Flip Flopping Trump wants to raise minimum wage

where did he do that?

Reading helps.

Trump reiterated in an interview on NBC’s “Morning Joe” the day after the November 10 debate that “It’s a tough position politically… We have to become competitive with the world. Our taxes are too high — our wages are too high. Everything is too high. We have to compete with other countries.”

Trump later claimed in an interview with Politico that his statements were specifically in regard to raising the U.S. minimum wage, not wages in general
where did he do that?

Reading helps.

Trump reiterated in an interview on NBC’s “Morning Joe” the day after the November 10 debate that “It’s a tough position politically… We have to become competitive with the world. Our taxes are too high — our wages are too high. Everything is too high. We have to compete with other countries.”

Trump later claimed in an interview with Politico that his statements were specifically in regard to raising the U.S. minimum wage, not wages in general
umm ok?
Donald Trump Switches Position on Minimum Wage Stance

Now that Trump has won the GOP, we will now see the real leftist Trump crawl out from under his rock.

You know the minimum wage of 1970 would be the equivalent of about $20/hour today, adjusted for inflation. So it has been allowed to erode to about one third of its original value. What was considered a minimal wage in 1970 to survive, is now less than survivable without two parents working and one with a second job. What kind of life is that, to be forced to work 80 hours a week or do without essentials?

Why do so many 'conservatives' like yourself seem to think that allowing the impoverished to live lives bordering on starvation and destitution is a good thing for America?
He never came out and said he supported "raising the minimum wage" He said he would entertain a discussion about the minimum wage but his primary focus is to bring high paying jobs back that pay much more than a minimum wage would.

He also mentioned that you want to be careful how high you lift the bottom end wage.
where did he do that?

Reading helps.

Trump reiterated in an interview on NBC’s “Morning Joe” the day after the November 10 debate that “It’s a tough position politically… We have to become competitive with the world. Our taxes are too high — our wages are too high. Everything is too high. We have to compete with other countries.”

Trump later claimed in an interview with Politico that his statements were specifically in regard to raising the U.S. minimum wage, not wages in general

And what is wrong with that?

Minimum wage needs to be raised as it has been allowed to erode to about one third of its 1970 value. How much I dont know, but there is certainly nothing wrong with Trump stating the obvious fact; minimum wage needs to be brought up to something realistic as a minimum income to full time workers who support families.

Kudos to Trump for braving the fire of ideological zealots.
One interesting aspect of the OP article though is how the political discourse in our country has degraded to the point that it is acceptable to have the most lurid distortions of other candidates statements presented out of context and effectively the opposite of what they meant.

Trump once stated that it is hard for America to directly compete with Third World labor because our workers are paid too much, but that was not said to imply American wages have to come down. He meant it by comparison, and that is all. But Bernie probably does genuinely think that Trump thinks our wages are too high and need to come down because he likely gets most of his news from HuffPo instead of digging more into the claims. His preconception of what Trump is saying is so far to the right that he sees no need to verify the context of Trumps statement to understand it better.

Trump on the other hand has also not looked at Bernies actual tax plan which would have a mild tax hike to pay for national health care, and that, in theory, would lower peoples costs over all as they would not have to buy health insurance (I would still buyhealth insurance, as many millions would also). Sanders also wants to have a higher top rate around 54%, if I recall correctly, which is not tripling anything by the rate, but the impact might cause an effective tripling for some.

Why have we stopped actually listening to each other?
Donald Trump Switches Position on Minimum Wage Stance

Now that Trump has won the GOP, we will now see the real leftist Trump crawl out from under his rock.

Votto that's not what I got out of what he said at all. Not at all. In context please.

Trump stressed that he wanted to bring back jobs that would earn an individual more that $15 an hour. And that he would be willing to look at the minimum wage and consider how to better wages for workers.

I'm sick of soundbites that distort what someone says.
Votto that's not what I got out of what he said at all. Not at all. In context please.

Trump stressed that he wanted to bring back jobs that would earn an individual more that $15 an hour. And that he would be willing to look at the minimum wage and consider how to better wages for workers.

I'm sick of soundbites that distort what someone says.

I'm sick of the fact that these distortions are DELIBERATE to smear people.
Wait a minute, Trump says "wages are too low" and some left wing blog interprets it as raising the minimum wage? Meanwhile Hillary says she will close coal mines (or not) and nobody on the left is talking about it. Are we going to have to be bored with left wing spin for everything Trump (and only Trump) says from now until November?
“Wages are too high” Donald Drumpf.

He thinks you make too much money….and you’re voting for him???
Trump Flips To Liberal Position On Minimum Wage...

Can a flip to Bernie's position on trade be far behind?

Within 24 hours of being presumptive nominee, Donald Trump flips on minimum wage
May 5th 2016

In the past, Donald Trump has said that the American wages are too...


As the New York Times noted, the billionaire showman told Wolf Blitzer on CNN Wednesday that he's "open to doing something with" the minimum wage. Trump also described himself as "very different from most Republicans" on the issue.

Why would Trump change his tune on the issue so quickly? Aside from his general tendency to be inconsistent in his policy stances, it could be the opening gambit of his pivot to the general election. Stagnant wages are a concern for citizens across the political spectrum, and small increases in the minimum wage are certainly not always anathema to conservatives.

Increasing the minimum wage is also likely one of the most obvious ways to catch the attention of former supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders, a group that Trump has said that he plans to target as Sanders' nomination chances continue to dwindle. Trump has demonstrated sustained appeal to the white working class -- a demographic that Sanders has attracted in large numbers -- and his opposition to free trade agreements should play well with Sanders supporters, too. There have been multiple reports in recent months that the rank-and-file of labor unions, who typically vote for Democrats, have taken interest in Trump.


Donald Trump Switches Position on Minimum Wage Stance

Now that Trump has won the GOP, we will now see the real leftist Trump crawl out from under his rock.

You know the minimum wage of 1970 would be the equivalent of about $20/hour today, adjusted for inflation. So it has been allowed to erode to about one third of its original value. What was considered a minimal wage in 1970 to survive, is now less than survivable without two parents working and one with a second job. What kind of life is that, to be forced to work 80 hours a week or do without essentials?

Why do so many 'conservatives' like yourself seem to think that allowing the impoverished to live lives bordering on starvation and destitution is a good thing for America?


How does a minimum wage help anyone? Would you rather have them go on government assistance and ramp up the debt even more as inflation eats away or money and wealth? My guess is yes, you would.

If nothing else, why not have them work and then let the government give them any additional money they may need? It is better for them to work than not to work. It would provide more taxable income and small business and create a work ethic rather than a lazy entitlement ethic.

Who is to say that a job is not worth a certain wage? Who even says that someone seeking a job needs to use the money to even support themselves? Some may be high school kids saving for college or someone who is retired trying to supplement their income or a father trying to make part time money for Christmas etc.

Who exactly is holding a gun to anyone's head to work a low wage job.

It makes no sense,.
“Wages are too high” Donald Drumpf.

He thinks you make too much money….and you’re voting for him???

Trump is a true Prog. He snubs his nose at those who make too low a wage and those who make too high a wage.

Who the hell died and made him the wage god?
LOL, see this is why people like Donald Trump, they say how can he get Mexico to pay for a wall and say these things about other countries!?!?!

He already has an ex presidente admitting a wall would be good for both countries, the same guy who was swearing about it weeks ago.


VF never said he would pay for it .

“Wages are too high” Donald Drumpf.

He thinks you make too much money….and you’re voting for him???

You support 16 year old kids working the counter at Mcdonalds making $15/hr 30k per year?
Donald Trump Switches Position on Minimum Wage Stance

Now that Trump has won the GOP, we will now see the real leftist Trump crawl out from under his rock.

Votto that's not what I got out of what he said at all. Not at all. In context please.

Trump stressed that he wanted to bring back jobs that would earn an individual more that $15 an hour. And that he would be willing to look at the minimum wage and consider how to better wages for workers.

I'm sick of soundbites that distort what someone says.

Trump reiterated in an interview on NBC’s “Morning Joe” the day after the November 10 debate that “It’s a tough position politically… We have to become competitive with the world. Our taxes are too high — our wages are too high. Everything is too high. We have to compete with other countries.”

Trump later claimed in an interview with Politico that his statements were specifically in regard to raising the U.S. minimum wage, not wages in general
LOL, see this is why people like Donald Trump, they say how can he get Mexico to pay for a wall and say these things about other countries!?!?!

He already has an ex presidente admitting a wall would be good for both countries, the same guy who was swearing about it weeks ago.


VF never said he would pay for it .

“Wages are too high” Donald Drumpf.

He thinks you make too much money….and you’re voting for him???

You support 16 year old kids working the counter at Mcdonalds making $15/hr 30k per year?

If they need to or want to do so, then yes.

My guess is you prefer them an a government orphanage.

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