Flip Flopping Trump wants to raise minimum wage

LOL, yeah people have to go out and actually work for those -OR- they can get economically illerate dickheads like you who are too lazy and craven to bear the full cost of your own "altruism" to help them vote themselves higher wages on the backs of the people that actually got up off their asses and earned the skills necessary to earn themselves the wages they wanted.

Here's a thought, why don't you and all the other miscreants that are waving your pom-poms for price controls bear the full cost of your "generosity" and just start paying double the price tag anytime you do business with someone that employs unskilled workers? You "care" so much about these people then YOU subsidize keeping them unskilled and producing less then what you want to force employers to pay them, let's see how long that'll last.

Yes, the elderly, the stupid, the disabled, and the too poor to buy education are all just supposed to starve in your marvelous new economy.

Again, go fuck yourself.

And welcome to my ignore list.
Jim is such a chump lol
He doesn't realize us doing those things is what made us so fuckin great. People could leave their socialist hell holes and come here and make a living without a gun pointed to their head..
But yea, fuck it. Lets just bring it here. Since we don't want to actually solve the problems, we can just make it worse :bang3:
And welcome to my ignore list.
LOL, well I guess he showed me .....:muahaha:

Drama queens, can't live with 'em... can't exile them to New Jersey.
LMAO :thup:
He did it to me too. All I did was say some republicans are fascist and he :crybaby:
The funny thing was a couple of days before, I was on his page telling him I thought he handled other opinions better than most. Boy, I really sank the ship with that bullshit :lol:
LOL, see this is why people like Donald Trump, they say how can he get Mexico to pay for a wall and say these things about other countries!?!?!

He already has an ex presidente admitting a wall would be good for both countries, the same guy who was swearing about it weeks ago.


VF never said he would pay for it .

“Wages are too high” Donald Drumpf.

He thinks you make too much money….and you’re voting for him???

You support 16 year old kids working the counter at Mcdonalds making $15/hr 30k per year?
It's called minimum wage because the talent is minimum and the work not difficult. There is a reason for it. And it isn't to make a living off of. It was Never intended for that.
LOL, see this is why people like Donald Trump, they say how can he get Mexico to pay for a wall and say these things about other countries!?!?!

He already has an ex presidente admitting a wall would be good for both countries, the same guy who was swearing about it weeks ago.


VF never said he would pay for it .

“Wages are too high” Donald Drumpf.

He thinks you make too much money….and you’re voting for him???

You support 16 year old kids working the counter at Mcdonalds making $15/hr 30k per year?
It's called minimum wage because the talent is minimum and the work not difficult. There is a reason for it. And it isn't to make a living off of. It was Never intended for that.
Yes. And while I concede some people can only get minimum wage because of the economy, instead of attacking the problem, they just want to make everything worse. I don't get it.
It's called minimum wage because the talent is minimum and the work not difficult. There is a reason for it. And it isn't to make a living off of. It was Never intended for that.
Some minimum wage jobs are not intended as life supporting jobs, like working at fast food joints, so it would appear that we should have a two tier minimum wage, one for designated 'student help' type jobs and another for full time workers who are trying to support families.

Since the US dollar went off the Breton Woods gold system, inflation has really hurt the Middle Class in a number of ways.
It's called minimum wage because the talent is minimum and the work not difficult. There is a reason for it. And it isn't to make a living off of. It was Never intended for that.
Some minimum wage jobs are not intended as life supporting jobs, like working at fast food joints, so it would appear that we should have a two tier minimum wage, one for designated 'student help' type jobs and another for full time workers who are trying to support families.

Since the US dollar went off the Breton Woods gold system, inflation has really hurt the Middle Class in a number of ways.
but we do have those tiers in place today. They are defined by job descriptions and all companies have them. Each has a weighting toward pay.
No he didn't. He said he was only open to discussing wages and to put it in context and not another stupid fucking soundbite Trump also said he hoped he could attract jobs that pay more than $15.00 an hour.

Trump wants prosperity for everyone.

ETA: Trump ran on being an excellent negotiator. A negotiator though that "puts America first".

For the reading impaired and for those that are star struck with D. Trump hero worship... below is D. Trump's quote from the Republican party's debate in Milwaukee.

For those that don't comprehend the written word, open the link and watch D. Trump make the quote. Yesterday he flipped to a transition position of agreeing with his Democratic Socialist opponent
- WTG Don.

And-----and D. Trump also will end up agreeing with the Democratic Socialist on trade.
- Good on Don.

Trump supporters - are ya feelin' punked yet?

Trump said he wouldn't raise the minimum wage, and the reason is that America "is a country that is being beaten on every front." The problem, he said: "Taxes too high, wages too high, we're not going to be able to compete against the world. I hate to say it, but we have to leave it the way it is. People have to go out, they have to work really hard, and they have to get into that upper stratum."

Raise the minimum wage? OMG! The Donald will be abolishing slavery next. All those dim bulbs in the TEA Party are just figuring out that Trump isn't a conservative -- hell, he isn't even a Republican! He is a Manhattan billionaire and he doesn't give a flea fart what the Bible belting rednecks down in Bugtussle want or what they think about anything. What a laugh! Trump sees winning the election as a problem in marketing and he understands that the GOP right no longer has anyplace else to go.
Raise the minimum wage? OMG! The Donald will be abolishing slavery next. All those dim bulbs in the TEA Party are just figuring out that Trump isn't a conservative -- hell, he isn't even a Republican! He is a Manhattan billionaire and he doesn't give a flea fart what the Bible belting rednecks down in Bugtussle want or what they think about anything. What a laugh! Trump sees winning the election as a problem in marketing and he understands that the GOP right no longer has anyplace else to go.
nice endorsement.
Trump Flips To Liberal Position On Minimum Wage...

Can a flip to Bernie's position on trade be far behind?

Within 24 hours of being presumptive nominee, Donald Trump flips on minimum wage
May 5th 2016

In the past, Donald Trump has said that the American wages are too...


As the New York Times noted, the billionaire showman told Wolf Blitzer on CNN Wednesday that he's "open to doing something with" the minimum wage. Trump also described himself as "very different from most Republicans" on the issue.

Why would Trump change his tune on the issue so quickly? Aside from his general tendency to be inconsistent in his policy stances, it could be the opening gambit of his pivot to the general election. Stagnant wages are a concern for citizens across the political spectrum, and small increases in the minimum wage are certainly not always anathema to conservatives.

Increasing the minimum wage is also likely one of the most obvious ways to catch the attention of former supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders, a group that Trump has said that he plans to target as Sanders' nomination chances continue to dwindle. Trump has demonstrated sustained appeal to the white working class -- a demographic that Sanders has attracted in large numbers -- and his opposition to free trade agreements should play well with Sanders supporters, too. There have been multiple reports in recent months that the rank-and-file of labor unions, who typically vote for Democrats, have taken interest in Trump.


Listen to the actual interview (I listened to it on the way home) and report back what he ACTUALLY said. Don't ever take the media's word on anything when there's video.
Donald Trump Switches Position on Minimum Wage Stance

Now that Trump has won the GOP, we will now see the real leftist Trump crawl out from under his rock.
If you are a conservative you would actually support this position.

Why? Well, if you raise the minimum wage you can call for a severe reduction in welfare handouts. The only reason that these people on minimum wage survive is through extensive government handouts. I'd say we should force businesses, rather than Americans, to foot the bill for our lower echelons of society.
Hey Dingus (OP), where in that article did Trump say he was in favor of raising the minimum wage? HE DIDN'T.
He stated that he thought wages were too low.
Bringing jobs back home to open a more competitive marketplace will drive wages up. That's what Trump is referring to.
but we do have those tiers in place today. They are defined by job descriptions and all companies have them. Each has a weighting toward pay.
Got alink? I dont find anything about a two tier minimum wage scale.
I didn't see anything regarding him supporting an increase in the min wage in the article.

Anyway, everyone knows what he stands for. But he must also win, lying about this may be an effective tactic to catch voters who are dumber than bricks. In politics you go to win, not to be truthful (that doesn't work).
What kind of life is that, to be forced to work 80 hours a week or do without essentials?
Who's forcing anybody to work for minimum wage? In case you weren't aware wages come from productivity not via gub'mint decreed price controls, the more you produce the more you're worth the more the market will pay you. If the market doesn't pay you very much it's because your services aren't worth very much and it's incumbent upon YOU to change that if you wish to earn more.
That is just horse shit.

The entire economy FORCES unskilled workers to work for minimum wage, dumbass. That is WHY businesses pay so many unskilled workers MINIMUM wage.

By your own logic, unskilled people are not worth feeding. They are not worth having a minimal living standard. They are subhuman by your reckoning.

People like you used to make the same kinds of argument in defense of slavery and child labor, but thank God most of us have learned to recognize evil little shits like you and ignore you vile ass.

But I thought that was what unions were for.

Are you suggesting that unions are pointless?
We lose jobs to other countries at an astounding rate. Why?


Higher minimum wage will only continue this trend. This isn't post WW2 where we're the only economy left standing. We don't exist in a vacuum.

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