 5 percent nearly every month since June.

"We're back on track after the ill effects of the hurricanes," said Mark Zandi, chief economist at Economy.com, referring to Wilma, which hit southern Florida in late October, as well as Katrina in late August. "But it is also fair to conclude that global competition and corporate layoffs are weighing on job growth."

In releasing the employment data for November, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that at least 900,000 people age 16 or older - one-third of them black - evacuated in August because of Hurricane Katrina and that half had returned by last month. Most apparently came back to jobs.

The unemployment rate among the returnees was 12.5 percent, while 27.8 percent of those still living elsewhere were unemployed. Hundreds of thousands of other evacuees simply dropped out of the labor force, not even seeking a job, which is necessary to be listed as unemployed.

The November surge in hiring was widespread, covering nearly two-thirds of the nation's industries, the best showing since May of last year. It came after two months in which only 61,000 new jobs were created, because of the hurricanes, and it dispelled concerns that hiring would continue to lag despite robust economic growth.

The White House reacted quickly. "The economy is in good shape," President Bush said in a Rose Garden appearance shortly after the bureau released the November numbers. He declared that the future of the economy is "as bright as it's been in a long time." [Page B4.]

Stock and bond prices barely moved yesterday. That was mainly because "this was one of those rare occasions when forecasters accurately anticipated the numbers," said Stuart G. Hoffman, chief economist at the PNC Bank Corporation, including himself among the accurate forecasters.

The latest employment numbers seemed to track the overall economy. The gross domestic product grew at a 4.3 percent annual rate in the third quarter, the government said on Tuesday. Much of that strength was in construction and in business spending on computers and electronics, and that is where hiring was strong in November.

all of it here
Thanks for reminding us that the economy started struggling under Bush.
Thanks for reminding us that the economy started struggling under Bush.

I was wondering how you would try and spin it..Unemployment stuck at 5%..
But on the fourth anniversary of the recovery from the 2001 recession, job growth is still below the levels achieved in previous recoveries, and the unemployment rate has been stuck at 5 percent nearly every month since June.
Unemployment STUCK at almost 8% the whole four years of the Obama..

my my, but I'm sure he'll get it right in his second term by raising taxes and with ObamaCare:lol:
In 2-1/2 hours we will find out how the jobs are doing. Fiscal Cliff & positive jobs numbers are making me nervous about gold price. Gold has taken a hit in the last 3 days. I suspect that insiders leaked positive jobs info.
Fast forward to the lovely reporting for Obama's job numbers..

Superstorm Sandy to dampen payrolls
By Lucia Mutikani | Reuters – 55 mins agoEmail0Share0Share0Print

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Superstorm Sandy likely put a dent in U.S. employment growth in November, temporarily interrupting a recently established trend of modestly rising payrolls.

Nonfarm employment is forecast to have increased by a paltry 93,000 jobs last month after advancing by 171,000 in October, according to a Reuters survey of economists. The unemployment rate is seen holding steady at 7.9 percent.

November's anticipated job count would be the smallest in five months. Economists said the slowdown will reflect the effect of the late-October storm, which battered the densely populated East Coast. A snap back is expected in December.

"Sandy is going to depress payroll employment growth in November, but I expect it to rebound in December," said Gus Faucher, a senior economist at PNC Financial Services in Pittsburgh.

all of it here
Superstorm Sandy to dampen payrolls - Yahoo! News
Nutters ought to learn that openly rooting for bad economic news does not lead to electoral victory.

When you get excited by a lackluster jobs report....and express support for assholes who obstruct attempts to improve the economy.....you lose.
Breaking News: Unemployment drops to 7.7%

Total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 146,000 in November.

Previous 2 months numbers were revised down. September was revised from +148,000
to +132,000, and the change for October was revised from +171,000 to +138,000.
We lost ground on employment. The employment to population went down!

One can actually smell the desperation.

Job hiring increased last month, and unemployment went down.

The piss drinkers are working double overtime to prove this is somehow a bad thing.

One can actually smell the desperation.

Job hiring increased last month, and unemployment went down.

The piss drinkers are working double overtime to prove this is somehow a bad thing.


Seasonal adjusted BS

BLS- "The civilian labor force participation rate declined by 0.2 percentage point to 63.6 percent in November"
One can actually smell the desperation.

Job hiring increased last month, and unemployment went down.

The piss drinkers are working double overtime to prove this is somehow a bad thing.


Seasonal adjusted BS

BLS- "The civilian labor force participation rate declined by 0.2 percentage point to 63.6 percent in November"

146,000 jobs were added. That was more than expected.

Is it where we need to be? Of course not.

Is it a sign of improvement? Yes.

Yesterday, someone was so desperate to find something bad to say about Obama and unemployment, they posted a Gallup survey for the November employment situation and said Obama and the media hid the results to help him get elected.

They hid the results of a survey which is for the entire month of November until after the election. Which was at the beginning of November.


The stench of flop sweat is palpable.


Last edited:
One can actually smell the desperation.

Job hiring increased last month, and unemployment went down.

The piss drinkers are working double overtime to prove this is somehow a bad thing.

Seasonal adjusted BS

BLS- "The civilian labor force participation rate declined by 0.2 percentage point to 63.6 percent in November"

146,000 jobs were added. That was more than expected.

Is it where we need to be? Of course not.

Is it a sign of improvement? Yes.

When the workforce shrinks it is not improvement. When the employment to population ratio tanks it is actually worse!

BLS - "The civilian labor force participation rate declined by 0.2 percentage point to 63.6 percent
in November"

Previous 2 months numbers were revised down. We lost ground on employment. The employment to population went down!

It is so very easy to throw tomatoes from the peanut gallery.

Coming up with superior ideas? Seems to be an impossible task for the whackjobs.

So carry on with the attack topics. It is all you know how to do.

One can actually smell the desperation.

Job hiring increased last month, and unemployment went down.

The piss drinkers are working double overtime to prove this is somehow a bad thing.


Seasonal adjusted BS
Well the Not Seasonally adjusted non farm payroll employment went up 367K and was adjusted down to 146K

BLS- "The civilian labor force participation rate declined by 0.2 percentage point to 63.6 percent in November"
True, and it's not good....the UE rate went down for the wrong reasons...total employment went down and unemployment went down.

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