FLASHBACK: Obama Told Police That Risking Their Lives Was Part Of ‘Job You Signed Up For

I cannot understand Conservatives and their feeble attempts to say.....Obama did it too!

Telling graduates about the dangers of their job is not the same as telling a grieving mother....That is what he signed up for
But, of course, the douche bag congress woman wanted to make a big political issue out of it.
Or she presumed he would take offence, and attack her instead??? :dunno:

Bullshit. She's obviusly a publicity hound and a leazy lying douche bag.

No that's not it. Trump just fucked up.
maybe. but if so it was a private conversation and she could have kept it that way.

And they wouldn't have if it wasn't for Trump's petty deflections and attack on other presidents contacting families of dead soldiers. Now all of a sudden this turned into an issue.

Trump constantly fucks himself by being the deplorable clown he is.

Mostly because it is all about Trump

His first impulse is not to console grieving families but to defend that it is not his fault and he is better than previous presidents....even if he has to lie to do it
It's awkward to speak to people who have just lost a love one and even more awkward for president Trump...who has no experience in doing this or losing a loved one....

It's his reaction to go on the attack that bothers me, instead of having some retrospect...on how he handled it and how he could do better.
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I cannot understand Conservatives and their feeble attempts to say.....Obama did it too!

Telling graduates about the dangers of their job is not the same as telling a grieving mother....That is what he signed up for
No one signs up to die....they know that someday there could be a risk of it, maybe in the back of their heads....
Obama? Why do you always take the dishonest, stupid, and ugly side of every issue - and then try to justify it with bullshit and twisted logic?
I better question is, why do you believe everything the elite .01% upper west side/Georgetown DNC media tells you?

You don't accept your news from the R party.

Because the Republican Party lies, incessantly. They lie because if they told the truth, no one would ever vote for them.

Their economic policies only benefit the rich, and are destructive to the economy overall.

The irony is killing me.

Tax cuts don't create jobs, increase the deficit, and they have never ever paid for themselves.

Yet here they are promising that when they cut corporate taxes, workers will get a big raise, companies will build more factories and the tax cuts will pay for themselves.

Your communist economic theory was debunked over 100 years ago.

It's not a communist idea and even the guys who worked on Reagan's economics programs now say it doesn't work and never did. As does the Congressional Budget Office and every other reasonable economist.

The CBO is a gang of partisan hacks. People who were in the Reagan cabinet do not agree with you. Higher taxes do not help the economy grow. They retard economc growth. That couldn't be more obvious.

Your knowledge of economics would fit on the head of a pin. Nowhere did I say "higher taxes help the economy grow". I said tax cuts don't create jobs. They don't pay for themselves, and they don't increase growth.

Jobs are created by supply and demand. Supply side economics don't work because they don't increase demand. Tax cuts help the supply side but increased income helps the demand side. There has been no increase in payroll for 40 years. That's where the increase needs to be now.

There is enormous pent up demand in the US economy if only people had sufficient income to release it. Clinton raised taxes and had a more productive and successful economy than Reagan. That's because Clinton also raised the minimum wage.

Everything in economics is about maintaining a balance. Wages, taxes, spending and programs have to be in balance for the country to thrive. They haven't been in balance since the first round of Reagan tax cuts. Wealth had been steadily siphoned off and gone to the top.

When Reagan was elected, the working class had savings and equity. Now they have none. That's been drained off as costs rose and wages didn't. Now the working class is dependent on food stamps and Medicaid - government programs. That's Reagan's legacy. Now that the working class is broke, Republicsns are busy taking down the middle class.

Soon the US will be just another banana republic with the wealthy having it all and the rest scraping by.
So was Obama insulting every police man and woman? Was Obama an asshole? Was Obama inconsiderate?

Oh and why wasn't the media all bent out of shape when Obama said basically the same thing as Trump?

Because they're fucking liberal wankers all of them.

"However, former President Obama used nearly identical language in a 2009 speech given in front of a crowd at a police graduation in Columbus, Ohio.

Obama’s remarks read in part,

The job you signed up for is not easy. It can mean long shifts and late nights. It demands focus, and determination, and great bravery in the face of unknown dangers. When you run into that building or chase down that suspect, you will be risking your own life in order to protect the lives of men and women you have never met, and some that you may never know.

But you knew all that when you joined the academy. You knew the risks involved, you knew the sacrifices required, and yet you stood up and said, ‘I’ll take that risk. I’ll make that sacrifice. I will do that job.’"

FLASHBACK: Obama Told Police That Risking Their Lives Was Part Of ‘Job You Signed Up For’
You are so partisan that you volunteer to be the stupidest pile of labia majora in the room...
I have been in combat and worked as a Sheriff later in life.
In combat I faced booby traps, grenades, snipers, armed groups with large caliber firearms, fully automatic firearms, smelled rotten corpses, maimed men and witnessed rape victims. I volunteered, no one asked me to join and I wasn't drafted, I knew what I was joining and I still was not prepared when I saw it...
When I worked as a Sheriff I saw gunshot victims, abused wives and children, the results of drunk driving and/or spousal abuse, it was nothing like combat.

You disrespect combat veterans and the daily mental stress, fear and anxiety they live with, you minimize the sights and smells they have endured and the things they may have done in order to stay alive.

You really need to STFU about things you know nothing of simply to excuse the inexcusable behavior of the boorish occupant of the WH...

I don't give a shit how you feel. That is not the purpose of this thread whatsoever. It's to show the hypocrisy of the left wing media and the asshole politicians who politicized the death of a soldier OVER HALF A SENTENCE in a long condolence call.

So good morning but fuck right off. And I'll discuss any topic I want to. I'm on a freaking message board douchebag.
Total equivalency fail.

1. They did sign up assuming the RISK, they do not sign up assuming DEATH.

2. Said in totally different context.

Why not stop this and admit the obvious - Trump is a idiot bafoon, with scant idea of the depths of world he glides on the very surface of.

You don't even know the context because you are basing all your accusations on HALF a fucking sentence.
I better question is, why do you believe everything the elite .01% upper west side/Georgetown DNC media tells you?

You don't accept your news from the R party.

Because the Republican Party lies, incessantly. They lie because if they told the truth, no one would ever vote for them.

Their economic policies only benefit the rich, and are destructive to the economy overall.

The irony is killing me.

Tax cuts don't create jobs, increase the deficit, and they have never ever paid for themselves.

Yet here they are promising that when they cut corporate taxes, workers will get a big raise, companies will build more factories and the tax cuts will pay for themselves.

Your communist economic theory was debunked over 100 years ago.

It's not a communist idea and even the guys who worked on Reagan's economics programs now say it doesn't work and never did. As does the Congressional Budget Office and every other reasonable economist.

The CBO is a gang of partisan hacks. People who were in the Reagan cabinet do not agree with you. Higher taxes do not help the economy grow. They retard economc growth. That couldn't be more obvious.

Your knowledge of economics would fit on the head of a pin. Nowhere did I say "higher taxes help the economy grow". I said tax cuts don't create jobs. They don't pay for themselves, and they don't increase growth.

Liberals asserting that tax-cuts have no upsides is about as credible as Conservatives saying that they have no downsides.

In both cases it's the ideologically invested politicos that say this stuff, not impartial economists.
The CBO is a gang of partisan hacks. People who were in the Reagan cabinet do not agree with you. Higher taxes do not help the economy grow. They retard economc growth. That couldn't be more obvious.

Only partisan hacks say that non-partisan Congression Budget Office is full of partisan hacks.

There are plenty of people in Regan's cabinet who agree that tax-cuts can cause economic problems if they put the budgets in the red.

See his budget direct David Stockman for example.
Stockman: Bush Tax Cuts Will Make U.S. Bankrupt
So was Obama insulting every police man and woman? Was Obama an asshole? Was Obama inconsiderate?

Oh and why wasn't the media all bent out of shape when Obama said basically the same thing as Trump?

Because they're fucking liberal wankers all of them.

"However, former President Obama used nearly identical language in a 2009 speech given in front of a crowd at a police graduation in Columbus, Ohio.

Obama’s remarks read in part,

The job you signed up for is not easy. It can mean long shifts and late nights. It demands focus, and determination, and great bravery in the face of unknown dangers. When you run into that building or chase down that suspect, you will be risking your own life in order to protect the lives of men and women you have never met, and some that you may never know.

But you knew all that when you joined the academy. You knew the risks involved, you knew the sacrifices required, and yet you stood up and said, ‘I’ll take that risk. I’ll make that sacrifice. I will do that job.’"

FLASHBACK: Obama Told Police That Risking Their Lives Was Part Of ‘Job You Signed Up For’
You are so partisan that you volunteer to be the stupidest pile of labia majora in the room...
I have been in combat and worked as a Sheriff later in life.
In combat I faced booby traps, grenades, snipers, armed groups with large caliber firearms, fully automatic firearms, smelled rotten corpses, maimed men and witnessed rape victims. I volunteered, no one asked me to join and I wasn't drafted, I knew what I was joining and I still was not prepared when I saw it...
When I worked as a Sheriff I saw gunshot victims, abused wives and children, the results of drunk driving and/or spousal abuse, it was nothing like combat.

You disrespect combat veterans and the daily mental stress, fear and anxiety they live with, you minimize the sights and smells they have endured and the things they may have done in order to stay alive.

You really need to STFU about things you know nothing of simply to excuse the inexcusable behavior of the boorish occupant of the WH...

I don't give a shit how you feel. That is not the purpose of this thread whatsoever. It's to show the hypocrisy of the left wing media and the asshole politicians who politicized the death of a soldier OVER HALF A SENTENCE in a long condolence call.

So good morning but fuck right off. And I'll discuss any topic I want to. I'm on a freaking message board douchebag.

You had no problem with Republicans politicizing the deaths in Benghazi over and over again. Through 7 investigations and endless discussions on this board.

You had no problem politicizing the shooting of police officers either.

It's only when the narcissist you elected shows no sympathy to a gold star family (again) that you complain about politicizing the deaths of American soldiers.

How hypocritical is that?
So was Obama insulting every police man and woman? Was Obama an asshole? Was Obama inconsiderate?

Oh and why wasn't the media all bent out of shape when Obama said basically the same thing as Trump?

Because they're fucking liberal wankers all of them.

"However, former President Obama used nearly identical language in a 2009 speech given in front of a crowd at a police graduation in Columbus, Ohio.

Obama’s remarks read in part,

The job you signed up for is not easy. It can mean long shifts and late nights. It demands focus, and determination, and great bravery in the face of unknown dangers. When you run into that building or chase down that suspect, you will be risking your own life in order to protect the lives of men and women you have never met, and some that you may never know.

But you knew all that when you joined the academy. You knew the risks involved, you knew the sacrifices required, and yet you stood up and said, ‘I’ll take that risk. I’ll make that sacrifice. I will do that job.’"

FLASHBACK: Obama Told Police That Risking Their Lives Was Part Of ‘Job You Signed Up For’
The difference here is astounding.
Obama was telling them that they were so brave, they were doing the job in spite of the danger.,

Trump was saying if you die, it's on you. It's your fault. It's what you knew could happen.

Republicans are so ignorant, they can't see the difference.

Kelly didn't know Trump would publicize that Obama didn't call when his son died.
So was Obama insulting every police man and woman? Was Obama an asshole? Was Obama inconsiderate?

Oh and why wasn't the media all bent out of shape when Obama said basically the same thing as Trump?

Because they're fucking liberal wankers all of them.

"However, former President Obama used nearly identical language in a 2009 speech given in front of a crowd at a police graduation in Columbus, Ohio.

Obama’s remarks read in part,

The job you signed up for is not easy. It can mean long shifts and late nights. It demands focus, and determination, and great bravery in the face of unknown dangers. When you run into that building or chase down that suspect, you will be risking your own life in order to protect the lives of men and women you have never met, and some that you may never know.

But you knew all that when you joined the academy. You knew the risks involved, you knew the sacrifices required, and yet you stood up and said, ‘I’ll take that risk. I’ll make that sacrifice. I will do that job.’"

FLASHBACK: Obama Told Police That Risking Their Lives Was Part Of ‘Job You Signed Up For’
The difference here is astounding.
Obama was telling them that they were so brave, they were doing the job in spite of the danger.,

Trump was saying if you die, it's on you. It's your fault. It's what you knew could happen.

Republicans are so ignorant, they can't see the difference.

Kelly didn't know Trump would publicize that Obama didn't call when his son died.

Total fucking bullshit. He said no such thing you pig. And your link is bullshit. I just put up a true link. No anonymous sources. You really are exposing yourselves to be the vile pieces of fecal matter that you are.

Raging on about half a sentence reported by a **** of a congress critter from Florida who is pushing this bullshit to raise money for her reelection campaign.

That's how scummy YOUR side is.
I cannot understand Conservatives and their feeble attempts to say.....Obama did it too!

Telling graduates about the dangers of their job is not the same as telling a grieving mother....That is what he signed up for

Trump didn't say it, douche bag.
You know, I signed up for the Navy, and I knew that there could be dangerous consequences of my decision, but I did it anyway because I wanted to travel and serve my country. Yeah, I understood that there were dangers and I could get killed while on active duty.

I knew what I was getting into when I signed up, because my recruiter and the classifier both described in great detail what I was going to go through, from being yelled at in boot camp to the boredom of being on the water for extended periods of time.

But................telling someone who just lost a loved one to the service that their loved ones knew what they were getting into after they die is callous, because in a round about way, you are telling the person that it's the fault of the servicemember for dying because that is what they signed up for.

No. Even though I knew the old saying that every battle group loses at least 1 member per deployment, I didn't think that it would be me, and I always planned on making it back home. So did my family.

And, if someone had called my family after I'd died on active duty and said that I knew what I was getting into when I signed up, well................there would more than likely be a cuss filled chewing out directed towards whoever said that, and more than likely followed with a punch in the nose if they were present.

Sorry.................but there is a difference between telling a bunch of graduates what they might be in for when they are alive (they can choose to quit if they want), and telling that to a grieving family member after the person has died.
So was Obama insulting every police man and woman? Was Obama an asshole? Was Obama inconsiderate?

Oh and why wasn't the media all bent out of shape when Obama said basically the same thing as Trump?

Because they're fucking liberal wankers all of them.

"However, former President Obama used nearly identical language in a 2009 speech given in front of a crowd at a police graduation in Columbus, Ohio.

Obama’s remarks read in part,

The job you signed up for is not easy. It can mean long shifts and late nights. It demands focus, and determination, and great bravery in the face of unknown dangers. When you run into that building or chase down that suspect, you will be risking your own life in order to protect the lives of men and women you have never met, and some that you may never know.

But you knew all that when you joined the academy. You knew the risks involved, you knew the sacrifices required, and yet you stood up and said, ‘I’ll take that risk. I’ll make that sacrifice. I will do that job.’"

FLASHBACK: Obama Told Police That Risking Their Lives Was Part Of ‘Job You Signed Up For’
The difference here is astounding.
Obama was telling them that they were so brave, they were doing the job in spite of the danger.,

Trump was saying if you die, it's on you. It's your fault. It's what you knew could happen.

Republicans are so ignorant, they can't see the difference.

Kelly didn't know Trump would publicize that Obama didn't call when his son died.

Total fucking bullshit. He said no such thing you pig. And your link is bullshit. I just put up a true link. No anonymous sources. You really are exposing yourselves to be the vile pieces of fecal matter that you are.

Raging on about half a sentence reported by a **** of a congress critter from Florida who is pushing this bullshit to raise money for her reelection campaign.

That's how scummy YOUR side is.

There is no evidence that Congresswoman lied. None. The family backs up what she said. General Kelly didn't deny it. Only Trump called her a liar and he has no creditability at all because he lies as often as he breathes.
So was Obama insulting every police man and woman? Was Obama an asshole? Was Obama inconsiderate?

Oh and why wasn't the media all bent out of shape when Obama said basically the same thing as Trump?

Because they're fucking liberal wankers all of them.

"However, former President Obama used nearly identical language in a 2009 speech given in front of a crowd at a police graduation in Columbus, Ohio.

Obama’s remarks read in part,

The job you signed up for is not easy. It can mean long shifts and late nights. It demands focus, and determination, and great bravery in the face of unknown dangers. When you run into that building or chase down that suspect, you will be risking your own life in order to protect the lives of men and women you have never met, and some that you may never know.

But you knew all that when you joined the academy. You knew the risks involved, you knew the sacrifices required, and yet you stood up and said, ‘I’ll take that risk. I’ll make that sacrifice. I will do that job.’"

FLASHBACK: Obama Told Police That Risking Their Lives Was Part Of ‘Job You Signed Up For’
The difference here is astounding.
Obama was telling them that they were so brave, they were doing the job in spite of the danger.,

Trump was saying if you die, it's on you. It's your fault. It's what you knew could happen.

Republicans are so ignorant, they can't see the difference.

Kelly didn't know Trump would publicize that Obama didn't call when his son died.

Total fucking bullshit. He said no such thing you pig. And your link is bullshit. I just put up a true link. No anonymous sources. You really are exposing yourselves to be the vile pieces of fecal matter that you are.

Raging on about half a sentence reported by a **** of a congress critter from Florida who is pushing this bullshit to raise money for her reelection campaign.

That's how scummy YOUR side is.

There is no evidence that Congresswoman lied. None. The family backs up what she said. General Kelly didn't deny it. Only Trump called her a liar and he has no creditability at all because he lies as often as he breathes.
. When Trump said he didn't say what she said, it was because he didn't say what the sick radical racist congress woman tried to say or suggest what he meant by his comments. Otherwise she took something she heard, changed the meaning, and then ran with it in order to hurt Trump politically. Now, Trump is alot like we are out here in society, where as we speak but we are not refined in our speak. Trump is a tough guy, and he has spent his life being tougher than the next guy, so he might appear to be insensitive, but it's just that, where as it's an appearance because he actually (like thousands have attested to), over and over again, is a good hearted man underneath the tough exterior. Anyone tired of these insanely motivated people who are devious like that Congress woman yet ?? I mean you can just hear a few words come out of their mouths (her mouth in this case), and you know instantly what they are all about.
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All this comparison proves is that one president knew when it was appropriate to make such a reference,

and the other one didn't.
So was Obama insulting every police man and woman? Was Obama an asshole? Was Obama inconsiderate?

Oh and why wasn't the media all bent out of shape when Obama said basically the same thing as Trump?

Because they're fucking liberal wankers all of them.

"However, former President Obama used nearly identical language in a 2009 speech given in front of a crowd at a police graduation in Columbus, Ohio.

Obama’s remarks read in part,

The job you signed up for is not easy. It can mean long shifts and late nights. It demands focus, and determination, and great bravery in the face of unknown dangers. When you run into that building or chase down that suspect, you will be risking your own life in order to protect the lives of men and women you have never met, and some that you may never know.

But you knew all that when you joined the academy. You knew the risks involved, you knew the sacrifices required, and yet you stood up and said, ‘I’ll take that risk. I’ll make that sacrifice. I will do that job.’"

FLASHBACK: Obama Told Police That Risking Their Lives Was Part Of ‘Job You Signed Up For’
The difference here is astounding.
Obama was telling them that they were so brave, they were doing the job in spite of the danger.,

Trump was saying if you die, it's on you. It's your fault. It's what you knew could happen.

Republicans are so ignorant, they can't see the difference.

Kelly didn't know Trump would publicize that Obama didn't call when his son died.

Total fucking bullshit. He said no such thing you pig. And your link is bullshit. I just put up a true link. No anonymous sources. You really are exposing yourselves to be the vile pieces of fecal matter that you are.

Raging on about half a sentence reported by a **** of a congress critter from Florida who is pushing this bullshit to raise money for her reelection campaign.

That's how scummy YOUR side is.

There is no evidence that Congresswoman lied. None. The family backs up what she said. General Kelly didn't deny it. Only Trump called her a liar and he has no creditability at all because he lies as often as he breathes.
Of course there's evidence she lied: she's a Democrat.
I cannot understand Conservatives and their feeble attempts to say.....Obama did it too!

Telling graduates about the dangers of their job is not the same as telling a grieving mother....That is what he signed up for

Trump didn't say it, douche bag.

According to Gen Kelly....He did
No he didn't, moron. It's no wonder we get POS pigs in Congress like Frederica Wilson when morons like you can vote.

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