Flipping on Obama...

easyt65 said:
Joy, I appreciate you going through bullet by bullet to declare 'UH-UH' based on your own opinion, but it was a complete waste of time.

Once I saw you did not provide even 1 link to support any of your emotional responses I did not even waste time reading them.

Provide a link? Neither did you, there was nothing to reply to other than your opinion, hypocrite.
Yeah, if you say so. We also know that the Mueller investigation is about 3-6 months ahead of the rest of us. Hell, we just found out about Cohen's shell company that received funds internationally and directly benefited Trump prior to the election.

We also know that Trump fired Comey specifically to end any Russian investigation, he told us this.

Were crimes committed? Well, I'm waiting for the full report but what I've seen so far is unethical.

We know there was never a crime committed that warranted an investigation to begin with.

Not true, first of all you don't need a provable crime in order to open an investigation, that would be ridiculous.

We know the entire investigation began with Obama and Hillary, his administration's protection of Hillary from being indicted and his Cabinet's collaboration in running a political coup / Conspiracy intent on ensuring Trump did not win and removing him from office should he win.

Also lies. There is no evidence that Clinton was protected, if anything reopening the investigation into Clinton lost her the election. Not exactly helping her.

We know the FBI's investigation perpetrated a scandal / crime far worse that Watergate, as while Nixon TRICKED the FBI into looking into the background of his political opponent Comey was part of the Conspiracy from the top...

Comey was in no conspiracy to hurt either candidate, his actions however did end up hurting Clinton. Just the same he did not commit any crimes.

We know, thanks to the US IG, that Comey and McCabe deviated from FBI rules / practices and broke laws, that McCabe has already been recommended for Indictment, and that the FBI abused FISA courts to acquire illegal warrants to spy on Trump and his team

Neither broke any laws, there is no recommendation by the IG that McCabe be indicted. Comey also has not committed any crimes, you're just reading your looney sources again. COmey and McCabe are also both Republicans.

We know that you can not get any more obviously partisan than the political hit squad Mueller assembled...and know that both Rosenstein and Mueller should have recused themselves from this whole thing as they have HUGE Conflict of Interest.

Mueller picked the best lawyers regardless of their own political leanings. After all Rosenstein and Mueller are both Republicans. Look at Trump's own lawyer, he has defended Democrats and Republicans.

Speaking of Conflicts of Interest, Mueller hired as members of his team a Lawyer who ran / runs the Clinton foundation AND the corrupt / criminal FBI agent who protected Hillary and her aides from Indictment while indicting Flynn for lying to the FBI despite FBI agents, according to Comey, declaring Flynn did not lie to them.

Which lawyer rand the Clinton Foundation? As far as any lawyer who had interactions with the Clintons to include defending them is irrelevant, this isn't about the Clintons.

We know that after 2 years Comey has ZERO against the President regarding Obstruction and 'illegal collusion' with the Russians....

2 years? I don't believe there has been an investigation run by Comey that was going on for 2 years. But Comey isn't running the show now, Trump fired him for the Russian investigation that was going on, remember?

and we know Mueller and the Democrats have refused to acknowledge / investigate all the crimes committed by Democrats exposed during their investigation.

There aren't any. Do you want Mueller to waste his time investigating the Seth Rich murder?

Your post equates to same ol' dribble we have heard for 2 years now:

'You just wait and see...evidence against Trump will be presented any day now.'

Snowflakes / Democrats are like butt-hurt snapping turtles....their jaws are clenched on the false accusations and will not let go until they hear a clap of thunder....

Doesn't appear like it's my jaws or butt is what is clenched. You simply want the Mueller investigation to go away, you want Trump to end it today even though you just previously said you were willing to wait for it's conclusion.
....and still no Russian connection

There are absolutely connections between the Trumps and Russia, that's not even in dispute. Whether any of these connections is illegal is what is being investigated.
I'm unfamiliar with that piece of legislation. Do you have a link?

"The Constitution defines treason as specific acts, namely "levying War against [the United States], or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."

Evidence shows that:

- Mueller, Holder, Hillary, and Obama hid evidence of crimes committed by Russia in association with their effort to buy Uranium One and acquire US plutonium until AFTER the deed was done.

- Obama, Holder, Comey, McCabe, Brennan, and Clapper withheld / hid evidence as far back as 2015 that the Russians were attempting to hack Senior US Politician comm accounts, that they were running military-type PsyOps programs on US social media resulting in DNC supporters organizing and marching for the Russians in the spread of division, that the Russians were paying liberal groups to spread racial division and violence throughout the US and chose to do nothing about it....enabling / facilitating / aiding and abetting of these 'atacks' against the US by Russia to continue.

- Hillary and the Obama administration colluded / collaborated / paid foreign spies and Russians for Russian propaganda used illegally in a US election in an attempt to effect the outcome AND used it to illegally abuse the FISA courts and illegally obtain warrants to run their own 'Watergate times TEN' in a Conspiracy to prevent the GOP candidate from winning and/or to remove from office the newly elected President if he did win - Obstruction, Sedition, & Treason.

By definition, as found in the Constitution, Obama and his criminal Cabinet / Agency Directors committed TREASON!
easyt65 said:
Joy, I appreciate you going through bullet by bullet to declare 'UH-UH' based on your own opinion, but it was a complete waste of time.

Once I saw you did not provide even 1 link to support any of your emotional responses I did not even waste time reading them.

Provide a link? Neither did you, there was nothing to reply to other than your opinion, hypocrite.
As I stated, dear, unlike you I have repeatedly provided the same links over and over and over again to the point where snowflakes like you - were you to ever acknowledge any of them - should have them memorized by now.

I'm unfamiliar with that piece of legislation. Do you have a link?

"The Constitution defines treason as specific acts, namely "levying War against [the United States], or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."

Evidence shows that:

- Mueller, Holder, Hillary, and Obama hid evidence of crimes committed by Russia in association with their effort to buy Uranium One and acquire US plutonium until AFTER the deed was done.

- Obama, Holder, Comey, McCabe, Brennan, and Clapper withheld / hid evidence as far back as 2015 that the Russians were attempting to hack Senior US Politician comm accounts, that they were running military-type PsyOps programs on US social media resulting in DNC supporters organizing and marching for the Russians in the spread of division, that the Russians were paying liberal groups to spread racial division and violence throughout the US and chose to do nothing about it....enabling / facilitating / aiding and abetting of these 'atacks' against the US by Russia to continue.

- Hillary and the Obama administration colluded / collaborated / paid foreign spies and Russians for Russian propaganda used illegally in a US election in an attempt to effect the outcome AND used it to illegally abuse the FISA courts and illegally obtain warrants to run their own 'Watergate times TEN' in a Conspiracy to prevent the GOP candidate from winning and/or to remove from office the newly elected President if he did win - Obstruction, Sedition, & Treason.

By definition, as found in the Constitution, Obama and his criminal Cabinet / Agency Directors committed TREASON!

Are we at war with Russia?

When did that happen?
Mueller investigation must be heating up

Conservatives are ramping up threads about Obama....can Hillary be far behind?
Are we at war with Russia?

SERIOUSLY? THAT is your defense of Obama's TREASON?

Please highlight the word 'WAR' in this sentence regarding 'treason' right out of the U.S. Constitution:

'The Constitution defines treason as specific acts, namely "levying War against [the United States], or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."'


Perhaps you are saying, as Obama jokingly did back in 2008, that Vlad and Russia are not threats to the U.S., that they are our 'buddies', our 'comrades'...because attempting to hack Sr Political officials, attempting to hack and disrupt our power grid, running military-style PsyOps programs that successfully get snowflakes to organize and march for Russia, and paying libs to spread racial division and violence is what 'buddies' do to each other, right?!

Perhaps after finding out all of this - what Russia was doing and how Obama and his administration helped / facilitated it all - instead of rebuking Russia we should follow Hillary's lead and give them another cheap-@ss plastic plague that says 'Overcharge' in Russia on it instead of the word 'reset' that was ineptly inscribed on it instead?!

oh, btw, the 1980s called...they just called you snowflakes 'idiots' and Obama and his cohorts 'traitors' for illegally aiding, abetting / facilitating / enabling Russian attacks on the US as far back as 2015.
Yeah, if you say so. We also know that the Mueller investigation is about 3-6 months ahead of the rest of us. Hell, we just found out about Cohen's shell company that received funds internationally and directly benefited Trump prior to the election.

We also know that Trump fired Comey specifically to end any Russian investigation, he told us this.

Were crimes committed? Well, I'm waiting for the full report but what I've seen so far is unethical.

We know there was never a crime committed that warranted an investigation to begin with.

Not true, first of all you don't need a provable crime in order to open an investigation, that would be ridiculous.

We know the entire investigation began with Obama and Hillary, his administration's protection of Hillary from being indicted and his Cabinet's collaboration in running a political coup / Conspiracy intent on ensuring Trump did not win and removing him from office should he win.

Also lies. There is no evidence that Clinton was protected, if anything reopening the investigation into Clinton lost her the election. Not exactly helping her.

We know the FBI's investigation perpetrated a scandal / crime far worse that Watergate, as while Nixon TRICKED the FBI into looking into the background of his political opponent Comey was part of the Conspiracy from the top...

Comey was in no conspiracy to hurt either candidate, his actions however did end up hurting Clinton. Just the same he did not commit any crimes.

We know, thanks to the US IG, that Comey and McCabe deviated from FBI rules / practices and broke laws, that McCabe has already been recommended for Indictment, and that the FBI abused FISA courts to acquire illegal warrants to spy on Trump and his team

Neither broke any laws, there is no recommendation by the IG that McCabe be indicted. Comey also has not committed any crimes, you're just reading your looney sources again. COmey and McCabe are also both Republicans.

We know that you can not get any more obviously partisan than the political hit squad Mueller assembled...and know that both Rosenstein and Mueller should have recused themselves from this whole thing as they have HUGE Conflict of Interest.

Mueller picked the best lawyers regardless of their own political leanings. After all Rosenstein and Mueller are both Republicans. Look at Trump's own lawyer, he has defended Democrats and Republicans.

Speaking of Conflicts of Interest, Mueller hired as members of his team a Lawyer who ran / runs the Clinton foundation AND the corrupt / criminal FBI agent who protected Hillary and her aides from Indictment while indicting Flynn for lying to the FBI despite FBI agents, according to Comey, declaring Flynn did not lie to them.

Which lawyer rand the Clinton Foundation? As far as any lawyer who had interactions with the Clintons to include defending them is irrelevant, this isn't about the Clintons.

We know that after 2 years Comey has ZERO against the President regarding Obstruction and 'illegal collusion' with the Russians....

2 years? I don't believe there has been an investigation run by Comey that was going on for 2 years. But Comey isn't running the show now, Trump fired him for the Russian investigation that was going on, remember?

and we know Mueller and the Democrats have refused to acknowledge / investigate all the crimes committed by Democrats exposed during their investigation.

There aren't any. Do you want Mueller to waste his time investigating the Seth Rich murder?

Your post equates to same ol' dribble we have heard for 2 years now:

'You just wait and see...evidence against Trump will be presented any day now.'

Snowflakes / Democrats are like butt-hurt snapping turtles....their jaws are clenched on the false accusations and will not let go until they hear a clap of thunder....

Doesn't appear like it's my jaws or butt is what is clenched. You simply want the Mueller investigation to go away, you want Trump to end it today even though you just previously said you were willing to wait for it's conclusion.
Joy, I appreciate you going through bullet by bullet to declare 'UH-UH' based on your own opinion, but it was a complete waste of time.

Once I saw you did not provide even 1 link to support any of your emotional responses I did not even waste time reading them.

This is not the 1st time I have pointed these FACTS out, and repeatedly in the past I have posted articles, the IG's reports, etc to back them up....and almost every time I get back from snowflakes 'UH-UH' with nothing but their opinions to back it up.

Your post could just as easily been cut and posted from the remarks of dozens of snowflakes who again and again shared the same OPINIONS.

I did say I was willing to wait for this investigation's conclusion...but that was about a YEAR ago.

One year later and Democrats still have not even produced evidence of a crime having been committed warranting an investigation at all.

One year later Democrats have only exposed crimes committed by Democrats / the witch Hunters...and then refuse to do anything about them.

One year later and the only illegal Conspiracy / Collusion' that has been exposed is the one that began within the Obama administration to prevent Hillary from going to jail, to prevent Trump from winning, and to treasonously perpetrate a 'coup' to oust the newly elected President should he win.

Sessions should step forward and make 1 thing clear - Mueller can end his attempted political assassination / treason now or the DOJ will hire an independent Counsel with prosecutorial powers, assigned to THOROUGHLY investigate Hillary, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Holder, Lynch, Brennan, Clapper, and even OBAMA...prosecuting any / all of them this Special Counsel finds to have committed a crime.

Option A makes all of this partisan attempted treason go away without any Democrats being held accountable for their proven crimes. Option B sends the real traitors / criminals to jail.

News flash for you. Both parties are brimming with full of shit far left or right candidates. They both represent the worst of their parties.
News flash for you. Both parties are brimming with full of shit far left or right candidates. They both represent the worst of their parties.
There has never been a worst / more criminal candidate for President in U.S. history than Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Please highlight the word 'WAR' in this sentence regarding 'treason' right out of the U.S. Constitution:

'The Constitution defines treason as specific acts, namely "levying War against [the United States], or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."'


Does that help?
Does that help?

It helps prove you can't read.

You answer as if 'levying war' is the only requirement in the definition of 'treason', which it is NOT. As I pointed out ,Obama and his administration aided and comforted the Russians and their attempts to infiltrate / hack / interfere in US events. His administration, as did Hillary's campaign, also collaborated with / paid foreign spies and Russians for a report they used to try to influence the outcome of the 2016 election as well as to use to remove the democratically elected President.....aka a political coup'.
There has never been a worst / more criminal candidate for President in U.S. history than Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Correct, except Rump!

NEGATIVE, snowflake.

The Democrats chose before the Primaries ever began Hillary Clinton to be their Presidential election...and no matter what came - hell or high water - they stuck with her.

Hillary Clinton, the Democrats' Scandal Queen, was under multiple FBI investigations for crimes she WAS guilty of committing...

Obama's / Comey's own FBI even publicly declared this...PRIOR to election day.

Evidence shows the Obama administration - his cabinet, his agency directors...his DOJ, CIA, NIA, FBI, etc....violated the law - obstructed Justice to protect her ass from warranted indictment and charges being filed.

Did she let her crimes and being protected slow her down? Hell NO! She went on to rig elections, cheat in debates, violate election laws, & break campaign finance laws ... and STILL could NOT win the DNC nomination because Sanders was kicking her ass. The DNC had to GIVE it to her and screw Sanders.

Now it has been exposed that she illegally colluded with foreign spies and Russians to acquire Russian propaganda she illegally used in a US election and that the FBI illegally used to abuse the FISA court to acquire illegal warrants and run their own pro-Hillary Wategate on steroids against Trump and his team.

TRhere is no one even close in this nation's history to beating Hillary as the worst candidate evuh!
There has never been a worst / more criminal candidate for President in U.S. history than Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Correct, except Rump!

NEGATIVE, snowflake.

The Democrats chose before the Primaries ever began Hillary Clinton to be their Presidential election...and no matter what came - hell or high water - they stuck with her.

Hillary Clinton, the Democrats' Scandal Queen, was under multiple FBI investigations for crimes she WAS guilty of committing...

Obama's / Comey's own FBI even publicly declared this...PRIOR to election day.

Evidence shows the Obama administration - his cabinet, his agency directors...his DOJ, CIA, NIA, FBI, etc....violated the law - obstructed Justice to protect her ass from warranted indictment and charges being filed.

Did she let her crimes and being protected slow her down? Hell NO! She went on to rig elections, cheat in debates, violate election laws, & break campaign finance laws ... and STILL could NOT win the DNC nomination because Sanders was kicking her ass. The DNC had to GIVE it to her and screw Sanders.

Now it has been exposed that she illegally colluded with foreign spies and Russians to acquire Russian propaganda she illegally used in a US election and that the FBI illegally used to abuse the FISA court to acquire illegal warrants and run their own pro-Hillary Wategate on steroids against Trump and his team.

TRhere is no one even close in this nation's history to beating Hillary as the worst candidate evuh!

POSITIVE snowfake, Rump is even more corrupt as president then he was as a business man.
I'm unfamiliar with that piece of legislation. Do you have a link?

"The Constitution defines treason as specific acts, namely "levying War against [the United States], or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."

Evidence shows that:

- Mueller, Holder, Hillary, and Obama hid evidence of crimes committed by Russia in association with their effort to buy Uranium One and acquire US plutonium until AFTER the deed was done.

- Obama, Holder, Comey, McCabe, Brennan, and Clapper withheld / hid evidence as far back as 2015 that the Russians were attempting to hack Senior US Politician comm accounts, that they were running military-type PsyOps programs on US social media resulting in DNC supporters organizing and marching for the Russians in the spread of division, that the Russians were paying liberal groups to spread racial division and violence throughout the US and chose to do nothing about it....enabling / facilitating / aiding and abetting of these 'atacks' against the US by Russia to continue.

- Hillary and the Obama administration colluded / collaborated / paid foreign spies and Russians for Russian propaganda used illegally in a US election in an attempt to effect the outcome AND used it to illegally abuse the FISA courts and illegally obtain warrants to run their own 'Watergate times TEN' in a Conspiracy to prevent the GOP candidate from winning and/or to remove from office the newly elected President if he did win - Obstruction, Sedition, & Treason.

By definition, as found in the Constitution, Obama and his criminal Cabinet / Agency Directors committed TREASON!

you must work for the government to know that there really is evidence or are you a follower? Proven? By who? Breitbart and inforwars? You're a joke.
Please highlight the word 'WAR' in this sentence regarding 'treason' right out of the U.S. Constitution:

'The Constitution defines treason as specific acts, namely "levying War against [the United States], or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."'


Does that help?

probably not.

i'd drag out a simile here, but last time i had to spend a month apologizing to doorposts
I'm skeptical about the meat puppet faggot ever being held accountable for his crimes.

In order for that to happen every republicrat who has ever Jay-Walked is going to have to be prosecuted as well.

They're not going to allow all of DC to be thrown in prison. Nearly every single democrook belongs in prison, as do a lot of republicrats.

Obama needed to be and deserved to be Impeached numerous times during his time in office:

Violating both Constitution and Rule of Law
Arming Mexican Drug Cartels
Financing/supplying/supporting/protecting/defending terrorists
2 un-Constitutional/un-Authorized wars..to help terrorists
Protecting terrorist-supporting Hezbollah Drug Ops
Illegal spying on Americans/reporters/media/Senators/USSC Justices
Obstruction - Protecting Hillary
His attempted Political Coup involving his Cabinet / Agency Directors...

He and his Co-Conspirators should be sent to GITMO for that last one, which is TREASON no matter how you try to describe it.
Will Valerie Jarrett live in obamas cell at gitmo? Just askin’

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