Flight 93 Never Crashed In The Empty Field Outside Shanksville

it is interesting that their beloved popular mechanics and national geographic never wants to interview these experts and instead interview some nobody about holograms instead...then bring in a psychiatrist to explain the mind of a so called conspiracy theorist explaining they are afraid..and cant deal; with the fact we are so vulnerable to to a lone gun man..so they create complicated scenarios...lol
NAtGeo did have some of your guys on

they had one section with griffin and Steven Jones and then went immediatly into the psychiatrist psy-op narrative..but lets hear from some military experts and commercial pilots they don't want you to hear...without the psy-op narrative..shall we

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gghGi2aak_Y&feature=PlayList&p=3AF3FC2EC3DF655C&index=6&playnext=4&playnext_from=PL]YouTube - 9/11 Pentagon - Wake Up People!!!!![/ame]
did you ever think they couldnt get the guys you keep posting for any number of reasons, some of which they dont agree with your nonsense or they dont even exist

and that video is a lie without even watching it
the entry point they show is WAY off
it is interesting that their beloved popular mechanics and national geographic never wants to interview these experts and instead interview some nobody about holograms instead...then bring in a psychiatrist to explain the mind of a so called conspiracy theorist explaining they are afraid..and cant deal; with the fact we are so vulnerable to to a lone gun man..so they create complicated scenarios...lol

yeah thats whats funny cause its only the COINCIDENCE THEORISTS who accept the official conspiracy theory of the governments,who are the ones afraid and cant deal with it.LOL.anytime the mainstream media talks about 9/11 or the JFK assassination as well,they always use computer animation to support their evidence which is no evidence at all.LOL:lol::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
it is interesting that their beloved popular mechanics and national geographic never wants to interview these experts and instead interview some nobody about holograms instead...then bring in a psychiatrist to explain the mind of a so called conspiracy theorist explaining they are afraid..and cant deal; with the fact we are so vulnerable to to a lone gun man..so they create complicated scenarios...lol
NAtGeo did have some of your guys on

they had one section with griffin and Steven Jones and then went immediatly into the psychiatrist psy-op narrative..but lets hear from some military experts and commercial pilots they don't want you to hear...without the psy-op narrative..shall we

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gghGi2aak_Y&feature=PlayList&p=3AF3FC2EC3DF655C&index=6&playnext=4&playnext_from=PL]YouTube - 9/11 Pentagon - Wake Up People!!!!![/ame]

of course these Bush dupes such as DITZCON wont watch that video cause they dont want to hear what pilot EXPERTS or military experts have to say.:lol:
NAtGeo did have some of your guys on

they had one section with griffin and Steven Jones and then went immediatly into the psychiatrist psy-op narrative..but lets hear from some military experts and commercial pilots they don't want you to hear...without the psy-op narrative..shall we

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gghGi2aak_Y&feature=PlayList&p=3AF3FC2EC3DF655C&index=6&playnext=4&playnext_from=PL]YouTube - 9/11 Pentagon - Wake Up People!!!!![/ame]
did you ever think they couldnt get the guys you keep posting for any number of reasons, some of which they dont agree with your nonsense or they dont even exist

no ..I know they exist..confirmed from multiple sources and have even attend lectures in which some have been speakers...and the pattern of their omission and the accompanying psy op narratives on the mind of conspiracy theorist is far to constant not to be scripted

and that video is a lie without even watching it
the entry point they show is WAY off

so you will once again close your ears to this commercial pilots and military experts and call them liars..
the pentagon one of the most secured buildings in the country 84 tapes still classified 8 years later...why ??????....if a plane hit the pentagon why cant we see it ????...if the tapes show a plane..wouldn't they want us to see it ??
they had one section with griffin and Steven Jones and then went immediatly into the psychiatrist psy-op narrative..but lets hear from some military experts and commercial pilots they don't want you to hear...without the psy-op narrative..shall we

YouTube - 9/11 Pentagon - Wake Up People!!!!!

no ..I know they exist..confirmed from multiple sources and have even attend lectures in which some have been speakers...and the pattern of their omission and the accompanying psy op narratives on the mind of conspiracy theorist is far to constant not to be scripted

and that video is a lie without even watching it
the entry point they show is WAY off

so you will once again close your ears to this commercial pilots and military experts and call them liars..

typical ignorant Ditzcon.:cuckoo:
the pentagon one of the most secured buildings in the country 84 tapes still classified 8 years later...why ??????....if a plane hit the pentagon why cant we see it ????...if the tapes show a plane..wouldn't they want us to see it ??
you DO understand that they aquired the tapes from ALL cams around the area to "SEE" if it had anything on it
not because it "HAD" things on it
and maybe the reason they didnt release the others is because they dont have jack shit on em?
you lack common sense and reason to even think like that
no ..I know they exist..confirmed from multiple sources and have even attend lectures in which some have been speakers...and the pattern of their omission and the accompanying psy op narratives on the mind of conspiracy theorist is far to constant not to be scripted

so you will once again close your ears to this commercial pilots and military experts and call them liars..

typical ignorant Ditzcon.:cuckoo:
fuck off asshole
if you put me on ignore, then maybe you should ACTUALLY IGNORE my posts

the pentagon one of the most secured buildings in the country 84 tapes still classified 8 years later...why ??????....if a plane hit the pentagon why cant we see it ????...if the tapes show a plane..wouldn't they want us to see it ??
you DO understand that they aquired the tapes from ALL cams around the area to "SEE" if it had anything on it
not because it "HAD" things on it
and maybe the reason they didnt release the others is because they dont have jack shit on em?
you lack common sense and reason to even think like that

you mean to double think like that...first.. they seized several tapes from near by businesses but there are tapes from the of pentagon on 9/11 from pentagon surveillance cameras and if there was jack shit on them.. why not release them.. why go to great efforts to block lawsuits requesting their release and site national security as the reason not to ..there is no logic to any of that
the pentagon one of the most secured buildings in the country 84 tapes still classified 8 years later...why ??????....if a plane hit the pentagon why cant we see it ????...if the tapes show a plane..wouldn't they want us to see it ??
you DO understand that they aquired the tapes from ALL cams around the area to "SEE" if it had anything on it
not because it "HAD" things on it
and maybe the reason they didnt release the others is because they dont have jack shit on em?
you lack common sense and reason to even think like that

you mean to double think like that...first.. they seized several tapes from near by businesses but there are tapes from the of pentagon on 9/11 from pentagon surveillance cameras and if there was jack shit on them.. why not release them.. why go to great efforts to block lawsuits requesting their release and site national security as the reason not to ..there is no logic to any of that
i cant tell you why they dont release them, i wish they would
i would hope it would shut you assholes the fuck up if they actually had clear shots
It is so unnerving when people refuse all instances of logic. We have an even larger fight to tend to; which involves the casualty of the critical thinking mind due to the utter absurdities perpetrated by the mass media.
Where is the plane? That is a simple enough question. I know I don’t see it nor do I see any substantial parts being dug from the hole.

Additionally, there were “plane” fragments that were reported miles away from the Shanksville crash site. Some will make the argument that the plane was shot down. However, that still doesn’t explain why a crater was dug in the ground. This alone is incriminating; a plan that was aimed at deceiving.

Granted, you don’t have to believe [all] the theories but anyone who doesn’t at least question this scenario is an utter moron.
It is so unnerving when people refuse all instances of logic. We have an even larger fight to tend to; which involves the casualty of the critical thinking mind due to the utter absurdities perpetrated by the mass media.
Where is the plane? That is a simple enough question. I know I don’t see it nor do I see any substantial parts being dug from the hole.

Additionally, there were “plane” fragments that were reported miles away from the Shanksville crash site. Some will make the argument that the plane was shot down. However, that still doesn’t explain why a crater was dug in the ground. This alone is incriminating; a plan that was aimed at deceiving.

Granted, you don’t have to believe [all] the theories but anyone who doesn’t at least question this scenario is an utter moron.

ask yourself why the TWOOFERS show you only a fuzzy screen capture of the hole in pennsylvania instead of these pics. if they are truly seeking the truth why dont they let you know that 95% of the plane was recovered from the area around that hole in PA?











Bolded text = English translation from Arabic
TIME EDT Transcript

09:31:57 Ladies and gentlemen: Here the captain, please sit down keep remaining seating. We have a bomb on board. So sit.

09:32:09 Er, uh ... Calling Cleveland center ... You're unreadable. Say again slowly.

09:32:10 Don't move. Shut up.

09:32:13 Come on, come.

09:32:16 Shut up.

09:32:17 Don't move.

09:32:18 Stop.

09:32:34 Sit, sit, sit down.

09:32:39 Sit down.

09:32:41 Unintelligible ... the brother.

09:32:54 Stop.

09:33:09 No more. Sit down.

09:33:10 That's it, that's it, that's it, down, down.

09:33:14 Shut up.

09:33:20 Unintelligible

09:33:20 We just, we didn't get it clear ... Is that United 93 calling?

09:33:30 Jassim.

09:33:34 In the name of Allah, the most merciful, the most compassionate.

09:33:41 Unintelligible.

09:33:43 Finish, no more. No more.

09:33:49 No. No, no, no, no.

09:33:53 No, no, no, no.

09:34:00 Go ahead, lie down. Lie down. Down, down, down.

09:34:06 There is someone ... Huh?

09:34:12 Down, down, down. Sit down. Come on, sit down. No, no, no, no, no. No.

09:34:16 Down, down, down.

09:34:21 Down.

09:34:25 No more.

09:34:26 No more. Down.

09:34:27 Please, please, please ...

09:34:28 Down.

09:34:29 Please, please, don't hurt me ...

09:34:30 Down. No more.

09:34:31 Oh God.

09:34:32 Down, down, down.

09:34:33 Sit down.

09:34:34 Shut up.

09:34:42 No more.

09:34:46 This?

09:34:47 Yes.

09:34:47 Unintelligible.

09:34:57 One moment, one moment.

09:34:59 Unintelligible.

09:35:03 No more.

09:35:06 Down, down, down, down.

09:35:09 No, no, no, no, no, no...

09:35:10 Unintelligible.

09:35:15 Sit down, sit down, sit down.

09:35:17 Down.

09:35:18 What's this?

09:35:19 Sit down. Sit down. You know, sit down.

09:35:24 No, no, no.

09:35:30 Down, down, down, down.

09:35:32 Are you talking to me?

09:35:33 No, no, no. Unintelligible.

09:35:35 Down in the airport.

09:35:39 Down, down.

09:35:40 I don't want to die.

09:35:41 No, no. Down, down.

09:35:42 I don't want to die. I don't want to die.

09:35:44 No, no. Down, down, down, down, down, down.

09:35:47 No, no, please.

09:35:57 No.

09:37:06 That's it. Go back.

09:37:06 That's it. Sit down.

09:37:36 Everthing is fine. I finished.

09:38:36 Yes.

09:39:11 Ah. Here's the captain. I would like to tell you all to remain seated. We have a bomb aboard, and we are going back to the airport, and we have our demands. So, please remain quiet.

09:39:21 Okay. That's 93 calling?

09:39:24 One moment.

09:39:34 United 93. I understand you have a bomb on board. Go ahead.

09:39:42 And center exec jet nine fifty-six. That was the transmission.

09:39:47 Okay. Ah. Who called Cleveland?

09:39:52 Executive jet nine fifty-six, did you understand that transmission?

09:39:56 Affirmative. He said that there was a bomb on board.

09:39:58 That was all you got out of it also?

09:40:01 Affirmative.

09:40:03 Roger.

09:40:03 United 93. Go ahead.

09:40:14 United 93. Go ahead.

09:40:17 Ahhh.

09:40:52 This green knob?

09:40:54 Yes, that's the one.

09:41:05 United 93, do you hear the Cleveland center?

09:41:14 One moment. One moment.

09:41:15 Unintelligible.

09:41:56 Oh man.

09:44:18 This does not work now.

09:45:13 Turn it off.

09:45:16 ... Seven thousand ...

09:45:19 How about we let them in? We let the guys in now.

09:45:23 Okay.

09:45:24 Should we let the guys in?

09:45:25 Inform them, and tell him to talk to the pilot. Bring the pilot back.

09:45:57 In the name of Allah. In the name of Allah. I bear witness that there is no other God, but Allah.

09:47:31 Unintelligible.

09:47:40 Allah knows.

09:48:15 Unintelligible.

09:48:38 Set course.

09:49:37 Unintelligible.

09:51:17 Unintelligible.

09:51:35 Unintelligible.

09:52:02 Unintelligible.

09:52:31 Unintelligible.

09:53:20 The best thing: The guys will go in, lift up the ... Unintelligible ... and they put the axe into it. So, everyone will be scared.

09:53:27 Yes.

09:53:28 The axe.

09:53:28 Unintelligible.

09:53:29 No, not the.

09:53:35 Let him look through the window. Let him look through the window.

09:53:52 Unintelligible.

09:54:09 Open.

09:54:11 Unintelligible.

09:55:06 You are ... One ...

09:56:15 Unintelligible.

09:57:55 Is there something?

09:57:57 A fight?

09:54:59 Yeah?

09:58:33 Unintelligible. Let's go guys. Allah is greatest. Allah is greatest. Oh guys. Allah is greatest.

09:58:41 Ugh.

09:58:43 Ugh.

09:58:44 Oh Allah. Oh Allah. Oh the most gracious.

09:58:47 Ugh. Ugh.

09:58:52 Stay back.

09:58:55 In the cockpit.

09:58:57 In the cockpit.

09:58:57 They want to get in here. Hold, hold from the inside. Hold from the inside. Hold.

09:59:04 Hold the door.

09:59:09 Stop him.

09:59:11 Sit down.

09:59:13 Sit down.

09:59:15 Sit down.

09:58:16 Unintelligible.

09:59:17 What?

09:59:18 There are some guys. All those guys.

09:59:20 Lets get them.

09:59:25 Sit down.

09:59:29 What?

09:59:30 What.

09:59:31 What?

09:59:36 Unintelligible.

09:59:37 What?

09:59:39 Unintelligible.

09:59:41 Unintelligible.

09:59:42 Trust in Allah, and in him.

09:59:45 Sit down.

09:59:47 Unintelligible.

09:59:53 Ahh.

09:59:55 Unintelligible.

09:59:58 Ahh.

10:00:06 There is nothing.

10:00:07 Is that it? Shall we finish it off?

10:00:08 No. Not yet.

10:00:09 When they all come, we finish it off.

10:00:11 There is nothing.

10:00:13 Unintelligible.

10:00:14 Ahh.

10:00:15 I'm injured.

10:00:16 Unintelligible.

10:00:21 Ahh.

10:00:22 Oh Allah. Oh Allah. Oh Gracious.

10:00:25 In the cockpit. If we don't, we'll die.

10:00:29 Up, down. Up, down, in the cockpit.

10:00:33 The cockpit.

10:00:37 Up, down. Saeed, up, down.

10:00:42 Roll it.

10:00:55 Unintelligible.

10:00:59 Allah is the Greatest. Allah is the Greatest.

10:01:01 Unintelligible.

10:01:08 Is that it? I mean, shall we pull it down?

10:01:09 Yes, put it in it, and pull it down.

10:01:10 Unintelligible.

10:01:11 Saeed.

10:01:12 ... engine ...

10:01:13 Unintelligible.

10:01:16 Cut off the oxygen.

10:01:18 Cut off the oxygen. Cut off the oxygen. Cut off the oxygen.

10:01:34 Unintelligible.

10:01:37 Unintelligible.

10:01:41 Up, down. Up, down.

10:01:41 What?

10:01:42 Up, down.

10:01:42 Ahh.

10:01:53 Ahh.

10:01:54 Unintelligible.

10:01:55 Ahh.

10:01:59 Shut them off.

10:02:03 Shut them off.

10:02:14 Go.

10:02:14 Go.

10:02:15 Move.

10:02:16 Move.

10:02:17 Turn it up.

10:02:18 Down, down.

10:02:23 Pull it down. Pull it down.

10:02:25 Down. Push, push, push, push, push.

10:02:33 Hey. Hey. Give it to me. Give it to me.

10:02:35 Give it to me. Give it to me. Give it to me.

10:02:37 Give it to me. Give it to me. Give it to me.

10:02:40 Unintelligible.

10:03:02 Allah is the greatest.

10:03:03 Allah is the greatest.

10:03:04 Allah is the greatest.

10:03:06 Allah is the greatest.

10:03;06 Allah is the greatest.

10:03:07 No.

10:03:09 Allah is the greatest. Allah is the greatest.

10:03:09 Allah is the greatest. Allah is the greatest.
Hi Systain:

Thank you for taking the time to sign up at the USMB Board and for sharing your views on the EMPTY HOLE that we can all see in all the Shanksville photographs taken on 9/11.

It is so unnerving when people refuse all instances of logic.

We The Sheeple are blinded by the 'deluding influence' that is forcing them to collectively 'believe what is false' (2Thes. 2:11) all of their days on the earth.


Systain and I see an EMPTY HOLE, but the STUPID Sheeple (#7) around here continue to see a crashed 100-ton Jetliner where NOTHING like that exists. Period.

We have an even larger fight to tend to; which involves the casualty of the critical thinking mind due to the utter absurdities perpetrated by the mass media.


The Media showed images of the EMPTY HOLE on 9/11 'and' deliberately showed them in black and white to hide the green grass growing on all the inclines:


Where is the plane? That is a simple enough question. I know I don’t see it nor do I see any substantial parts being dug from the hole.

Flight 93 landed in Cleveland right along with Flight 175 (Rense.com Story), but STUPID Americans want to believe in Loyal Bushie/Rove Fantasies. I explain "What Really Happened On 9/11" here ...

Additionally, there were “plane” fragments that were reported miles away from the Shanksville crash site. Some will make the argument that the plane was shot down.

Yes. A Military Jetliner attached to the 'Global Guardian Wargames' (Story) was shot down to create a debris field from Indian Lake to New Baltimore some 8 miles away (Story).

However, that still doesn’t explain why a crater was dug in the ground. This alone is incriminating; a plan that was aimed at deceiving.

This Diamond T Mine Excavation (see Complete 911 Timeline here) appears in U.S. Geological Survey Photographs taken on April 20, 1994 (Click Here). Yes. Americans really are THIS STUPID ...

Granted, you don’t have to believe [all] the theories but anyone who doesn’t at least question this scenario is an utter moron.

We agree. The reason you see Conspiracy Theorists blamed for going postal is because 9/11 Was Definitely An Inside Job (my 911Truth Blog) and the evidence is overwhelming 'and' nobody is doing one thing about it. Murderers of innocent Americans have been sitting in the White House for all this time, but those among us knowing 'the' 911Truth are considered the problem :)cuckoo:) ...


It is so unnerving when people refuse all instances of logic. We have an even larger fight to tend to; which involves the casualty of the critical thinking mind due to the utter absurdities perpetrated by the mass media.
Where is the plane? That is a simple enough question. I know I don’t see it nor do I see any substantial parts being dug from the hole.

Additionally, there were “plane” fragments that were reported miles away from the Shanksville crash site. Some will make the argument that the plane was shot down. However, that still doesn’t explain why a crater was dug in the ground. This alone is incriminating; a plan that was aimed at deceiving.

Granted, you don’t have to believe [all] the theories but anyone who doesn’t at least question this scenario is an utter moron.

I'm curious; why do you expect to see a plane? Just answer in your own words.
because every other crash of a jet liner has far greater debris ..tail sections.. huge landing gear ...massive engines
really? every other?
what a fucking lying dipshit

And in all of those cases he references; the pilot was trying to save his live and the lives of everyone on board.

On flight 93, the opposite was true and they were trying to kill as many Americans as possible.

On all ofthe cases referenced by ID-E-OT, the flaps would have been down, the pilot would be leveling off the plane looking for the easiest place to land.

On flight 93, witnesses reported a nosediving aircraft and a huge explosion.

Only a damn fool would expect to see a conventional crash site and debris field but then again, all twoofers are damn fools so you expect such a silly retort.
because every other crash of a jet liner has far greater debris ..tail sections.. huge landing gear ...massive engines
really? every other?
what a fucking lying dipshit

And in all of those cases he references; the pilot was trying to save his live and the lives of everyone on board.

On flight 93, the opposite was true and they were trying to kill as many Americans as possible.

On all ofthe cases referenced by ID-E-OT, the flaps would have been down, the pilot would be leveling off the plane looking for the easiest place to land.

On flight 93, witnesses reported a nosediving aircraft and a huge explosion.

Only a damn fool would expect to see a conventional crash site and debris field but then again, all twoofers are damn fools so you expect such a silly retort.
yes, i know
i was waiting for his reply

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