Flights into Israel resumed!

Becasued Israel threatened to blast even more the heck out of Palestine if the FAA didn't resume flights. Blackmail. Any deaths now will be on Israel. Ruthless murderers.
Wow, another dumbass IslamoNazi mind reader.

Looks like the FAA made the right decision resuming Israel's flights.

FYI, all flights into Israel are escorted by two F-16 fighters as soon as they enter Israeli airspace. So no fucking way your believed Hamas animals get anywhere close to a passenger jet.

I know it makes you sad that Islamic animals can't slaughter a plane load of innocent civilians.
So the Hamas rockets are harmless.
Ha ha ha. Say that a million times more Achmed, maybe it will become true.

But pretty soon Hamas won't be around to have rockets.

Israel will decapitate them just enough for the Palestinian people to do the rest. Latest polls in Gaza say over 80% of Palestinians want Hamas out, but are afraid to do anything about it.
So the Hamas rockets are harmless.

I never stated that the airline blackout was pointless; it wasn't.
But...Hypocrisy is NOT harmless.
Propagandist socks like Achmed Latici are also harmless, but very entertaining. :rofl:

They are trying to tell everybody, that a rocket that travels about 50 miles will be harmless when it lands. :cuckoo:

Perhaps Achmed can volunteer as a test target to prove his point? :lmao:
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I've seen some of your posts and I was wondering what your response would be to this? My friend is against israel and is claiming they were nomads when they came into palestine in 1948...

"Nomad: 1st meaning from Webster's dictionary: a member of a people who have no fixed residence.

Balfour agreement of 1917, the united States she's that the creation of the state of Israel would be an idea they support. 1948, expiration of the Palestine mandate to the state of Palestine from the British, who opposed a Jewish or Arab state.

At the end of 1947 Truman supports UN resolution 181 and the creation of an independent Israeli state.

So up until 1948, no country; no state of Israel. Maybe a biblical idea of the "nation" of Israel.

Therefore, a non-centralized group that has fled from one country to another, and did not have a "home" of their own until the mid 20th century C.E is in fact suitable to be defined as nomadic."

My automatic response was this, although I'm not sure if it's a very good argument, please advise!!

In response:: "History doesn’t begin in 1917, it starts way before that. Your use of the term “nomadic” negates the fact that these Jews were returning to their historic homeland. Jews have lived in the land now called Israel for nearly 4000 years, tracing back to 1900 BCE. Judaism made Jerusalem a holy city thousands of years ago. The story of the Jewish people, Israel, its capital, Jerusalem, and the Jewish Temple is ancient. They do indeed have a home, and it's a home where many of them have been displaced by brutal foreign conquerors. Despite being exiled, Jews have always returned and resumed their presence throughout the millennia, whether flourishing or as a minority.
The cultural memory and desire of a land these people have doesn't just magically appear without having strong historical ties or previous residency. Just because “Israel” wasn't on a map before 1948 doesn't mean that it wasn’t existent, it has always existed."

The Israelites did not leave voluntarily from their homeland they were forced out, several times, by several nations.....The Arabs were not in the area when Israel was a nation in the 9th century B.C.E., what makes you think they are more deserving of a homeland than the Jews
There are 40 thousand Hamas fuckers in circulation. They're far from being exterminated. There is nothing short of genocide that will rid that tiny strip of land of the pestilence.
Take out their leaders and their infrastructure and the people and Fatah will take over.
Well, the IDF is gonna have to bleed the rank-and-file some more, before they can be overrun by their own dissatisfied people, but the IDF is doing a great job of that so far.
I really love how stupid Netanfuckyou sounded...

...."We have to go into Gaza to stop this big rocket threat we are facing over our skies!"

Then when major airline carriers halted flights into Israel...

...Netanfuckyou makes a complete about face and say's, "The airspace over Israel is safe!"
"We have a rocket danger"
"No, the airspace is safe"
"Rocket danger"
"Safe airspace"
"Go to the window!"
"Step into the light, all is welcome....all is welcome"
And the whole world is looking at this and shaking its collective head. Fuck Israel!

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