Flashback March 1980: Reagan Faces Probable Defeat---Trails Carter By 15

Remember, it's not over until the fat lady sings. History seems to repeat itself. Read the link.


Reagan came back and won in a 44 state landslide leaving political pundits and the establishment stunned and speechless on election night.

Flashback March 1980: Reagan Faces Probable Defeat - Trails Carter by 15 Points - The Gateway Pundit

So after you've posted a hundred threads about Trump leading in the polls, now you make a thread telling us why we shouldn't put any stock in those polls.
Stay on topic people. The topic is Reagan trailing Carter by 15 in the March polls in 1980.

Um, I thought the topic was, we shouldn't be worried Trump is trailing Hillary because Reagan trailed Carter for about a week and a half...

Except you have to factor in the Iran Hostage Crisis, The 1980 Recession, John Anderson's third party run, to really try to find an allegory there. You really can't.

No two elections are really the same, but the closest allegory is probably 1964. The GOP is about to nominate a candidate a large part of the party hates.

Goldwater lost 44 states. He even lost Utah. Oh, Trump is currently trailing Hillary in Utah.
Once again, Steve, you are guilty of a false derivative analogy yet again.

No matter how many times you begin this OP, you will lose.

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